


Table of Contents

(B1a) First Deaf-Blind Student at Harvard Law Pursues Dreams (Pages 2-6)

(B1b) I am Harvard Law’s first deafblind graduate. Here’s what college is like for students with disabilities. (Pages 7- 9)

(B2) In Conversation with Attorneys with Disabilities (Pages 10-19)

(B3) How the Legal Industry Lets Down Lawyers with Disabilities (Pages 20-25)

(B1a) First Deaf-Blind Student At Harvard Law Pursues Dreams

Frank Stasio & Nicole Campbell • (WUNC (North Carolina Public Radio) 11/1/13)

Frank Stasio: This is the "State of Things" broadcasting from the American Tobacco Historical District. I'm Frank Stasio. At fifteen-years-old, Haben Girma had skied, kayaked, cycled, danced, and traveled to Mali without her parents. That's a lot for any teenager, but Haben was doing all those things while deaf and blind. And her adventures didn't stop there. She has since become the first deaf-blind student to graduate from Harvard Law School. Haben is a disability rights advocate who is thinking deeply about the ways people with disabilities move through the world. She's giving a talk at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill today at 2:00, but first she joins us on the program, and Camara Lash is here as her assistant. Welcome.

Haben Girma: Thank you so much for welcome here--welcoming me here. It's an honor to be here and I look forward to meeting with students later this afternoon at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

Stasio: It's gonna be great. I wanted to ask you, Haben, when you first decided that you wanted to become an attorney.

Girma: I decided my second-to-last year of college, and at that time the economy was really bad. And a lot of my friends who were ahead of me in college--graduating seniors--were struggling to find work. So I realized I needed to get--further my education and a law degree would give me the flexibility to do a variety of things. The other thing that really inspired me is that due to my limited vision and limited hearing, I developed strengths in certain areas and that was analyzing and problem-solving. Having a disability means you're constantly dealing with obstacles, and a lifetime of constantly dealing with obstacles has allowed me to have really strong problem-solving skills, which is great as a lawyer.

Stasio: But clearly, if you were the first student to graduate--and I don't know how many students may have gone to Harvard Law and not finished--those obstacles must have been formidable for you to be the first law school graduate from Harvard. Did you anticipate the difficulties in going to law school as a deaf-blind student?

Girma: As someone who had never gone to law school before, it was hard to anticipate the challenges. And Harvard Law had not had a deaf-blind student before. They couldn't quite anticipate all the challenges. But we met early on before I started and discussed potential challenges and potential solutions. And we continued to work together to figure out how I would do oral arguments, how I would take my exams, how to do internships over the summer. It was just constant positive creative thinking, optimism, and we--we made it. We got through it.

Stasio: Well, some of that you must have gone through in your undergrad and--and even through--through all of your schooling, right? I mean, how--how to handle the lectures? How to interpret and how to get your work back to the professor? So, tell us a little bit about that. How did you do it? How did you get through school?

Girma: So I use a variety of com--I use a variety of accommodations. So, for my textbooks and course materials that are in written format, teachers give that to the disability service office and they convert it into braille. So when you have something in a digital format, you put it in a program called Duxbury, and that program embosses it in a print--in a braille printer of sorts. That was when we had my materials. Another way is through digital braille, and there are digital braille computers, maybe 20 different kinds of them. And the one I have is called a BrailleNote, made by HumanWare. So I could put files on a USB drive and put it in my digital braille computer and read files on that computer. And right now, here at the studio, as you ask questions, I have an assistant, who's typing those questions on a wireless Apple keyboard, and that's transmitted to my digital braille computer, and I read it in digital braille. And that's one way--one method I use for communication. I've used that at school, at work, and in social settings.

Stasio: Now, obviously you are somebody who was very active and very confident growing up. We talked about rock-climbing and kayaking and all the activities that you were involved in. Did you feel limitations growing up? Did you--or let me put it another way--did you have the sense that you really had to show people that you--that you weren't limited?

Girma: Yes, and also I had to show myself because growing up there was a part of me that always wasn't sure. Can I really rock-climb? Can I really go to college and get a job? There's a social message unfortunately in our society that says people with disabilities can't achieve, can't succeed. And sometimes we inadvertently internalize those messages. And growing up I was struggling not to internalize those messages so I needed to convince myself and convince people. And now I need to do less of that. I'm fairly confident that I can do things and I don't need to convince myself, and I'm less concerned about convincing other people, because it's only to an extent that other people's opinions matter. You can't let those opinions control your life.

Stasio: Tell us about that trip to Mali when you were fifteen years old and volunteering on your own. What were you doing and how did that trip go?

Girma: I was part of an organization called Build On, that builds schools in third-world countries. And I asked the program coordinator if I could go. And she said, "Absolutely!" She gave me the application and I gave it to my father. And I told him, "I want to help change the world! I want to help work towards world peace and build schools in rural Mali, West Africa!" And my dad actually grew up in Africa. He was highly aware of all the dangers in Africa and he said, "There's snakes. There's malaria. It's not safe. And you're deaf-blind. If you can't see a snake, what if you step on it? And if someone were to warn you, 'Oh, there's a snake! Watch out, Haben!' you might not hear them." And my dad's points were very valid. He was right, and he loved me. He was just concerned for my safety. So I--I was trying to do this balancing act of assuring my father that I would be safe, and that the trip would go well, but also, trying to figure out how would I avoid those dangers? And how do I overcome my own fear of snakes and feeling like a burden for this group who's trying to build schools?

Stasio: So that gets back to this added skill--this--this kind of genius that you have for problem-solving because you're always faced with these challenges of trying to prove to yourself, and others I guess, that it's gonna be okay.

Girma: Right, it was hard to prove to myself and prove to others that I would be okay. In that situation, what I ended up doing is I brought the program coordinator into the conversation and I told her my father's concern for my safety. And actually I'm also a little nervous and concerned for my safety too. She said, "We've never had a deaf-blind student attend this program and build schools in Mali. But I'm willing to make it work. We'll find a way." And so she and my father talked and we realized that I would never be alone. I would always have a team. We were going to be a community of high-school students and teachers going to help this village. And she was absolutely right. When I was at the village, I always and people around me. My host family was wonderful. And I was out there, digging and mixing cement and building that school. But I also had people to describe, "All right this is where the bricks go and straight ahead ten feet into the left is where we're going to have dinner." So a combination of teamwork and support, and assuring my father that we would all be together, and to trust me to be careful was our--was our eventual solution to the--to the dilemma.

Stasio: So I want to take you back to law school now, and Harvard, and some of the challenges there. And you talked about getting--getting your material translated into braille. So that's one way that you can use technology, but then you ran into another challenge that maybe you hadn't anticipated, and that's how--how are you going to get the lunch menus? Tell us--tell us that story.

Girma: Um, so the--the lunch menu story was actually in college. The college cafeteria prints out menus and puts it in front of the cafeteria. But I couldn't read the menus, so they advised me to ask people to read the menus to me. The college cafeteria's very loud and noisy, and it was really difficult to hear people. So for the first few months I said, oh well, I just need to eat. It really doesn't matter too much what I eat. So I'd go up to the counter and hand them my plate and they would put food on it. And then when I sat down I'd found out--I'd find out what they'd served. But eventually, I--I realized that I wanted to be able to choose what I eat, especially since I'm paying for this service. And school gets stressful, and sometimes it's nice to know chocolate cake at station 4! Yes! So that you can relax and enjoy and prepare for the next exam. [Frank laughing] So I asked the cafeteria to email me the menu. Ideally, I'd love to have it in braille, but if they couldn't do that, then they could just email me the menu because they print it out. It's already in digital format for them. They said, "all right" but they failed to do that. They'd send it to me once every two days, or not at all for awhile, and I came again and asked, and they said "sorry we're too busy". But again I was paying for this service and it's--it's stressful already to be a student and to be studying for exams, and on top of that I had no choice about what I would eat, and I was eating three meals a day at this cafeteria. I was staying at the dorms. So eventually I told the managers that under the Americans with Disabilities Act, they were required to make reasonable accommodations, and easily emailing a menu is a very reasonable accommodation. And reminding them about the law really made a huge difference. It changed their attitude from "this is a favor we can do when we have a spare time" to "this is actually an important thing we need to do; she's paying for this service, and she should be able to choose what food she's going to eat".

Stasio: And I guess this brings us to the importance of your work as a disabilities advocate. Could you tell us about that and what you intend to do as an attorney who specializes in that kind of advocacy?

Girma: So, right now I work at Disability Rights Advocates in Berkley, California. They have two offices--one in Berkley and one in New York. And they do high-impact litigation. They look for large problems of discrimination and work to improve access to education, employment, life for people with disabilities. And it's non-profit, no charge to the clients for the good cause of making the world a better place. My issue over there is education and I work on education cases for students with disabilities throughout the country.

Stasio: What are some of the big challenges? You know, it's obvious to me that digital technology in some ways can make it easier, but I guess not everybody has access to that and so is that one of the challenges, to make sure that deaf-blind students and others with disabilities have access to the technology that would make it better?

Girma: One of the biggest issues is definitely technology, and the funny thing is, technology has the potential to make life so much easier, rather than having print books for sighted students and braille books for blind students, you can give students one device, like an iPad, and everyone can read it. Because the iPad has the potential to provide information in various formats--audio, large print, regular print, and it connects to digital braille displays. So what I want to try to stress to universities is that when they invest in new technologies, when they build online learning tools, think about accessibility because there are small changes you can make that would make it easily accessible to hundreds and hundreds of students.

Stasio: What does it mean to you to be the first deaf-blind student to graduate from Harvard?

Girma: One interesting little tidbit? Helen Keller actually went to Radcliffe College, which is now part of Harvard. So I'm not quite the first deaf-blind student at Harvard, but I think I am the first deaf-blind student at Harvard Law School. What that means to me is that we've come a long way in terms of social barriers. Twenty years ago, I don't think we would have had the social environment at Harvard for administrators to say, "Yes! We're willing to make this work!" and sit and think about creative solutions for making this possible. Nor did we have the technology twenty years ago, like digital braille displays, to make this possible. So the fact that a deaf-blind student graduated from Harvard Law School says that Harvard, and the country as a whole, has come a long way in allowing students with disabilities--even so-called "severe" disabilities--to get an education and find meaningful work.

Stasio: Now, you--you referenced Helen Keller and of course, she was an important role model. But now that you say it, she's the only other one I can think of. Are there others? And--and is that something that you're, in a sense, trying to do, to create a larger body of role models and people who we can look to?

Girma: There is a community of Deaf-Blind people here in the U.S. Not large, but more than me, for sure. [laughing] And we--and so, off the top of my head I can think of five lawyers in the United States and one in Sweden who are deaf-blind. And deaf-blind individuals in other fields doing great work. And they all use a combination of communication styles from tactile sign language to voice to digital braille, close-up signing. The Deaf-Blind community is very diverse. Some have additional disabilities, different levels of vision and hearing. The stereotype is a deaf-blind person's completely deaf-blind like Helen Keller, but I use the term "deaf-blind" to steer away from hierarchies. Rather than dividing up the community into partially-sighted, totally-blind, hard-of-hearing, totally-deaf, use terms that bring us together and bring more people together so that the deaf--the disability community can ask for legislation, ask for policies, that makes--that make a larger difference.

Stasio: Haben, what is your message today for the students and those who are--will be in your audience at the University of North Carolina?

Girma: My message to students today is to think of themselves as part of a community, regardless of whether they have a disability or not. That they are part of community, and should help each other out. Students who have differences, like disabilities, should be excited to identify as someone with a disability. So I mentioned earlier that I choose to identify as blind even though I have a little vision. I used to say that I was "partially-sighted", but that breaks up the community, so the more united and together we are, the more we help each other out, the stronger the whole community is. And the legal system, the Americans with Disabilities Act--operates on the identification of people who come forward and say "I would like this kind of accommodation. I identify as someone with a disability." So the more we have iden--people identify with a disability, and supporting each other in a community, I think the stronger a community we would have.

Stasio: Haben, it was a great pleasure talking with you. Thank you so much for being with us.

Girma: Thank you so much for having me here. It's been an honor.

(B1b) I am Harvard Law’s first deafblind graduate. Here’s what college is like for students with disabilities.

Haben Girma (CNBC 1/4/20, updated 1/16/20)

“Can you hear me?” The voice coming through my earbuds sounds scratchy. The earbuds connect to an FM receiver, part of an assistive listening device. Harvard Law School hired American Sign Language interpreters with voice transliteration skills to provide access to audio and visual information in my classes.

In the back, interpreters Celia Michau and Erin Foley whisper into a microphone, which has a wireless connection with the receiver, so I can sit anywhere in the classroom. I prefer to sit in the back, though, just in case I need to communicate with the interpreters.

″[Mumble, mumble, static crackle.] How about now?” a voice asks.

I shrug, then shake my head no.

“Well, you’re responding, so you can kind of hear us, right?” Somewhere in front of me, the professor lectures us on contracts. Around him, 70 students sit in rows of desks facing forward. Using my voice would disrupt the class.

Turning to the back of the room, I lift my hands, then pause. To communicate through signs, I need to distill my ideas into my limited sign language vocabulary, or otherwise spell out all the words. I sign, “C-O-M-P-L-I-C-A-T-E-D.”

“It’s complicated? So you can hear us, but it’s hard to hear us?”

“Right,” I sign back.

“Okay. What can we do to help?”

“I don’t know,” I sign.

Haben Girma with former President Barack Obama

(Photo: Office of Haben Girma_

“The professor just looked at us. I think he was wondering if you raised your hand.”

My face grows hot. I make a mental note to keep my signing as low as possible.

“Do you want us to continue with class?” Nodding, I turn my chair to face the front.

“Okay, back to class. The defendant’s [mumble mumble].”

Reaching down for my guide dog, Maxine, I discover her stretched out. I give her a belly rub.

The lecture continues, and I strain to catch the words. Every way I listen, the words are gobbledygook. It’s not the volume, which is already turned to a high setting. It’s my hearing. My ever-decreasing, diminishing, disappointing hearing.

Why I chose Harvard. I’m 22 years old, and every year my hearing and vision have dimmed. The changes are gradual, until all of the sudden my old coping strategies no longer work.

Since I wore sleep shades during blindness training, adjusting to my ongoing vision loss has been straightforward. I already have all the blindness skills, but adjusting to hearing loss feels more challenging. The inaccessibility of the hearing world constantly threatens to isolate me.

Connecting with classmates and professors at Harvard was always important to me, but it wasn’t the only reason I moved from Oregon to Massachusetts.

My personal experience with discrimination, as well as those I heard from others, sparked my desire to develop legal advocacy skills. My pre-law advisor urged me to strive for the highest ranked school so I could gain access to the most employment opportunities. Even lawyers with disabilities face employment discrimination.

The school didn’t know exactly which accommodations I need. Neither did I; doing law school deafblind was new to me, too.

After I spent months crafting a competitive law school application, offers came pouring in. And then came the big one: Harvard Law School. Harvard offered me admission with a financial aid package that included grants and loans.

Leaving the Best Coast for the East Coast didn’t appeal to me, but I knew I had to do everything in my power to increase my chances of becoming a successful lawyer. My parents supported the move, especially after I promised to return to California post-graduation.

In some ways, Harvard felt a lot like my other schools. The written word served as my lifeline. The disability office worked with professors to convert all written materials into an accessible format. My biggest struggle was finding a better ways to communicate with classmates and professors.

Harvard Law School’s first deafblind graduate. Harvard excluded many groups throughout its history. When Helen Keller was applying for college, Harvard wouldn’t admit her. Back in those days, Harvard only admitted men. Harvard’s sister school, Radcliffe College, offered Helen Keller admission, and she received her degree in 1904.

The Harvard community chose to exclude women for the first two hundred-plus years of its existence. Over time, the culture shifted. Adapted. Changed. Harvard eventually opened its doors to women, people of color, and people with disabilities.

Throughout my three years at Harvard Law School, I continued to face challenges. The school didn’t know exactly which accommodations I need. Neither did I; doing law school deafblind was new to me, too.

We engaged in an interactive process. We tried different strategies until we find the right solutions. I passed all my classes, even earning several honors.

My personal experience with discrimination, as well as those I heard from others, sparked my desire to develop legal advocacy skills.

In my final year, I was honored with a Skadden Fellowship, one of the most prestigious fellowships in the legal field. The Skadden Foundation provided two years of financial support for my work to increase access to digital reading services for blind students.

I was excited to pack my bags and head to sunny California for my new job at Disability Rights Advocates. “No more cold, snowy winters for us,” I told Maxine.

Haben Girma is the first deafblind person to graduate from Harvard Law School. An advocate for equal opportunities for people with disabilities, she was named by former President Barack Obama as a White House Champion of Change. Haben also received the Helen Keller Achievement Award, and a spot on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list.

(B2) In Conversation with Attorneys with Disabilities

ABA Law Practice Today (7/16/18)

Disabled attorneys have always represented a small percentage in the legal community. However, in recent years, as technological advances have made it easier for lawyers with disabilities to perform ordinary tasks, this number is rising. This month, our panel discusses what it is like to be an attorney with a disability, what hurdles they face, and the accommodations and strategies they have employed to be successful.

Our Moderator: Nicholas Gaffney (NG) is the founder of Zumado Public Relations in San Francisco, CA, and is a member of the Law Practice Today Editorial Board.

Our Panelists

Kevin Fritz (KF) is an associate in the Chicago office of Seyfarth Shaw LLP. He focuses his practice on complex discrimination litigation, workplace counseling, and solutions, and is also a member of the firm’s Access Defense ADA Title III Team.

Kevin M. Hara (KVM) is a San Francisco-based lawyer in Reed Smith’s Life Sciences and Health Industries Group focused on product liability litigation and multidistrict and mass tort litigation for major manufacturers of medical products. Kevin has assisted in the drafting of two amicus curiae appellate briefs in education reform cases in the California Court of Appeal, and further pro bono projects included representing clients in asylum cases and assisting organizations that support veterans with understanding the legislative reforms that will improve veterans’ access to benefits. Kevin is the co-founder of LEADRS (Looking For Excellence And Advancement of individuals with Disability at Reed Smith), a diversity affinity group that is part of Reed Smith’s global Diversity & Inclusion Initiative.

Waukeshia Jackson (WJ) is a best-selling author, partner, and patent attorney with Jackson & Lowe Law Group. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Louisiana State University. She also has an MBA from the University of Houston – Clear Lake and her law degree from LSU Law Center. Waukeshia has been featured in Technology Diversity Magazine and National Society of Black Engineer Magazine and US News.

Michael Liner (ML) is the founder and managing shareholder of Liner Legal, LLC, a disability law firm with offices throughout Ohio. With a commitment to providing incredible client service and a passion for tireless representation of his clients in their time of great need, Michael has helped his clients obtain tens of millions of dollars in Social Security benefits. Michael speaks regularly at national as well as local conferences on both disability and marketing topics.

John F. Stanton (JS) is a lawyer with the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Immigration Litigation, Appellate Section. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1993 and cum laude from the Georgetown University Law Center in 1997. Prior to joining the DOJ, he worked in the appellate departments of Howrey, LLP and Holland & Knight in Washington DC.

NG: What is the nature of your disability?

KF: I have a form of muscular dystrophy. I have no use of my legs, extremely limited use of my arms and hands, and require assistance with virtually all of my activities of daily living. It is progressive in nature but manageable with the right tools and interventions.

KH: I have a high-level spinal cord injury, which impacts my mobility and requires me to use a motorized wheelchair and other adaptive devices.

WJ: I have Retinitis Pigmentosa. This is an eye disease that causes me to lose my peripheral vision. I am legally blind.

ML: I have ADHD and motor tic syndrome.

JS: I became deaf when I was four years old. I grew up speaking and lipreading. Although profoundly deaf, I had some residual hearing and could benefit from a hearing aid. While I was aware of sound, I could not understand it. I could not talk on the phone or listen to the radio. And I generally needed to read a person’s lips to understand what they were saying. My residual hearing collapsed to essentially zero when I was about thirty years old, and I got a cochlear implant after that. The implant restored me to where I was—if anything, marginally better.

NG: Do you consider your disability a disability?

KF: I believe that everyone is disabled in some way. Disability is truly a mindset. Sure, my legs and arms do not work the same way that someone without my condition does, but I do not believe that makes me disabled in comparison. I think that it is a very contextual notion and you must have that mindset. If you ask me to play tennis, I probably cannot do it. So yes I would be disabled in that fashion. But if you need me to be your friend, represent you in court, or kick your butt in a chess match, then maybe you are the disabled one! It’s all about perspective.

KH: I do, importantly, as my injury prevents the use of my legs, hands, and fingers—but I endeavor not to let that preclude my personal and professional activities to the extent possible. Additionally, I find it helpful to focus on the things I can do rather than those I cannot.

WJ: My mother always empowered me. She thought I would make a great engineer at a very young age. I have excelled in many STEM courses from a young age. I say this to say I have never looked at my life in any way as to consider my eye disease a disability. I am very solution-oriented; I prefer to figure out how I can do the things I want or need to do. I have received training on assistive technology devices that enable me to be an effective attorney. To me, the word disability means “not able.” I am fully able to practice law to the same degree as my peers. I simply do things differently.

ML: I think the word “disability” is a bit of a misnomer. The root of the word disability is ability. Adding “dis” in front of it seems to imply a lack of ability. I certainly don’t think I lack the abilities that my peers have. I think a better term would be diffability. Though my abilities aren’t lacking, they are unquestionably different than others around me.

JS: The law does. There are times when being deaf is an advantage. I went to a farm in West Virginia with my family and another family last weekend. The farm was near railroad tracks. When a train went by early in the morning, all the animals made a huge fuss and didn’t stop for a half an hour. I slept through the entire thing peacefully. Everyone else did not and were not happy about it.

That being said, the times when deafness is a disadvantage are far more frequent if you are attempting to succeed in the mainstream.

NG: Did you choose your career due to your disability?

KF: 100%. I wanted a career where I could be equal to my counterparts. Being a lawyer requires a brain. Everything else can be delegated. I knew I had my faculties and I chose a profession where I could apply them to the fullest.

KH: Law is a career that takes place primarily in the “Noosphere”—the sphere of human thought—so working in law at Reed Smith has turned out to be an excellent space for developing my mind, my communications skills, and my career. Practicing law as a life sciences attorney has allowed me to explore one of the things about which I am most fascinated and passionate—science. We work with many clients who either have or are in the process of bringing innovative technology to light.

WJ: No. I chose to practice law because I believed that I could make a difference. I am a champion for entrepreneurs and have been told by many clients that I have a great way of making the law consumable.

ML: Yes. I have a large social security disability practice in Ohio, and there is no question that when I was picking an area of law I wanted to focus on after law school, the opportunity to help other people who have similar daily challenges to my own was attractive. I have been fortunate in my life. Growing up, my parents were able to afford to send me to a private school and get me any extra help that I needed to succeed. Not everyone is so fortunate. Without the advantages I had as a youth, I could have very easily needed to rely on the government benefits I fight for my clients to receive.

JS: In a manner of speaking. When I was in high school in the late 1980s, my parents took me on a college tour. I was 17 at the time and knew enough that it would impress the interviewers if I looked like I had some direction. I always was intrigued by law, so I told the interviewers when they asked what type of career I was envisioning that I wanted to become a lawyer.

One interviewer responded, “That’s very interesting. I recently read an article that said that there are eight deaf attorneys in the United States.” I was flabbergasted. “Only eight? That’s outrageous!” I decided then and there that I was going to become a lawyer.

As an aside, I learned decades later that the correct number of deaf lawyers around that time was about 20 (indeed, I even think that I’ve read the article to which the interviewer was referring). But even if the interviewer had told me 20, my response still would have been the same.

NG: How has your disability impacted your ability to practice law?

KF: I am already incredibly organized because I have to be. I do not have the luxury of thumbing through papers on a desk, just like I do not have the luxury of going through the spice drawer in my kitchen to find what I’m looking for. Everything has a place in my life. That way either I, with the right assistive technology, or my assistant can find it for me quickly. While this is just one example, being organized definitely impacts how I practice law. It allows me to take on many cases at one time without too much confusion because I know where every e-mail, document, number, etc. is located simply because I do not have the luxury of finding it in a pile somewhere. Further, I think that my disability makes me more focused. I cannot write things down the same way someone with hand usage can, so I have to remember things. I create memory palaces all the time as a means to remember things in my own life because, again, I cannot write that well and that parlays very well in the practice of law.

KH: With tremendous support from Reed Smith, including several instrumental mentors and friends, my loving and inspirational wife Anna, wonderful family, especially my parents and sister, and dedicated caregivers, I’ve been able to contribute to Reed Smith’s professional environment. These remarkable people have assisted me in providing quality legal services to important firm clients, and live a healthy home life, all while managing a very challenging chronic medical condition.

WJ: My law practice is flourishing. I get to work with a variety of clients to help them navigate a plethora of legal issues. Not all of my clients know that I have a disability. It has not impacted my business or ability to practice law.

ML: My disability certainly makes it easier for me to relate to my clients. I strongly believe that the biggest difference between most lawyers isn’t in the way they work up and handle a case—it’s in the way they communicate with their clients. In most circumstances, a client could never know if a different lawyer might have been able to achieve a different outcome (better or worse) in their case. However, a client does know if the attorney they chose to represent them answered the phone (or returned voicemails), explained every step of the case as it was processing, and made them feel comfortable and understood. Because I have personal experience living with multiple disabilities, I can absolutely offer my clients empathy and make them feel understood in a way that another lawyer might not be able.

JS: I passed the bar on the first try if that’s what you’re asking. I got involved in appellate practice almost immediately at my law firm as a junior associate. I was good at it, and at the time the firm was looking to expand the practice. And I enjoyed it. So it was win-win all around. Like many young associates at law firms, I worked long hours. I also served as a utility guy at trials, being on-call back at the office to put together a memo or brief overnight on an issue that came up at the trial.

I never actually did a trial, but I have several deaf lawyer colleagues who have extensive trial experience. And again, at the time—I was plenty busy doing appellate and/or written advocacy work.

NG: Do you use any accommodations to assist you in your practice?

KF: I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to dictate court documents, research memos, e-mails, etc. I have a Bob Barker microphone sitting on my desk at all times so that I can either dictate or make a phone call from the same equipment. My lung capacity is extremely diminished, but with the right technology and microphones, I am at the same level as my peers. I have a great secretary who goes above and beyond for me, so I do not think that is necessarily an accommodation! I think she is just an incredibly helpful and kind human being who understands that I might need help microwaving my coffee. In court, depositions, or in something like a client meeting, I never really travel alone—just in case. It is obviously impossible for me to type notes if I am also talking so having a paralegal or a junior associate in tow is a necessity. Honestly, throughout my entire life, I just figure it out as the need arises. Sometimes I need a microphone in court, sometimes it’s already there. I always plan in advance to make sure that places are physically accessible to me and make other arrangements if they are not. Thankfully, in this day and age, the practice of law is extremely digital, and frankly, I like this. I can be talking to a colleague in London while preparing a deposition notice for a client in California all from my desk in Chicago. It always fascinates me how connected we really are to one another. No matter where we are located.

KH: As I indicated before, Reed Smith has been supportive of my career, and my personal well-being, from day one and has provided me with adaptive equipment such as software for voice dictation and adjustable office equipment. Additionally, the firm has assisted me, my wife, and caregivers with travel accommodations. Most significantly, Reed Smith has allowed me to work with a flexible schedule, including telecommuting.

WJ: I typically use a screen reader, a screen magnifier, and speak to text software in my office.

ML: As the owner of my law firm I am in the unique position of being able to build my office and our systems around my limitations. I struggle to concentrate for long stretches of time. When I worked for other law firms in the past before starting my own, the rigidity of the workday was always a struggle for me. Now, my staff knows to not schedule me for long meetings where I won’t have the ability to get up and take a break. I have also been wise to hire other people who are strong where I am weak. I am the “idea guy” in my office, but if I were by myself it would be challenging for me (as it is for most people with severe ADHD) to implement many of my ideas. To work around that, I have hired people who are very task-oriented, with a strong attention to detail.

JS: I use Computer Assisted Real-Time (“CART”), which is also known as captioning. A courtroom reporter/captionist sits next to me and steno-types/captions what is being said and I read along on a computer screen. As far as I know, CART wasn’t being used for interpreting in schools until a guy at Stanford Law used it in the early 1990s. I, myself, didn’t even find out about it until my senior year of college and requested it in law school. It was an eye-opener. I probably loved going to class more than anyone in law school because I’d be able to understand everything that was being said for a change. I was like a kid in a candy store in law school. And my grades were a lot higher in law school than they were in college.

After that, I used CART on the job as well. Courtroom arguments, large meetings, conference calls, things like that. When I get assigned to argue a case in the court of appeals, I ask for CART. And usually whichever deputy clerk is handling the case gets responsibility for arranging interpreting. They ask me, “Do you know where I can find such a court reporter?” And I tell them, “You can usually find one at your local district court.” And they call up the district court and someone has the CART program.

And there are smaller accommodations. While I do have an accessible telephone, usually it’s faster to have my secretary or a colleague just call up the court or opposing counsel to get some information to pass along to me. My colleagues have been more than happy to assist in this regard, sometimes with humorous results.

A few years ago, I filed a brief in the Sixth Circuit that was rejected by the Clerk’s Office because it was not in conformance with the Court’s rules. Unfortunately, the Clerk’s order didn’t specify precisely what rule I had violated. I had actually clerked on the Sixth Circuit and I was well-familiar with the Court’s rules, and the brief looked fine to me. I asked my buddy Don across the hall to call up the Clerk’s Office and see if they could tell me what exactly was wrong with my brief so I could fix it.

Don calls up Cincinnati and gets connected with the deputy clerk who rejected my brief. He explains the situation, and I’m sitting on his chair next to him awaiting the answer. Then Don exclaims, “Oh, I see! Can he just file a new one? Ok, thank you—I’ll tell him.” He hangs up, turns to me grinning like a Cheshire cat and says, “John, you forgot to sign the brief.” Whoops.

And of course, I’m happy to reciprocate by taking over cases when my colleagues are not in a position to complete them for whatever reason. I’d like to think that we are all part of a team.

NG: Do your clients and peers acknowledge your disability? If so, how?

KF: My firm is supportive of Kevin Fritz. Not disabled Kevin Fritz. Just Kevin Fritz. I think that my firm is truly unique because it recognizes people for who they are. Sure I may come with some complicated scenarios, but I don’t think my situation is particularly different from any other attorney who might have their own unique requests/needs. My firm embraces diversity and difference. In fact, we have a new affinity group called All Abilities which I am the vice chair of. Our focus is to provide tools to empower the community and our internal employees, as well as clients to embrace diversity and inclusion metrics. Many of my peers and colleagues are members of this affinity group as allies and I think that’s awesome. The fact is that almost everyone will face some disabling condition at some point. Whether personally, or through a loved one, disability is a reality for many people.

Many of my clients honestly do not even know about my disability because it does not impact my ability to do a great job for them. Nor should it. Also, because I do not meet many of my clients in person as they are all over the country, it is completely irrelevant. And in the event that I do meet my clients in person, I think that they are proud of the work I do for them. Period.

KH: Yes, it is an important part of my personal and professional identity at the firm and in the legal community. At Reed Smith, it’s a big part of my job. Luke Debevec, a partner on our insurance recovery team in Philadelphia, and I are the co-founders of LEADRS in the U.S., which stands for “Looking For Excellence And Advancement of Individuals with Disability at Reed Smith.” This is a diversity affinity group that is a key part of Reed Smith’s global Diversity & Inclusion initiative.

LEADRS strives to support and enhance the professional, personal, and career development of individuals with disabilities of all types, physical and mental. We are increasingly focused on assisting individuals with nonvisible disabilities, such as persons with mental health and depression, which are difficult for people to discuss, and want to support people struggling with those challenges. It is an honor, not to mention invigorating, to assist in shaping the culture of a disability-smart organization. We lead by example and want to demonstrate that jobs for people with disabilities are both available and achievable at the top of the legal profession. Our aim is to be the law firm of choice for candidates with disabilities of all types.

WJ: Not at all.

ML: Because it is such a large part of my story, I am frequently asked to speak on the topic of succeeding in law with a disability.

JS: When I was at law firms, I’m not even sure clients knew that I was deaf. Communication about cases would be through email. To the extent that anything needed to be discussed over the phone, the clients usually talked to the billing partner.

With respect to peers, they acknowledged by attempting to accommodate my deafness. It was almost always little stuff. Assistance with phone calls now and then. Face-to-face office meetings rather than phone calls to discuss cases or projects. Things of that nature.

I was on a trip for a case in California last month and my computer would not accept the hotel’s WiFi. I needed that computer to get to my files so I could prepare for the argument the next morning. I emailed our tech guy back in DC from my smartphone and explained the situation, asking him to give me solutions in an email rather than over the phone. He did so, and I got the computer working again. Hence, I was able to do some last-minute research that ended up being an important part of my argument.

NG: Do you feel people take you seriously in your practice despite your disability? Do people treat you differently (positive and/or negative)? How do you address this in your practice?

KF: I think that there are certain people in this world who will never take me seriously. In elementary school, I experienced teachers who would separate me from academic projects out of fear I could not take the pressure. In high school, there were certain guidance counselors who just assumed I would go into trade school because I had no use of my arms and legs. In college, I would get looks sometimes when I told people I was going to run for student president or director of programming (positions of which I both secured and succeeded at). And even in law school, I remember students saying under their breath that I was the “affirmative action” student, and one was even so bold to ask if I was taking classes for credit because how could someone who cannot take notes keep up with the curriculum. These experiences will always be there. And there will always be people in work and my personal life who think I am less. I address it by embracing it, accepting their limitations to have an open mind, and I move on. On the flipside, practicing in public accommodation law, I think that people may take me more seriously because of my lived experiences of the ADA. Every single day of my life I am impacted by this statute. I would not be successful if it was not for the ADA, hands-down. Having that unique connection to this important law helps me navigate its complex nature with my clients and I think that those that know about my situation find it beneficial for their situation.

KH: Reed Smith as an organization, and the individuals here, from senior management, down, too many to name individually, have welcomed me as a person and attorney throughout my career. I have had amazing opportunities to work closely with remarkable people and practitioners both at the firm and with clients.

In fact, surviving and excelling as an executive or attorney with a disability in the workplace was the subject of a panel I helped create for Reed Smith’s 2017 Diversity Summit, which looked at different perspectives on Inclusion. It was a panel full of pioneers in disability diversity, with accomplished speakers from the UN Global Compact Guide for Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ABA Commission on Disability Rights, the City of New Haven Department of Services for Persons with Disabilities, the Deaf-Hearing Communication Centre, The Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University, Vanderbilt University, GSK, and others in Reed Smith senior management.

The speakers had an engaging discussion on “covering,” which is a form of self-imposed identity management, where one downplays or disassociates from their identity out of fear of stigma or retaliation. Covering can ultimately sabotage a company’s goal to create an inclusive environment. Rather, Reed Smith and LEADRS promote “self-identification,” which is literally the recognition of one’s own potential and value as an individual with unique qualities. Moreover, many of our clients are similarly dedicated to increasing opportunities and inclusion of individuals with a disability.

WJ: In working with me people are concerned about my knowledge of the law, the process they will have to go through, and how I communicate with them. Because of my command of the law, people take me seriously despite my disability. So, no I haven’t been treated differently.

ML: I think my clients take me more seriously because of my disabilities. When I have conversations with my clients about their experiences, I am able to speak from my own actual experience as opposed to making assumptions based on preconceived notions about what its like to live with a disability.

JS: I certainly hope so. There was a time not too long ago when deaf lawyers who used interpreting in court felt that judges were treating them with kid gloves because of misplaced pity. When the court ruled against the lawyer, the lawyer would express frustration—“If they had just asked me that issue at the argument, I would have explained it to them!”

I have not had that experience. Judges have indeed given me a hard time when they do not agree with the positions that the government is taking in a case. There are some judges who have reputations for being especially difficult with DOJ lawyers. Believe me—they have been difficult with me, too. They didn’t care at all that I was deaf. And that’s the way it should be.

As for my supervisors internally, they’re treating me like everyone else. There’s lots of work to go around, and I’ve been getting plenty of assignments (we all are). If my supervisors don’t like an argument I’ve made in a brief, they tell me to take it out.

NG: How has your disability helped you to be successful?

KF: My disability is my unique characteristic. Uniqueness is a major factor in success. If we were all the same, we would all be unsuccessful. I do not wake up thinking, “My life is terrible because I am disabled and I cannot move my physical body.” Instead, I wake up thinking, “I have an incredibly busy day ahead of me as an attorney at a huge law firm, so I will have to find a way to make it work no matter what.” The disability is a constant. Strategies to navigate the world with a disability is the key to my success. Anything can be accomplished with the right strategies.

KH: There are many measures of success in law. Helping other attorneys with physical and other types of disabilities has helped me be a better leader, lawyer, and person. Our affinity group’s name “LEADRS” was driven by the goals of striving to attract, develop, and retain individuals with disabilities; to serve our clients’ needs with the best-qualified professionals and people, and to take a leading role on these important issues. As a former LEADRS Associate Liaison and current board member, I also enjoy mentoring the personal and professional development of our attorneys with disabilities. This has given me a greater window into the different kinds of adversities that we, as individuals with disability, can face—which, you know, really comes in addition to the challenges and stress of just being an attorney at one of the largest law firms in the world, and in an increasingly competitive legal environment. Perhaps more than anything, having had to overcome numerous obstacles due to my disability, I have also applied that same determination and effort in the practice of law.

WJ: Unfortunately there is some stigma that comes with suffering from a disability. Some people think that because you are wheelchair bound or have trouble learning or have bad eyesight means that you cannot achieve greatness or live your life the way a “normal person” would. Personally and professionally I live my life with a purpose to prove them wrong.

ML: Without hesitation, yes. Although on my own I might not be the most organized person or have the best attention to detail, I think that my ADHD has been a creativity engine for me. The constant mind racing that I live with fuels many outlandish thoughts, but I have trained myself to develop my radical ideas into radical action by working with the talented people I surround myself with every day. While so many of my peers ask, “Why?” my attitude has always been to ask, “Why not?” Without ADHD, I don’t think I see my professional world through this same lens which has helped me achieve incredible success—both financially and in the satisfaction I have with my career—at such a young age.

JS: It’s difficult to answer that question because being deaf is all I’ve known in my life. I have no alternative experiences to which I could compare being deaf.

I am cognizant of deaf (and disability) history. There have been deaf lawyers before me that did not have the legal protections and technology that I (and my fellow deaf lawyer colleagues) enjoy today. I am very grateful for the paths they blazed. I hope that I am doing the same for tomorrow’s deaf lawyers.

NG: What advice would you give to a prospective law student who was nervous about entering the legal profession due to their disability?

KF: I would say that you should seriously consider your physical, emotional, and disability-related needs first and foremost. Figure out how you will manage those things on top of a busy workload. There are options, of course. Alternative work schedules, smaller firms, solo practices—those are strategies to navigate a disability when you are an attorney who wants to practice law and may have significant personal obstacles to overcome. But remember that your client is your priority and you need to make sure that you can organize your own needs as well as the needs of your client. Sometimes the client comes first and that is just the way it is. Asking yourself if you can put yourself and your needs second at times is the really important threshold question to entering the legal profession in my opinion. I think being a lawyer is incredibly difficult, incredibly challenging, but incredibly rewarding and I would not change a thing. Resolving conflict for your clients is the best for after you devote time and effort to their cause, no matter what side of the case caption you are on. I’m happy I chose to pursue this path.

KH: I would say be proud of who are, your strengths, and your courage in overcoming whatever challenges you face, both personally and in your career path. In this way, we can be voice and inspiration for all people, whether or not they have a disability. So, I would also say get involved and be a leader. Furthermore, I encourage people to ask for assistance when they need it—be proactive in informing an employer about your disability and how they can help support you. If a person remains silent about their disability, whether out of concern for stigma, lack of opportunity, or retaliation, it is very difficult for the employer to provide the necessary accommodations which might otherwise lead to greater inclusion, opportunities, and achievement.

Also, talk to us. Reed Smith is committed to widening its outreach to seek qualified attorneys from the widest talent pool to increase the firm’s diversity in all of its manifestations. We partner with clients, law schools, and disability law organizations with similar programs for persons with disabilities to help increase the visibility and inclusion of attorneys with disabilities of all types, visible, nonvisible, physical, and mental.

WJ: Utilize the resources that are available to you. Also, understand that sometimes we let our present circumstances control our future, in that everything that we think of ourselves, of what we can accomplish or not accomplish is based on our current situation. But if we are really going to be successful, if are really going to start to pursue the life you love, you have to ask yourself these questions: Are you willing to that very thing that you are scared of doing? Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone?

Are you willing to endure the scraps, scratches, and bruises that come with being successful in the legal profession? Are you willing to use the negative things that people may say to you, think about you as fuel to propel you to your greatness? If the answer to each of these questions is yes, then I’d say go for it, bearing in mind that anyone that has ever been great has had to overcome obstacles and break barriers.

ML: Everything is possible. Perform an honest analysis of your talents and weaknesses. Spend as much time as possible focusing every day on those areas that are strengths for you, and figure out how you can minimize the relevance or importance in your daily life of those areas that you determine are weaknesses. I know this works because I do it every day!

JS: I do not have the experiences with respect to other disabilities. But with respect to deaf prospective law students, I would tell them that it gets easier every year. For example CART program in 1993 when I first started law school it still had a two-or-three second delay in translation. That type of lag can matter in an argument. Today, it’s virtually instantaneous. With respect to actually practicing law, a deaf person should not worry about their deafness being an issue.

That being said, there are challenges to overcome. While there are several deaf lawyers who have made partner at their respective firms, I believe that most of them are “service” partners doing work and are not the rainmakers at their firms. Convincing clients to have a deaf lawyer be “first chair” and/or the primary source of contact for a matter is still a challenge. But that’s really a discussion for another day…

(B3) How the Legal Industry Lets Down Lawyers with Disabilities

Brandon Lowrey (Law 360 8/13/2018)

Anat Maytal wears her hair down at work. Always down. She wore it down in college, and in law school, and when she dazzled hiring partners at BakerHostetler to get her first job. She wears it down in court.

It is a statement as well as an omission; when Maytal wears her hair down, it ensures that her cochlear implant device and hearing aid aren’t the first things people notice about her. “I have that privilege,” she said. “Other people with disabilities that are more visible don’t have that option. I’m very much aware of that.”

Her “deaf accent,” as she calls it, is fairly subtle. She lives in New York and went to school in Boston, and she says some people who pick up on it tend to assume she’s just from somewhere else. Maytal is open about her disability. She’s enjoyed success and support at Baker Hostetler and is a founder of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Bar Association. But she says the idea of allowing colleagues and clients to judge her by her disability at first sight still makes her uneasy.

In a profession marked by the hypercompetitive pursuit of clients and partnership slots, experts say lawyers often face pressure to downplay any disability because of the risk of facing bias and stigma. And while many law firms offer affinity groups for female, minority and LGBTQ attorneys, fewer mention disabilities in their diversity efforts. For disabled attorneys, this can make the legal profession a lonely place. A recent survey of law firms found that fewer than 1 percent of attorneys had disclosed a disability to their firm, while direct polls of lawyers report higher numbers.

And the profession may be getting lonelier still. Just five years after its formation, the National Association of Attorneys with Disabilities is in the process of dissolving. It was run by volunteers who tried to form a team of professional managers but couldn’t find enough money or support, and the group struggled to attract active members. Its counterpart for law students, founded in 2007, has allowed its website registration to lapse and hasn’t posted on its Facebook page in over a year.

People with disabilities tend to be the most overlooked minority group, said John Quain, a retired Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC senior partner who now sits on the board of the National Organization on Disability. “Just listen to any major politician give their standard stump speech,” said Quain, who is mostly blind. “They always talk about how we need to make sure America is for all people. They say it’s for every race, gender, LGBTQ — and then they stop.”

Even trying to count attorneys who have disabilities is an exercise in frustration.

The National Association for Law Placement polled law firms and found that about 0.6 percent of their associates and 0.4 percent of partners reported having disabilities, according to a December 2017 report. An American Bar Association membership survey in 2013 that went to attorneys, rather than to firms, found the number of attorneys with disabilities to be closer to 8 percent. Meanwhile, about 12.8 percent of the noninstitutionalized U.S. population has a disability, according to a Cornell University analysis of 2016 census data.

James Leipold, NALP’s executive director, told Law360 that his organization’s disability figures are almost certainly underreported, in part because NALP relies on lawyers to self-report their disabilities to their firms. Attorneys with disabilities could be working at firms in greater numbers than anyone knows, but simply aren’t open about it, for fear that they might face stigma or discrimination.

“Any perceived ‘weakness,’ even if that perception is based on a misperception, can be a barrier to finding, keeping, and advancing in a job,” Robert T. Gonzales, chair of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Disability Rights, said in an email. “Also, many firms have yet to fully embrace disability as an aspect of diversity and inclusion, and therefore disclosure is frequently accompanied by isolation and marginalization, with little or no support system in place.”

The Commission put out a “Pledge for Change” in 2014 that called on legal employers to include people with disabilities in their diversity initiatives. Among other steps, the ABA urged signatories to form affinity groups for attorneys who have disabilities or family members with disabilities, and collect disability demographic data. Only 23 of the 100 largest law firms have signed that pledge.

In response to an email survey by Law360, 22 of the 100 largest U.S. firms said they explicitly include people with disabilities in their diversity statements. Of those, 13 said they maintain initiatives like affinity groups to recruit, support and retain attorneys with disabilities. The other 78 firms — including 12 that had signed the ABA pledge — did not respond to the survey or declined to participate.

Several firms that responded to Law360’s survey noted efforts that went above and beyond those two measures. Dentons, for instance, said it has held panel discussions featuring disability advocates on advancing diversity and inclusion within and outside of the firm. It also offers a fellowship for lawyers with disabilities, and it is hosting an open, online discussion about inclusion at the firm, among other initiatives.

The Disability Equality Index, a project by the American Association of People with Disabilities and business-to-business network Disability:IN, included just a single law firm — Steptoe & Johnson LLP — in its list of best places to work in 2018. The firm recently renovated its main office in Washington, D.C., with accessibility in mind. It also offers support and assistive technologies to attorneys who need them, and it has a strong disability rights pro bono practice, a spokeswoman said. Fewer than a half-dozen law firms participated in the Disability Equality Index, and Steptoe was the only firm to earn high enough marks to rank among the more than 100 businesses that were honored, according to an official with the project.

“My impression, to be quite honest with you, is I think it has been something that really hasn’t been given a lot of energy by a lot of firms,” said Rebecca Glatzer, a managing director for legal recruiting firm Major Lindsey & Africa. “Unless the attorney themself is raising their hand and saying, ‘This is an issue and I need accommodations,’ it’s really gotten a lot of short shrift.”

There are a few reasons for this, according to Glatzer and other disability rights advocates. Few law firms openly encourage people with disabilities to apply and provide points of contact for applicants to request accommodations during the interviewing and hiring process. There is also great pressure to downplay disabilities in BigLaw environments. Competitiveness is baked into the profession from the moment prospective law students take the LSAT.

Firms judge new attorneys on the prestige of their law schools, whether they were able to snag envied clerkships or impressive internships, and where they fell on their class curves. The competition doesn’t end there; associates then vie for partner positions, and partners fight for equity status. Attorneys often fear that disclosing disabilities could cause others to wrongly see them as weak or unreliable, pushing that next brass ring out of reach, Glatzer said.

Glatzer described it as a chicken-or-egg scenario: If attorneys don’t disclose their disabilities, then firms just carry on as usual without giving thought to their accommodations — or even to simple improvements that could greatly improve the attorneys’ quality of life. This, in turn, reinforces their hesitance to come forward.

Rachael Langston, chair of the Bar Association of San Francisco Equality Subcommittee on Disability Rights and a senior staff attorney at Legal Aid at Work, said that avoiding discrimination in the context of disability can’t always be done passively. “It sometimes requires more of an active role than simply treating everyone in the exact same way,” she wrote in an email. “It’s about having a culture of wanting to help one another and valuing the employees you have, whatever their individual situations may be, and really having conversations about what people might need to fully participate and excel in the workplace.” She said this might mean actively offering accommodations like flexible work schedules, or ensuring social functions are accessible to everyone, down to the height of the cocktail tables.

As the industry is now, Jason Goitia — who may be the National Association of Attorneys with Disabilities’ last president — told Law360 that attorneys who are able to hide their disabilities often opt to remain in the closet. “I think there’s a culture that asks people to be inauthentic and suppress any perceived weakness,” Goitia said.

Entering the legal industry, Maytal chose not to disclose her disability when she interviewed at BakerHostetler. After joining the firm, though, she found support from her colleagues. She recalled one of her first trips to a New York federal courthouse in 2011, accompanying partner Oren Warshavsky. As they prepared, Warshavsky asked her if she had brought her specialized microphone that would allow her to keep up with the hearing.

Maytal answered that she hadn’t. She didn’t want to cause a disruption, even at the cost of missing some of what was being said. Worse, she would not be able to discern certain key subtleties, like the tone of the discussions, that may not come across in the transcripts. You have the technology, so you should use it, Warshavsky told her. Why should you miss a thing? “I think first she was a little surprised that I brought it up,” Warshavsky said in a recent interview. “I don’t think she was accustomed to people looking out for her.”

According to Maytal, Warshavsky’s question her led to a life-changing realization: This wasn’t only about her, but it was about her ability to represent her client. She had the technology and the right to accommodate her disability. By letting fear rule her, she said, she would be disabling herself. “I can’t let this little insecurity thing affect me,” Maytal said.

She has since gotten to know many judges and plotted courses through the pitfalls of each courthouse and office she frequents. She knows which chairs in the conference rooms allow her clear views of everyone else’s faces so she can read lips, and that New York state courts have better acoustics than federal courts but lack the federal courts’ reliable, real-time transcription. But it still takes insistence. To get one of those conference room chairs, she must insist on it, even if that means asking a senior partner to move. She must approach the bench and insist that the judge use her microphone — or that the opposing counsel must speak up. “It’s intimidating every time,” she said. “I just hide it better every time.”

William Goren founded the National Association of Attorneys with Disabilities in 2013, after he repeatedly failed to secure a seat at the diversity table at bar associations and other advocacy groups. Everyone fixated on the differences between people with disabilities and other minority groups, rather than the common struggles they faced, he said. This could have served as a warning.

Goren, who is deaf and experiences painful joint conditions that prevent him from typing, had envisioned pulling together all attorneys with any disabilities to push for common acceptance, support and policy reform under a common banner. But it didn’t take long for members to split apart. He said he was stunned at the lack of willingness of members to try to understand others who have different types of impairments.

“People with disabilities wind up attacking each other rather than combining and saying, ‘Let’s look at the forest instead of the trees,’” he said. Disillusioned, tired and busy with family, Goren ended up leaving just a couple of years after founding it. Membership rose and fell, topping out at around 40 or 50 members at any given time, the group’s leaders said.

Quain, the former Buchanan Ingersoll partner with the National Organization on Disability, said the fragmentation that Goren described is a major stumbling block for disability rights groups. “The disability community is so fragmented,” he said. Wheelchair users and the blind might have different needs, he added, “but both sides can’t get work.”

Smaller organizations with similar missions, but split by disability type or geography, have persisted and remain active. The organizations offer places to network, discuss challenges and push for change, though they may lack the broader scope to which the NAAD had aspired. Maytal helped to found one such group, the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Bar Association, in 2014. After Goren left NAAD, he joined up with her. “Since I left, I suppose in some ways, I’m as guilty as anybody,” he said. “It’s a very comfortable place for me to be because the people at that bar association know what it means to be deaf.”

Maytal, the current president of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Bar Association, is part of a new generation of attorneys with disabilities, perhaps the first with the benefit of similarly disabled mentors. She met two of her major influences on internet bulletin boards catering to the deaf and hard of hearing while she was still an undergrad in the early 2000s, before social media truly took off.

She had originally wanted to become a prosecutor, so she reached out to Jonathan Berger. Berger had joined the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office in 1998 to become its first deaf trial attorney. Berger said he felt like a guinea pig when he was hired. No one was sure what to expect from him. The technology at the time didn’t lend itself to what he wanted to do. He relied on an FM system — a device made up of a microphone and a receiver that amplifies a speaker’s voice — that could only accommodate one speaker at a time. He persuaded someone at his device manufacturer, Comtek, to hack together several devices so that he could hear three voices at once: the judge, the opposing counsel, and the witness or prospective juror being questioned.

Berger gained experience managing some complicated white collar cases and grand jury investigations. When he caught his first trial, he was petrified. He knew he had to do something that had possibly never been done before. “It was a long case, and I won it,” he said. “I remember when I finished, I sat there at the table. The first thing that came across my mind was, ‘Oh my God, I did it.’ That moment is just — we all have these experiences, these moments when it’s just so special. These moments in our lives we remember. That was one of them for me.”

He first saw Maytal’s name while looking through scholarship applications for the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. He felt she was an impressive candidate, and she ultimately received a law school scholarship. A couple of years later, in the mid-to-late 2000s, Maytal reached out to him online. He met up with her for greasy cheeseburgers at a Manhattan diner and told her about the possibilities open to deaf attorneys like them. Berger, now an intellectual property and white collar defense lawyer at Levisohn Berger LLP, still occasionally meets up with her to discuss their trade.

John Stanton, a former Howrey LLP and Holland & Knight LLP attorney who now works as appellate counsel for the U.S. Department of Justice, has mentored Maytal in the ways of BigLaw. Stanton decided he wanted to be a lawyer when he was a high school student touring Harvard University in the 1980s. An assistant dean of admissions asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. Stanton replied that he wasn’t sure, but he was thinking about law school. The assistant dean remarked that he’d read there were only maybe eight deaf lawyers in the United States. “That’s where I went from kind of thinking about it to, OK, that’s the plan,” he said.

When it became clear that Maytal was destined for a career in BigLaw rather than at a district attorney’s office, she increasingly relied on Stanton’s advice on how to navigate firm politics and avoid creating discomfort around her deafness. In an area of BigLaw where mentorship is severely lacking, Berger and Stanton, along with others of their generation, have provided encouragement and guidance for new lawyers like Maytal. And Maytal, though she is early in her career, has already served as a beacon for others.

Just ask Michael Sabella. Sabella is hearing-impaired, and his credentials outpaced his expectations when he entered the job market. He had a J.D. and an LL.M. with a bankruptcy focus from St. John’s University School of Law, plus a four-year clerkship with a New York federal bankruptcy judge. But he was nervous about applying to BigLaw firms and felt uneasy about revealing his disability.

He got his first job at a small firm on Long Island. He didn't feel comfortable enough there to be completely open about his disability. When he had an opportunity to jump to BakerHostetler in 2016, he was intrigued. He had heard that Maytal worked there through a mutual friend. Since someone else who is deaf had made it there, Sabella figured it was a safe place.

Maytal had avoided discussing her disability at her own job interview years earlier. Sabella did not know this. In his interview, he decided to take a much different approach. The two partners giving him the initial interview asked him why he wanted to work at Baker. Sabella mentioned that he found the firm’s work on the Bernard Madoff Ponzi case impressive. He then offered another reason. “I noticed you have brochures and you say you’re committed to diversity,” he recalled telling them. “I want to make it very clear that I’m both hearing-impaired and I’m gay.” The firm hired him, and he and Maytal quickly bonded on the job.

Recently, Maytal said that she learned that her 2010 job interview with BakerHostetler hadn’t gone exactly as she had thought. The interviewers who hired her did, in fact, immediately suspect she had a hearing disability, she said, but they concluded that it only made her past accomplishments all the more impressive. “That’s another moment where you think, ‘Huh,’” Maytal said. “You’re so used to seeing the disability seen as a negative, and someone here at a BigLaw firm sees it as a positive.”


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