If your organization is requesting funds for main SOOF and received funding from the previous year, you are required to complete this evaluation form in order to be eligible for funding. Evaluation is due at the same time as SOOF proposal. Please submit both documents together.


*For sections applicable, feel free to increase/decrease the number of rows as needed.

|SOOF Allocation Received |

| Quarter and Allocation |$ |

|Alternate Sources of Funding (please list all sources of funding and amount received) |

| Ex. Contingency, USA Programming etc. |$ |

| |$ |

| |$ |

| Total |$ |

|Expenditures (list organization’s expenses in each of the line items |Already Expended |Planning to Expend |

|below) |(up to eval due date) |(for remainder of yr) |

| Assistance |$ |n/a-form due already $ |

| Supplies |$ |$ |

| Graphics |$ |$ |

| Advertisement |$ |$ |

| Retreats and Conferences |$ |$ |

| Total |$ |$ |


Part I: Abstract (narrative form - no more than ½ page in length)

Provide overview of your year. Please include a brief summary of overall strengths and weaknesses of your organization thus far in relation to the goals and objectives set forth in your proposal. Please describe any trends and/or core issues/challenges that your organization may be facing at this time. What were some of the highlights and difficulties? What is there to look forward to? What still needs to be developed? What will be your organization’s priorities for the upcoming year?

Part II: Evaluate your organization on the following factors (use no more than 3 pages)

I. Organization (in terms of leadership and organizational structure)

A. Narrative: (i.e., What changes will be made with the incoming leadership?)

B. Strengths (please list):

|Weaknesses |Recommendation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

II. Outreach

A. Narrative: (i.e., What efforts were actually made to reach out to the UCLA student body? Were those efforts successful? What was the outcome?)

B. Strengths (please list):

|Weaknesses |Recommendation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

III. Planning (in terms of your organization’s goals and objectives)

A. Narrative: (i.e., Was there sufficient planning? Please be specific to your organization’s core components, projects, and administrative function.)

B. Strengths (please list):

|Weaknesses |Recommendation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

IV. Implementation of organization’s methodology

A. Narrative: (Briefly describe your organization’s methodology, how it was carried out, and whether it was successful. What was the outcome?)

B. Strengths (please list):

|Weaknesses |Recommendation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

V. Comments and Suggestions

Each organization will be given a Feedback Form at their hearing. The completed form must be turned in prior to the mandatory allocation meeting in order for your organization to receive its SOOF Account Number.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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