UCPO Strategy for success - NASA

centercenterUCPO Strategy for successRising to the ChallengeAbstractThe University Collaboration and Partnership Office is implementing an integrated strategy to enable the “best minds” to partner to achieve the Agency’s MissionVernon, Lynn R.9410077300UCPO Strategy for successRising to the ChallengeAbstractThe University Collaboration and Partnership Office is implementing an integrated strategy to enable the “best minds” to partner to achieve the Agency’s MissionVernon, Lynn R.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Mission and vision PAGEREF _Toc412718979 \h 3Principles and Values PAGEREF _Toc412718980 \h 4Strategic goals PAGEREF _Toc412718981 \h 5Strategy Metrics PAGEREF _Toc412718982 \h 8Strategy Challenges PAGEREF _Toc412718983 \h 9Partnership Engagement tools PAGEREF _Toc412718984 \h 10Implementation Plan | Portfolio Management of actions PAGEREF _Toc412718985 \h 11UCPO Strategy one pager PAGEREF _Toc412718986 \h 17UCPO Alignment PAGEREF _Toc412718987 \h 18Mission and visionMissionThe University Collaboration and Partnership Office’s (UCPO) Mission is to be Lean, Agile, and Adaptive in enabling University partnerships for mission success.VisionThe UCPO is to provide JSC a resource/path for accessing additional state-of-the-art knowledge, expertise, and resources provided by Universities partnerships and collaborations.FOCUSWith a mission and vision focus the UCPO will help to enable the JSC 2.0 strategy by being agile, adaptive, and lean. The UCPO’s focus is to utilize University expertise helping to maximize resources available and planting the seed for a future need. The UCPO will work to provide opportunities and engagements that provide benefit in all phases of the Agency’s missions including research and development, pre-flight analysis and testing, and in-flight operations and problem analysis.Principles and ValuesMission-enablingWe provide opportunities and strategies that bring the “best minds” together to enable problem solving and solutions development to enable the Agency mission.PurposefulWe will support having a clear aim or purpose with actions and activities that are determined to provide the best customer support.ResponsiveWe hold ourselves accountable for our actions. We strive to be responsive, to conduct ourselves with trustworthiness and respect for all.PartnerWe are great partners. We focus on adding value and creating mutually beneficial partnerships. The solutions to today’s great challenges require agile collaboration, teamwork and engagement with our stakeholders, both at JSC and in the national and international University research communities.integratedWe will strive to integrate our activities and actions with the Agency Strategic Plan, the JSC Implementation Plan, and customer needs. We will work to provide insight into opportunities and methods that could be utilized/influenced to achieve the required goal.Strategic goalsStrategic Goal 1: Research Capabilities Strategic Goal 2: University PartnershipsThe UCPO will provide research capabilities to meet unique Center needs while supporting the Agency’s Mission.Performance OutcomesJSC Directorates are utilizing Universities as partners for research and capabilities development and are a key part of the integrated roadmap discussions and focused on technologies at TRL 1 to 33-5 Year ObjectivesImplement seamless approach to leverage University research capabilitiesPromote partnerships to develop research opportunities that support JSC’s missionEstablish an University Consortium focused on Space TechnologyEstablish a University Advisory Council for JSC Research and TechnologyEnable University Partnerships that provide access to the “best-minds” to support JSC’s mission.Performance OutcomesUniversities partnered with on current technology challenges in operations similar to JPL’s utilization of UT Austin for spacecraft operations3-5 Year ObjectivesUtilize Advisory Council for access to technical experts, as requiredStrategic Goal 3: SustainabilityStrategic Goal 4: Education AlignmentCapture and maintain an inventory of key technical experts aligned to JSC’s mission needsEstablish a fully integrated University engagement methodology and process.Performance OutcomesThe University engagement is standardized, consolidated, cost effective, sustainable, and scalable providing services and capabilities to meet mission needs. University partnerships and collaboration are highly leveraged where additional resources are required.3-5 Year ObjectivesDefine and document clear processes for University Research and Technology engagementIntegrate processes and communications with Universities, key stakeholders, functions, missions, and programsDevelop and implement key performance indicators and metrics for University engagementsEstablish integration with Education program to provide alignment for JSC research needsPerformance Outcomes,mThe University engagement by JSC for Education and UCPO are integrated enabling cooperative and aligned activities that help to enable the goals of both strategies3-5 Year ObjectivesProvide Education communications and information that is consistent with Center research needs Utilize Education tools and processes to enable skills and resources’ to support JSC’s research and technology needs Strategy MetricsThis section is TBDStrategy ChallengesThis long-term strategy is faced with several challenges to achieve the overall goal. As part of the strategy the UCPO recognizes the challenges and will work to ensure the challenges are properly considered and addressed as part of the overall implementation of plan. These challenges may result in a change of process, goal, or success of this plan. Some of the identified challenges included, but are not limited to, the following with initial activities, communications, or methodologies to mitigate the challenge:Culture – The NASA JSC culture for many years has been predominantly focused on operations. Utilization of current technology capabilities and direct contracts have been the primary methods of achieving the mission. Now with the shut-down of the Space Shuttle Program and the changing focus to farther reaching missions and the push for emerging technologies the NASA JSC culture needs to embrace more of a “research” focus and needs to evaluate new methods of accomplishing is goal.Funding – The NASA budget is currently a flat budget, with minor increases, and with continuing inflation the budget is in fact declining as the cost of items and services increase. Limited funding is currently identified for research partnerships with Universities. NASA JSC needs to evaluate how to maximize its return on investment in areas identified in Partnerships Engagement Tools to align to the long-term technology needs resolving key gaps and challenges of the future.Awareness – The variety of methods that can be utilized to engage with a University are extensive. Awareness of the methods, some or all, is very limited and typically only to those that have utilized them at one time or another. In addition, most professors are unaware of the various opportunities to engage with NASA. In addition many are overloaded with communications and will not typically pay attention to a communication unless it can directly impact them today. In order to improve this communications strategies need to be continuous and through. Integrating University Partnerships into the road map planning is an example of identifying the opportunities that is exist in research partnerships.Resources – The University Collaboration and Partnership Office has very limited resources to fully engage the NASA JSC in a University Partnership program. Utilizing the resources within the organizations and within the groups that manage the various partnerships engagement tools is critical to success. However, this requires top level management to emphasis the need for alignment and integration.Partnership Engagement toolsFollowing are some of the tools that can be utilized for partnership engagements with Universities. Each of these will either be through awareness, influence, discussions/partnership, or contracting. All can be utilized to help align to the Agency and Center needs and goals. The engagement tools include, but are not limited to:AgreementsSpace Act AgreementsCRADANational Laboratory AgreementsInternational AgreementsSIERAFlying Experiments on ISSCASISISS University ProgramIntergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)University to JSCNASA pays salaryJSC to UniversityGrants and AwardsSpace GrantsFederal Government Awards and GrantsSpace Technology Research GrantsNASA Space Technology Research Fellowships (NSTRF)Early Career Faculty (ECF)Early Stage Innovations (ESI)Game Changing DevelopmentStrategic University Research Partnerships (JPL)Innovative Partnerships ProgramMinority University Research and Education Program (MUREP)Unsolicited ProposalsTo NASANASA with Univ. to another AgencyContractsUARC contractGSFCNAISNSBRINASA Challenges (SOLVE)Implementation Plan | Portfolio Management of actionsGoal 1: Research CapabilitiesObjective 1.1: Implement seamless approach to leverage University research capabilitiesPrioritized ActionsIncorporated into PlanAction Start DateDurationOwner(s)BaselineKey Metric to Track1.1.1:Objective 1.2: Promote partnerships to develop research opportunities that support JSC’s missionPrioritized ActionsIncorporated into PlanAction Start DateDurationOwner(s)BaselineKey Metric to Track1.2.1: Benchmark current University partnerships utilized by JSC. Gather lesson’s learned, best practices, and strategiesFY153/16/152 monthsDeputy UCPONo current reference model1.2.2: Present overview of UCPO and how it can help organizations. (e.g SDP, EA, FOD, EISD, HH&P)FY152/29/153 monthsDirector UCPO, Deputy UCPO1.2.3: Facilitation of Org. (e.g. EA) visit/engagement with UniversitiesFY153/1/154 monthsDirector UCPOObjective 1.3: Establish an University Consortium focused on Space TechnologyPrioritized ActionsIncorporated into PlanAction Start DateDurationOwner(s)BaselineKey Metric to Track1.3.1: Benchmark current University Consortiums utilized by NASA. Gather lesson’s learned, best practices, and strategies. (HHP, JPL, ARC)FY16Deputy UCPONo current reference modelObjective 1.4: Establish a University Advisory Council for JSC Research and TechnologyPrioritized ActionsIncorporated into PlanAction Start DateDurationOwner(s)BaselineKey Metric to Track1.4.1:Goal 2: University PartnershipsObjective 2.1: Utilize Advisory Council for access to technical experts, as requiredPrioritized ActionsIncorporated into PlanAction Start DateDurationOwner(s)BaselineKey Metric to Track2.1.1:Objective 2.2: Capture and maintain an inventory of key technical experts aligned to JSC’s Mission NeedsPrioritized ActionsIncorporated into PlanAction Start DateDurationOwner(s)BaselineKey Metric to Track2.2.1:Goal 3: SustainabilityObjective 3.1: Define and document clear processes for University Research and Technology engagementPrioritized ActionsIncorporated into PlanAction Start DateDurationOwner(s)BaselineKey Metric to Track3.1.1: Perform benchmarking of existing engagement processes and gather lessons learned and tool info (e.g. HH&P, EA, JPL)FY152/26/153 monthsDeputy UCPONo current reference model3.1.2: Establish a process for clearly identifying Center top priority needs for research that is utilized for guidance/coordination with Universities (e.g. CT Road Map integration)FY152/1/152 monthsDeputy UCPO, JSC Chief Technologist3.1.3: Establish a process for capturing current research focus areas of US Universities and incorporate into a searchable dB (Supports Obj. 2.2.1)FY156/1/154 monthsDeputy UCPO3.1.4: Develop an integrated process flow for UCPO engagements ensuring utilization of all potential engagement tools. (Supports Obj. 1.1.1)FY156/1/155 monthsDeputy UCPOProcess and form implemented for UCPO engagement requestsObjective 3.2: Integrate processes and communications with Universities, key stakeholders, functions, missions, and programsPrioritized ActionsIncorporated into PlanAction Start DateDurationOwner(s)BaselineKey Metric to Track3.2.1: Align yearly "challenge" categories for Texas Space Grant and EPSCoR to JSC primary gaps and needsFY161 monthObjective 3.3: Develop and implement key performance indicators and metrics for University engagementsPrioritized ActionsIncorporated into PlanAction Start DateDurationOwner(s)BaselineKey Metric to Track3.3.1: Develop document of historical utilization and benefit of JSC University engagementsFY153 monthsGoal 4: Education AlignmentObjective 4.1: Provide Education communications and information that is consistent with Center research needsPrioritized ActionsIncorporated into PlanAction Start DateDurationOwner(s)BaselineKey Metric to Track4.1.1: Identify current education tools utilized that provide potential benefit from UCPO influence (e.g. Space Grants, etc.)FY152/26/153 monthsDeputy UCPONo current reference4.1.2: Establish integration and process to provide recommendations for categories/projects. FY152/26/155 monthsDeputy UCPOOne Space Grant project clearly aligned to a JSC Top priority goalObjective 4.2: Utilize Education tools and processes to enable skills and resources to support JSC’s research and technology needsPrioritized ActionsIncorporated into PlanAction Start DateDurationOwner(s)BaselineKey Metric to Track4.2.1: Identify projects for interns to assist JSC's missionFY154/1/155 monthsDeputy UCPOIntern’s project successUCPO Strategy one pagerUCPO Alignment ................

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