Information Sheet

Information Sheet

The Johnson & Nicholson, PLLC has agreed to provide you with legal representation regarding your injury and/or disability. During our initial conference, you gave us the information you had about the accident and/or disability, as well as some background information concerning yourself. The information you supplied will be kept confidential, as will any other facts that come into our possession, whether supplied by you or by any other source.

This information sheet is being provided as a guide and as a reminder, since we realize it is sometimes hard to remember everything covered in our initial conference.

1. Avoid discussing the details of your case with anyone other than members of

your immediate family.

2. If a representative from the insurance company for the Defendant wants to

discuss the details of the case with you, explain that your lawyer has

instructed you to ask the insurance company to contact him/her.

3. Keep all of the data concerning your case in a folder. This will help avoid the

common problem of having information lost or misplaced. Our office will be

glad to provide you with copies of any documents you leave with us.

4. Please keep a journal, or simply make notes on a pad, to maintain a record of

your progress and activities. Keeping a written record will help you when you

are called upon to recall dates and describe significant observations and events

experienced by you as a result of the accident.

Be sure to note visits to the doctor's office, physical therapy treatments, things

you are not able to do as fast or as well as you could before your injury, when

you were able to stop using crutches or canes, when a cast was removed, the

number of pain pills you took each day, when you were first able to leave the

house, and anything else you regard as significant.

5. If we ask you to bring us medical bills, letters, photographs, income tax

returns, names of witnesses, or anything else, please bring or send them to us

as soon as possible.

6. During the time your case is going on, there will be legal matters attended to

by us that will not require your attention. We do not make it a practice to call

you or advise you when these things occur for two reasons: first, you should

not be burdened with most of the legal procedures we are performing on your

behalf; and second, it would take valuable time that we need in conducting the

routine legal matters on your case. If you do not hear from our office for an

extended period of time, rest assured that this is normal and routine. Keep in

mind that we will promptly advise you of any significant developments in

your case.

7. Save any empty boxes, bottles or tubes of medicine that were prescribed by

any of the doctors treating you. Do not bring the containers to our office until

requested to do so, but, do find a convenient location where they can be safely

stored for future use.

8. NEVER, NEVER miss a doctor's appointment. You may reschedule a

doctor's appointment, but never fail to show up for a scheduled appointment.

If you fail to show up, the defense will claim part of your trouble is failure to

follow the doctor's orders.

9. If you are having financial difficulty, we will be happy to direct letters to any

of your creditors explaining your situation and that you intend to make good

on any indebtedness at the earliest opportunity. However, it is the policy of

most hospitals and doctor's offices to require payment immediately upon

rendering the service. The bar association prohibits lawyers from lending

money to their clients. If we were to lend you money, the law association

could suspend the law license of the attorney who lent you the money.

10. In order that we may keep our files up to date, please keep us advised as to

when you have doctors' appointments scheduled, any referrals to specialists,

physical therapy received, hours missed from work due to your injuries, and

your general condition (limitations in physical activities, etc.).

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.




Office and Post Office Address

223 East Blvd., # 3

P.O. Box 30534

Charlotte, NC 28230

Telephone: (704) 375-1911

Facsimile: (704) 375-1919


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