Leadership Influence and Organizational Culture …

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Leadership Influence and Organizational Culture Influence in Private Schools: A Comparative Multiple Case Study on the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Strategic Leadership

Julia E. Tucker-Lloyd

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Leadership Influence and Organizational Culture Influence in Private Schools: A Comparative Multiple Case Study on the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Strategic Leadership

By Julia Tucker-Lloyd B.A, English, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, 1991 MA.Ed, Curriculum and Instruction, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, 1993

A Dissertation Submitted to: The Faculty of the Graduate School of Education

of The Virginia Commonwealth University In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Education April 2019 Dissertation directed by

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Robin R. Hurst, Ed.D Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, School of Education

Dedication This dissertation is dedicated to my husband, Richard, for his support and encouragement, and to

my children, Marc, Nicholas, and Elizabeth, for their love and belief in me. And

In memory of my grandfather, Matthew Tucker, my first encourager on this educational journey who taught be to believe in myself and to keep moving forward. Kiki, I miss you and I will keep

moving forward.



There is a crowd of people in my life who led me to begin this educational marathon and finish every step. I know as well that it was God who led me to this research and stayed with me each step. I would also like to thank James Gaines, Pat Bowers, Katie Butler, Jennifer Miller, Lorie Williams, Dr. Bruce Hunter, Andrea Woodard, Chuck Ward, Dr. Marie Teodori and Dr. Mac Grogan, colleagues from four different organizational cultures in the course of my professional life, who encouraged me to complete my doctoral studies in the scholarship areas for which I am passionate. I would like to give particular thanks to Katie Butler, who encouraged me to speak with Dr. Carter at Virginia Commonwealth University when Curriculum and Instruction at another institution just didn't seem to fit for me any longer, after it had been such a great fit for my master's program. Pursuing a doctoral degree that engaged me in adult learning, e-learning, organizational culture and leadership brought me to a place of excitement and engagement and helped me become retroactively fascinated with organizational cultures with which I'd been a part and the dynamics of organizational culture. Thank you, Katie Butler, for encouraging me to get a "second opinion" on my scholarly pursuits. It has made all the difference in the world.

The Urban Services Leadership Program in Adult Learning has been a surprise and delight. I have been able to engage with scholars with a vast array of experiences from all different walks of life. I have a special gratitude for Irene Lubker, Rena, who has been my conference buddy, my study partner for exams, and my encourager when I felt like I wasn't moving forward fast enough.


I want to thank the faculty and staff at the School of Education for their support and direction. I want to recognize Dr. James McMillan, who not only helped me understand qualitative and quantitative research, but also helped me understand the powerful excitement involved in well-designed research. I learned this from the two research courses that Dr. McMillan taught in my program of studies. Dr. McMillan, thank you for asking tough and meaningful questions in every course. The tough and meaningful ones are the most encouraging in the end. Thank you to Dr. Kurt Stemhagen who helped me look less linearly as I tried to determine my area of focus. Most importantly, I want to thank Dr. Robin Hurst for her unflagging engagement with me in my studies. There are so many courses that compete to be "my favorite," -- Groups and Teams, Organizational Culture and Learning, and Seminal Readings. More importantly, these courses for jumping off points for me into the field of HRD and Adult Learning as you consistently encouraged me to be an active member of AHRD and AAACE and engage in those conferences deeply as a scholar-practitioner. These organizations were intersections for business and education, scholarship and practice, and they sharpened my sense of my field and my ability to be a contributor to the fields. Thank you for providing that wonderful intersection between the classroom experience, the conference experience, and that of the scholar-practitioner.

I want to thank my committee for not giving up on me in the stops and starts that this study has undergone. Thank you for understanding the strained balance between life and work as I worked through my dissertation. I could not have done this without your guidance and encouragement; after my prospectus hearing your feedback stimulated new excitement in me about my study. Your comments brought into focus those areas for which I was myopic initially in my conceptual framework. Dr. McMillan, you pushed me to produce more effective writing



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