Law School Application Calendar

Law School Application Calendar

For students wishing to enter Law School in the Fall:


● Sign up for the October LSAT.


● Sign up for the Law School Data Assembly Service.

● Make an appointment with your faculty advisor or Allison Graham in the

College of A&S

● Secure application materials ().

● Register for the LSAT if you haven’t already done so.

● Attend the Law School Fair.

● Write your personal statements and/or essays (Specialists at the BGSU Writing

Center are available to assist you with this process-call 372-2221 or visit 303

Moseley Hall to set up an appointment). Many advisors will also be happy to

look over your document for you.


● Submit recommendation forms to professors, contacts, college office, etc. You’re

encouraged to use the Law School Letter of Recommendation Service, which

sends all recommendations directly to law schools. If not using this service,

include an addressed, stamped envelope with your form.

● Turn in applications to law schools.


● Turn in any applications not already turned in.


● Follow up on submitted applications, making sure that all required materials

have been received.


● Weigh all offers you are extended from various law schools. When you have

chosen the right school for you, notify other schools of your decision.

● If you are waitlisted for your first choice school, see an advisor or the pre-law

programs coordinator for advice.


● Pay a deposit to the school in which you will be attending. If you’re on a waitlist

for your first-choice school, pay a deposit to your second choice school.

● Order an official transcript from the Office of Registration & Records, 110

Administration Building. Make sure you ask them to not send it until Spring

grades are in.


● Please contact the College of Arts & Science’s pre-law advisor and let us know

where you’ll be attending.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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