[Pages:6]BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District

REGULAR MEETING STAMPED ORDER OF BUSINESS 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Board Room 4 p.m. Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

New Business for Action

1. Board of Education Report No. 100 ? 14/15


Office of the Deputy Superintendent of Instruction


(Textbooks and Instruction Materials Certification Resolution) Recommends approval of the

resolution certifying that all schools have sufficient textbooks and instructional materials for all

students in the core and required curriculum areas.

Board Member Resolutions For Initial Announcement

2. Mr. Kayser - Recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (Res-014-14/15) FOR ACTION 10/14/14

Whereas, In 1988 Congress designated October as "National Disability Employment Awareness Month";

Whereas, The Los Angeles Unified School District is committed to equal employment opportunity for individuals with disabilities;

Whereas, District employees with disabilities are a model for our students with disabilities and what they can achieve;

Whereas, By recognizing National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we promote awareness through education;

Whereas, In 2013, the District launched the LAUSD Building on Opportunities for Successful Transitions (BOOST) program to explore and expand career pathways for District students with special needs by linking them to internal District work experience and employment opportunities;

Whereas, The 2014 theme for National Disability Employment Awareness Month is, "Expect. Employ. Empower."; and

Bd. of Ed. Regular Meeting

Stamped Order of Business


4 p.m., 09-30-14

Whereas, Disability Employment Awareness Month is a time for all Americans to celebrate the contributions of individuals with disabilities; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District hereby recognizes October as Disability Employment Awareness Month; and, be it finally

Resolved, That by adoption of this resolution, the Board encourages all students, staff, administrators and parents to recognize the contributions that our employees with disabilities have made to the Los Angeles Unified School District, the state of California, and the United States.

3. Ms. Garc?a, Dr. McKenna, Dr. Vladovic - Supporting Proposition 47: "The Safe Neighborhoods

and Schools Act of 2014" (Res-015-14/15)

FOR ACTION 10/14/14

Whereas, The Los Angeles Unified School District is fully committed to ensuring a safe and rigorous learning environment for all students and supporting them with the resources they need to graduate with the skills to thrive in college, their career, and their community;

Whereas, The District is emphasizing progress over punishment, particularly through its Discipline Foundation Policy, School Climate Bill of Rights, Restorative Justice practices, and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, in order to end the school to prison pipeline by investing in education, integrated student supports, and health and wellness programs;

Whereas, In the past 20 years, California spending per prisoner ($62,396) has increased nearly three times faster than funding for K-12 students ($9,194);

Whereas, In the past 30 years, California has built only one university but 22 prisons, and overall expenditures for corrections is 80% higher than spending on California State University and University of California systems combined;

Whereas, In 2012, there were 5.6 times as many people in state prison than in 1962, when state crime rates were similar;

Whereas, In 2011, African Americans in California were incarcerated 8 times the rate of whites and Latinos were incarcerated twice the rate of whites;

Whereas, In July 2013, one in five people in California prisons were there for nonviolent offenses. At a cost of $62,396 per person, this equates to $1.86 billion per year at taxpayer expense;

Whereas, To be smarter and tougher on crime, emerging best practices in criminal justice must increasingly focus law enforcement resources on serious and violent crimes and utilize community corrections for petty and nonviolence offenses;

Whereas, Research into best practices in criminal justice science show that investment into mental and behavioral health treatment, drug treatment, and truancy prevention increases public safety;

Whereas, Proposition 47, the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, would change sentencing for low-level, nonviolent crimes, such as simple drug possession and petty theft, from felonies to

Bd. of Ed. Regular Meeting

Stamped Order of Business


4 p.m., 09-30-14

misdemeanors -- and potentially directs hundreds of millions of dollars in savings from reduced prison costs to K-12 schools, mental health and drug treatment, and victim services; and

Whereas, The District should join countless law enforcement leaders, crime victims, teachers, students, behavioral health and rehabilitations experts, business leaders, civil rights organizations, and civic and faith leaders in their support for Proposition 47; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District supports the passage of Proposition 47, the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, which would improve public safety and invest in our schools and in crime prevention.

4. Ms. Galatzan, Ms. Ratliff, Mr. Kayser - Creating a Task Force to Review the Records Retention

and Destruction Policy (Res-016-14/15)

FOR ACTION 10/14/14

Whereas, The Los Angeles Unified School District's Information Technology Division (ITD) staff monitors and maintains approximately 50 in-house email servers that house more than 125,000 electronic accounts, including an estimated 85,000 that are currently active;

Whereas, ITD is in the process of transferring these email accounts to Microsoft 365, a secure "cloud-based system", as part of a long-term strategy to reduce costs, increase employee productivity, and improve disaster-recovery capability;

Whereas, The Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District voted on September 9, 2014, to amend a 2012 Microsoft Enterprise Licensing Agreement with SHI International Inc. to add email archiving and e-discovery subscriptions to its existing suite of services;

Whereas, The Microsoft 365 email system selected by the District allows employees to manually archive emails they deem relevant to their work;

Whereas, The Records Retention and Destruction Policy (Other than Pupil Records), Bulletin 5503.1, issued by the Office of the Superintendent on July 2, 2012, allows the retention of nonpermanent emails for a maximum of one year, and mandates the automatic deletion of nonpermanent records after that period;

Whereas, Bulletin 5503.1 does not discuss how or when a District employee may or must designate emails as "records" worthy of retention;

Whereas, Bulletin 5503.1 has raised concerns about the unintended consequences of the mandatory deletion of emails, including the destruction of emails that may potentially be needed for litigation or to fulfill Public Records Act requests;

Whereas, Questions also remain about the cost and capability of retrieving deleted emails from the Microsoft 365 "cloud"; and

Whereas, The public should have confidence in the District's commitment to transparency in its communications: now, therefore, be it:

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Resolved, That the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District directs the Superintendent to establish a task force by October 31, 2014, to review the Records Retention and Destruction Policy, with considerations that include, but are not limited to, the following:

? Exceptions to the policy, such as preservation of email or other documents contained in the electronic mailboxes of specific District employees, executives or office holders;

? Classifications of emails and hard-copy records that should be automatically designated for archiving or storage;

? The capability and limitations of the e-discovery software and the extent to which deleted documents can be retrieved from the "cloud-based" system;

Resolved further, That the membership of the task force shall include, but not be limited to, a representative from each of the following:

? Information Technology Division ? Office of the Chief Operating Officer ? Office of General Counsel ? Facilities Services Division ? United Teachers Los Angeles ? Associated Administrators of Los Angeles ? City of Los Angeles IT Division ? Californians Aware, the Sunlight Foundation and/or other non-profit, nonpartisan, open-

government organizations; and, be it finally

Resolved, That the task force shall present its recommendations to the Board's Committee of the Whole at its January 2015 meeting.

5. Ms. Ratliff ? Resolution to Enhance Reporting to The Office of the Inspector General


FOR ACTION 10/14/14

Whereas, The Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District recognizes that it is in the best interests of the District to facilitate the ability of District personnel and the general public to report fraud, waste and abuse to the District's Office of the Inspector General (OIG);

Whereas, The OIG maintains a Fraud Hotline and promulgates print and on-line forms for reporting allegations of fraud, waste and abuse occurring within the District;

Whereas, The OIG includes a button on the OIG's home page directing visitors to the Fraud Hotline webpage; and

Whereas, A visitor to the Los Angeles Unified School District website must currently navigate at least four clicks from the District's home page to access the OIG's on-line fraud reporting form; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That a Hotline Button be placed on the District's own home page to direct visitors immediately to the OIG's Fraud Hotline webpage for the reporting of fraud, waste, and abuse.

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6. Ms. Ratliff, Ms. Galatzan, Mr. Kayser ? Resolution Recognizing America's Safe Schools Week


FOR ACTION 10/14/14

Whereas, Schools make substantial contributions to the future of America and to the development of our nation's young people as knowledgeable, responsible, and productive citizens;

Whereas, Excellence in education is dependent on safe, secure and peaceful school settings;

Whereas, The safety and well-being of many students, teachers, and school staff are unnecessarily jeopardized by crime and violence, such as substance abuse, gangs, bullying, vandalism, and absenteeism in our schools;

Whereas, It is the responsibility of all citizens to enhance the learning experiences of young people by helping to ensure fair and effective discipline, promote good citizenship, and generally make school safe and secure;

Whereas, All leaders, especially those in education, law enforcement, government, and business, should eagerly collaborate with each other and the National School Safety Center, a partnership of Pepperdine University, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Department of Education, to focus public attention on school safety and identify, develop, and promote innovate answers to these critical issues; and

Whereas, The observance of America's Safe Schools Week will promote efforts to provide all our nation's schools with positive and safe learning climates; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District hereby recognizes the week of October 19 through 25, 2014, as America's Safe Schools Week; and, be it finally

Resolved, That the Superintendent be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to work with all schools of the Los Angeles Unified School District to recognize and celebrate America's Safe Schools Week.

Public Notice of Bargaining Union Initial Proposals


7. Initial Proposals from California School Employees Association for Unit D, Office, Technical, and

Business Services (0015-14/15) (Initial proposals from collective bargaining representatives are

made public before negotiations begin.)


Announcements Public Comment Adjournment Bd. of Ed. Regular Meeting

Stamped Order of Business


4 p.m., 09-30-14

Please note that the Board of Education may consider at this meeting any item referred from a Board Meeting five calendar days prior to this meeting (Education Code 54954.2(b)(3)).

The Board of Education may also refer any item on this Order of Business for the consideration of a committee or meeting of the Board of Education, which meets on the Thursday immediately after this meeting.

Requests for disability related modifications or accommodations shall be made 24 hours prior to the meeting to the Board Secretariat in person or by calling (213) 241-7002.

Individuals wishing to speak at a Board meeting must sign up at the meeting. There will be no sign ups in advance of the meeting. Speakers must sign up prior to the item being acted upon by the Board. Speakers should plan to arrive early as items with no speakers may be acted on

at the beginning of the meeting.

If you or your organization is seeking to influence an agreement, policy, site selection or any other LAUSD decision, registration may be required under the District's Lobbying Disclosure Code. Please visit ethics to determine if you need to register or call (213) 241-3330.

Materials related to an item on this Order of Business distributed to the Board of Education are available for public inspection at the Security Desk on the first floor of the Administrative Headquarters, and at:

Items circulated after the initial distribution of materials are available for inspection at the Security Desk.

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Stamped Order of Business


4 p.m., 09-30-14


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