Example Leadership Roles

Example Leadership Roles

Classroom Greeter Mail Carrier Science Curator Backstage Hand Media Assistant Recycling Club Special-Event Planner Music Maestro Critter Keeper Safety Patrol Student Council Technology Expert Grounds Crew Announcement Team P.E. Helper Library Leader Lost and Found Patrol Leadership Cabinet Morning News Anchor Pledge of Allegiance Leader Weather Monitor Supply Stocker Student Advisory Team Action-Team Member Playground-Buddy Leader Art Leader

New-Student Helper Listening Leader Leadership Day Coordinator International Team Junior Chamber of Commerce Member Service-Project Leader Public-Speaking Leader Planning Leader Production Leader Teaching Leader Recycling Leader Service Leader Reporter Translator Menu Planner TV Crew Leader Phone Message Recorder Shutter Bug (photography) Patriotic Leader

What leadership roles have you seen or used that would be fun additions?


? FranklinCovey Education.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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