United States Environmental Protection Agency | US EPA

Lean Project Implementation Plan ExampleLean Implementation Plan: IT System Lean ProjectDate Created: 6/1/2016Last Updated: 7/15/2016Project SponsorTeam LeaderFacilitatorProject DateNameNameName2/21/2016-2/25/2016Follow-Up Meeting ScheduleProgress Key30-Day: 3/25/2016 60-Day: 4/25/2016 90-Day: 5/25/2016 6-Month: 8/25/2016 1-Year: 2/25/2017TO BE INITIATED (gray)ON TARGET (green)OFF TRACK (red)COMPLETE (purple)#ActionOwnerStart DateTarget DateCompletedMar-16Apr-16May-16Jun-16Jul-16Aug-16Sept-16Oct-16Nov-16Dec-16Jan-17Comments1Develop streamlined application formJ. Doe3/1/166/1/16TBDOn track to be done by due date2Create a standard checklistJ. Smith3/1/20164/1/20163/15/16Completed and under review by management3Collect data on key process indicatorsJ. Doe10/1/20161/31/17TBD?To be initiated once new form and checklist are in use4Train staff on the new systemJ. Doe3/1/164/1/16TBDBehind schedule; coordinating with staff to arrange timing ................

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