Global Training Institute

Book: Excuse me your life is waiting (2000)

Author: Lynn Grabhorn

Date: May 27, 2002

10 Key Concepts:

1. We create by feeling, not by thought! You have to feel it into being. The law of attraction is absolute.

2. We are energy ….all energy is vibrating….that means me

3. When you are feeling up, filled with joy and gratitude, our emotions are sending out high frequency vibrations that will magnetize only good stuff back to us, meaning anything with the same high vibratory frequency that matches what we are sending out. Like attracts like

4. We are able to magnetize into our lives whatever in the world we desire by controlling the feelings that come from our thoughts.

5. Our emotional focus on the lack of what we had was continuing to magnetize more of the same back into our experience, usually bigger and meaner and nastier than the month before….We get what we emotionally focus on! Focus on what we want with passion and excitement and presto!

6. Focus on what we want and it will come if we don’t sabotage it

7. The reality is we have come here to thrive and prosper and live this grand human experience in light hearted joy, not in struggle and pain. Wisdom that slowed us to create our passions with simple intent.

8. Want it and feel it

9. As self-serving as it may sound, we came here to this blessed planet with only one intent: to find ways to feel good most of the time, not just some of the time

10. Original intent always manifests as desire…desire for anything that will get our passion going….

11. It’s the feelings that create the magnetism and the vibration in the waves we send out. It is the feelings, the feelings, the feelings…that come from our thoughts

12. Wants…it is important we understand what it is that gives joy and passion to our lives and makes life worth living

13. If we are to unleash that power we call passion where we can finally live closer to the frequency of our natural selves in profound joy, we have got to go beyond the obvious….way beyond

14. The key to having whatever your most divine heart desires – bar none – is finding a way to feel good about your want…..just feel good about it.

15. Want is to find ways to feel splendid about that want instead of discouraged….Once you know what you want, you must find the feeling place of having that want, while at the same time staying out of the feeling place of not having it.

16. To help a want magnetize in, we need to get our juices running so we can to flow out as much positive, excited energy as possible. One of the best ways to do that is to talk about the “whys” of wanting something

17. Why of wanting something you begin to latch onto it in feeling. You get more turned on more passionate. And you are creating a whole lot more sixteen-second intervals to flow highly charged very magnetic energy.

18. Ask yourself over and over why you want something, and keep asking and keep asking, and keep asking, even when you think you have no more answers. Then pretty soon you will be in dreamland feeling marvelous….just where you need to be in to magnetize this thing in.

19. The universe gives up precisely and only what we are vibrating in every moment of every day….you have to taste it, feel it , smell it, and love it.

20. Intending is sort of combination of I want and I expect.

21. The more we intend, the more we are using that high-frequency energy which quickly becomes a two-way street; the more we use it, the more of it we are getting

22. Feel the power behind it and you will be amazed at what transpires

23. Nothing affects our experience except how we flow our energy

24. You don’t have to change it; you just have to stop focusing on it! The problem will no longer be the focal point of your life. Switch focus….about what is you want…..the longer you can stat in that higher frequency, the quicker your unwanted condition will begin to dissipate.

25. Tender-talk it out…Now! Just remember, however, fast your want come is directly related to how fast and how permanently you can switch your focus off what is keeping you in a negative vibration and on where you want to go

26. Insist that you will do whatever you can to find and maintain any amount of feel good energy

27. No circumstances are beyond our control. Realization that it is not what I do-do-do that makes a difference in my life, but how I am flowing my energy.

28. With our focus held enthusiastically on what we prefer in life, the right moves to make come to us from a place of open valve inspiration. Action becomes a joy instead of a “have to”

29. Finding a way to become exited about what it will be changing into will flow positive energy and get the desired revisions started.

30. Our emotions register first in our adrenal gland which is why, when we are startled or frightened, we experience that rush in the pit of our stomach, or solar plexus, where the adrenals are located….The more I buzzed, the more business I’d get, so I’d buzz even more. It was magic

31. Running my energy became such a routine pastime, I could almost forecast how much business would come in by the intensity and frequency of my buzzing

32. Bring your heat’s desire as an offering to this feeling and immerse that desire reverently into the healing energies of that remembered feeling… forth deeply cherished and very private moments.

33. The vibration of appreciation is the most profoundly important frequency we can hold, for it is the closest thing to cosmic love that exists

34. One minute of flowing the intense energy of appreciation overrides thousands of hours spent in victim or flat-line modes. There has to be that surge of significant emotion flowing up from the depths of your being for this to work

35. The vibration of appreciation is also the heist fastest vibration we can use for attraction

36. The spiral has begun. The more the ideas poured in the more exited I would get, the more excited I would get, the more the ideas would pour in…..

37. Inspired action and fear based action – positive versus negative

38. The point is to get off auto pilot and pay attention. Listen! Stay alert for the little push, watch for signs, tune in to hunches. If it feels good it is guidance

39. The cosmic joke is that we were designed to do just that, to live by our senses, not by our brains. But over the eons we have learned to think our responses instead of feel them, totally backwards from the way all the rest of nature lives.

40. You listen and do, listen and do, listen and do, trusting your guidance without hesitation

41. Expect it listen, and allow the universe to bring it

42. If your want has not shown up in whatever you consider to be a reasonable amount of time, it simply means you have been more in the feeling place of not having it, and less in the feeling place of having it

43. That is when it is time to let it be okay – let it be okay – that your want has not shown up yet

44. Next check out your intensity of energy flow. The greater your excitement, the more ardent your passion; and the more ardent your passion, the faster you manifestation.

45. If you get turned on and really buzzing about this thing for just ten or fifteen minutes every day, it will be in your face before you know it, providing you keep your focus off its absence

46. You may have been flowing energy passionately toward a subject with wide-open valve, doing everything by the book, flowing with the force of a space shuttle rocket and still have a no-show on your hands. Timing! It simply may not be the best time for this want to happen if your are derive from it all your desire. Step back, relax and let the universe and your guidance do their things. The key is always is focus

47. Passion is creation…..passion makes it happen….passion is living it is feeling the power. That force is life, that force is passion and passion comes from the excitement of having something in the making. Contentment on the other hand comes from looking a something already achieved. Passion is fuel

48. The more passionate you will become….as you focus on your want

49. Passion is a strong inner knowing. It is a quiet sureness that life no longer has you by the ear lobes, and that the tiger you are holding by the tail is actually you

50. Then follow your joy! Go smell more roses, watch more sunsets, find more grass to walk barefoot on, visit more favorite restaurants, laugh more….

51. If you are spending some time each day talking about each of your wants, not worrying about if or when they are coming, not trying to force the how to’s of bringing them in, staying plugged into your guidance and following it without hesitation, those wants will come. By your own power, they must

52. You are not separate from the power of creative life force…that power is your power, because that power is you. And your power, like the divine laws by which it is governed is absolute

53. Creating a new script is nothing more than making up a grand little daydream and stepping into it emotionally. You have got to get into your daydream emotionally

54. Just remember, you must feel the passion behind every word

55. Make believe or not, you are creating a new magnetic vortex with your virgin images and impassioned feelings. Just don’t make your story so outlandish that your can’t get into the feelings, or you have defeated the purpose.

56. You speak it and feel it the way you want it to be if you were living your fantasy this very moment, unfolding an ever-broadening variety of savory descriptions until you feel the whole thing click in and become real. You become so caught up in the daydream, it is like you are living it this very moment. You are no longer a reactor to condition, you have become a creator of conditions

57. $100.00 trick – imagine spending it 1000 time

58. Paving the way is used more for intangibles….the way you want things to happen….intend on great outcomes….arrange your day….spend time seeing and feeling the way you want the meeting to go…seeing the outcome….pre pave the day…..send your energy ahead…

59. Emotionally spend money on what you want again and again and again to give the energy outlets into which to flow. Decide what to do with it first; that is the asking that allows the energy to move in…The energy of money needs outlets, no outlets, no money

60. I want to learn to receive….dollars come in or stay away in direct proportion to the negative energy we are – or are not vibrating.

61. Keep your valve open….Get into a good feeling place…..and get your own valve open before you do any thinking about the person.

62. What if….game….p.244

63. Laugh more and lighten up

64. Freedom to exist as we desire, freedom to acquire, to prosper to excel…

65. Major don’ts – p. 296….Major do’s – p. 299

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