Level Three – Learning Outcomes

Level Three – Learning OutcomesChurchKnow the following:Parish NamePastor’s NameName of the PopeKnow that the Pope lives in Vatican City, Rome, ItalyPrayerKnow that prayer is talking to God and brings one closer to GodMake the sign of the Cross with correct hand placementSay the Our Father independentlySay the Hail Mary independentlyKnow the Act of Contrition is said after absolution (When Priest says prayer over you)CreationGod made all of creation.Adam and Eve are the first humansBibleThere are two books of the bible – God’s Word written by humansThe Old Testament tells about God’s People before Jesus was bornThe New Testament tells of the life and teaching of JesusJesusJesus is the Son of GodJesus is God’s greatest gift to usThe Lord’s Prayer (Our Father) is the prayer Jesus taught his followersJesus is the Savior who came to bring us back to GodHoly FamilyMary is the Mother of Jesus and is referred to as Our LadyJoseph is the Foster Father of Jesus.Jesus, Mary and Joseph make up the Holy FamilyHoly TrinityThe Holy Trinity is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (Sign of the cross) – three persons in one GodCommandments and willGod gave the Ten Commandments to MosesKnow and recognize the commandmentsGod gave us free will because He wants us to choose goodSin (wrong doings) break our relationship with GodAsking forgiveness repairs our relationship with GodReconciliationWe receive the sacrament of Reconciliation to repair our relationship with God.Before we ask for forgiveness we must think about what we did wrong – examine our conscious.Penance is what we are asked to do to show that we are truly sorry for our sins.EucharistThe Last Supper is a special meal Jesus shared with his friends the night before he died.The bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus during the Mass.Eucharist means Thanksgiving and is the celebration of the MassThe Eucharist is the body of ChristThe MassLiturgy of the Word – ReadingLiturgy of the Eucharist – when the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus (no longer bread and wine)SacramentsSeven SacramentsSacraments of initiation – Baptism, Eucharist, ConfirmationSacraments of Healing – Reconciliation, Anointing of the sickSacraments of Service – Holy Orders and MatrimonyLiturgical YearDuring Advent we prepare for ChristmasDuring Lent we sacrifice and pray to prepare for Easter ................

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