Brochure - The Coaching Leaders Clinic

( Do you Need to…

|Encourage your managers to take more of a coaching approach to |Find out how coaching can increase your leadership effectiveness? |

|leadership? |Learn new ways to inspire, motivate and relate to your people? |

|Take on more of a coaching style of leadership yourself? |Have more constructive coaching moments with people? |

|Build coaching opportunities into everyday work situations? |Promote team learning, curiosity, innovation and new ways of |

|Convert performance problems into coaching challenges? |thinking? |

|Improve your feedback skills and run better performance appraisals? |Boost initiative, self-responsibility and get others to solve their |

|Help others set their own performance improvement goals and plans? |own problems? |

| |Create a coaching culture at work? |

( Why Take a Coaching Approach?

Coaching is a better way to get the best from the resource you rely on most – your people. It’s a key tool for building the capacity of others to achieve quality outcomes and boost bottom-line business results.

Forward-thinking leaders see the futility of trying to control others and the tangible benefits of adopting a coaching style. They know there’s a direct link between a taking a coaching approach and creating dynamic, performance-based learning cultures where individuals and teams continually improve.

Workplaces with coaching cultures say they notice significant improvements in terms of staff retention, reduced conflict, more open communication, job satisfaction and the general level of happiness and productivity at work.

( Turning Managers into Coaches

More than ever these days, staff seek self-responsibility, autonomy and challenge. They want to be coached – not coerced, bossed around and told what to do. The old command-and-control style of managing has had its day.

Coaching is a much more constructive, emotionally intelligent leadership style than directing and controlling. It brings out people’s creativity and talent which generates motivation, interest and commitment and taps into the deep-seated need we all have to challenge ourselves, achieve things that really matter to us and accomplish results that spring from our own initiative.

Coaching is a more personalised way than training to ensure learning really gets applied at work – and it’s also a powerful way to help people learn how to change too. Managers who have truly effective coaching skills produce significantly better results. People do better work, have more focus, commitment and energy and contribute more to their workplaces in many more ways.

( What’s this Clinic About?

This ‘hands-on’ clinic gives you tools to ‘grow’ your leadership skills and improve your team's performance by incorporating a coaching philosophy into your leadership style and culture.

Many managers want to adopt more of a coaching style of leadership – they simply lack the know-how and confidence. A big step in supporting the transition to a coaching style is to equip leaders with simple tools that work and practice opportunities that assist them to learn how to do this safely. And that’s what The Coaching Leaders Clinic is designed to do. It will help you:

← See what coaching’s all about and what’s involved when leaders play a coaching role

← Incorporate coaching into your current role and identify coaching opportunities at work

← Learn how to use some practical coaching models to guide your approach

← Practise using some key coaching tools and activities to build your confidence

← Find ways to engage people in coaching and take them through a typical coaching cycle

← Integrate the 5 Leadership Learning Disciplines into your coaching approach

( A Profile of the Program...

This practise-intensive clinic combines coaching case studies and your own real-life scenarios with action learning and Peter Senge’s 5 Leadership Learning Disciplines.

You’ll be involved in safe, solo reflection and pairs practice activities – and you walk-away with a 100+ page kit of easy-to-apply tools, tried-and-tested in our extensive coaching work with executives, managers and leaders, to get your coaching work off to a good start. Here are some of the topics we cover in The Coaching Leader’s Clinic:

|DAY 1: Looks at the leadership coaching role, coaching frameworks, the|DAY 2: Features more extensive practice with a range of coaching |

|coaching cycle and how the 5 Disciplines fit into it |tools for different contexts and stages in the coaching cycle… |

|Day 1 in detail... |Day 2 in detail… |

|What’s all this Coaching stuff about? |Coaching with the 5 Learning Disciplines |

|The Coaching Role in a leadership context |Thinking coaching: Mental modelling |

|Coaching Models and Frameworks |Challenging Thinking & Behaviour – coaching for personal mastery |

|The Coaching Skills Scorecard |Self-analysis, reflection and inquiry |

|Different kinds of Work-based Coaching |Commitment – Models of personal change |

|Identifying coaching Opportunities at work |Problem-solving and Solution-finding |

|Creating constructive coaching Climates |Coaching practice sessions and Feedback |

|Setting coaching improvement Goals |Diagnosing learning Disabilities |

|Coaching as an extended Conversation |Overcoming coaching Obstacles |

|Listening & Questioning as coaching tools |Developing a leadership Coaching Plan |

|Giving Feedback – Principles and practice |Coaching in action – Planning to integrate coaching into your |

|Coaching with the Action-learning Cycle |leadership roles |

|Prac: Conducting a coaching Dialogue |Creating a coaching Culture – First steps |

Training produces better results when people get the opportunity to practise and apply their new learnings back at work. That’s why we’ll ask you bring along a couple of real-life coaching challenges to try-out the coaching tools you learn on. At the end of the workshop, you also develop a personalised coaching action-plan and contract to carry out a back-at-work assignment to get you started.

( Who is this Clinic for?

← Managers who already practise a coaching style and want to expand their coaching tools and skills.

← Leaders who want to adopt more of a coaching style in their day-to-day roles or even take on a more formal role as internal coaches in their organisation.

← Executives and directors keen to create a coaching culture and turn their managers into coaches.

← HR professionals, trainers and facilitators who want to transfer coaching skills to others and help them develop a coaching style of management.

( The Coaching Leaders Clinic in-House

If you want to turn your leaders into coaches and you’ve got a leadership learning group of 12 or more, you can use our Coaching Leaders’ Clinic as a useful adjunct to your coaching culture strategy.

Our coaching clinics are not off-the-shelf and we can tailor them to suit your specific coaching contexts and challenges. As well as strengthening relationships, in-house workshops enhance shared understanding of coaching styles of leadership and increase the likelihood of people applying new ideas productively in ‘real-time’ to create a coaching culture back in your workplace. Contact us to discuss your needs and obtain a quote... ( Call Bill Cropper on 07-4068 7591

( Where? When? And How Much?

Scheduled public events are advised through email circulars and on our website. Or contact us direct to check current event dates in your region. Actual venues are confirmed on registration. Course Fee (GST inc) covers program participation, lunch and refreshments each day plus a comprehensive self-coaching Toolkit to assist your ongoing learning back at work. Fee discounts are offered for early registration, groups, schools and not-for-profit community organisations subject to advance payment completed no less than 10 days prior to the event. (Enquiries welcome for last minute registration.) Discount periods may vary from time to time – contact us to check. A Tax Invoice will be provided on registration.

Register on-line at Registration.htm or complete the Registration Form on the last page and return by Fax or Email.

( About your Coach…

Bill Cropper, principal coach at The Change Forum, has a wealth of practical experience in strategic change management, leadership coaching, learning and group facilitation in a wide range of federal, state and local government organisations throughout Australia.

As a preferred learning consultant and leadership coach for a number of public sector agencies, he provides facilitation/coaching services to senior executives, managers, team leaders, co-ordinators and community groups around team development, organisation renewal, strategic planning and the application of Peter Senge’s 5 Learning Disciplines to strengthen the leadership capacity of organisations, work teams and individuals and help them create more connective and constructive conversational coaching cultures.

As well as his ongoing passion for learning-centred leadership, Bill is keenly interested in the benefits of conversational coaching to promote more productive, open interchanges and facilitate personal growth and change mastery. For the past five years, he’s been delivering extensive rounds of Conversational Coaching, Emotional Intelligence Clinics and other leadership learning forums throughout Queensland. Thousands of managers, team leaders and other professionals from wide-ranging organisation backgrounds, including disabilities/family/community services, education, tourism and state development, health, housing, transport, public works, primary industry and local government have benefited from attending his interactive coaching clinics.

Bill has a down-to-earth, relaxed and outgoing style; personal mastery of a wide range of conversational coaching tools, facilitation techniques and personal change processes and customarily works comfortably with people from all sorts of occupations, backgrounds and organisations. Here’s what people say about his coaching clinics:

“I liked your style of facilitation/coaching. You made me feel comfortable and left me wanting to know more.” John Quinn, Disability Services Queensland

“Your style makes it hard for the participants to not become involved – very relaxed and non-threatening. You listen to everyone and have great real life experiences that you share.” Kim Hobdell, Queensland Transport

“I find you very easy to listen to, friendly and approachable. You establish an immediate rapport, and give excellent feedback on ideas without dismissing people’s suggestions.” Robyn Corbett, Aloomba State School

“You involved us from the start in a non threatening way and allowed us to gradually become trusting of each other. Role plays were relevant and easy as we used our own work situations. Tools were excellent too. I went home wanting more!” Nicole Bellet, Queensland Health

“I appreciated that over both days the content was covered in an interactive manner. I personally learn better by doing.” Kay Gottle, Dept of Education, Science & Training

( Thinking about personalised Coaching?

If you want to really apply the learning from training, we suggest top-up training sessions, one-on-one coaching and setting up a system of learning partners to support each other in making coaching transitions back at work.

Segments of The Coaching Leaders Clinic can be delivered to you individually through personalised coaching sessions. We provide personalised coaching services for individual managers or teams keen to fast-track their leadership and conversational capabilities. A typical coaching program consists of 5 x 2-3-hour coaching sessions every 4 weeks or so, with a blend (if you want) of individual/small-group face-to-face with on-line email and phone coaching.

Want to find out what “all this coaching stuff is about”? Download a copy of our new Coaching Prospectus’. It gives you some simple, straightforward answers to help you make up your mind whether our coaching approach might suit you. ( Call Bill Cropper on 07-4068 7591

( About the Learning-Centred Leadership Series…

Our Learning Centred Leadership Series is a collection of development modules that each cover a major learning, leadership or change arena and can be combined in various ways to fit particular team or organisation change or improvement strategies.

Like Learning to be a Coaching Leader, several of the 12 core modules are also offered as public programs for people keen to pursue individual and team skills development outside of the general change or improvement directions being undertaken by their organisation at any given time. A Prospectus with detailed information on the Series is available on-line at or contact us at The Change Forum as below. In Summary, the 12 core Learning Centred Leadership Modules are:

|LCL-1: The Learning-Centred Leader |LCL-2: Leading with Vision |

|Explores roles progressive learning-centred leaders play by applying the |Leaders apply the discipline of shared vision to align |

|5 Disciplines to improve their leadership capability. |visions/values, mobilise commitment and create learning capacity. |

|LCL-3: Learning to Lead Change |LCL-4: Learning to Redesign Work |

|Boosts potential of leaders to successfully shape, sustain and facilitate|Leaders expand their role as work system designers, applying |

|change using a toolkit of practical processes/strategies to become real |contemporary design concepts, principles and tools to create more |

|change leaders. |flexible ways of re-shaping work. |

|LCL-5: Leading through Teams |LCL-6: Learning Leaders as Facilitators |

|Leaders use 10 key team formation dimensions to transform their work |Equips leaders with fundamental facilitation skills to encourage |

|units into flexible, high-performing teams that constantly re-invent |participation, make better decisions, channel conflict |

|themselves. |constructively, forge consensus and plan collective action. |

|LCL-7: Leading Action Learning |LCL-8: Leading through Conversations |

|Leaders employ action learning methods and tools to set up teams, |Leaders practise in a coaching clinic climate to diagnose |

|identify inquiry frameworks, plan try-out actions and run |discussions, raise the level of frank, open interchange and lead more|

|post-implementation reflection working on ‘real-time’ issues. |productive, skillful discussion and dialogue. |

|LCL-9: Learning to be a Coaching Leader |LCL-10: Mastering Personal Leadership |

|Leaders apply a set of coaching models based on tools of the 5 |Leaders look into the discipline of Personal Mastery to see how their|

|disciplines to work through key coaching stages from diagnosis/goal |own thinking and behaviour impacts their ability to lead and achieve |

|setting to reflection/review. |higher levels of self-awareness |

|LCL-11: Mental Models for Managers |LCL-12: Leading with Emotional Intelligence |

|Leaders use disciplines of Mental Modelling and Systems Thinking to |Leaders explore links between emotional intelligence (EI) and |

|enhance mental agility to map systemic relationships and grasp key |productive leadership, the dynamics of dissonant vs. resonant |

|Systems Thinking patterns and principles. |leadership and develop strategies for raising EI leadership levels. |

( To Contact us…

For a detailed Prospectus on the Learning Centred Leadership Series, individual program Brochures or more information on our leadership learning, coaching, facilitation and change consultancy services, please contact Bill Cropper on:

Tel: 07-4068 7591 Mob: 0429-687513 Fax: 07-4068 7555

Email: LCLeadership@ Web:

|Registration Request |

|~ 2-Day Coaching Clinic |

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|Use THIS FORM OR Register ON-LINE at |

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|FEE DISCOUNTS: 21+ Days $660 per person …Then $750 per person |

|[GST Inc] Schools/NFP: $550 per person |

|NFP = non-Govt Community-based organisations; Priority given to paid reservations; Discounts for advance-payment only; Places limited; Fees due on |

|registration, payable 14 days from Invoice & at least 14 days prior to event; EFT & Credit Card payment preferred; |

|Fee transferable up to 14 days prior but not refundable; Substitute welcome; See website for full terms& conditions |

|Fee covers course attendance, guidebook, lunch and refreshments only – travel, accommodation and sundries not included. |

|YES! Please Register me for [ ] places to attend |

|The Coaching Leaders’ Clinic at… |

|Brisbane |

|Other: |

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|DATES: _________________ Month _________________________ |

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|All participants receive The Coaching Leader’s Toolkit: Taking a Coaching Approach at Work’ - a comprehensive coaching starter kit – at no extra |

|charge |

| |

|Venue details provided on confirmation of booking; Dates and venues subject to change or cancellation at discretion of The Change Forum. |

|Confirmation of arrangements prior to attendance is the participant’s responsibility. |

|( Please come along by 8.30 am to be ready for a 9.00am session start. Finish 4.45 pm |

|(Timing may vary occasionally please confirm this with us prior to attendance) |

|( |

|Personal Coaching Option: As part of program follow-up, we offer an optional 1-hour on-line/phone coaching session to help you consolidate goals, |

|first try-out actions or work through any coaching Ieadership challenge you have. You can take up this option at registration or any time during |

|the 2-day program at a discounted rate of $110. If you choose this option after the course finishes, our follow-up rate of $275 per hour applies. |

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|( Here are my Details… (Please duplicate for multiple registrations) |

|First Name: Last Name: |

|Position: Email: |

|Organisation: |

|PO Address: |

|Ph: Fax: Mob: |

|Dietary or Other Special Requests: |

|Please send Invoice to: |

|Name: |

|Position: |

| |

|Email: Ph: |

| |

|Please COPY or PRINT off this form and EMAIL or FAX back to secure your booking. |

|( More Information? ( Call Bill Cropper on 07-4068 7591 Mob: 0429- 687 513 |

|( Email: your interest to register@ or FAX: 07-4068 7555 |

|( Payment to: TEAM Technologies Forum Pty Ltd ABN 52074816470 PO Box 136, Mission Beach Qld 4852 |


… Taking a


Approach to Leadership




Good, useable Results

‘A very well presented course with good useable results’ Martyn Walton, Hervey Bay City Council

Interactive but Safe!

‘I found it useful doing the practice exercises – although I’m not someone who usually enjoys role playing, I felt it was a safe environment and actually enjoyed and benefited from these exercises. I think you are an excellent facilitator’ Karen Atkinson, Queensland Health

Real changes can be seen

‘Our organisation decided to concentrate on developing our leaders of tomorrow and Bill's range of courses were just we had been looking for. Feedback has been consistently great...and real changes can been seen in attitudes and behaviours.’ Joanne Lambden, Director, Hervey Bay City Council

Quality Coaching!

‘I think you are an excellent coach – one of the best I have seen. Now I just need to practice and get into better habits.’ Helga Biro, Centacare Cairns

A 2-day

Coaching Skills Clinic

Presented by

Bill Cropper

Easy Learning!

“It’s easy to learn in your interactive classroom, thanks” Stephen Dendle, Sport & Recreation Qld


(: register@ FAX: 07-4068 7555 (:

2-Day Coaching Skills Clinic


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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