Recommendation Information Sheet

Recommendation Information Sheet - Mr. Cerbone

Name: _______________________________

Address: _____________________________ e-mail: _____________________________________

_____________________________ Mobile/Home Phone # ________________________

Please indicate the earliest due date for your letters of recommendation: ___________________

My NAVIANCE Electronic submission account is established. Circle one Yes No

My NAVIANCE Electronic submission account will be established by _______________

Career aspirations:


School and Community Activities: (sports, theatre, volunteer work, club involvement, leadership roles…)

Job experience:

Adjectives that describe yourself: (How would your friends/parents/teachers describe you?)

Favorite topic in mathematics – Why?

Describe your most impressive achievement or substantial contribution in my class.

Describe fully our interactions and why you feel that I would be the best person to write a letter of recommendation for you:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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