Nomination endorsement: 2019 Shared Leadership ProgramThis nomination endorsement form is to be completed by the applicant’s library service manager or CEO.Please return the completed and signed endorsement form by Friday 15 February at 4pm to:Emily Shumborski, Project Officer, Library Sector EngagementState Library VictoriaEmail: eshumborski@slv..auPhone: (03) 8664 7522Applicant’s name:Please comment on the extent to which the applicant demonstrates the following qualities:Leadership potential:Ability to work closely with others:Ability to translate ideas into practice:Determination to achieve:Openness to learning:Self-awareness:Time management:Why do you think the applicant should be selected for the 2019 Shared Leadership Program? (150 words)I believe the applicant would be a suitable participant for the 2019 Shared Leadership Program and understand the commitment required for them to attend.Name:Signature: ................

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