Dispatching Solutions, Inc.


OmniTrac Feature Document

Author: Darren La

Version: 1.1

Updated: 1/22/2006

Table of Contents

1.0 Purpose 3

2.0 Intended Audience 3

3.0 Players and their Roles 3

4.0 OmniTrac Setup Information 3

4.1 RIWebClient 3

4.2 DSI RIWeb Launcher 3

4.3 RIMessagePoll 3

4.3 DSI Server 3

4.4 Creating and defining macro messages 3

5.0 User Interaction and Data Communication 3

5.1 Driver using the OmniTrac devices 3

5.1.1 Viewing messages and load information 3

5.1.2 Sending free form messages 3

5.1.3 Setting the current load 3

5.1.4 Changing status 3

5.1.5 Fuel stops 3

5.1.6 Requesting information 3

5.2 Dispatchers Using the DSI System 3

5.2.1 Using the DSI Dispatch to dispatch loads 3

5.2.2 Using the DSI client to send messages and view messages 3

5.2.3 Sending and viewing loads 3

5.2.4 Viewing GPS information and vehicle activities 3

5.2.5 Polling the OmniTrac device 3

5.2.6 Tracking the vehicles on the map 3

5.3 Qualcomm Communication and the RIMessagePoll 3

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide details on the integration solution between the Qualcomm’s OmniTrac devices and the DSI system. This document also gives instructions on how to properly set up a server machine for the integration.

2.0 Intended Audience

This document is intended for anyone who has interest in the integration between the OmniTrac devices and the DSI system.

3.0 Players and their Roles

Drivers – The drivers are the users who will be using the OmniTrac devices. They need to be trained and informed of how the OmniTrac device is intended to be used in relation to the DSI system.

Dispatchers – The dispatchers are the users who will be using the DSI system to track, monitor, and send load information to the drivers. It is important for them to have an understanding of both the DSI system, the Qualcomm devices, as well as understand how the DSI System and the Qualcomm System interact with each other.

OmniTrac Device – This is a Qualcomm device that is installed in trucks with which the drivers can interact with to send and receive text messages including load information and status changes to their dispatchers.

Qualcomm Data Center – The data storage location for Qualcomm devices. Information in the data center for OmniTrac units including GPS positions and text messages for a customer account can be accessed online. This is also the primary place where all Qualcomm devices communicate with. Qualcomm devices do not communicate directly with the DSI System, but indirectly via a service.


RIWebClient – A Qualcomm client application that communicates with the Qualcomm data center to send and retrieve OmniTrac data.

RIMessagePoll – A windows service provided by McFadyen & Associates, Inc that relays data between the RIWebClient to the DSI server.

DSI Server – The DSI wireless server that processes relayed incoming data from the OmniTrac devices and handles requests from the DSI client.

DSI Tracker – This is also referered to as the TDPS Wireless Client. The DSI Tracker displays GPS information, load information, and the vehicle’s activities for a day or range of days in chronological order. The client can be used to send and receive messages from the drivers.

TDPS 2000 Dispatch - Also known as the Dispatch program or DSI Dispatch, this application is the backbone of the DSI system.

TDPS 2000 Database – This is the storage area shared for the DSI system.

DSI System – This refers to the entire DSI system that includes the DSI Server, DSI Tracker, TDPS 2000 Dispatch, and TDPS 2000 Database.

4.0 OmniTrac Setup Information

4.1 RIWebClient

The RIWebClient developed and supported by Qualcomm provides a set of API that the DSI system and RIMessagePoll application need. Version 4.0 of the RIWebClient which can be downloaded at the Qualcomm site must be installed on the server machine. After the installation, it needs to be started up and configured in the following manner:

1) Select Tools > Connection Security and enter the appropriate username, password, and NMC account number. Contact Qualcomm support for the NMC account number.


Figure 4.1 Connection Security

2) Select Tools > Server URL and enter the following URL:


Figure 4.2 RiWeb Server URL

3) Select Tools > Integration options and make sure API is checked. Next, click OK and select the following options:


Figure 4.3 RI data export options

4.2 DSI RIWeb Launcher

The DSI RIWeb Launcher v1.0.0 windows service is also required to be installed on the server machine. This installation will also install the RIMessagePoll files. After the installation, start the DSI RIWeb Launcher windows service if it has not started up yet, and the service will launch both the RIWeb client and the RIMessagePoll. Check the task manager to make sure both of these processes are launched successfully.

4.3 RIMessagePoll

The default directory where the RIMessagePoll files reside in is C:\Program Files\Dispatching Solutions, Inc\RIMessagePolll. Check to make sure the following files are located in this directory:

• DSIOmniService.bak

• Interop.RICLIENTTXNLib.dll

• Interop.RIWINCOMLib.dll

• riError.log

• RIMessagePoll.exe

• setup.ini


This file needs to be configured properly. It contains the database, network and other miscellaneous settings for the RIMessagePoll application.

1) database – The database connection string. An example could be:

connectionString = "workstation id=myServer;packet size=4096;integrated security=SSPI;data source=myServer;persist security info=True;initial catalog=DSIOmniService"

2) network – The port number and the name or IP address of the server machine.

3) userInfo – The NMC account number.

4) Log – Enable or disable the error logging feature.

4.3 DSI Server

After installing the DSI server, make sure the following files exist in the directory the DSI Server executable is located at. If any of the files are missing, create a copy of the file from the RIMessagePoll directory and place it in this directory.

• Interop.RIWINCOMLib.dll

• Setup.ini

• DSIForwardService.dll

The settings for the DSI server setup.ini and the RIMessagePoll setup.ini files must match exactly.

4.4 Creating and defining macro messages

A macro message is a pre-defined outgoing message from the OmniTrac device that has fields that may require user input. These macro messages need to be created and defined in the Qualcomm system for them to be available to be used by the drivers in the OmniTrac unit. Currently, there are 9 returned macro messages.

• Set Load – Sets a load number

• Status Change – Changes the work status

• Fuel Stop – Records fuel stop costs

• Load Status Change – Changes the work status with a load number

• Request Next Load – Requests the next load number

• Request Pickup Info – Requests the current load’s pickup information

• Request Delivery Inf – Requests the current load’s delivery information

• Request Load Info – Requests the current load’s information

• Request Current Stat – Requests the current status

Follow the steps below to create the macro messages:

1) Log into the Qualcomm online system at .

2) At the top right hand corner, click on the Admin and an administration page will appear.

3) Select Manage Macros from the menu.

4) Select Return Macros from the combo box at the top left corner.

5) Click on the first returned macro message (RETURNED MACRO 1) to edit its fields and name. Change the name to Set Load. See the figure below for the changes to the fields of the macro that are required to be made. If a row does not exist, click on Insert Row to add a new row. Click Preview and then Save Macro on the next page to confirm the changes.


Figure 4.4 Set Load macro

6) Click on the second returned macro message (RETURNED MACRO 2). Change the name to Status Change. See the figure below for the changes to the fields of the macro that are required to be made. If a row does not exist, click on Insert Row to add a new row. Click Preview and then Save Macro on the next page to confirm the changes.

The item list for the StatusID field will need to match up with the dispatch status list in the DSI Dispatch. An example could be:

• 3 - Dispatched

• 4 - Out for pickup

• 5 - At pickup

• 6 - Out for delivery

• 7 - At destination

• 8 - Complete

• 11 - Fuel stop

• 14 - In sleeper

• 15 - Standby

• 16 - En route

• 17 - Off duty

• 18 - On duty

• 19 – Suspended


Figure 4.5 Status Change macro

7) Click on the third returned macro message (RETURNED MACRO 3). Change the name to Fuel Stop. See the figure below for the changes to the fields of the macro that are required to be made. If a row does not exist, click on Insert Row to add a new row. Click Preview and then Save Macro on the next page to confirm the changes.


Figure 4.6 Fuel Stop macro

8) Click on the fourth returned macro message (RETURNED MACRO 4). Change the name to Load Status Change. See the figure below for the changes to the fields of the macro that are required to be made. If a row does not exist, click on Insert Row to add a new row. The item list for the StatusID field is the same as the one in the Status Change macro. Click Preview and then Save Macro on the next page to confirm the changes.


Figure 4.7 Load Status Change

9) Click on the fifth returned macro message (RETURNED MACRO 5). Change the name to Request Next Load. See the figure below for the changes to the fields of the macro that are required to be made. If a row does not exist, click on Insert Row to add a new row. Click Preview and then Save Macro on the next page to confirm the changes.


Figure 4.8 Request Next Load macro

10) Click on the sixth returned macro message (RETURNED MACRO 6). Change the name to Request Pickup Info. See the figure below for the changes to the fields of the macro that are required to be made. If a row does not exist, click on Insert Row to add a new row. Click Preview and then Save Macro on the next page to confirm the changes.


Figure 4.9 Request Pickup Info

11) Click on the seventh returned macro message (RETURNED MACRO 7). Change the name to Request Delivery Inf. See the figure below for the changes to the fields of the macro that are required to be made. If a row does not exist, click on Insert Row to add a new row. Click Preview and then Save Macro on the next page to confirm the changes.


Figure 4.10 Request Delivery Inf macro

12) Click on the eighth returned macro message (RETURNED MACRO 8). Change the name to Request Load Info. See the figure below for the changes to the fields of the macro that are required to be made. If a row does not exist, click on Insert Row to add a new row. Click Preview and then Save Macro on the next page to confirm the changes.


Figure 4.11 Request Load Info macro

12) Click on the ninth returned macro message (RETURNED MACRO 9). Change the name to Request Current Stat. See the figure below for the changes to the fields of the macro that are required to be made. If a row does not exist, click on Insert Row to add a new row. Click Preview and then Save Macro on the next page to confirm the changes.


Figure 4.12 Request Current Stat

5.0 User Interaction and Data Communication


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[pic] [pic]

Figure 5.1 High level overview of the integration solution.

The above diagram is a high level overview of the user interaction with the overall system and the data communication between the different components of the integration solution.

5.1 Driver Using the OmniTrac devices

5.1.1 Viewing messages and load information

The Omnitrac device is capable of sending and receiving messages. Received messages include free form messages sent by the dispatchers and load information messages sent by the DSI system. Sent messages are free form messages sent by the drivers. The OmniTrac device allows the drivers view both of these types of messages.

Scenario #1 – The driver views all messages

1) The driver presses the Message Menu key once to see the entire list of messages including Received and Sent messages.

2) The driver presses the up/down arrow key to navigate through the list of messages.

Scenario #2 – The driver views a new message

1) The light next to the red envelope icon on the OmniTrac device blinks to indicate the device has received a new message.

2) The driver presses the Message Menu key twice to view the list of messages the device has received.

3) The driver highlights the message he wants to read and presses the blue key corresponding to Read Msg to view the message.

4) The message that the driver has selected is displayed on the screen.

Scenario #3 – The driver views a load information message

1) The light next to the red envelope icon on the OmniTrac device blinks to indicate the device has received a new message.

2) The driver presses the Message Menu key twice to view the list of messages the device has received.

3) The driver highlights a message that starts with “LOAD” and presses the blue key corresponding to Read Msg to view the message.

4) The message that the driver has selected with the load information is displayed on the screen. Load information messages may include information regarding the load such as the machine, model, make and type and the delivery and pickup information such as the delivery and pickup addresses.

Scenario #4 – The driver views a sent message

1) The driver presses the Message Menu key three times to view the list of messages that have been sent.

3) The driver highlights a Sent message he wants to read and presses the blue key corresponding to Read Msg to view the message.

4) The message that the driver has selected is displayed on the screen.

5.1.2 Sending free form messages

Drivers can communicate with the dispatchers using the OmniTrac device. To do so, they will need to create and send free form messages.

Scenario #1 – The driver sends a free form message

1) The driver presses the blue key corresponding to the Create Msg option near the bottom of the LCD screen.

2) The driver presses the Enter key to “unlock” the keypad to allow a message to be typed in.

3) The driver types in a message.

4) The driver presses the blue key corresponding to Send Msg and selects Yes to send the message off.

5) The sent message appears in the Sent message list of the device.

6) The DSI system receives the message.

5.1.3 Setting the current load

Once the drivers receive information for the load they need to work on, they can set the load by sending a Set Load macro message. This macro message will notify the dispatcher of which load they are on and at what time it was started. When a load is set, a load number will be attached to any subsequent status changes (see the Changing Status section).

Scenario #1 – The driver sets the current load

1) The driver presses the Create Msg blue key to create a message.

2) The driver presses the + or – key to navigate through the list of available macro messages.

3) The driver selects the Set Load macro and enters the current load number.

4) The driver presses the Send Msg and Yes keys to send the macro message.

5) The DSI system receives the message and assigns the load number to the OmniTrac device.

5.1.4 Changing status

The drivers can send a status change macro to notify the dispatcher of their current work status. If they are on a load, the status change will indicate the status of the load they are on. More common statuses include On Duty, Off Duty, Out for Pickup, At Pickup, Out for Delivery, At Destination, and Complete. Change status works similar to Set Current Load.

Scenario #1 – The driver changes the status without a load set

1) The driver presses the Create Msg blue key to create a message.

2) The driver presses the + or – key to navigate through the list of available macro messages.

3) The driver selects the Change Status macro.

4) The driver presses the + or – key again to navigate through the list of available statuses.

5) The driver selects a status.

6) The driver presses the Send Msg and Yes keys to send the macro message.

7) The DSI system receives the status change and assigns the status to the OmniTrac device.

Scenario #2 – The driver changes status with a load set

1) The driver sets a load.

2) The driver presses the Create Msg blue key to message.

3) The driver presses the + or – key to navigate through the list of available macro messages.

4) The driver selects the Change Status macro.

5) The driver presses the + or – key again to navigate through the list of available statuses.

6) The driver selects a status.

7) The driver presses the Send Msg and Yes keys to send the macro message.

8) The DSI system receives the status change and assigns the status to the OmniTrac device. The load number that was set previously is attached to this status change.

Scenario #3 – The driver suspends a load

1) A load has been set by the driver.

2) The driver presses the Create Msg blue key.

3) The driver presses the + or – key to navigate through the list of available macro messages.

4) The driver selects the Change Status macro.

5) The driver presses the + or – key again to navigate through the list of available statuses.

6) The driver selects the Suspend status.

7) The driver presses the Send Msg and Yes keys to send the macro message.

8) The DSI system receives the macro message and suspends the load the driver is currently on. The load number will not be attached to any subsequent status changes. Note that when the driver resets this load, the last status will be re-assigned back to the load. For example, if the status of the load is Out for Pickup and the driver suspends it, then when he unsuspends it by resetting the load, the previous status, Out for Pickup, will automatically be re-assigned to the load.

Scenario #4 – The driver completes the load

1) A load has been set by the driver.

2) The driver presses the Create Msg blue key.

3) The driver presses the + or – key to navigate through the list of available macro messages.

4) The driver selects the Change Status macro.

5) The driver presses the + or – key again to navigate through the list of available statuses.

6) The driver selects the Complete status.

7) The driver presses the Send Msg and Yes keys to send the macro message.

8) The DSI system receives the macro message and completes the load. The load number will not be attached to any subsequent status changes. The DSI system will automatically assign the On Duty status to the OmniTrac unit.

5.1.5 Fuel stops

The DSI system has the capability to track the fuel cost for each vehicle. However, to allow the DSI system to keep a history of the fuel stops, the drivers need to send a Fuel Stop macro whenever they are on a fuel stop.

Scenario #1 – The driver on a fuel stop

1) The driver presses the Create Msg blue key.

2) The driver presses the + or – key to navigate through the list of available macro messages.

3) The driver selects the Change Status macro.

4) The driver presses the + or – key again to navigate through the list of available statuses.

5) The driver selects the Fuel Stop status.

6) The driver presses the Send Msg and Yes keys to send the macro message.

7) The DSI system receives the macro, assigns the Fuel Stop status to the OmniTrac unit and stores the gallons and price per gallon inputted by the driver.

5.1.6 Requesting information

The driver can request their Next Load number, Pickup Information, Delivery Information, Load Information, and Current Status by selecting the appropriate macro message from the list of available macro messages. A returned message with the requested information will be sent back to the device. This information is always up to date at the time of request.

Scenario #1 – The driver requesting the next load number

1) The driver presses the Create Msg blue key.

2) The driver presses the + or – key to navigate through the list of available macro messages.

3) The driver selects the Next Load Number macro message.

4) The driver presses the Send Msg and Yes keys to send the macro message.

5) The DSI system receives the request and sends a message with the driver’s next load number the back to the device. Please note that this load may or may not be the load the driver should work next. The DSI system selects the next load number by looking at the load with the earliest pickup time. If that field is not available, the earliest delivery time is used. If that field is also not available, then the lowest load number is selected.

Scenario # 2 – The driver requesting pickup information

1) The driver presses the Create Msg blue key.

2) The driver presses the + or – key to navigate through the list of available macro messages.

3) The driver selects the Pickup Information macro message.

4) The driver presses the Send Msg and Yes keys to send the macro message.

5) The DSI system receives the request and sends a message with the current load’s pickup information such as the pickup address back to the device.

Scenario #3 – The driver requesting delivery information

1) The driver presses the Create Msg blue key.

2) The driver presses the + or – key to navigate through the list of available macro messages.

3) The driver selects the Delivery Information macro message.

4) The driver presses the Send Msg and Yes keys to send the macro message.

5) The DSI system receives the request and sends a message with the current load’s delivery information such as the delivery address back to the device.

Scenario #4 – The driver requesting load information

1) The driver presses the Create Msg blue key.

2) The driver presses the + or – key to navigate through the list of available macro messages.

3) The driver selects the Load Information macro message.

4) The driver presses the Send Msg and Yes keys to send the macro message.

5) The DSI system receives the request and sends a message with the current load’s information such as the model, make and type back to the device.

Scenario #5 – The driver requesting his current status

1) The driver presses the Create Msg blue key.

2) The driver presses the + or – key to navigate through the list of available macro messages.

3) The driver selects the Current Status macro message.

4) The driver presses the Send Msg and Yes keys to send the macro message.

5) The DSI system receives the request and sends a message the driver’s current work status.

5.2 Dispatcher Using the DSI System

5.2.1 Using the DSI Dispatch to dispatch loads

With the DSI Dispatch, the dispatchers can dispatch loads to the drivers. Once dispatched, load information including the load number, delivery, and pickup information will automatically be sent to the OmniTrac device as a message. Note however, that when loads are sent in this manner, it may or may not reach the device the instant it was dispatched. It may take around 5 to 15 minutes for the load information message to reach the device depending on status of the server and other environmental factors. If it is time sensitive for the drivers to get the loads, the dispatcher should use the DSI Tracker to manually send the loads. This alternative method is described more in detail in section 3 Using the DSI Tracker to send and view loads.


Figure 5.1 Dispatching a load to a driver from the DSI Dispatch

Scenario #1 – The dispatcher dispatching a load to the driver

1) The dispatcher opens up the DSI Dispatch.

2) The dispatcher opens up the Transaction form.

3) The dispatcher selects/enters the required information such as customer info, pickup and destination sites, load info, etc.

4) The dispatcher clicks on the Dispatch button.

5) The DSI system sends the load information to the appropriate OmniTrac device, and the load information message appears in the Received message list of the device. The drivers can then read the new load information message and determine his/her next action.

5.2.2 Using the DSI client to send messages and view messages

The DSI client allows the dispatchers to send messages to the drivers and view incoming messages.


Figure 5.2 Sending a message to a driver from the DSI client.

Scenario #1 – The dispatcher sending a message to the driver

1) The dispatcher right clicks on the vehicle in the Vehicles Online grid that he wants to send a message to.

2) The dispatcher selects Send Message from the menu.

3) A pop up window appears to allow the dispatcher to enter a message.

4) The dispatcher types in a message he wants the driver to see.

5) The driver clicks Send to send the message off to the device.

6) The message appears in the Received message list of the device.

Scenario #2 – The dispatcher viewing incoming messages

1) The dispatcher opens up the Message Center.

2) The dispatcher clicks on a new message in the Message Center. New messages will appear in bold.

3) The body of the message appears at the bottom pane of the Message Center window.

5.2.3 Sending and viewing loads

The DSI client allows the dispatchers to view completed loads and send uncompleted loads to the drivers.


Figure 5.3 Sending a load from the DSI client.

Scenario #1 – The dispatcher viewing completed loads

1) The dispatcher right clicks on the vehicle in the Vehicles Online grid.

2) The dispatcher selects View Recent Load from the menu.

3) A list of loads that have been completed by the driver is displayed.

Scenario #2 – The dispatcher sending uncompleted loads

1) The dispatcher right clicks on the vehicle in the Vehicles Online grid.

2) The dispatcher selects Send Load Info from the menu.

3) A list of loads that have already been dispatched, but have not yet been completed will be displayed. The status of each load will also appear next to each load number.

4) The dispatcher selects a load from the list to send.

5) The DSI system sends the load to the OmniTrac device as a message.

6) The load information message appears in the Received message list of the device.

5.2.4 Viewing GPS information and vehicle activities

The DSI client allows the dispatchers to view a vehicle’s GPS information and activities for a specified date period.


Figure 5.3 Viewing vehicle’s GPS information and activities.

Scenario #1 – The dispatcher viewing the GPS information and activities for a vehicle

1) The dispatcher double clicks on a vehicle in the Vehicles Online grid.

2) A Wireless Details window opens and displays the vehicle’s GPS information and activities for the specified date period.

Scenario #2 – The dispatcher selecting a different date range

1) The dispatcher opens the Wireless Details window.

2) The dispatcher sets focus on the From or To date textbox and selects a new date.

3) The dispatcher clicks on the Submit Criteria button.

4) The DSI system displays data for the new date range the dispatcher has chosen.

5.2.5 Polling the OmniTrac device

OmniTrac devices are set up to report a GPS position to the DSI system periodically at a specified time interval. If the dispatchers want to know a vehicle’s position at a specific moment in time, they can poll the device to retrieve the vehicles current position.

Scenario #1 – The dispatcher polling a OmniTrac device

1) The dispatcher right clicks on the vehicle in the Vehicles Online grid and selects Poll Wireless Device.

2) The DSI system receives a new GPS position 5 to 15 minutes later.

5.2.6 Tracking the vehicles on the map

The dispatchers can track a vehicle’s routes with the Wireless Details map or view the locations of the entire fleet of vehicles at one time on the Vehicles Online map.


Figure 5.4 Viewing vehicles on map.

Scenario #1 – The dispatcher tracking a vehicle’s route

1) The dispatcher opens the Wireless Details window.

2) The dispatcher clicks on the Show Map button.

3) The Wireless Details map appears on the right side of the window and displays the route of the vehicle.

Scenario #2 – The dispatcher viewing the entire fleet on the map

1) The dispatcher clicks on the Vehicles Online button on the Main Menu window.

2) The Vehicles Online map window appears showing the location of each vehicle in the system.

5.3 Qualcomm Communication and the RIMessagePoll

Messages sent by the drivers using the OmniTrac devices are delivered to the Qualcomm data center. The RIWebClient installed on the server machine retrieves the data from the Qualcomm data center and stores it in a message queue. The RIMessagePoll provided by MacFadyen & Associates that runs on the same server machine retrieves the data in the RIWebClient queue through the appropriate Qualcomm API calls and parses the data to strip out the information it needs. Adhering to the DSI communication protocol, it will then package the data as server commands to send off to the DSI server via a TCP connection.

Data leaving the DSI system to OmniTrac devices follows the opposite path. The RIMessagePoll contacts the DSI server every X number of seconds depending on the specified timer interval setting to gather any outgoing messages that are needed to be sent to the OmniTrac devices. Using the Qualcomm API that the RIWebClient provides, it invokes the necessary API calls to route the data to the Qualcomm data center. Once the data reaches the Qualcomm data center, it gets transferred to the appropriate OmniTrac device.




Qualcomm data center

TDPS 2000 Database

DSI Server



DSI Tracker

TDPS 2000 Dispatch


1. Drivers using OmniTrac

3. Qualcomm communication

4. RIMessagePoll

2. DSI system


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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