6. The sunspot cycle reaches a maximum of peak activity ...

1. Sunspots moving across the surface of the sun provides evidence that it2. Which layers of the sun can be viewed during an eclipse? 3. The fusion reaction that produces the sun’s energy occurs in which layer? 4. The apparent yellow surface of the sun is the 5. The sun is composed of 6. The sunspot cycle reaches a maximum of peak activity every years.7. The outer most layer of the sun’s atmosphere, the “crown,” is the 8. The sun exists in a state of matter called 9. The force that keeps the planets in orbit around the sun is 10. Plasma currents rise and fall (like a boiling pot of water) in the 11. Describe how heat is transferred from the Sun’s core to the Earth.Define the following terms:12. Sunspots 13. Solar Wind 14. Solar Flares 15. Solar Prominence 1. Sunspots moving across the surface of the sun provides evidence that it2. Which layers of the sun can be viewed during an eclipse? 3. The fusion reaction that produces the sun’s energy occurs in which layer? 4. The apparent yellow surface of the sun is the 5. The sun is composed of 6. The sunspot cycle reaches a maximum of peak activity every years.7. The outer most layer of the sun’s atmosphere, the “crown,” is the 8. The sun exists in a state of matter called 9. The force that keeps the planets in orbit around the sun is 10. Plasma currents rise and fall (like a boiling pot of water) in the 11. Describe how heat is transferred from the Sun’s core to the Earth.Define the following terms:12. Sunspots 13. Solar Wind 14. Solar Flares 15. Solar Prominence ................

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