EDU Mandarin (KL) 吉隆坡卓越汉语

2.1Mary, what’s today’s date and month?Today is 1st of January, tomorrow is 2nd of Jan, Thursday is my birthday.Zhao laoshi, welcome to Malaysia! is this your 1st time to Malaysia?No, the 1st time was in March 2008, 2nd time was in June 2013 last year.My elder sister will be returning home next Tuesday, do you want to meet her?Mum, when will you be returning to Kuala Lumpur? We all miss you very much.I have something to do today, can I see you on next 2 days?Next 2 days is what day? I want to treat you a meal.This year May I will be returning my home country, next year 2015 I will be coming Shanghai again.Yesterday was Saturday 20th of March is my birthday, my siblings treat me a dinner and watching movie.8th of April you will be reaching Beijing at 7.00am, please give mum a call when you reach there.Will you be free this Friday? Can I invite you to be our coach of Aerobic exercise.This year’s Christmas Day is on 25th December, EDU Mandarin class will be rest for one week..31st of August is the National Day of Malaysia. So coincidence, this day is also my younger brother’s birthdayToday is Sunday, I want to treat my family members to have breakfast at Mid Valley.I so happy that start from 1st of February, Jane can be our French teacher.Her boyfriend is very busy, but he still always treat her family members to have meal.He likes to listen music, he always treat his friends to listen music.You don’t like to eat roasted duck, can I treat you to drink coffee and eat cake?Last Saturday is my mum’s birthday, my father made one big and beautiful cake to her.2.2My English-Chinese dictionary maybe is on the bookshelf or on the table in my room.Your dictionary is not on the table, it is in the drawer.I can see there is a ball under the sofa, please give it to the little boy.The Gym room is at the right side of the swimming hall, I wait for you there.Please wait for me outside the school’s south gate at 10:30 morning.Are you in the company or in the house? I’m in front of your company now.My school is at the center, north side is bastketball court, south side is swimming hall, east side is Library and west side is student’s dorm.I wish that I can stay inside the school’s hostel, many beautiful girls in your school.There is a 99 supermarket behind my house and a Malay restaurant at the left side of the supermarket.My book is not inside my school bag, it may be inside my mum’s car.There are many beautiful apartments inside this Residential district, do you like to stay here?Today many students inside the Library, let’s study at home.Do you see my school bag on the sofa yesterday?The student hostel is at the left side of the Library, it is not at the right side.There is a Malaysia Registration Department at the right side of the EDU Mandarin Class center. Do you see it?Please wait me in front of the Seven-Eleven Shop, I go to pick you now.The pretty Miss Malaysia is behind you let’s say hello and take picture with her?There are many peoples in front of the Bank when it is 9.30am every morning.I’m going with my dad to look around at the antique shop, the shop is at the right side of the Department store.No, the right side of the basketball court is Teacher’s hostel, not the student hostel.2.31)We will be going outing (picnic) together with Teacher Lee this Sunday.2)Can you bring bread and fruits and I will bring along some cold and hot drinks.3) What do you like to eat and drink? We have coffee, tea, fruit juice, beer, bread, cake and ice-cream.4)Nowadays university living conditions are very good and convenient.5)There is air-conditioning, TV, refrigerator, telephone and sofa at the living room and internet access in the student’s residences.6)We have 4 peoples staying in one apartment suite and 2 persons share a wardrobe.7)The red colour bag is mine, the black one is belong to Anne.8)We have 10 students in a class, 2 students to share one table and one computer.9)My elder sister given me a beautiful red colour bag last Saturday.10)I think my mum likes this kind of bag, but I don’t know what colour she likes.11)Kids can eat cake and ice-cream but can not drink beer or coffee.12)I’m looking for dad, is he in the living room or bedroom now?13)When do you want to access internet? Please go into my room, only inside my room can access internet.14)May I ask, is there other colors for this bag? I’m looking for white colour one.15)My auntie’s family staying at Korea, their living conditions quite good.16)His girlfriend is a beautiful France girl, her hair is in gold colour.17)There are many drinks and fruits in the refrigerator, you can also on the air-condition when it is hot.18)Mike’s house is very big, he stay with his dad and mum in one big apartment, there are 6 rooms in the apartment.19)Today after class, can we go together to the shop to buy a bag for my mum?20)Mary brought some fruits to see her friend in the hospital.2.4I want to go to the Malayan Bank, How would I get there from here?You go straight from here, make a left turn at the first crossing road, you will see the Malayan bank.Please give me the bus ticket from Kuala Lumpur to Malacca.After you go out, keep on walk towards in front, make a right turn and you will see the PapaRich coffee house.He keep on playing basketball from morning 6am until afternoon 2pm.Your father is over there, I saw him come down from the elevator.That side got a snack counter, I go there to buy few bottles beverage.Mila, how come you still have not arrived yet, is it traffic jam?Yes, I’m still at the Penang Bridge now, it’s very jam here, I think I would not arrived in 1 hour time.Mum, you come up from the stairs, make a left turn and there is the room no 303.You drink some hot water first and rest for a while.She doesn’t want to keep on staying in East Malaysia, she wish to stay with her parents in Kuala Lumpur.It is nearer to walk from here to the Department Store.Turn to your right when you reach the second junction, there is a Department Store at the North side of the street.Please give me a call after you reached the Mandarin Institute.You look towards west, behind the Bank is the Mc Donald.I’m waiting for you at the 3rd floor, you come up now.Zhao Han come out together with his younger sister after the class.You go up to see your teacher first, I wait you here in the car.I like to walk up and down from the stairs case, this is my exercise training.2.51)Let me have a count how much RMB in total that you gave me today.2)All together there is 888.99 yuan, how come you gave some many coins?3)How much is your Iphone 5S? mine 4s is RM1200.4)This set of Sofa so beautiful! The sofa, TV and Fridge altogether is RM10,000.5)My elder sister bought two pieces of cheongsam, I like the red colour one.6)Yuan yuan, this skirt is 380 kuai per piece, I think it’s a bit too expensive.7)Let me try the blue cheongsam, this type of cheongsam is really beautiful!8)Welcome! We have beautiful skirts and cheongsam over here, what are you two looking to buy?9)This cheongsam not too big and not too small, it really fits, do you want to buy?10)I bought one pair of shoes 220 and one overcoat at 150, you calculate how much altogether.11)Mother bought one skirt at RMB 160 kuai, she gave 200 to the salesperson and the salesperson return her RMB 40 kuai.12)You room not big and not small and you have computer, TV and bookshelf in the room, it’s really good!13)One piece of cheongsam 780 kuai, I think it’s a bit expensive.14)Miss, you can try the skirt over here and then pay over there.15)From Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya is not so far and not so near.16)My family altogether have 16 peoples, it’s really a big family.17)There are 10 persons going for picnic tomorrow, how many Bread and drinks need to buy?18)He is not so tall and not so short, I think he is very suitable to your sister.19)I feel that this type of skirt not bad and it’s not so expensive, you can buy.20)You bought school bag and some books at RM145, you give him RM200, how much he should return to you?2.6Do you know how to use chopstick?I want to learn how to use chopsticks.Let me teach you how to use chopsticks and spoon.Mike feel that using chopsticks is too difficult.Mike say he doesn’t want to use chopstick, please give him a knife and fork.The dish made by mum taste extremely delicious! Why are you not eating?What do you think about the taste of the dishes? I work overtime from 6pm to 10pm everyday, I’m so tired!This beer is too cool, please give me hot tea.Today is my father’s treat, mother order roasted duck, dumpling, stir-fried broccoli, rice and a pot of tea.I want to pack some dishes for my younger sister.My mum given me RM200 this morning, let me pay the bill.I already ate too much just now, I’m very full now.Mr. this is our menu, What do you want to order?Gu lao rou this dish is sweet one, very delicious!I went to Mary’s house just now, her house is very big.Can you teach me how to online and how to use this dictionary? Thank you.Jane feel that it is not difficult to learn Mandarin in Malaysia.Today is your birthday, let me treat you a meal tonight at 7pm.I can only eat one bowl of rice, it is not good to eat too much at night.2.7Hello, my friend and I would like to register and join your mandarin class.Please wait a moment, I will transfer you to the registration office.Can you please help to introduce Kuala Lumpur to everybody?Fang Fang had bought a pair of new shoes to her younger brother.When you reach your hostel, please give me a call.I wish that you could join me to go to Kota Kinabalu Mountain Climbing Club.I’m not sure the price for this book, can you help me to check?Let me help you enquire where you can learn Mandarin.Mary is a good daughter, she help her mum washing cloths everyday.Why your house telephone always line busy?Students, please do not make call or send sms when you are in the class.See you on Saturday night 7:30pm at Cinema entrance, I will wait until you arrive.Tomorrow afternoon I have no class, I can help you to buy cake for you mum.Yuan Yuan’s boyfriend bought a piece of cheongsam for her, she is very happy.Manager Chen maybe back in the afternoon, you have what matters? I can help you pass message to him.I’m sorry! My dad is not at home now, any important matter you can send him a message.She doesn’t know the venue of the dancing party, can you send her there?Why you don’t want to participate Mike’s birthday party?When you do the registration, please give your name and telephone no at the registration counter.Can you tell me where is your school’s auditorium? I want to meet my son there.2.8 Siti, how are you doing now? We all miss you.Ali stay alone in US, his mother worry him very much.I know teacher Lee, you no need introduce.Tonight my friend treat us a meal, I don’t have to cook.This Saturday I no need to work, we can go together to watch movie.Inside the fridge still have many beverage, no need to buy.My younger sister staying in the dorm from Monday to Friday, My mum will pick her on Saturday.This is your room, you can share the bathroom and toilet with your neighbor. There is a public kitchen and laundry room at the 1st floor.I work from Monday to Saturday, I only rest on Sunday.Your class is on Monday and Wednesday, from 8pm to 9:30pm.Siti, from Kuala Lumpur to your house far or not far?This bag is really nice but it is too expensive.Your room is very big, but is too messy, how long have you been staying here?This apartment is not bad, the living hall and kitchen is big, and there are 3 rooms and 3 bath rooms.My book is on the bookshelf near the window, do you see it?You always do overtime, you must take care of your body/health.Fang Fang usually stay with her grandmother, her parents are very busy.We have class from Monday till Saturday, can you come on Monday?Our school is not so big, but it is very convenient, there are hostel, library, swimming pool, laundry and canteen.2.9We can take public bus or take taxi to Zoo Negara.I’m very tired last night, I sleep immediately at 9pm.Take subway 10 minutes will get you there, public bus only comes once every 30 minutes.Let me take a look at the route board, which bus are we going to take to KLCC.I have waited you for 1 hour, now only you come.This red cheongsam too small, not fit you, better buy the blue one.Please help me to buy two bus ticket to UM.The bus to UM already arrived, we can get broad now.May I ask which bus stop should I get off to go to Malaya Bank?Hello Mr! I want to change to a bigger room, thank you.Mum said father do overtime last night, he only came back at 11pm.I don’t want to take car, I better take bicycle to do more exercise.There is a bit of traffic jam now, you should take MRT to go to National Library?Tonight 8am got class, Mary 7:30am already reached the school.She always sleeps until 10am only wake up on every Sunday.We should go to Beijing or Shanghai to learn Mandarin?I’m a bit fat now, I should do more exercise and eat less.We can take bus for road no 33 or 60 to go to Malacca, 1 hour can arrived there.My mum doesn’t like to drink coffee, better give her tea.May I ask where is the subway station or bus station?2.10Susan help me to buy an atlas at the bookstore.No problem, I will deliver to your house today.This room is too small, please give us a bigger room?Can you eat faster a bit, you have to go to class at 10am.What kind of girlfriend you like? Let me introduce to you.There are ten pieces of papers here, please find which one got telephone no.Don’t worried! I already informed your mum.Teacher will help us to buy the air-ticket to Beijing.I’m waiting for you at the Mid Valley now, you quickly come.No time already, faster help me send this book to younger sister’s school now.Mike, may I trouble you a moment? Is Mary in the courtyard?I feel that this restaurant’s dish is a bit expensive.Oh, he is not my boyfriend, he’s just my normal friend.This chinese-english dictionary not bad, very detailed, it’s suitable for you.Thank you for sending me home, really trouble you!You see, this blue cheongsam is a bit big, I think the red one suitable for me.I already informed him, you are waiting for him near at the library.Don’t bother me, I’m listening to my teacher’s mandarin speaking.Langkawi is too far, we go to the nearer one, how about Genting Highland?That room is big but is too messy, I better stay in this room.8)Never mind! 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