ANNUAL EXAM (2017-18)


TIME: 3 Hours Class: VII M.M.: 100

General Instructions:

• All questions are Compulsory.

• Part A (Q1-Q10 One Mark each)

• Part-B ( Q11-Q22 Two Marks each)

• Part-C (Q23-Q34 Three Marks Each)

• Part-D (Q35 –Q40 Five Marks Each)



Choose the correct option. (1X10=7)

Q1. The mid point of the section of sphere used for making a spherical mirror is known

a) Pole of mirror

b) Centre of curvature of mirror

c) Focus of mirror

d) Optical cetre of mirror.

Q2. Which of the following is not a weather element?

a) Wind

b) Humidity

c) Temperature

d) Mountain

Q3. The product of neutralization reaction are always

a) An acid and a base

b) An acid and a salt

c) Salt and water

d) Salt and a base

Q4. Out of the following the only one that is not an affect of heat is

a) Thermal expansion

b) Release of nuclear energy

c) Change of state

d) Many chemical reactions

Q5. When electric current flows through a filament of electric bulb the filament gives out

a) Heat energy only

b) Light energy only

c) Both heat and light energy

d) Chemical energy

Very Short Answer

Q6. Name two objects that can be charged on rubbing.

Q7. At what position should we keep an object, in front of concave mirror, so as to obtain a real and inverted image of same size of that object?

Q8. What is the range of clinical thermometer?

Q9. Name the mode of nutrition that helps mushroom to take their nutrients in soluble form.

Q10. What is the role of decomposers in the forest?


Q11. Explain why an antacid tablet is taken when you suffer from acidity? ( 2X12=24)

Q12. What name is given to the salts of sulphuric acid and acetic acid.

Q13. Why wearing of more layers of clothing during winter keep us warmer than wearing just one

thick piece of clothing?

Q14. If the Algae partner of lichen dies the fungal partner also dies after sometime why? What is the name given to such a relationship.

Q15. How does deforestation affect carbon cycle?

Q16. State two characteristics of fuse wire.

Q17. Name:

a) a material used for making filament of bulb.

b) a material which does not allow electric current to pass through it.

Q18. What type of reflection is shown in the figure? Define it.


Q19. The tropical rainforest has large population of animals. Explain why it is so.

Q20. Big cats have sharp teeth. Give reason.

Q21. What is pollination? Write characteristic of insect pollinated flower?

Q22. How is increase in population responsible for shortage of water?

PART-C (3X12=36)

Q23. Write three precautions that a person may take if he is caught inside the house during a

lightning strike.

Q24. Write the sign of charge aquired by an object when it is charged by a positively charged rod

through (a) Conduction (b) Induction. Give reason.

Q25. (a) How does a lightning conductor help to protect, buildings and structures? Give 2 different ways.

(b) Give one advantage of lightning.

Q26. Chlorophyll, a green coloured pigment present in leaves helps in the process of photosynthesis. Does this mean that the purple coloured croton plants can not prepare food on their own? Justify your answer by explaining the function of chlorophyll pigment.

Q27. Write balanced chemical equation for the following reaction.

a) Calcium hydroxide reacts with nitric acid.

b) Hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide.

Q28. State six points highlighting the importance of forests to mankind.

Q29. Rahul made two electromagnets. One of his magnets had a cell while the other had a battery

having more than one cell. He measured the strength of both the electromagnets.

a) Which one had more strength and why.

b) Give one other method to increase the strength of electromagnet.

Q30. (a) A convex rear view mirror is preferred over plane mirror in a car. Why?

(b) What is the relation between angle of incidence and angle of reflection in case of a plane mirror?

Q31. What are the functions of our different blood cells.

Q32. State 3 differences between arteries and veins.

Q33. With the help of diagram explain the mode of reproduction in spirogyra. (Draw Diagram).

Value based Question.

Q34. One day, Rohan went to help his mother in the kitchen. His mother asked him to wash rice with water in a bowl. She further told him to collect the water, from the washing, in another bowl and pour it on the plants in their garden. Rohan was a little surprised but he obeyed his mother.

On the basis of information provided, answer the following questions:

a) Why did Rohan’s mother ask him to collect the water after washing the rice?

b) State the values displayed by Rohan and his mother.

c) State any other way by which ‘waste water’ can be utilised.

SECTION-D (5X6=30)

Q35. (a) What is meant by sea breeze? When does it occur?

(b)which type of cloth should be worn in the month of June and why? (2+1+2)

Q36. (a) Draw a ray diagram to show the formatiom of an image when the object is placed between

centre of curvature and focus of a concave mirror.

(b) Mention the characteristic of image formed in the above diagram.

(c) What is the difference between real and virtual image? (2+1+2)

Q37. (a) How are animals like polar bear able to survive in frigid zone? (Three points)

(b) Explain the difference between weather and climate. (3+2)

Q38. (a) Label the parts of flower.


(b) How does the process of fertilization take place in flower?

(c) When is flower said to be bixesual flower? (2+2+1)

Q39. Label the parts marked 1 to 5 and explain the working of the device shown in the figure.


Q40. Answer the following :-

(a) Which chamber of heart receives oxygen rich blood?

(b) What divides the heart into left and right halves?

(c) What is pulse rate?

(d) Name the waste products that are removed by following organs of the body

(i) Kidney (ii) Skin

(e) Why is the process of excretion important for living beings?

ANNUAL EXAM (2017-18)


TIME: 3 Hours Class: VII M.M.: 100

General Instructions:

• All questions are Compulsory.

• Part A (Q1-Q10 One Mark each)

• Part-B (Q11-Q22 Two Marks each)

• Part-C (Q23-Q34 Three Marks Each)

• Part-D (Q35-Q40 Five Marks Each)


PART-A (1X10=10)

Choose the correct option.

Q1. The distance between the pole and the focus of the mirror is its ------- --------- and is -------- of radius.

a) Focal-length, half

b) Focal – length ,twice

c) Mid –point, half

d) Mid- point, twice

Q2. Which of the following is not a weather element?

e) Humidity

f) Mountain

g) Temperature

h) Wind

Q3. A solution changes the colour of turmeric indicator from yellow to red. The solution is

(a) Soap solution

(b)Sugar solution

(c) Vinegar

(d) Water

Q4. When electric current flows through a filament of a water heater the filament gives out

e) Chemical energy

f) Heat energy only

g) Light energy only

h) Both heat and light energy

Q5. Decomposers help in

a) Cooling of atmosphere

b) Cycling of nutrients

c) Feeding the animals

d) Water absorption

Q6. Name a tree which is popularly known as ‘Miracle tree’. Write one of its use.

Q7. Name two objects that can be charged on rubbing.

Q8. Where should we keep an object, in front of concave mirror, so as to get virtual and erect image of the object.

Q9. Write two examples where organisms show Symbiotic relationship.

Q10. Name the scientist, who proved that lightning is electrical in nature .

PART-B (2X12=24)

Q11. Explain why calamine lotion is applied when an ant bites ?

Q12. What name is given to the salts of nitric acid and sulphuric acid?

Q13. Why in places of hot climate, outside walls of the houses are painted white?

Q14. Why leaf is known as food factory of the plant? Write equation involved in the process of photosynthesis.

Q15. How deforestation affects extinction of species.

Q16. How does fuse wire protects an electrical appliance?

Q17. Name the following

c) An alternative to fuse wire in our household circuit.

d) A material used for making filament of a toaster.

Q18. What type of reflection is shown in the figure? Define it.


Q19. What are frigid zones? Name two countries which are under frigid zones.

Q20. Give reason, how red eyed frog adapted to tropical rain forest?

Q21. What is pollination. Write characteristics of wind pollinated flower?

Q22. How is deforestation responsible for shortage of water?

PART-C (3X12=36)

Q23. Write three precautions during lightning that a person should follow if he is caught outside in the open.

Q24. Write the sign of charge acquired by an object when it is charged by a negatively charged rod

through (a) Conduction (b) Induction. Give Reason.

Q25. (a) How does a lightning conductor helps to protect a building or a structure? Give 2 different ways.

(b) Give one advantage of lightning.

Q26. Give reason for the following----

a) Mushroom is a saprotroph.

b) The leaf of the plant will die if its stomata are blocked.

Q27. Write balanced chemical equation for the following reaction.

c) Calcium hydroxide reacts with Acetic acid.

d) Hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide.

Q28. State six points highlighting the importance of forests to mankind.

Q29. Amita made two electromagnets. One of her electro magnets had less number of turns of the coil while the other had more number of turns of the coil. She measured the strength of both the electromagnets.

c) Which one had more strength and why.

d) Give other method to increase the strength of electromagnet.

Q30. (a) A convex rear view mirror is preferred over plane mirror in a car. Why?

(b) What is the relation between angle of incidence and angle of reflection in case of a plane mirror?

Q31. Why blood is needed by all parts of our body?

Q32. Name two conducting tissues in plants and write 2 differences between them.

Q33. With the help of diagram explain the mode of reproduction in Yeast.

Q34. One day, Ajay went to his class teacher and informed her about the leaking tap of potable water. Class teacher told him to inform the plumber in the school to repair the leaking tap. Ajay obeyed his class teacher.

On the basis of information provided, answer the following questions:

d) Why Ajay’s class teacher asked him to inform the plumber?

e) State the values displayed by Ajay and his class teacher.

f) State two different ways in which ‘waste water’ can be utilized.

PART-D (5X6=30)

Q35. (a) What is meant by land breeze? When does it occur?

(b) Which type of cloth should be worn in the month of January and why?

Q36. (a) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of an image when the object is placed beyond centre of

curvature of a concave mirror.

(b) Mention the characteristic of image formed in the above diagram.

(c) What is the difference between real and virtual image?

Q37. (a) How animal like elephant is well adapted to living in tropical rain forest ?

(b) Explain the difference between weather and climate.

Q38. (a) Label the parts of flower.


(b) How ovules change into seeds?

(c) When is flower said to be unisexual flower?

Q39. Label the parts marked 1 to 5and explain the working of the device shown in the figure


Q40. Answer the following :-

(a) Which chamber of heart receives deoxygenated blood?

(b) What is the function of valves in heart ?

(c) What is pulse rate?

(d) Name the waste products that are removed by following organs of the body

(i) Kidney (ii) Lungs

(e) Why is the process of excretion important for living beings?












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