Leaky aortic valve


Leaky aortic valve

Leaky aortic valve treatment. Leaky aortic valve surgery. Leaky aortic valve covid. Leaky aortic valve nhs. Leaky aortic valve repair. Leaky aortic valve and low blood pressure. Leaky aortic valve life expectancy. Leaky aortic valve in heart.

the aortic valve failure, also called the aortic valve regurgitation, occurs when the aortic valve is damaged or weakened, thus allowing the blood to disappear into the left ventricle of the heart from the aorta. Although the left ventricle will become temporarily stronger due to the extra effort needed to pump blood into the aorta, the exercise eventually weakens the ventricle, which can compromise the heart and lead to further complications. the heart has four rooms that circulate blood through the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients. the right rooms - the right atrium and the right ventricle - take the deoxidised blood and pump it to the lungs. the blood returns from the lungs full of oxygen, passing towards the left atrium and the left ventricle, where it is pumped towards the rest of the body. valves exist between each room of the heart to keep the blood flowing in the correct direction, thus making the heart pump more powerful and efficient. elisa lara / getty images the aortic valve is one of the four valves in the heart, each of which can damage and interrupt the well oiled machine that is the heart. the aortic valve connects the left ventricle, the last stage for the blood that moves through the heart, to the aorta, the main artery of the circulatory system of the body. the valve itself has three cusps or flyers, and these must be opened and close together for the valve to create a correct seal during blood ponification. If these cusps are melted or unable to work in harmony, the blood can flow from aorta in the left ventricle. ttsz / getty images different heart conditions can cause aortic valve failure. congenital valve problems such as a bicuspid aortic valve (bav) can cause aortic regurgitation because the affected valve has only two cusp instead of three. certain diseases, such as endocarditis, infect specifically and weaken the heart valves. Other heart problems can be the result of aging, including high blood pressure and aortic dissection (a small tear in the aorta wall,) and chest trauma at any age can also lead to valve regurgitation. tharakorn / getty images along with specific heart conditions, other diseases and disorders can weaken or influence the aortic valve. These include ankylosing spondylitis, reiter syndrome, marfan syndrome, syphilis and systemic lupus eritematosus. rheumatic fever was the main cause of aortic valve failure, but it is less common today to the success of antibiotics in treating strep infections. stevanovicigor / getty images a damaged aortic valve means that, although the heart blows overtime to keep the blood flowing properly, it is unable to pump enough blood to keep the body sufficiently oxygenated. this can involve symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath with activity or even when sitting or lying. Other symptoms include an abnormal impulse that looks like race, sling or drooling, fainting, swelling standing, legs or abdomen and general weakness. chest pain (angine) is a rare but more serious symptom. people with aortic regurgitation may not have symptoms until years after the development of the condition. mediaphotos / getty images during diagnosis of aortic valve failure, the doctor may listen to for a breath of the heart or a strong heartbeat in the person's chest. he or she will also measure the patient's blood pressure since low blood pressure diastolic is often a sign of aortic valve failure. x-rays of the chest can identify any fluid signs in the lungs and control swelling in the lower left heart chamberAt the aortic valve. Other tests include aortic angiography, echocardiogram (a ultrasound of the heart), a magnetic resonance of the heart, a catheterization of the left heart and a transesophageal echocardiogram (T-Tee). Shidlovski / Getty Images The ages between 30 and 60 years are more at risk. Those with a history of heart disease, infections or other cardiac valve conditions are as well. Hypertension raises risk risk Manage this condition is an effective way to minimize the possibility of developing aortic valve insufficiency. Condition complications include abnormal heart rhythms, heart infection and valves, heart failure and death. BKILZER / GETTY Images for more myth conditions, the doctor will regularly monitor blood pressure and heart. The procedures include occasional echocardiograms and recommend eating and exercise habits improved. In some cases, doctors can suggest individuals reduce physical activity. This can lighten the pressure on the heart and the aortic valve. For more moderate cases, doctors can prescribe drugs and diuretics of the inhibitor (water pills) to alleviate the symptoms of heart failure. These treatments are not intended to fix the valve permanently. Instead, they control the condition and prevent it from becoming worse. Unfinished images / getty for advanced aortic valve insufficiency, surgery can be needed. This decision depends on the symptoms and health of an individual. There are two surgical options: repair the damaged aortic valve and replace it completely. Surgeons can replace the valve with a mechanical valve or a pork, a cow or human. This opening procedure involves a long period of recovery. Sometimes it is possible to have minimally invasive ? oeBuco of keys? surgery to reduce complications and recovery time. Gorodenkoff / Getty Images The mild aortic valve insufficiency can be treated and monitored without surgery. However, more serious cases will probably hurt without surgical treatment, which can alleviate the symptoms of aortic regurgitation and lead to complete recovery, to cheat other complications. Once someone is diagnosed and treated for an aortic valve insufficiency, he or she should have regular checks. The doctor can monitor progress. He or she can also recommend personal steps to ensure the condition remains stable. Eva-Katalin Facebook Twitter Linkedin Pinterest cardiovascular Aortic Valve Heart and Vascular treatment An open and invasive aortic replacement is surgery to replace a little working aortic valve with an artificial valve. The aortic valve is one of the 4 valves of the heart. These valves help blood flow through the heart and body. In certain circumstances, the valve can stop working well. Your surgeon will use an artificial valve to replace your work valve. This will guarantee that the blood can get out of the heart and flowing out to the body normally. The intervention is called "open" because it uses a traditional type of engraving to expose your heart. This incision is larger than those in minimally invasive types of aortic valve substitute surgery. Why should I need an open aortic valve? When the aortic valve works badly as in stenosis aortic valve or aortic valve regurgitation, this procedure may be necessary. In aortic stenosis, your valve is not able to completely open, and less blood is able to get out of your heart. In the aortic rigurgitation, the valve is leaked. A bit of blood flows backwards through the valve instead of moving to the rest of the body. In both of these cases, it may be necessary for the aortic valve to be replaced. A scarce aortic valve can lead to symptoms, such as: Fatigue breath briefcase swelling to the legs to the chest of vertigo passing an unpleasant awareness of the heartbeat if these symptoms get worse, surgery may be necessary. The doctor can recommend surgery even if you don't have significant symptoms, since Surgical is more effective if the symptoms are not too advanced. Both aortic stenosis and aortic rigurgitation can derive from general valve aging. Other causes of aortic valve disease include: Birth defects of the heart (as a bicuspid aortic valve) Bacterial valve infection A tear in aortic aortic aneurysm (stretched aorta textile) Some genetic conditions (such as Marfan syndrome) which are The risks of a replacement of the open aortic valve? LA LA Some risks with any type of surgery. Your special risks are varari depending on your particular medical condition, your age and other factors. Make sure you talk to your doctor about any concern you have. Most people who have the replacement of the open aortic valve will have a successful result. However, there are some possible risks. These include: infection that bleeding the rhythms of the irregular heart blood clots leading to stroke or complications of heart attack from anesthesia some factors increase the risk of complications. Some of these are the following: Chronic disease Other heart conditions Lung problems have increased age increase which is overweight Being a smoker infection How do I prepare for an open aortic valve replacement? As you plan surgery, you and your doctor will decide what kind of valve will work best for you. Your surgeon will replace your valve with a biological valve or a mechanical valve. Biological valves are mainly made from pork, cow or human heart tissue. Biological valves do not last until mechanical valves but have less risks to blood clots. Mechanical valves are made by man. People with mechanical valves need to take blood thinning medicines for the rest of their lives due to the risk of blood clots. Mechanical valves also have an increased risk of infection. Talk to your healthcare provider about how to prepare for your next surgery. Remember the following: Avoid eating or drinking something after midnight before your surgery. Try to stop smoking before your operation. Ask your doctor for ways to help. You may need to stop taking certain medications before your surgery. Follow the health care provider instructions if you usually take blood thinning medicine like warfarin or aspirin. You can get to the hospital the afternoon before your operation. This is a good time to ask any question about the procedure. You may need some routine tests before the procedure to evaluate your health before surgery. These may include: X-ray electrocardiogram of the chest (ECG) Ecocardiogram blood test (to evaluate your current valve) Coronary angiogram (to evaluate blood flow in the heart arteries) about an hour before the operation, someone will give you medicines to help you relax. In most cases your surgery will proceed as planned, but sometimes another emergency may delay operation. What happens during an open aortic valve replacement? Check with your doctor about the details of the procedure. In general, during the replacement of the open aortic valve: you will be given anesthesia before surgery begins. This will make you sleep deeply and painless during the operation. You don't remember. The operation will take several hours. Family and friends should stay in the waiting room, so the surgeon can update them. The doctor will make an incision in the middle of your chest. To access your heart, the doctor will separate your somando. The surgery team will connect you to a heart lung machine. This machine will act as heart and lungs during the procedure. Your surgeon will remove your current heart valve and replace it with a new valve. The surgical team will remove the heart lung machine. The team will connect your somando together. The team will sew or sew or engrave the engraving in your skin back together. What happens after an open aortic valve replacement? After theof the open aortic valve: you will start your recovery in the intensive care unit or a recovery room. When you wake up, you might feel confused at first. You could wake up a couple of hours after surgery, or a little later. Most people who have the replacement of the aortic valve notice the immediate relief of symptoms after their surgery. The team will monitor your vital signs, such as heart rate. They can connect you to different machines so that nurses can control them more easily. You could have a pipe in your throat to help you breathe. This could be uncomfortable, and you didn't winSomeone usually will remove the tube within 24 hours. You may have a chest tube to drain the excess fluid from the chest. You can have small temporary pacemaker wires exit the chest Bandages will cover your incision. These can usually get out within a couple of days. You'll feel a pain POA, but you should not feel severe pain. If you need it, you can ask for pain medicine. In a day or two, you should be able to sit in a chair and walk with help. You can make respiratory therapy to help remove fluids that collect in the lungs during surgery. You'll probably be able to drink liquids the day after surgery. You can have regular food as soon as you can tolerate. You can get support stockings to help the blood circulate through the veins of the leg. You probably have to stay in the hospital about 5 days. After leaving the hospital: Make sure you have someone to drive you home from the hospital. You'll also need help at home for a while '. You probably have stitches or staples removed in a follow-up appointment between 7 and 10 days. Make sure to keep all future appointments. You can easily get tired after the surgery, but you will start to gradually regain your strength. It could be several weeks before you recover completely. After you go home, take the temperature and weight every day. Inform the doctor if the temperature is higher than 100,4? ? F (38 ? C), or if the weight changes. Ask your health care provider when it is safe to drive. Avoid lifting anything heavy for several weeks. Ask your health care provider about what is safe for you to lift. Follow all the instructions your health care provider gives you for drugs, exercise, diet and wound care. Make sure all of your dentists and other health care providers know of your medical history. You may need to take antibiotics before certain medical and dental procedures to avoid getting an infection of the replacement valve. Next step Before accepting the test or procedure be sure to know: The name of the test or procedure The reason why you have evidence or procedure What results to expect and what they mean The risks and benefits of the test or procedure What are the possible side effects or complications when and where you have to have the test or procedure Who will make the test or procedure and what qualifications that person are what would happen if I did not test or procedure Any alternative tests or procedures to think about when and how to get the results Who to call after the test or procedure if you have questions or issues how you will pay for the testing procedure or procedure

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