INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each line item with an answer in the appropriate box. For those line items cannot be answered with “Yes” or “No” answer using the comments section or combination.3.2.0 Additional RequirementsYESNOCOMMENTS3.2.1Technical support must be available 7:00a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Central Time at no additional cost during the work week and provide a contact for after hour emergencies.emergencies.3.2.2Annual costs of technical support and software upgrades included3.2.3Allow for one designated librarian per campus to contact technical support.3.3.0 Conversion, Implementation & Training3.3.1Data conversion from the Horizon Library Management system.3.3.2Conversion cost includes multiple conversions if needed to meet LCISD requirements3.4.0 Support Services3.4.1Outline how your organization providessupport and maintenance to your current customers. Include user groups, disaster recovery services, process for enhancement request and software bug fixes.3.4.2Include details about your website where customers can access information on common problems.3.5.0 References3.5.1General experience of vendor with five(5) references. Two should be a Texas School District utilizing Skyward Student Information System. One should be of comparable size to LCISD.3.5.2Description of work performed for K-12School Districts and other Education Clients during the last five years, including current projects. Include work performed for LCISD, if applicable.YESNOCOMMENTS3.5.3For each project, provide the following:client name, number of students, number of employees, detailed description of project, project contact, technical contact (if different from project contact), client and technical contact phone numbers and email addresses, client physical address, and project start and finish dates.3.5.4Description of your most successful project to date.3.5.5List all installations for School Districtsin Texas.3.5.6List any other relevant experience.3.6.0 Warranty and Reliability3.6.1Does any portion of the solution include a service not operated by LCISD? If so, then please describe the portion or simply state the”Entire Service” if the solution is an ASP product.3.6.2Does the provider have liability insurance from which LCISD could seek compensation?3.6.3Does the solution provide for data privacy and security? Please describe.3.7.0 Evaluation Factors for pleteness of the proposal and required forms and attachments2.System meets current functional requirements3.System is customizable and scalable to meet future functional requirements4.The extent to which the product andservices meet the Districts needs5.The district’s previous history of thecontractor quality of goods and/or services based on past work and references6.Experience and service with otherTexas school Districts7.Implementation plan8.Pricing and overall value to the district9.Service and Support (Quality & ease of vendor support)10.Warranty and warranty history11.Vendor Business Capabilities:YESNOCOMMENTS> Responsiveness of the proposal related to the scope of the work> The ability, capacity, and skill of the proposer to perform the services on a timely basis> Reputation of the supplier as evidenced by LCISD and outside referrals> Experience and qualifications of thebusiness and individual members of the business in accomplishing similar services> The sufficiency of financial resources and ability of business to perform the contract.> Past performance in the area of customer support will play an important part in the evaluation of proposals3.12.0 General Specifications should provide:3.12.1Seamless integration of all functional modules (Circulation, Cataloging, PAC, etc)3.12.2Internet access from the same workstation with the ability to quickly move between all modules3.12.3Interoperability (SchoolsInteroperability Framework).3.12.4Federated Searching Capabilities/ Electronic Resource Management (ERM): Contains subscription and licensing information for electronic journals, full text databases, and eBooks. video clips3.12.4.2Accommodates educator approved web sites3.12.5Centralized management of resources at different school sites.3.12.6Ability to correlate resources with state or local standards3.12.7Interface: Includes icons or photos as well as text and links for eBooks3.12.8Web-based PAC with varying age appropriate interfaces (Kids PAC).YESNOCOMMENTS3.12.9Search capabilities supporting multiple search methods and allow users tosort results in multiple ways.3.12.10Ability for administrator to make changes on a global level, as well as, controlling or restricting access to certain resources by campus.3.12.11Additional add-ons: widgets, calendar, announcements, reservations, scheduling feature and book request.3.13.0 Technical Specifications should provide:3.13.1A technological life span of at least 10 years.3.13.2Ability to operate in a MS Server network environment.3.13.3Ability to operate on multiple devices (PCs, Mac, iPads, iPods, Kindles, Nooks, smartphone interfaces, etc).3.13.4Adaptability to expand with the LCISDcommunications network3.13.5System security through hierarchical levels of access to modules and parts of modules.3.13.6Capability for expansion should additional branches be constructed3.13.7Integration with security/antivirus systems available on the market (McAfee)3.13.8Information on the following infrastructure specifications: for campus workstations3.13.8.2Specifications for cataloging workstations3.13.8.3Frequency of software upgrades3.13.8.4Models of scanners compatible with the system3.13.9Ability to interface with existingSkyward student information system so that students registered for school and staff members will beautomatically registered in ILS system. Please provide the process for loadingpatron lists into the system.YESNOCOMMENTS3.13.10Ability to use system utilities tomaintain the database and system files. (Example-centrally delete unneeded bibliographic data and expired patron information.)3.13.11Ability to set multiple globalparameters by campus and/or program such as, but not limited to, end of year, extended school year, summer school, holidays, weekends, borrower types, etc.3.13.12Web Based system with no desktop client required3.13.13Ability to print replacement Patron andItem barcodes centrally.3.13.14Screens savers for OPAC (OnlinePublic Access Catalog) computers.3.14.0 The CIRCULATION Subsystem should provide:3.14.1Rapid response with minimum errors in potentially crowded bandwidth situations, even during peak periods.3.14.2The ability to quickly move from one area of the subsystem to another andto perform normal circulation functions with minimum keystrokes or mouse movements.3.14.3Accurate maintenance of fine status on materials or patrons, and rapid resolution of fine problems.3.14.4The ability to interface with database for overdue notices and material recovery3.14.5The ability to interface with multiple self-circulation stations or other industry self-check systems, including RFID systems3.14.6Provide a form of auxiliary circulation locally in case of network breakdown or failure3.14.7Ability to know who has paid for a Lost& Paid book when the book is returned3.14.8Email notification – using existing LCISD MS/Exchange/Outlook email system – Office 3653.14.9Ability to retain Patron fine history; as well as turn off Patron fine historyYESNOCOMMENTS3.14.10Optional audio signal for alerts on overdues, lost books and fines3.14.11Notification by patron name when a lost/paid book is returned; including ability to provide a receipt3.14.12Various permission work levels (administrator, campus librarians, volunteers, student)3.14.13The ability to address lost items (accepts and receipt payment/partial payment/refund found items)3.14.14The ability to create temporary records at the campus level to allow immediate circulation without cataloging3.14.15The ability to use Lamar Consolidated 6 digit student ID for patron identification3.14.16Ability to scan an item and see who previously had checked it out, or who has it now3.14.17The ability to see statistics on the number of times an item has circulated.3.14.18Holds Management – ability to place holds by either item number or title3.14.19Reserves Management3.14.20Inter Library Loan Management (ILL) – including ability to track books loaned to other campuses3.14.21Routing3.14.22Ability to accurately retrieve and modify patron records, current patron status, and reports.3.14.23Patron information should include student name, student ID number, grade level, homeroom teacher, parent’s, home address, parent’s email address,, and phone numbers.3.14.24Ability to search database for holdings using various search terms, ex: title, author, keyword, call number, subject, etc. from within circulation3.14.25Ability to search other campus holdings – ability to pick and choose databasesYESNOCOMMENTS3.14.26Ability to display MARC (MachineReadable Cataloging) record from within the circulation module3.14.27Ability to accumulate weekly, monthlyand yearly circulation statistics3.14.28Ability to search holdings/items3.14.29Ability to edit holdings at a Global level3.14.30Ability to interface with 3rd party RFID Self Checkout and Self Check in stations.3.14.31 Ability to create nonMARC records3.15.0 Inventory Subsystem should provide:3.15.1Technical specifications for additional hardware3.15.2End of year reports generation which can be partial and ongoing3.15.3Reports which show countdown of accounted and unaccounted items.3.15.4The ability for circulation to continue during inventory3.15.5Reports which can be run centrally or by the campus librarian3.15.6Tag tracking3.15.7Tag valuable asset3.15.8Distributing check in/out3.15.9Campus location3.16.0 The Cataloging Subsystem should provide:3.16.1A true Union Catalog consisting of a Global database with Local individualized (campus) databases3.16.2MARC Record Production with:3.16.3> Ready interface with standard bibliographic utilities such as MARC21, OCLC, AACR2, and automatic upgrades3.16.4> Validation ability for indicators inMARC recordYESNOCOMMENTS3.16.5> Numerically arranged tags in aMARC record from batch loading3.16.6> Ability to store URL in the bibliographic record, for access through the OPAC3.16.7> URL checker3.16.8An Integrated Cataloging Workstation with:3.16.9> Templates for books and all types of media3.16.10> MARC tag changes in a local or global database that filter out to all owners of the record3.16.11> Accessible 13 digit and 10 digit ISBN numbers (automatically brings up record when 13 digit ISBN is entered if only 10 digit ISBN is in the MARC record, and vice versa).3.16.12> RDA (Resource Description andAccess) compliancy3.16.13> eBOOK management3.16.14> Any additional costs for each workstation3.16.15> GUI interface and spell check3.16.16 Batch and Individual MARC RecordLoading Capabilities3.16.17> To download MARC records from LCand other websites3.16.18> Batch downloading of MARC records at a central location3.16.19> Automatic overnight loading, fromISBN input3.16.20> The ability to underlay, overlay, create new record in batch loading3.16.21> Provide match points with regards to batch loading3.16.22 Indexing Capabilities withYESNOCOMMENTS3.16.23> The ability to choose which MARC tags and subfields are used for indexing3.16.24> The ability to create local subject tags: 69X3.16.25Authority Control with: 3.16.26> Subject, author, and series control3.16.27> The ability to update, view, edit, and export/import authority records3.16.28Miscellaneous Items with:3.16.29> The means to produce labels foreach processed copy either individually or as a batch process. Provide cost for this service.3.16.30> Ability to edit OPAC display ofMARC tags3.16.31The data conversion process shall provide:3.16.32> Use of existing system barcodes3.16.33> A total conversion time span of 60 days or less, including upload of data and system operation operational.3.16.34> A seamless interface with the main bibliographic database3.16.35> A means to create temporary records into the new ILS3.16.36> Conversion of all nonMARC records.3.16.37> The system should have the ability to fast add records in the system – temporarily adding items with limited effort and the ability to edit or delete the item from the database in the future.3.17.0 The Public Access Catalog module should provide:3.17.1User friendly navigation for the average trained library staff member that is readily explainable to the average student.3.17.2Search access by key word, author, title, subject, call number, date of publication, series, genre, and award books.3.17.3The ability to use “Boolean” search techniques3.17.4The ability to search exclusively at the host (campus) locationYESNOCOMMENTS3.17.5The ability to search in a hierarchy of first at the host location and then expandable to the entire system3.17.6The ability to search all bibliographic record fields using Boolean strategies and can search using Z39.50 protocols3.17.7Web-based3.17.8Access from outside the school environment using patron login and password3.17.9An intuitive spell check feature for use when searching3.17.10User friendly display3.17.11All formats, including book covers and other media items, displayed with search results3.17.12An appropriate interface for younger (elementary) students that is specific to the host (campus) location3.17.13The ability to produce selection lists3.17.14A system generated list of top ten most circulated books at a site3.17.15The ability to search a shortened bibliography3.17.16The ability to expand a brief record to a full bibliographic record with holdings and book status clearly displayed3.17.17The ability to display in multiple languages3.17.18Display of call numbers for each local database holding3.17.19Federated search capabilities tointernet resources and commercial databases selected by the Library System3.17.20Patron initiated capabilities based on log-in authentication3.17.21Off site access to patron’s circulation records3.17.22Renewals3.17.23Holds3.17.24ILL requests3.17.25Tagging (filtered and editable).YESNOCOMMENTS3.17.26Ability to create search reports and print bibliographies by author, title,subject and call number using “Boolean” search strategies or to transmit via email3.17.27Spell check3.18 The Reporting module should provide:3.18.1Standardized Reports that are customizable at campus and district levels3.18.2Circulation Reports3.18.3> Status of all books checked out - listed by grade and teacher number3.18.4> Status of all books checked out - listed by student in alpha order3.18.5> Students with overdue or lost books - listed by teacher number - each # on a separate page3.18.6> Students with lost or overdue books - listed by teacher number - lists title and phone number3.18.7> High school year-end3.18.8> Reports by media code3.18.9> Report by patrons with overdue books, fines and lost books3.18.10> Lost items – all books that havebeen checked out, are overdue and now considered lost; including books that have been paid for or fee waived3.18.11> Dusty book – all items that have notbeen circulated in given time period3.18.12> Heavy circulating items – list of all titles that have had the most circulation in given time period3.18.13> Circulation by call number – monthly/ year-to-date circulation statistics given by call number.3.18.14> Borrower statistics – monthly statistics by borrower type (Pro, Fac, Student).YESNOCOMMENTS3.18.15> Monthly statistics – by grade level.3.18.16> Daily circulation by time and borrower type3.18.17> Circulation by teacher name3.18.18> Overdue books by call number; with option to sort by teacher. Should include original due date, title, barcode number, and price3.18.19> Notices (Notice in letter format to be handed out to individual students or delivered via email)3.18.20> Temporary Items by CampusOverdue3.18.21> Fine3.18.22> Lost3.18.23> Action Letter – Notice in letter format for all students who have overdue or fines or lost books3.19.5 Cataloging Reports3.19.1 Shelf List – Run by call number, with ability to set parameters3.19.2 Title count by call number3.19.3 Age of Collection by Branch3.19.4 Items by funding source3.19.5 Customizable reports generated centrally and/or at the campus level3.19.6 Ability to export data in tab or comma delimited text files or an excel spreadsheet3.19.7Ability to query system for overdues by multiple teachers (not just homeroom)3.19.8Ability to edit report generated letters(ex. Last Action Letter)3.19.9Central reports emailed automatically to appropriate librarian/campus3.19.10Ability to print all reportsYESNOCOMMENTS3.19.11Ability to export and uploadcollection analysis data at campus and global level, that includes at least barcode, location collection, call number, source, price, itype, status, and date added3.20 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION3.20.1A comprehensive description of yoursystem and an estimated cost of installation, data conversion, hardware, annual maintenance, andadministration3.20.2A description of vendor-supplied training, technical support, and documentation3.20.3A complete list of current K-12 users of the described system with contact persons and date of installation ................

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