Leadership Styles of the President

Leadership Styles of the President

You are the __________________________________ in this simulation. The

leadership style used is the ________________________________________ style.

Leadership Styles of the President

You are the __________________________________ in this simulation. The

leadership style used is the ________________________________________ style.

Leadership Styles of the President

You are the __________________________________ in this simulation. The

leadership style used is the ________________________________________ style.

Leadership Styles of the President

You are the __________________________________ in this simulation. The

leadership style used is the ________________________________________ style.

Leadership Styles of the President

You are the __________________________________ in this simulation. The

leadership style used is the ________________________________________ style.

Leadership Styles of the President

You are the __________________________________ in this simulation. The

leadership style used is the ________________________________________ style.

Leadership Styles of the President

You are the __________________________________ in this simulation. The

leadership style used is the ________________________________________ style.


Make a decision based on the information given to you by your staff. Explain to the Press how you came to your decision.

Chief of Staff

You believe the President should stay out of the crisis in Syria. You believe US intervention will only cause greater harm to the economy, the stability in the Middle East, and the image of the country. You are determined to make sure the President makes the right decision.

Secretary of Defense

You believe the time to strike Syria is NOW. You are certain if the US enacts and enforces a no-fly zone over Syria, we can help bring down Assad’s regime. We have the manpower, the weaponry, and the opportunity to bring democracy to the Middle East’s most diverse Arab country.

Secretary of State

You believe that putting diplomatic pressure on Syria should be done by your office. You need the President to dispatch you to the Middle East to meet with “stable” governments to have them put pressure of Assad. Military intervention, you believe is too premature. Working through diplomatic channels is your forte and should be pursued right now.

White House Senior Advisor

You believe that Syria is doomed. The President, you believe should continue his strong rhetoric against Assad’s regime. The best forum to do this, you believe is through the United Nations. Imposing strong economic sanctions and freezing all of his country’s financial assets will further cripple the dictator and lead to his eventual overthrow.

Press Secretary

You need to the President to take a stand now on Syria! You have a press conference scheduled for later this afternoon and you are not sure of his position. If the President cannot make up his mind, how will you be able to effectively answer questions? You certainly want to be seen as a skilled communicator, not a bumbling idiot.

Personal Secretary: Pyramid Style

Good morning Mr. President! You have your daily briefing by your chief of staff this morning and a meeting with your press secretary before this afternoon’s press conference. Shall I send in your Chief of Staff now?

Personal Secretary: Circular Style

Good morning, Mr. President! You have your daily briefing by your chief of staff this morning, followed by a meeting with your Secretaries of defense & state. Your senior advisor also needs to meet with you this morning, too. Finally, you need to meet with your Press secretary before this afternoon’s press conference. Shall I send in your Chief of Staff now?

Personal Secretary: Ad Hoc Style

Good morning Mr. President! You have your daily briefing by your chief of staff and senior advisor this morning. You also need to meet with your press secretary before this afternoon’s press conference. Shall I send in your Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor now?


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