A 1.2.2 Center of Gravity - Dillon's Aerospace World

Activity 1.2.2 Center of GravityIntroductionIf an object falls toward the Earth without air resistance, about what point will it tend to rotate? The center of gravity is where the mass of an object is concentrated or balanced. Therefore, an object tends to rotate about that point. Air resistance affects this rotation. In this activity you will calculate the location of the center of gravity for an aircraft which affects its stability.EquipmentPencilCalculatorProcedureDetermine if the aircraft below is loaded within the manufacturer’s recommendation. The pilot weights 165 lb and there is no co-pilot. The rear seat passengers weigh 251 and 296 lb. There is 98 lb of baggage and 58 lb of fuel onboard.ItemForceWeight (lb)DistanceArm (in.)Moment (in.-lb)M = FdM = weight ● armEmpty Weight1,46037.454604Pilot16537.06105Co-Pilot037.00Fuel5845.32627.4Rear seat passenger(s)54772.839821.6Baggage9894.99300.2Total2328112458.2If the aircraft is not loaded according to the manufacturer’s recommendation then suggest an alternative loading scenario so that the aircraft is safely loaded.ItemForceWeight (lb)DistanceArm (in.)Moment (in.-lb)M = FdM = weight ● armEmpty Weight1,46037.454605Pilot16537.06105Co-Pilot037.00Fuel5845.32627.4Rear seat passenger(s)25172.818272.4Baggage9894.99300.2Total2328112458.2ConclusionWhat factors will affect the center of gravity of an aircraft?The overall weight of the aircraft and how this weight is distributed tyhroughout the plane. The center of gravity will shift according to the weight is distributed.Explain why calculating the center of gravity of an aircraft is so important?Calculating the center of gravity as in the activity allows for a pilot to make sure that his plane is within the allowable range for safe flight that is given by the manufacturer. The allowable range in this example is represented by the two graphs. ................

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