Greenpower Application - Siemens

Greenpower Sample Team Member Application

Name __________________________________________________

Date __________________________________________________

Grade __________________________________________________

School __________________________________________________

1. Have you ever built any of the following? (Check all that apply)

□ Tree house

□ Erector set project

□ Arduino

□ Raspberry PI

□ Legos, Lincoln Logs, K’nex, and so on

□ Any DIY or electronic project

□ Models of any kind (cars, planes, rockets, boats, and so on)

2. If you don’t know the answer to a question on a test, how do you feel? (Check only one)

□ I’ll be worried because I may fail the test

□ I’ll be worried but make a guess at the answer

□ I’ll make an attempt to answer the question, hoping for extra credit

□ I’ll be relaxed because I know I’ll figure it out

3. List the five most important things to consider when planning a party:

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________

4. How social are you? (Check all that apply)

□ I have and use social media (YouTube channel, Instagram, Snapchat, and so on)

□ I don’t mind public speaking

□ I’m comfortable talking to adults or teachers

□ I’m comfortable talking to strangers

□ I’m not, but I really want to learn

5. List three good ways to raise $3,000 for a school project:

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________

6. If your bike tire was flat, what would you do? (Check only one)

□ It’s an easy job, I would just fix it

□ Watch YouTube to figure out how to fix it

□ Get someone to fix it

□ I never ride a bike

7. Draw the following in the space provided:

|Dolphin | |Bicycle |

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8. List the following jobs in order of most interested to least interested: (1=most interested, 5=least interested)

___ Project manager

___ Fund raising, marketing, spokesperson

___ Builder

___ Pit crew (fixer)

___ Driver

9. List thee things you would like to get out of being on the Greenpower racing team:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

10. If a team member on a science project was not helping out what would you do?





By signing this form you are stating that your answers are truthful and accurate to the best of your knowledge. Your signature also indicates that you understand that participating in this program is mandatory.

( I agree to these conditions



Answer key (teachers only)

|Questions |Aptitude |A good response will entail |

|1 |Lead builder |All checked, focus on mechanical ones |

|2 |Pit crew |Relaxed (we need one who will not panic when the car breaks) |

|3 |Team leader |Can provide a high-level project break down (occasion, food, entertainment, invitations, parental |

| | |attendance, permission) |

|4 |Marketing |All checked (plugged into society, not afraid to talk to others a.k.a. channel 19 interviews) |

|5 |Marketing |Big money / high exposure ideas: corporate sponsorships, high exposure events, car-related events |

|6 |Pit crew |First or second response, can fix things or willing to learn |

|7 |Lead builder |Accurate drawings that communicated ideas well |

|8 |All |Let them tell us what they are interested in |

|9 |All |Let’s look for driven people |

|10 |Team leader |Good leader will answer with stuff like 1) Calls one to side and discusses need, 2) Leads by |

| | |example, 3) Helps get person started |


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