Poetry Project - Middletown High School

Poetry Project

During the next week we will be studying poetry. You will have the opportunity to study and learn more about poetry through writing and reading it. In order to determine whether you have learned poetic terminology and how to write poetry you will have to complete a project. This project is up to you. You are able to choose what grade and how much work you want to put into that grade. Please note that there is no grade lower than a D- thus EVERYONE needs to turn in some form of the project.

For an A

Write 10 poems and find 5 poems

Analyze each poem finding the figurative language and rhyme scheme

For a B

Write 8 poems and find 5 poems

Analyze each poem and find the figurative language and rhyme scheme

For a C

Write 5 poems and find 5 poems

Analyze each poem and find the figurative language and rhyme scheme

For a D

Write 3 poems and find 5 poems

Analyze each poem and find the figurative language and rhyme scheme

Each poem must have at least a short explanation of what it is about. You should be able to produce at least a paragraph for each poem containing your analysis and explanation. (This should include, but is not limited to: Form, Stanzas, Lines, Rhyme Scheme, Figurative Language, and a 2-3 sentence analysis about the poem).

You should also include a bibliography of where the poems were found. This is important so that you do not plagiarize, but give credit to those writers of poetry.

The poems can include song lyrics, or previously written poems. Please try to write new verses for this project. You may not use last year’s poetry for this project.

When finding the 5 poems written by others there must be at least two different authors. Remember to use the textbook to find poems.

This project will be mainly completed on your own; however some class time will be given. I will let you know ahead of time when class time will be given so that you can bring in the materials necessary. Your project must be typed up neatly to be turned in for a grade. This is a product assignment.

All poetry submitted should be school appropriate. There should be no profanity or written work about something that would be deemed inappropriate by either Mrs. Snapp, an administrator, or a parent/guardian.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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