I get a lot of enquiries about different conditions – is ...

Health Column FAQ’s

You will often be asked “Is it ok to go on the machine if you suffer from...”. Here are some excerpts from Dr. John Hinwood’s column posted on the Australian website’s monthly newsletters (.au) and other sources. Please ask more questions.

Q. What difference does size and weight make, should a big heavy male have the same time as a small female?

A. Body size and weight make no difference when deciding on the time a person uses the Chi Machine. (Personally, I would start a very heavy, overweight person off on a shorter time and re-emphasise the need to drink water, to assist the detoxification process. NG)

Q. What would you suggest for painful feet?

A. Painful feet can have many causes. Consult a podiatrist. Use the machine on a regular basis at least twice a day. Protect tender feet with a folded towel to prevent chafing.

Q. If people have arthritis in their knees should they use the Chi Machine?

The Chi Machine is excellent for arthritis in the knees but make sure you place a folded pillow or other support under the knees to create a little flexion to take the pressure off the knees for the first few weeks. Likewise, it is best to support any other painful parts of the body initially. As comfort improves you will gradually be able to lessen these supports.

Q. What do you say when people say that they haven’t noticed any difference even after a week’s use?

A. The greatest benefit of the Chi Machine is a lifetime of WELLNESS. It’s not about how you immediately feel but how much better your organs, your nervous system and your body are becoming. This is a lifelong, daily part of your personal health care programme.

Q. Why is peripheral blood circulation important in daily function?

A. The body’s limbs need the best blood supply possible in order to function at their best level. Any reduction in the blood supply to the limbs results in decreased function of either the arms or legs and if there is decreased oxygenation of the limbs for any period of time, then other problems may set in requiring surgical intervention.

Q. Swollen legs are generally a sign of bad circulation in a 60 year old woman. Are there specific ways to help benefit the drainage of fluid in the legs?

A. Swollen legs in a 60 year old woman can be greatly assisted by using the machine 2-3 times per day.

Q. Do we have any treatment or success from working with people who suffer from multiple sclerosis or cancer? If so, what is the treatment recommended and what does the client have to look out for?

A. MS and cancer patients need as much oxygen as they can possibly get. They can use the machine 4 or 5 times each day for very short periods of 2 to 3 minutes.

Q. Some of my clients are reticent about lying on the floor. Is it possible to use a bed or couch?

A: Most people use the Chi Machine by lying on the floor which provides the best stability. Most beds or couches would not provide a firm enough surface. It might be possible to place something firm on the bed or couch such as a yoga mat but it is not recommended to use it like this without careful adaptation.

Q. If a man of 70 has 4-5 minutes on the machine and then does not feel any change, difference or sensation when the machine stops, what could this be a sign of bad circulation or something else?

A. I have personally used the machine daily for almost 4 years and have only felt calmness when the machine stops. Approximately 20% of the people who use the machine feel nothing when the machine stops. These people are parasympathetic dominant and absolutely normal. Using the machine is actually not about losing symptoms but about improving your well-being for the rest of your life. The Chi Machine is the greatest wellness tool I know.

Q. When someone has had the lymph glands removed from their armpits and they have to have lymph drainage every three days, is there a risk of thrombosis?

A. If there is a danger of thrombosis, the person needs to consult their specialist before using the Sun Ancon. The Chi Machine is ideal to assist people with lymphatic drainage problems. (See clinical research results gathered at Lymphoedema Assessment Unit, Flinders University, Adelaide.)

Q. If someone has active cancer, will treatment with the Sun Ancon Chi Machine encourage it to spread throughout the body?

A. The Chi Machine is an aerobic exerciser and DOES NOT TREAT ANY DISEASE! The machine will not cure any disease but it definitely assists the body in the healing process. Cancer cannot survive in an oxygenated environment, hence cancer patients find the Sun Ancon Chi Machine very helpful. (A cell only becomes cancerous when it receives less than 60% of its oxygen requirement).

Q. What effect does the Chi Machine have on someone who is undergoing chemotherapy?

A. The same answer as to the previous question

Q. If a person with sarcoma feels pain after 2 minutes on the machine, should they continue use?

A. The person with sarcoma needs to cut back to say, 1 minute per session and exercise 4 to 5 sessions per day.

Q. What can you do if you have vertigo, i.e. if you look up or move suddenly and the room seems to spin and you get dizzy?

A. Vertigo sufferers should consult their chiropractor or GP. When these people use the Chi Machine they need to start at two minutes for the first four weeks then increase by one minute each week. (Take it easy, move slowly when you get down to use the machine and when you’ve finished roll over onto your side to get up when you’ve finished. Hold onto a chair or have somebody else around if you are shaky. NG)

Q. How much time should I use on the Chi Machine after a kidney transplant operation?

A. Check with your surgeon to make sure that you are able to do regular aerobic exercise. Start with the machine at one minute, 2-3 times a day, progressing to 2 minutes after 1 week and to 4 minutes after 4 weeks. Then slow progression up to 10 minutes over the next 2-3 months.

Q. If a client suffers from liver cirrhosis, what are the symptoms of relief and is the Chi Machine beneficial for this problem?

A. Initially work up to a maximum of 10 minutes over 2 or 3 months. The machine assists these people to experience improved well-being. The machine DOES NOT cure any problem however it has a cleansing effect on the body’s internal organs and would not hurt someone with this problem.

Q. If someone has severe osteoporosis could there be a risk of fracture with the use of the machine?

A. Probably not, but 2 minutes per session would be plenty. They could use it 3 or 4 times a day.

Q. What precautions should be taken after a hip replacement operation when using the Chi Machine?

A. The answer to this question is the same as the previous answer. If the person has any problems they would obviously stop and consult their doctor.

Q. If someone has received an artificial knee replacement (titanium), will this present a problem?

A. I cannot see any reason why the machine would bother this.

Q. Can a person with an artificial limb use the Chi Machine?

A. The person with the artificial leg can use the machine as long as he/she has the prosthesis in place.

Q. Can a patient with a spinal fusion use the Chi Machine?

A. Absolutely, yes. Start at two minutes and work the time up slowly.

Q. My friend has a leaky heart valve, how would you recommend he uses the Chi Machine?

A. The person with the leaky heart valve who leads a normal life can use the Chi Machine starting at 2 minutes per session for the first 2 weeks and working up to 10 minutes in the 10th week. If he should have any problems, he should stop using the machine and consult his personal doctor

Q. Could you clarify for us whether any heart condition would be contraindicated or is it only the type where a person is unable to walk?

A. People with heart conditions should consult their specialist before using the machine although I have seen some wonderful positive results from clients with heart problems who have used the Chi Machine. REMEMBER, ALWAYS START WITH 1 OR 2 minutes and build up slowly to 8 or 10 minutes maximum over a two to three months period.

Q. One member who is a therapist has been using the Sun Ancon with great satisfaction but apparently has had a lot of emotional release. She knows this is part of the detoxification process and has caused her no concern because of her understanding. However, someone she knows is very interested in the machine but suffers schizophrenia and is, of course, on drugs. The user would like to ask if the machine is safe for such a person should they also experience emotional release. If so, how long should they spend on the Sun Ancon?

A. The answer to the person suffering from schizophrenia is unknown! Start the person on 1 minute 2-3 times a day and work up slowly over 8 weeks to 6-8 minute sessions. Letting go of negative emotions is a very personal thing and not everyone experiences it.

The article below will deepen your understanding of aerobic exercise and how the Chi Machine can similarly help depression and insomnia.

Aerobic Exercise Can Work Faster Than Drugs To Lift Depression

British Journal of Sports Medicine, March 27th 2001-11-26

Aerobic exercise can work faster than drugs to lift depression, finds research in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Twelve people with severe depression that had lasted an average of nine months exercised daily for 10 days. Their average age was 49; seven of them were women. In 10 patients, drugs had failed to substantially improve symptoms.

The exercise entailed walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes every day. Three minutes of intense activity were alternated with walking at half speed for three minutes. The intensity was increased as heart rate adapted to the training programme.

Depression severity was measured at the start and end of the programme and patients also rated their mood at the beginning, middle and end of the 10 days, using a recognized evaluation scale.

After 10 days, six patients were substantially less depressed, including five in whom drug treatment had largely been unsuccessful. Two were slightly less depressed, while the severity of symptoms remained the same in four patients. Overall, depression scores fell by a third and self-assessed scores fell by 25 per cent. Six patients asked to continue the programme.

The authors are at pains to point out that this was a small study. Nevertheless, they say that the extent of the improvement is impressive, given that anti-depressants normally take two to four weeks to work.

“The observed outcomes indicate a clinical benefit not obtainable with currently available pharmacological treatments”, they conclude “The programme might be particularly suitable for those in whom drug treatment does not seem to work”, they say.

For further details please contact Nicola Gilbert, 18 Gisborne Road, Sheffield S11 7HA UK

Tel: +44 (0) 114) 268 3217

E-mail:nicola@grapevinehealth.co.uk Website: thechimachine.co.uk

14th May, 2002

Hot House Far Infrared (FIR) What is it? When do I use it?

Dr. John Hinwood

In broad terms, the Hot House is for people who have presenting problems whereas The Sun Ancon Harmony Chi Machine is for both presenting complaints and is an outstanding well-being tool for people to use every day of their lives.

The value of heat in the management of disease is as old as the hills and as mysterious as any ancient myth. Science knows that heat enhances blood flow and has metabolic effects on the body but how it actually works is still a mystery to scientists.

It is believed that when FIR penetrates our bodies, it can be converted into the appropriate energy. This activates the self-regulating systems in our living tissues so as to alleviate the bodily imbalance and lead to recovery.

At this point in time, the results obtained by using the Hot House (which produces FIR) suggests that it is helpful for people suffering from:-

• Regeneration of unhealthy tissue

• Rheumatism, arthritis, gout and reducing the density of uric acid

• High blood pressure (it reduces high blood pressure and improves circulation)

• Gastric and duodenal ulcers

• Improves blood circulation of the anus veins for piles patients

• Relieves back, shoulder, neck and muscle pain

• Knee injuries

• Chest colds and bronchitis

• Earaches

• Stomach aches

• Toenail fungus and peripheral circulation

• Viruses

• Sciatica

• Neuralgia

• Abnormal nerve functions

• Paralysis

• Reduces acidity

For Sciatica

Use the Hot House along the nerves toward the 3rd lumbar vertebra through the 1st sacral vertebra, along the ischium, for 20-40 minutes for 5-20 days in a row.

Understanding the effects on Health of Acid-Alkaline Balance

Much has been postulated about how Far Infrared (FIR) works in the body. One of the many important things it does is to reduce the body’s acidity.

The body maintains a balance between acid and alkaline states which is measurable in the blood and urine (urinalysis reagent test strips to measure approximate pH are available from chemists). The build-up of acidity in the body is the result of a change in the biochemistry of the body. This biochemical change is related to disease processes and diet.

Professor Louis-Claude Vincent studied the acidity or alkalinity (pH) oxidising power (rH) and electrical resistance (r) of human body fluids: blood, urine and saliva, taking samples from healthy athletes and from people with chronic degenerative diseases, particularly cancers. He found that his healthy test subjects tended to show the following values, which he called the “ideal values”.

| |pH |rH |r |

|Blood |7.10 |22 |210 |

|Saliva |6.50 |22 |140 |

|Urine |6.80 |24 |30 |

Of particular interest is the pH of the blood and urine. Blood pH seemed to rise (that is to become more alkaline) in the presence of degenerative disease, and urine pH to drop (to become more acid). By the laws of physics, when the pH rises or falls, the rH must also rise or fall. It appears that cancer enjoys a very acid environment. Cancer patients, showed the following values:

| |pH |rH |r |

|Blood |7.50 |33 |121 |

|Saliva |7.05 |29 |235 |

|Urine |5.45 |19 |127 |

The body’s various methods of reducing acidity are sufficient under ideal conditions. These include combining hydrogen ions with sodium and potassium, exercise to increase the breathing rate (which reduces acid-forming carbon dioxide) and excreting hydrogen ions via the kidneys.

However, Dr. Helmut Elmau, writing about Vincent’s work postulates that if more acids are generated than the excretory organs can cope with these acids are pushed out of the blood and deposited in the connective tissue (the connecting and supporting tissues of the body), along with other “metabolic sediment”. Parts of the connective tissue become thickened by these deposits of “stored protein”. In time, this thickening can reduce the permeability of the connective tissue, thus reducing the ability of nutrients, oxygen and perhaps even hormones such as insulin, to filter to where they are needed. This “connective tissue acidosis” is a pathogenic (disease-causing) process.

It seems obvious that methods of altering these physical parameters so that they more closely match the “ideal” values must provide a therapeutic benefit. Diet is a factor. Much of the protein content of meat and other high-protein foods consists of the sulphur-containing amino acids which form acid when metabolised. Fruit and vegetables have an alkaline effect and are also high in potassium and magnesium, which are depleted by excessive tissue acidity.

We are only just beginning to understand in scientific terms, traditional naturopathic cleansing methods such as high fruit and vegetable diets, massage and saunas. Maybe the acid/alkaline balance is a way to understand the value of the Far Infrared Waves ability to remove toxins which are often at the core of many health problems.

For more information please ask for the sheet on the FIR Hot House Health Builder or FIR To Go.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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