HSE Training Procedure - PDO


Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Document Title:

Health, Safety and Environment Procedure:

HSE Training Selection & Compliance Monitoring

|Document ID |PR 2010 Part I |

|Document Type |Procedure |

|Security |Unrestricted |

|Discipline |Learning and Development |

|Document Owner |HLD - Head of Learning & Development |

|Month and Year of Issue |February 2012 |

|Version |1.1 |

|Keywords |HSE, Training, Courses, selection, compliance, monitoring |

Copyright: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner.

Document Authorisation


Revision History

The following is a brief summary of the four most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the Document Custodian.

|Version No. |Month & Year |Author’s Name and Title |Scope / Remarks |

|1.0 |January 2012 |Ian Bowen |Origination of PR-2010 Part I, originally incorporated within |

| | |Corporate Adviser, HSE Training |SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications. The current document |

| | |& Competence |aligns fully with the revised CP-122. |

|1.1 |February 2012 |Ian Bowen |Changed status of workplace Core HSE performance assessments |

| | |Corporate Adviser, HSE Training |to recommended rather than a requirement. |

| | |& Competence |Minor editorial corrections on Pages 9, 10, 41, 42, 52, 53, 54|

| | | |and 55. |

User Notes:

1. The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance shall only be authorised by a designated authority through STEP-OUT approval as described in this document.

2. A controlled copy of the current version of this document is on PDO's live link. Before making reference to this document, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current. For assistance, contact the Document Custodian.

3. Users are encouraged to participate in the ongoing improvement of this document by providing constructive feedback.

Related Business Processes & CMF Documents

Related Business Processes

|Code |Business Process (EPBM 4.0) |

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Parent Document(s)

|Doc. No. |Document Title |

|CP 122 |HSE Management System Manual |

| | |

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| | |

Other Related CMF Document(s)

|Doc. No. |Document Title |

|PR 1171 Pt II |Contract HSE Management |

|PR 1251 |Training requirement for Lifting Operations personnel |

|PR 2010 Pt II |HSE Training Provision Approvals and Quality Assurance Procedure |

|SP 1157 |HSE Training Specifications |

|SP 2000 |Road Transport Specification |

|GU 673 |Core HSE Assessment System |

| | |

| | |

| | |

The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Business Control Documentation Register CMF.


Document Authorisation 2

Revision History 3

Related Business Processes & CMF Documents 4

1 Introduction 7

1.1 Purpose and Objectives 7

1.2 Scope and Applicability 7

1.3 Review and Improvement 7

1.4 Distribution 8

2. Compliance Requirements 8

2.1 General 8

2.2 Compliance Reports – Responsibilities & Accountabilities 9

2.2.1 Asset and Functional Directors, contractor CEOs 9

2.2.2 HSE Training Focal Points 9

2.2.3 HSE Advisers 10

2.2.4 PDO’s Approved Training providers (ATPs) 10

2.2.5 PDO’s HSE Training Quality Assurance Team (HLD8) 10

3 Nine (9) Steps to Achieving HSE Training Compliance 11

3.1 STEP 1: Identifying HSE training and reassessments applicable to specific individuals 11

3.2 STEP 2: Assessment first or Training first? 11

3.3 STEP 3: When must HSE Training or Assessment be carried out?- Attendance Classifications 12

3.4 STEP 4: Planning Training and/or Reassessment 12

3.5 STEP 5: All staff – What / Who are Approved HSE Training Providers? 13

3.5.1 PDO staff – Who is contracted to provide HSE training and Assessments? 13

3.5.2 Contractor staff – Which ATPs can provide HSE Training courses and Assessments? 13

3.6 STEP 6: Course Nominations, Confirmations, Cancellations 14

3.6.1 PDO principles: Learning & Development event nomination and attendance 14

3.6.2 PDO staff – Using Insight Browser 14

3.6.3 PDO staff - Conventional nominations 15

3.6.4 Nominations for PDO new hires. 15

3.6.5 PDO staff - Confirmations of nominations 15

3.6.6 PDO staff - Cancellations or Amendments 16

3.6.7 Contractor Staff - Nominations 16

3.6.8 Contractor Staff - Confirmations 16

3.6.9 Contractor Staff – Cancellations or Amendments 17

3.7 STEP 7: Attendance and HSE Performance Records 17

3.7.1 ATP records 17

3.7.2 PDO Records 17

3.7.3 Contractor Records 17

3.7.4 Individual records - HSE Passports 18

3.8 STEP 8: Workplace based reassessments of Core HSE performance requirements 18

3.9 STEP 9: Performance Reassessments and Recertifications 19

Core HSE Learning Ladder courses 21

Appendices 22

Appendix A – General, Level 1 (HSE) course selection Table 22

Appendix B - First Aid, Level 1 (HSE) course selection Table 25

Appendix C - Defensive Driving, Level 1 (HSE) course selection Table 26

Appendix D - Lifting & Hoisting, Level 1 (HSE) course selection Table 30

Appendix E - General, Level 2 (HSE) course selection Table 33

Appendix F - Defensive Driving, Level 2 (HSE) course selection Table. 39

Appendix G - Professional HSE qualifications, Level 3 HSE course selection Table 40

Appendix H - International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Bands and definitions 48

Appendix J – Abbreviations and Definitions 49

Appendix K – Non-Supervisory staff Core HSE Performance Criteria for recommended workplace assessment 54

Appendix L - Supervisory and Managerial staff Core HSE Performance Criteria for recommended workplace assessment 55


1.1 Purpose and Objectives

PDO needs to ensure all those working for it are properly trained in the common hazards, risks and controls associated with its oil and gas exploration and production activities. This training provides sufficient HSE knowledge and understanding, generally at an Awareness level, of the common workplace hazards, risks and controls to be found and used within its concession area, in the Sultanate of Oman.

This Procedure sets out how PDO and contractor staff identify, select, book and attend the correct HSE courses and assessments, and how their compliance against contract requirements and PDO HSE training specifications should be monitored.

3 Scope and Applicability

1.2.1 This procedure sets out the way in which people identify:

• the PDO Approved HSE training or Assessment they require,

• when they require it,

• where they can receive it,

• how they can book a course or assessment,

• How course or assessment bookings should be confirmed,

• how attendance and performance is recorded,

• when they must be reassessed,

• how to schedule the required performance reassessments, and

• how compliance with specific contract requirements in Document C9 and PDO’s HSE training requirements are to be recorded.

2. This Procedure applies to all PDO staff and PDO contracting staff, irrespective of their physical location in PDO’s concession area.

4 Review and Improvement

1. This specification will be reviewed at least every 4 years to ensure it continues to meet company HSE training needs.

2. Annual reviews of individual course specifications detailed in SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications will be carried out. Any major revisions or inclusion of additional courses thought necessary, will produce a review of that document as a whole, and as a consequence may lead to amendment, addendum or revision of the summary details in Appendices A – G and elsewhere in this document, at the same time.

5 Distribution

3. The following groups will be advised by email of any revision to this document, either directly or through their contract holder. An electronic link to the revised document will be included in the advisory email to enable viewing or download.

• PDO Heads of Corporate MSE and Learning & Development, the HLD8 HSE Training team,

• PDO & Contractor Line and Functional HSE Advisers/Managers, and HSE Training focal points

• PDO HSE Training course Technical Authorities and their respective CFDH’s.

• PDO Contract Holders

• PDO Approved HSE Training Providers (commercial)

• Contracting companies approved to deliver PDO HSE courses in-house to their own staff.

• PDO and Contractor Skill pool managers

• PDO’s HSE Training Services Contractor.

• PDO’s First Aid Training Services Contractor.

• PDO’s Defensive Driving Training Contractor.

• PDO’s Defensive Driving Assessment Contractor.

4. All other PDO staff will be advised of revisions to the document via a News List announcement using the Company’s intranet. The notice will include an electronic link to the revised document for viewing or download.

2. Compliance Requirements

1 General

1. PDO and contractor staff are required at all times to comply with the arrangements made for implementing its HSE Management System. The content of this document, and the HSE Training Specifications detailed in SP 1157, form part of those implementation arrangements.

2. PDO contractors must comply with the same requirements, but through the specific provisions of Document C9 - HSE Specifications in their contract.

3. The annual Letter of Assurance that contracting company CEOs must provide to the company includes a declaration related to compliance with the HSE Training requirements associated with their contract.

4. Achieving compliance requires an understanding of the requirements, HSE training planning and records, and monitoring to provide evidence of compliance. This is best achieved by the preparation of an HSE Training and Reassessment matrix for all staff involved in the team, Function, Directorate or contract.

5. Appendices A – G inclusive contain course selection tables and the main points summary of all HSE course and assessment specifications in SP 1157.

6. The information provided will enable staff to quickly find essential and relevant details of a particular course and the page reference within SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications for obtaining further course information.

2 Compliance Reports – Responsibilities & Accountabilities

2.2.1 Asset and Functional Directors, contractor CEOs will be responsible, and accountable to PDO’s MD, for:

• nominating sufficient HSE Training Focal Points so that all individuals in their directorate, function or contract are being effectively monitored in respect of HSE Training compliance.

• Providing a summary HSE Training and Assessment compliance report for their Directorate or Function for the previous calendar year, by 31st January in each calendar year, held on file for use by any audit or verification team.

• any and all HSE Training related non-compliances occurring within their respective teams.

2. HSE Training Focal Points will be responsible, and accountable to their Asset or Functional Director, or CEO for ensuring:

• The HSE Training assessments and courses required by all staff they are responsible for are identified and recorded

• When the training must be attended to achieve compliance

• assessment and course nominations are made at the right time

• dates of attendance and performance outcomes are recorded

• scheduled reassessments are diaried and planned

• compliance of all staff against the requirements of SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications and PR 2010 Part I is effectively monitored.

• By the 15th of the month following each calendar quarter, a report for the previous calendar quarter on the compliance status of each staff member they are responsible for is provided to the Asset or Functional Director, or in the case of contractors to their CEO and Contract Holder.

• By 15th January in each calendar year, an annual report on the compliance status of each staff member they are responsible for is provided to the HLD8 team and, if a contracting company, via their Contract Holder.

3. HSE Advisers will be responsible for, and accountable to their Asset or Functional Director, or CEO for:

• Monitoring that the recommended Core HSE workplace assessments for new hires are planned and carried out by workplace supervisors and Line Managers within the specified time period whenever practicable.

• Quality assuring the recommended Core HSE assessments that have been conducted within their directorate, function or contracting company, as an internal verifier (see also GU 673: Core HSE Assessment System)

• Providing a quarterly report to their Director, Functional Head or in the case of contractors to their CEO and Contract Holder, on the compliance status of the last quarter’s new hires in relation to the recommended Core HSE workplace assessments, together with the performance assessment outcomes.

• By 15th January in each calendar year, providing an annual report to PDO’s HLD8 team, via their Director, Functional Head, CEO, and in the case of contractors their Contract Holder, on the recommended Core HSE workplace assessments compliance status of the last year’s new hires, together with the performance assessment outcomes.

4. PDO’s Approved Training providers (ATPs) have reporting requirements associated with HSE Training and Assessments that are detailed in PR 2010 Part II: HSE Training Provision Approvals and Quality Assurance.

5. PDO’s HSE Training Quality Assurance Team (HLD8) will be responsible, and accountable to the Head of Learning & Development and Head of Corporate MSE, for:

• Monitoring Corporate HSE Training compliance via reports received.

• Externally Verifying the compliance of Core HSE assessments within Directorates, Functions and contracting companies on a scheduled basis.

• Providing a summary report of the preceeding year’s PDO and contractor HSE Training and Assessment compliance to the PDO Managing Director’s Committee, by 31st March in each calendar year.

Nine (9) Steps to Achieving HSE Training Compliance

3.1 STEP 1: Identifying HSE training and reassessments applicable to specific individuals

2. PDO staff will have the HSE courses applicable to them included in their HSE Learning Ladders, that are linked to their Job Competence profile and Personal Development Plan (PDP). Contractors will know which HSE courses are applicable to their contract, as these are specified in Document C9 of the contract.

3. In each case, by referring to the descriptions in the column marked ‘Target Population’ for each HSE course in Appendices A – G inclusive, individuals and/or HSE Training Focal Points can identify which HSE course(s) are applicable, and to whom.

2 STEP 2: Assessment first or Training first?

3.2.1 Many people will have attended HSE courses of various kinds in the past. Some of these courses may be equivalent to current PDO HSE courses in terms of the syllabus content, and performance requirements after training.

4. Every opportunity should be taken to consider booking Performance Reassessments to minimise unnecessary HSE course attendance simply to achieve compliance requirements. Assessments can confirm that any claimed equivalent prior HSE training (see defined term in Appendix J) attended by a delegate has enabled them to achieve PDO’s required minimum performance (and therefore the compliance requirement), or not.

With the single exception of the AHA First Aid, CPR and AED recertification (AHAR), reassessments are considerably shorter in time than the course, cost less, some may be PC based and available at the delegate’s desktop, and in any event contribute to reducing training time.

5. All HSE initial courses and performance reassessments (Level 1 and 2 courses) are listed in SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications. The performance reassessments have the same code as the initial course, followed by an ‘R’, e.g. SCBA course becomes SCBAR reassessment; H2S course becomes H2SR reassessment; IFR course becomes IFRR reassessment etc. The only exceptions are the IND, INDP, DD and Safety Leadership courses.

6. The minimum performance requirements to achieve compliance are detailed for each course and reassessment in SP 1157. By looking at those applicable to themselves, delegates should be able to able to quickly self-assess whether they are likely to be meet the performance requirements of the reassessment before making any nomination.

7. In the case of the IND course, the post-training performance assessment criteria of the IND course can be used to establish if the prior HSE training was equivalent.

8. If a delegate is not confident their prior training would enable them to achieve the required minimum performance after looking at the specific assessment performance requirements in SP 1157, the initial course should be booked, rather than the reassessment event in order to gain the best opportunity to achieve the required performance standards and compliance.

9. At the specified reassessment intervals, continued compliance is achieved through the use of the same performance reassessment criteria. At the scheduled time, the performance reassessment criteria are used to confirm that the minimum performance aligned to a specific PDO initial HSE course, has been maintained over time.

3.3 STEP 3: When must HSE Training or Assessment be carried out?- Attendance Classifications

3.3.1 Each course, recertification or reassessment target population is given one of three attendance classifications – Compulsory, Mandatory or Recommended.

Compulsory means – the event must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role or responsibility, i.e. immediately.

Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity.

Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit.

3.3.2 All three classifications contribute towards achieving the overall HSE Training compliance requirements.

3.3.3 Appendices A – G in this Procedure have a column labelled ‘Type’. In this column, the first letter of the attendance classification is given. From the definitions above, the delegate can establish when the course or assessment needs to be attended in order to fulfill compliance requirements.

3.4 STEP 4: Planning Training and/or Reassessment

3.4.1 PDO and Contractor HSE Training Focal Points should prepare an HSE Training matrix by which planning can be made, training status recorded and compliance against PDO’s requirements for each individual can be monitored.

3.4.2 The layout of such a matrix is a matter of personal choice but should be based on the Excel spreadsheet template issued by PDO in 2010 for HSE Training compliance monitoring. The HSE Training Focal Point should be able to demonstrate to an auditor or Contract Holder at any time, the precise compliance status of the individuals in the team or contract when requested.

3.5 STEP 5: All staff – What / Who are Approved HSE Training Providers?

PDO’s HSE Training courses and assessments must be conducted by a Trainer or Assessor approved by PDO to deliver or assess specific courses. These Approved Trainers and Assessors must work for a training organisation that has itself been Approved by PDO. These training organisations are known collectively as Approved Training Providers (ATPs).

3.5.1 PDO staff – Who is contracted to provide HSE training and Assessments?

• The ATPs contracted to exclusively provide HSE Training Services to PDO staff are listed in a table entitled ‘PDO HSE Training Service Providers’ linked to the following intranet web page: .

• PDO staff MUST book their HSE Training and reassessments exclusively with the appropriate Contracted Training Service Provider(s) found using the electronic links on the HSE Training web page. The Company will advise staff of any change in contracted HSE Training and Assessment Provision through its HSE Training web pages and the staff News List as they occur.

3.5.2 Contractor staff – Which ATPs can provide HSE Training courses and Assessments?

• Contractors may obtain their PDO HSE Training and Assessment Services, at their own cost, from any of the listed commercial ATPs that have been approved by PDO to deliver the specific courses they require. A current list of commercial ATPs who are Approved to conduct PDO HSE training and reassessments to contractor staff will be found linked to ‘See the Training Provider approval status’ on PDO’s HSE Training web pages for Training HSE Training for Contractors . On this web page are various electronic links which will provide the detailed Approvals information.

• PDO contracting companies themselves may, if they apply and meet the requirements in PR 2010 Part II: HSE Training Provision and Approvals Procedure, be approved by the Company to conduct some or all of the PDO courses and/or assessments in-house. Another link on the HSE Training web page will show the ‘Contractors Approved for Training’. Each is listed with the HSE courses and reassessments they are approved to deliver to their own staff only, in-house.

• The two lists assist employers to identify from which training organisations the PDO HSE Training and Assessment Services may be legitimately obtained. The lists also assist both employers and ATPs to verify the legitimacy of an employee’s HSE passport, and the course and assessment entries and stamps within it.

6 STEP 6: Course Nominations, Confirmations, Cancellations

3.6.1 PDO principles: Learning & Development event nomination and attendance

• All types of Learning and Development events for PDO staff must be included and agreed as part of every individual’s Learning and Development Plan for the year. Without this agreement in advance, no courses or assessments requested by a delegate should be authorised by a Supervisor or Line Manager, unless it meets the Company’s business needs and would adversely impact the Company’s operational capability if it were not attended. The same principles apply to the provision of HSE courses and assessments.

i.e. after an individual is hired by the Company and has completed their initial HSE training and assessment, all other HSE training and reassessments required can be identified (from the individual’s job competence profile (JCP), and from the scheduled reassessment intervals shown in Appendices A – G of this document.

3.6.2 PDO staff – Using Insight Browser

• Insight Browser (IB) is a globally based Training Management System that PDO uses for a variety of different functions, including H2S Training scheduling and bookings. Whilst the Company continues to use the IB system for H2S and/or other HSE courses, PDO staff must use this system to identify the course date and location most convenient to them, and then book directly using the system. Bookings made are confirmed automatically by the IB system by sending the delegate an Outlook Meeting invitation, that must be accepted. The IB system then automatically places the event in the delegate’s Outlook diary. This is the ONLY confirmation of booking the delegate will receive from the IB system.

• No reminders of pre-requisites for course attendance will be sent. As with all other Learning & Development events, the individual must take responsibility for their own training and ensure they have met all pre-requisites when they attend a course. These are listed in SP 1157 and in this document, in the right hand column of Appendices A – G inclusive.

• IB bookings may be cancelled by the delegate directly, right up to 48 hours before the published start time of the course or reassessment. After that time, neither the delegate, or Company IB course co-ordinators, are able to cancel the booking. A ‘No Show’ charge, equivalent to the full course fee, may be levied by the Contracted HSE Training Services Provider under these circumstances.

• Should the Company change or replace this system in the future, PDO staff will be advised via the HSE Training web pages and the Company electronic News List.

3.6.3 PDO staff - Conventional nominations

All other HSE Training course and assessment nominations must be made in the following way:

• Go to the web address of the appropriate contracted HSE Training Services Provider(s), using the electronic links on the HSE Training web page and consult the published schedule of HSE courses for PDO staff.

• Having selected the most convenient date and place for the specific course or assessment required, download the nomination form, available from the HSE Training Service Provider’s web site, again using the electronic links on the HSE Training web page.

• Complete the required details in full, and have your Line Manager sign off the nomination. (see 3.6.1 above).

• Obtain the signature of the person in your team that is Authorising payment (the Customer Authorisation).

• Scan and e-mail, or send by facsimile transmission to the accounts listed on the HSE Training web page for the HSE Training Services Provider that is contracted to deliver the particular course or assessment type you need.

3.6.4 Nominations for PDO new hires.

• Some time before a new hire’s first day with the Company, the Line Manager of a new hire will know their generic role (i.e. non-supervisory, Supervisor, Manager or Executive) and the date of their starting employment.

• Once the HR team have informed the new hire’s Line Manager of their starting date, the Line Manager should make arrangements to discuss any equivalent prior HSE training with the new employee on their first day. That discussion will establish if nominations for assessments or Core HSE Training courses, should be made. The nominations should be made without further delay, for the earliest dates that can be obtained on the published HSE Training Schedule.

3.6.5 PDO staff - Confirmations of nominations

• Within 24 hours, the appropriate Company contracted HSE Training Services Provider must contact the delegate and the nominator, by e-mail, fax and/or telephone/GSM sms. They will:

o Confirm the requested place or offer you an alternative date/location, if appropriate.

o Send you a reminder of the pre-requisites for attending the course or assessment you have booked.

3.6.6 PDO staff - Cancellations or Amendments

Cancellations by / from PDO or its staff

o To avoid financial penalty to the Company, a clear 48 hours notice must be given to the appropriate HSE Training Service Provider prior to the start time of the course or reassessment place booked, by the delegate or his nominator.

o Cancellations should preferably be made using e-mail or fax, but may be accepted by telephone initially, supported by a confirmatory e-mail or fax as soon as possible afterwards. It is important that whoever makes the cancellation makes a record of the date and time the initial cancellation was made, irrespective of the method used. This information and the method used should be sent by e-mail to HLD82.

Cancellations or Amendments by / from HSE Training Services Provider

o Cancellations or amendments to confirmations made by any one of the Company’s contracted HSE Training Services Providers, shall be notified to both the delegate and his nominator.

o Such cancellations or amendments shall be achieved by the most effective means of communication available – i.e. Land-line telephone, GSM telephone or SMS, e-mail, fax or letter. The Contractor shall make whatever arrangements are necessary to ensure a reception receipt is obtained from the intended recipient(s) that clearly indicates the date and time the message was heard/read.

3.6.7 Contractor Staff - Nominations

• Contractor staff should preferably use the same procedure for making nominations as is indicated in 3.6.3 above. Each ATP will have its own particular method of enabling clients to nominate delegates for training or assessment, but the same principles will apply.

3.6.8 Contractor Staff - Confirmations

• All PDO’s ATPs are required to have a system in place that is very similar to that used and detailed in 3.6.5 above for PDO staff. Contractor clients should ensure they understand the system by which their ATP is to confirm nominations, and the additional information they will supply at the same time, e.g. Course or Assessment Joining Instructions.

3.6.9 Contractor Staff – Cancellations or Amendments

• Contractor staff should make sure that they fully understand their ATP’s arrangements for amending nominations or cancellations, whether from the client, or by the ATP, and what the fee structure or financial penalty may be for such changes.

3.7 STEP 7: Attendance and HSE Performance Records

3.7.1 ATP records

• ATP’s are required to maintain and report records of attendance and assessments to the HLD8 HSE Training and Competence Quality Assurance team on a monthly basis, in accordance with the requirements of PR 2010 Part II.

• These records are correlated against the compliance reports submitted to Contract Holders in the case of contractors, and the HLD8 team in the case of PDO functions and Directorates, to verify the claimed compliance.

3.7.2 PDO Records

• Directorate and Function HSE Training Focal Points and HSE advisers shall maintain whatever records of staff HSE Training course and assessments are necessary to provide an accurate HSE Training compliance status for every staff member they are responsible for monitoring and reporting on, as set out in section 2.2.

• Any and all non-compliances with this Procedure or SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications shall be notified, investigated, reported and addressed in the manner set out in CP-122 HSE Management System.

• PDO will maintain an HSE Training database of all PDO staff HSE training and assessment attendances, No Shows and Assessment outcomes. This database will be maintained and monitored by the HLD8 HSE Training and Competence Quality Assurance team.

3.7.3 Contractor Records

• HSE Training Focal Points and HSE advisers within contracting companies shall maintain whatever records of staff HSE Training course and assessments are necessary to provide an accurate HSE Training compliance status for every staff member associated with the PDO contract they are responsible for monitoring and reporting on, as set out in section 2.2.

• Any and all non-compliances with this Procedure or of SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications shall be notified to the Contract Holder.

3.7.4 Individual records - HSE Passports

• When a delegate successfully completes the final assessment of their Core HSE Learning Ladder courses, the delegate will be issued with their Approved HSE passport, together with any related and required permits or certificates, by the ATP.

• Thereafter, every HSE Training or Assessment event attended should be recorded and stamped by the ATP conducting the HSE course or assessment event. ATPs will use different coloured stamps to indicate whether the performance requirements of an assessment were fully met by the delegate, or not. A red stamp against a course or assessment indicates the delegate must be reassessed or retrain to achieve the required performance.

• The HSE passport is a valuable personal record to the individual delegate. It should be kept in a safe place at all times, and should be capable of being produced to anyone requesting it within 24 hours.

• PDO staff who mislay, lose or physically damage their HSE passport may obtain a duplicate from the Company’s main HSE Training Services Contractor. A report of the replacement will be made to the Company and a replacement fee of OMR 10 will be deducted from the individual’s next salary payment.

• PDO staff HSE passports that require replacement due to their being full in any one section, will be replaced free of any charge. The original will be physically attached to its replacement, and both returned to their ‘owner’.

• Contractor staff who mislay, lose or physically damage their HSE passport may obtain a duplicate from the same ATP that initially issued it, at their own cost. Fees charged by ATPs for doing so may vary.

8 STEP 8: Workplace based reassessments of Core HSE performance requirements

1. Workplace Supervisors or Line Managers, whether PDO or contractors, are required to reassess staff against the Core HSE course performance assessment criteria, 3 months after the date they were hired.

2. All of the required performance criteria are detailed in SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications for each of the Core HSE courses. For convenience, all of the performance criteria from HSE courses forming the Core HSE Learning Ladder for non-supervisory staff are listed in Appendix K – Non-Supervisory staff Core HSE Performance Criteria for workplace assessment. All those for supervisory and managerial staff are listed in Appendix L - Supervisory and Managerial staff Core HSE Performance Criteria for workplace assessment.

3. Workplace Assessors: Guidance on what is required of the workplace assessor and how to carry out the recommended workplace assessments, detailed in GU 673 Core HSE Assessment System.

4. A suggested assessment template is provided in GU 673, along with a specimen completed form, for the guidance of workplace assessors.

5. Assessment Internal Verification (IV) : Guidance in the same document is also provided to Internal Verifiers, (nominated HSE Advisers – see section 2.2.) who serve as the Asset or Functional Directorate or contracting company’s assessment quality assurer for workplace Core HSE Assessments.

6. Assessment External Verification (EV): The recommended workplace assessments and related matters may, on request, be externally verified by the HLD8 HSE Training and Assessment Quality Assurance team against the Core HSE Assessment System in GU 673.

7. Where necessary, the EVs will coach IVs and assessors on how they might improve either their arrangements for Core HSE Performance Assessments or the assessments and records themselves.

9 STEP 9: Performance Reassessments and Recertifications

3.9.1 Once an individual has achieved the performance requirements for an HSE Training course or assessment, the date of completion can be entered into the HSE Training planning and compliance monitoring matrix used by the HSE Training Focal Point and/or HSE Adviser.

8. Using the matrix that has been prepared, an HSE Training Focal Point can quickly identify when the next performance reassessment or recertification for any individual is due.

9. It is recommended that a nomination is made for attendance on a recertification or reassessment event no later than 1 month before the event is due, to ensure attendance and the minimum performance requirements are achieved before the due date.

10. Other than for Defensive Driving and First Aid certifications, the performance reassessments and recertification events include no refresher training. The assessments are conducted to confirm the minimum performance standards have been maintained in each case.

11. Delegates may wish to refer to the performance criteria in SP 1157 and / or the course materials previously issued to them on their initial HSE course to refresh any areas they may feel less confident about, prior to being assessed.

Core HSE Learning Ladder courses

| |Appendices |

| |Appendix A – General, Level 1 (HSE) course selection Table |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|Core HSE LL course|SP 1157 |Dealing with Hazards & Risks |Newly hired, seconded or |C |8 hours |(4 years) |All delegates: IND, IFR |

| |Page 19 |course |transferred staff into PDO & | | |(DHRR) |PPE: Safety footwear; hard hat; coverall or working clothing |

| | | |newly hired contractor | | |(SP1157 Pg19) |Documents & others: |

| | |A, E, H |personnel | | |(1 hour) |Current, valid HSE passport |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP |

|EA |SP 1157 |Environmental Awareness |Operations, drilling, well |R |8 hours | |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP |

| |Page 23 |course |services and project team | | |(4 years) |Supervisory staff: + HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP |

| | | |staff. | | |(EAR) |PPE: Working clothing |

| | |E | | | |(SP1157 Pg25) |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | |(1 hour) |Current, valid HSE passport |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP |

|FW |SP 1157 |Fire Warden course |PDO & Contractor staff who |C |5 hours |(3years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP |

| |Page 27 |A, E, H |are designated to carry out | | |(FWR) |Supervisory staff: + HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP |

| | | |the role of a fire warden. | | |(SP1157 Pg 27) |PPE: Working clothing |

| | | | | | |( 1 hour) |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid HSE passport |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|HRA |SP 1157 |Health Risk Assessment course|Industrial Hygienists, HSE |R |12 hours |(5 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP |

| |Page 35 |E |Advisors, PTW Signatories, | | |(HRAR) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP |

| | | |Permit Applicants | | |(SP1157 Pg 37) |PPE: safety footwear, hard hat, eye protection |

| | | | | | |(2 hours) |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid HSE passport |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP |

| | | | | | | |Medically & physically fit |

|Core HSE LL course|SP 1157 |Initial Fire Response course |PDO and Contractor personnel |C |3 hours |(3 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND |

| |Page 39 |A, E, H |who work in areas in which | | |(IFRR) |Supervisory staff: IND |

| | | |portable fire-fighting | | |(SP1157 Pg41) |PPE: safety footwear, hard hat, coverall or working clothing |

| | | |equipment has been provided. | | |(1 hour) |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid HSE passport |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP |

| | | | | | | |Medically & physically fit |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|INDP |SP 1157 |HSE Induction, site-specific |PDO staff new to site. |C |5 hours |Not Applicable |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP |

|A, E, H |Page 45 |course |Visitors (less than 24 hrs) | | | |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP |

| | |A, E, H |new to site. | | | |PPE: safety footwear, hard hat, eye protection |

| | | |PDO appointed contractors | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | |working at site for less than| | | |Current, valid HSE passport |

| | | |8 days. | | | |Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP |

| | | |PDO Contractor staff new to | | | |Medically & physically fit |

| | | |site. | | | | |

|NORMA |SP 1157 |Naturally Occurring |PDO and contractor personnel |C |2 hours |(4 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP |

| |Page 47 |Radioactive Material |who will perform maintenance | | |(NOMAR) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP |

| | |Awareness course |or servicing activities on | | |(SP1157 Pg 49) |PPE: safety footwear, hard hat, coverall or working clothing |

| | | |equipment that has conveyed | | |(1 hour) |Documents & others: |

| | | |or stored production fluids | | | |Current, valid HSE passport |

| | | |(oil, water or gas). | | | |Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP |

| | | | | | | |Medically & physically fit |

|SCBA |SP 1157 |Self-contained Breathing |PDO & Contractor staff who |C |8 hours |(3 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP |

| |Page 51 |Apparatus & Confined Space |are required to use SCBA for | | |(SCBAR) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP |

| | |Rescue course |gas testing or other | | |(SP1157 Pg 53) |PPE: safety footwear, hard hat, eye protection |

| | | |operational activities, or in| | |(2 hours) |Documents & others: |

| | | |operational emergencies. | | | |Current, valid HSE passport |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP |

| | | | | | | |Medically & physically fit |

Appendix B - First Aid, Level 1 (HSE) course selection Table

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

Appendix C - Defensive Driving, Level 1 (HSE) course selection Table

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|DD02 |SP 1157 |Defensive Driving, Heavy |PDO & all contractor |C |16 hours |(3 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, AHAF or AHAR |

| |Page 61 |Vehicles, Blacktop Roads. |personnel required to drive | | |(DD06) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM, AHAF or AHAR |

| | |A, E, H |heavy vehicles in the | | |(SP1157 Pg 69) |PPE: safety footwear, coveralls or working clothing. |

| | | |performance of their work. | | |(5 ½ hours) |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Current, valid ROP issued light vehicle driving licence; |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid AHA Heartsaver First Aid, CPR & AED Certificate; Medically & |

| | | | | | | |physically fit; prescribed aids to vision. |

|DD03 |SP 1157 |Defensive Driving, Graded |All PDO & contractor |C |4 hours |(3 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, DD01 or DD02 |

| |Page 63 |Roads. |personnel required to drive | | |(DD06) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP, |

| | |A, E, H |any vehicle type on graded | | |(SP1157 Pg 69) |DD01 or DD02 |

| | | |roads in the performance of | | |(5 ½ hours) |PPE: safety footwear, coverall or working clothing |

| | | |their work. | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Current, valid ROP issued vehicle driving licence; |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid DD permit; Medically & physically fit; prescribed aids to |

| | | | | | | |vision. |

| | | | | | | |NB: Non-Omani DD04 or DD05 permit holders MUST provide the vehicle type they |

| | | | | | | |are licensed to drive, for the course. |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|DD05 |SP 1157 |Defensive Driving, Buses, |PDO & all contractor |C |16 hours |(3 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, AHAF or AHAR |

| |Page 67 |Light & Heavy course |personnel required to drive | | |(DD06) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, AHAF or |

| | |A, E, H |light or heavy bus vehicles | | |(SP1157 Pg 69) |AHAR |

| | | |in the performance of their | | |(5 ½ hours) |PPE: safety footwear, coveralls or working clothing |

| | | |work. | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Aged over 25 years; Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, |

| | | | | | | |valid ID or residency card issued by ROP; Current, valid AHA Heartsaver First|

| | | | | | | |Aid, CPR & AED certificate; Medically & physically fit; prescribed aids to |

| | | | | | | |vision. |

| | | | | | | |NB: Current, valid ROP issued driving licence for vehicle being driven, |

| | | | | | | |either light (held for minimum 8 years and endorsed for bus driving) or heavy|

| | | | | | | |(held for at least 4 years and endorsed for bus driving). |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|DD07 |SP 1157 |Defensive Driving, PDO staff |PDO staff family members |R |4 hours |Not Applicable |All delegates: Family member of PDO staff member |

| |Page 71 |families, blacktop roads. |holding recognised ROP | | | |PPE: Sturdy, flat heeled, closed footwear; coverall or working clothing |

| | |A, E |driving licences. | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid ID or residency card issued by ROP; 2 x ID photos; Current, |

| | | | | | | |valid ROP issued light vehicle driving licence; Medically & physically fit; |

| | | | | | | |prescribed aids to vision |

|DD08 |SP 1157 |Defensive Driving, Ambulance |PDO and contractor staff |C |40 hours |(1 year) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, AHAF or AHAR |

| |Page 73 |Drivers |required to drive ambulance | | |(DD06) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP, |

| | |A, E |vehicles as part of their | | |(SP1157 Pg 69) |AHAF or AHAR |

| | | |work or services. | | |(5 ½ years) |PPE: safety footwear, coveralls or working clothing. |

| | | | | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Current, valid ROP issued light vehicle driving licence; |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid AHA Heartsaver First Aid, CPR & AED certificate; Medically & |

| | | | | | | |physically fit; prescribed aids to vision; Aged over 25 years. |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

Appendix D - Lifting & Hoisting, Level 1 (HSE) course selection Table

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|HIAB |SP 1157 |Self-Loader Crane Operator |Contractor personnel required|C |24 hours |(3 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, RNB |

| |Page 81 |course |to operate self-loader cranes| | |(HIABR) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP, |

| | | | | | |(SP1157 Pg 83) |RNB |

| | | | | | |(2 hours) |PPE: Safety footwear, hard hat, coveralls or working clothing, eye protection|

| | | | | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Current, valid appropriate vehicle licence issued by ROP;|

| | | | | | | |Medically & physically fit; Aged 21 or above |

|MCOP |SP 1157 |Mobile Crane Operator course|Contractor personnel required|C |40 hours |(3 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, RNB |

| |Page 85 | |to operate a crane. | | |(MCOPR) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP, |

| | | | | | |(SP1157 Pg 87) |RNB |

| | | | | | | |PPE: Safety footwear, hard hat, coveralls or working clothing, eye protection|

| | | | | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Current, valid appropriate vehicle licence issued by ROP;|

| | | | | | | |Medically & physically fit; Aged 21 or above |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|OTCO |SP 1157 |Overhead Travelling Crane |Contractor personnel required|C |16 hours |(3 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, RNB |

| |Page 93 |Operator course |to operate overhead | | |(OTCOR) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP, |

| | | |travelling cranes | | |(SP1157 Pg 95) |RNB |

| | | | | | |(2 hours) |PPE: safety footwear, hard hat, coverall or working clothing, eye protection,|

| | | | | | | |GP gloves. |

| | | | | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Current, valid appropriate vehicle licence issued by ROP;|

| | | | | | | |Medically & physically fit; Aged 21 or above |

|RNB |SP 1157 |Riggers and Banksman course |Contractor personnel required|C |24 hours |(3 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, RNB |

| |Page 97 | |to act as a banksman, crane | | |(RNBR) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP, |

| | | |operator, P-I-C of a lift, | | |(SP1157 Pg 99) |RNB |

| | | |lift equipment maintainer, or| | |(2 hours) |PPE: safety footwear, hard hat, coverall or working clothing |

| | | |competent authorised person | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | |in respect of a lifting | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | |operation. | | | |card issued by ROP; Medically & physically fit; Aged 21 or above |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

Appendix E - General, Level 2 (HSE) course selection Table

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|CHAS |SP 1157 |Chemical Handling Awareness |PDO & Contractor supervisors |C |8 hours |(3 years) |All delegates : IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP |

| |Page 110 |for Supervisors course |who are responsible for | | |(CHASR) |PPE: safety footwear, hard hat, eye protection |

| | |A, E, H |operations pr processes | | |(SP1157 Pg 111) |Documents & others: |

| | | |involving chemicals | | |(2 hours) |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Medically & physically fit; Aged 21 or above |

|Core HSE LL course|SP 1157 |Coaching, Mentoring & |PDO and contractor staff who |C |8 hours |(3 years) |All delegates: IND, IFR, DHR, HTS |

| |Page 114 |Performance Assessment course|must supervise or manage the | | |(CMCR ) |PPE: safety footwear, hard hat, coverall or working clothing |

| | |A, E, H |work of at least one other | | |(SP1157 Pg 114) |Documents & others: |

| | | |staff member. | | |(1 hour) |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Medically & physically fit |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|IAI |SP 1157 |Incident and Accident |PDO HSE Team Leads and |M |16 hours |(4 years) |Non-supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP |

| |Page 122 |Investigation course |Contractor HSE Advisers | | |(IAIR) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP |

| | |A, E | | | |(SP1157 Pg 122) |PPE: Safety footwear, Coverall or working clothing. |

| | | | | | |(2 hours) |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Medically & physically fit, Age 21 or over |

| | | |PDO Contract Owners, Contract|R | | | |

| | | |Holders and Contractor | | | | |

| | | |Managers & Supervisors, who | | | | |

| | | |may be required as part of | | | | |

| | | |their role to lead incident | | | | |

| | | |investigations. | | | | |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|PTWA |SP 1157 |Permit to Work Auditors |PDO and Contractor personnel |C |16 hours |(3 years) |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM as role dictates, INDP, PTWS |

| |Page 134 |course |who may fulfill a role within| | |(PTWAR) |PPE: Safety footwear, coverall or working clothing |

| | | |the Permit to Work Audit Team| | |(SP1157 Pg 135) |Documents & others: |

| | |ENGLISH ONLY |as the nominated Auditor. | | |(1 hour) |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Medically & physically fit; Age 21 or above; 2 years |

| | | | | | | |experience as PTWS. |

| | | | | | | |NB: For PDO Contractor delegates, letter from Company Supervisor (named) |

| | | | | | | |confirming delegate’s English fluency level => IELTS Band 6. PDO delegates |

| | | | | | | |must self-affirm. (see SP 1157 Page 134) |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|PTWS |SP 1157 |Permit to Work Signatories |PDO and Contractor personnel |C |16 hours |(3 years) |All delegates: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE |

| |Page 142 |course |who will fulfil a role within| | |(PTWSR) |PPE: Safety footwear, hard hat, coverall or working clothing |

| | | |the Permit to Work System as | | |(SP1157 Pg 143) |Documents & others: |

| | |ENGLISH ONLY |a permit applicant, area | | |(1 hour) |Current, valid HSE passport; 2 x ID photos; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | |authority or responsible | | | |card issued by ROP; Medically & physically fit; Aged 21 or above. |

| | | |supervisor | | | |NB: For PDO Contractor delegates, letter from Company Supervisor (named) |

| | | | | | | |confirming delegate’s English fluency level => IELTS Band 6. PDO delegates |

| | | | | | | |must self-affirm. (see SP 1157 Page 142) |

|SCAP |SP 1157 |Scaffold Appreciation course|All HSE Adviser, and all |C |16 hours |(3 years) |All delegates: IND, IFR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS, INDP |

| |Page 146 |A, E, H |other personnel who supervise| | |(SCAPR) |PPE: Safety footwear, hard hat, eye protection, GP gloves, coveralls or |

| | | |activities which involve the | | |(SP1157 Pg 147) |working clothing. |

| | | |use of scaffolding or staging| | | |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Aged 21 or above; Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency|

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; 2 x ID photos; Medically & physically fit. |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|Core HSE LL course|SP 1157 |Safety Leadership for |PDO and Contractor Executives|C |8 hours |(4 years) |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, CMC |

| |Page 154 |Executives |and deputies having full | | |(SLR) |PPE: Normal working clothing |

| | | |executive authority. | | |(SP1157 Pg 162) |Documents & others: |

| | |ENGLISH ONLY | | | |(5 hours) |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card issued by |

| | | | | | | |ROP; Medically & physically fit; Meets the definition of Executive (see SP |

| | | | | | | |1157, Page 10, Course delegate categories) |

|Core HSE LL course|SP 1157 |Safety Leadership for |All PDO & Contractor staff |C |16 hours |(4 years) |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, CMC |

| |Page 156 |Managers workshop |whose role involves the | | |( SLR ) |PPE: Safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, hard hat |

| | |A, E |supervision of work done or | | |(SP1157 Pg 162) |Documents & others: |

| | | |being done by at least one | | |(5 hours) |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card issued by |

| | | |other supervisor or manager .| | | |ROP; Medically & physically fit; Meets the definition of Manager (see SP |

| | | | | | | |1157, Page 10, Course delegate categories) |

|SLOT |SP 1157 |Supervisor Lifting Operations|Contractor personnel required|C |24 hours |(3 years) |Supervisory staff: IND, IFR, DHR, INDP, HTS, CMC, SLS, INDP, RNB |

| |Page 157 |Training course |to supervise lifting | | |(SLOTR) |PPE: safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, hard hat, GP gloves, eye |

| | | |operations | | |(SP1157 Pg 159) |protection |

| | | | | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | | | | | |Age 21 or above, Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Current valid ROP licence. |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|Core HSE LL course|SP 1157 |Safety Leadership for |All PDO & Contractor staff |C |24 hours |(4 years) |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, CMC |

| |Page 152 |Supervisors workshop |whose role involves the | | |(SLR) |PPE: Safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, hard hat |

| | | |supervision of work done or | | |(SP1157 Pg 162) |Documents & others: |

| | | |being done by at least one | | |(5 hours) |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card issued by |

| | | |other supervisor or manager .| | | |ROP; Medically & physically fit; Meets the definition of Supervisor (see SP |

| | | | | | | |1157, Page 10, Course delegate categories) |

Appendix F - Defensive Driving, Level 2 (HSE) course selection Table.

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

Appendix G - Professional HSE qualifications, Level 3 HSE course selection Table

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|NEBCCS |SP 1157 |NEBOSH International |PDO and PDO contractor |R |107 hours |Not Applicable |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, INDP, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP |

| |Page 172 |Certificate in Construction |supervisory and management | |+ | |PPE: safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, hard hat |

| | |health & safety course |staff who have construction | |58 hours | |Documents & others: |

| | | |site responsibilities. | |private study | |JG 5 or above; Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | |ENGLISH ONLY | | | | |card issued by ROP; Minimum 2 years work experience with PDO; Medically & |

| | | | | | | |physically fit |

| | | | | | | |NB: PDO delegates must self-affirm English fluency level => IELTS Band 6. |

| | | | | | | |(see SP 1157 Page 173) |

|NEBEMC |SP 1157 |Level 3 NEBOSH National |PDO and contractor Managers |R |37 hours |Not Applicable |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, INDP, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP |

| |Page 174 |Certificate in Environmental |and Supervisors who have | |+ | |PPE: safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, hard hat, GP gloves |

| | |Management course |specific responsibility for | |33 hours | |Documents & others: |

| | | |managing environment issues | |private study | |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card issued by |

| | |ENGLISH ONLY |as part of their day to day | | | |ROP; Medically & physically fit |

| | | |duties, and who have the | | | |NB: PDO delegates must self-affirm English fluency level =>IELTS Band 6. |

| | | |course included in their | | | |(see SP 1157 Page 173) |

| | | |professional development | | | | |

| | | |Learning Ladder, or who seek | | | | |

| | | |such a professional | | | | |

| | | |qualification. | | | | |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|NEBHSA |SP 1157 |NEBOSH Health & Safety at |PDO staff whose HSE Learning |R |18 hours |Not Applicable |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, INDP, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP. |

| |Page 179 |work qualification course |Ladder includes the course as| |+ | |PPE: safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, hard hat, GP gloves |

| | | |part of their structured | |6 | |Documents & others: |

| | |ENGLISH ONLY |professional development. | |private study | |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card issued by |

| | | | | | | |ROP; Medically & physically fit |

| | | | | | | |NB: PDO delegates must self-affirm English fluency level =>IELTS Band 6. |

| | | | | | | |(see SP 1157 Page 173) |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) years, |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |on (Course Code) | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

| | | |All PDO Level 1 Approved HSE |C | | | |

| | | |Trainers, Interior HSE | | | | |

| | | |Training Contractor | | | | |

| | | |Representatives | | | | |

|NEBHSD |SP 1157 |Level 6 NEBOSH International |PDO and Contractor HSE |R |241 hours |Not Applicable |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, INDP, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP,|

| |Page 183 |Diploma in Occupational |professionals seeking, or | |+ | |either NEBOSH International/National Certificate, or NVQ OSH |

| | |Safety & Health course |required by their | |234 hours | |qualification at Level 3 or above. |

| | | |professional Learning Ladder,| |private study | |PPE: Safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, |

| | |ENGLISH ONLY |to acquire a high level | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | |professional HSE | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card |

| | | |qualification as part of | | | |issued by ROP; Medically & physically fit |

| | | |their professional | | | |NB: PDO delegates must self-affirm English fluency level =>IELTS |

| | | |development. | | | |Band 6. (see SP 1157 Page 173) |

| | | |PDO Approved Level 2 HSE |C | | | |

| | | |Trainers, Facilitators, | | | | |

| | | |Assessors, HSE Training | | | | |

| | | |Managers and HSE Training | | | | |

| | | |Assessment Managers, who do | | | | |

| | | |not hold an NVQ5 Diploma in | | | | |

| | | |OSH. | | | | |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) years, |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |on (Course Code) | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|NEBTOGS |SP 1157 |NEBOSH International Tech. |PDO and PDO contractor staff |R |34 hours |Not Applicable |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, INDP, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, |

| |Page 187 |Certificate in Oil and Gas |who require or seek an | |+ | |INDP, |

| | |Operational Safety course |Internationally recognised | |20 hours | |PPE: Unit 2 - Safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, |

| | | |professional qualification | |Private study | |hard hat |

| | |ENGLISH ONLY |associated with safety in the| | | |Documents & others: |

| | | |oil and gas industry. | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency |

| | | | | | | |card issued by ROP; Medically & physically fit |

| | | | | | | |NB: PDO delegates attending English version of course must |

| | | | | | | |self-affirm English fluency level =>IELTS Band 6. (see SP |

| | | | | | | |1157 Page 173) |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

| | | |PDO and Contractor |R | | | |

| | | |Supervisory staff who are | | | | |

| | | |required to carry out ‘core’ | | | | |

| | | |HSE assessments in the | | | | |

| | | |work-place, who coach others | | | | |

| | | |to learn and develop and who | | | | |

| | | |seek a practitioner | | | | |

| | | |qualification as part of | | | | |

| | | |their professional | | | | |

| | | |development. | | | | |

|NVQ3LDC |SP 1157 |NVQ Level 3 Certificate in |All PDO Level 1 Approved HSE |C |None specified |Not Applicable |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, INDP, CMC, SLS or SLM or SLE, INDP, NVQ3LDA |

| |Page 191 |Learning & Development |trainers | |– delegate led | |PPE: Safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, hard hat |

| | | | | | | |Documents & others: |

| | |Arabic, English | | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card issued by |

| | | | | | | |ROP; Medically & physically fit |

| | | | | | | |NB: PDO delegates attending English version of course must self-affirm |

| | | | | | | |English fluency level =>IELTS Band 6. (see SP 1157 Page 173) |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

| | | |PDO and PDO contractor staff |R | | | |

| | | |whose HSE Learning Ladder | | | | |

| | | |includes the course as part | | | | |

| | | |of their structured | | | | |

| | | |professional development, or | | | | |

| | | |who seek a formal HSE | | | | |

| | | |practitioner qualification. | | | | |

|NVQ3VAA |SP 1157 |VQ Level 3 Vocational |Training staff, required to |C |None specified |Not Applicable |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, INDP, CMC, SLS or SLM, INDP |

| |Page 195 |Assessor Award |conduct vocational | |– delegate led | |PPE: Safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, hard hat, eye protection,|

| | | |assessments, who do not hold| | | |GP gloves. |

| | |Arabic, English |a formal assessor | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | |qualification. | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card issued by |

| | | | | | | |ROP; Medically & physically fit |

| | | | | | | |NB: PDO delegates attending English version of course must self-affirm |

| | | | | | | |English fluency level =>IELTS Band 6. (see SP 1157 Page 173) |

| | | |All workplace supervisors |R | | | |

| | | |required to coach and assess | | | | |

| | | |the ‘Core’ HSE performance of| | | | |

| | | |others in the workplace. | | | | |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | |available | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|NVQ4LDD |SP 1157 |NVQ Level 4 Diploma in|Experienced Level 1 |C |None specified |Not Applicable |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, INDP, CMC, SLS or SLM, INDP, NVQ3LDA, NVQ3LDC |

| |Page 197 |Learning & Development|trainers/facilitators and | |– delegate led | |PPE: Safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, hard hat, eye protection,|

| | | |assessors, who are required to | | | |GP gloves. |

| | |Arabic, English |raise their professional Learning &| | | |Documents & others: |

| | | |Development qualifications in order| | | |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card issued by |

| | | |to acquire Level 2 Approval, or HSE| | | |ROP; Medically & physically fit |

| | | |Training or HSE Training Assessment| | | |NB: PDO delegates attending English version of course must self-affirm |

| | | |Managers. | | | |English fluency level =>IELTS Band 6. (see SP 1157 Page 173) |

|NVQ4VAC |SP 1157 |NVQ Level 4 Vocational|PDO staff whose role includes |C |None specified |Not Applicable |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, INDP, CMC, SLS or SLM, INDP, NVQ3VAA |

| |Page 199 |Assessor Certificate |quality assurance of assessments | |– delegate led | |PPE: Safety footwear, coverall or working clothing, hard hat, eye protection,|

| | | |and who do not hold a Level 4 | | | |GP gloves. |

| | |Arabic, English |Diploma in Learning and | | | |Documents & others: |

| | | |Development; | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card issued by |

| | | | | | | |ROP; Medically & physically fit |

| | | | | | | |NB: PDO delegates attending English version of course must self-affirm |

| | | | | | | |English fluency level =>IELTS Band 6. (see SP 1157 Page 173) |

| | | |All HSE Training Assessment | | | | |

| | | |Managers in PDO Approved Training | | | | |

| | | |Institutes who do not hold Level 4 | | | | |

| | | |Diploma in Learning and Development| | | | |

| | | |PDO & Contractor supervisors and |R | | | |

| | | |managers involved with quality | | | | |

| | | |assurance of assessments conducted | | | | |

| | | |in the workplace; | | | | |

| | | |PDO Approved HSE Training Managers | | | | |

|Course Codes |SP 1157 |Course Title |Target Population |Type |Actual training|Reassessment at ( n ) |Pre-requisites for attendance |

| |Ref’ce. | | | |Time (hours) |years, | |

| | |Delivery Languages available | | | |on (Course Code) | |

| | | | | | |at reference | |

| | | | | | |Page ( n ), | |

| | | | | | |takes ( n ) hours | |

|TPB |SP 1157 |Tripod Beta Practitioner |PDO and Contractor |C |24 hours |Not Applicable |All delegates: IND, IFR, HTS, INDP, CMC, SLS or SLM, INDP, IAI, NEBHSC or |

| |Page 203 | |supervisory and management | | | |NVQ3OSH or NVQ4OSH |

| | |ENGLISH ONLY |staff who may be called upon | | | |PPE: Safety footwear, coverall or working clothing. |

| | | |to be a member of an incident| | | |Documents & others: |

| | | |or accident investigation | | | |Current, valid HSE passport; Current, valid ID or residency card issued by |

| | | |team as a Tripod Beta | | | |ROP; Medically & physically fit |

| | | |Practitioner. | | | |NB: PDO delegates attending course must self-affirm English fluency level |

| | | | | | | |=>IELTS Band 6. (see SP 1157 Page 173) |

Appendix H - International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Bands and definitions.

All candidates must complete four Modules - Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking - to obtain a band score. All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking Modules. The Reading and Writing Modules differ depending on whether the candidate is taking the Academic or General Training Versions of the Test. The General Training version is appropriate for HSE Trainers, but the Academic version would also be accepted.

Band scale

IELTS is scored on a nine-band scale, with each band corresponding to a specified competence in English. Overall Band Scores are reported to the nearest half band.

The following rounding convention applies: if the average across the four skills ends in .25, it is rounded up to the next half band, and if it ends in .75, it is rounded up to the next whole band.

The nine bands are described as follows:

|9 |Expert User |Has full operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. |

|8 |Very Good User |Has full operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in |

| | |unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well. |

|7 |Good User |Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriateness and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally |

| | |handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning. |

|6 |Competent User |Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex|

| | |language, particularly in familiar situations. |

|5 |Modest user |Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle |

| | |basic communication in own field. |

|4 |Limited User |Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in using complex language. |

|3 |Extremely Limited User |Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. |

|2 |Intermittent User |No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet |

| | |immediate needs. |

|1 |Non User |Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words. |

|0 |Did not attempt the test |No assessable information provided at all. |

The first three modules - Listening, Reading and Writing (always in that order) - are completed in one day, and in fact are taken with no break in between. The Speaking Module may be taken, at the discretion of the test centre, in the period seven days before or after the other Modules.

The tests are designed to cover the full range of ability from non-user to expert user.

Appendix J – Abbreviations and Definitions

|Abbreviation |Meaning |

|AA |Approved Assessor |

|AED |Automatic External Defibrillator |

|AHA |American Heart Association |

|AT |Approved Trainer |

|ATP |Approved Training Provider |

|CPR |Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation |

|EV |External Verifier |

|GSM | Global System for Mobile communications device (telephone). |

|HSE |Health, Safety and Environment |

|IV |Internal Verifier |

|PC |Personal computer |

|PDO |Petroleum Development Oman LLC |

|SMS |Short Messaging Service, (GSM) communications. |

|Term | |Definition |

|Approved Assessor | | An individual who is employed by an Approved Training Provider, and has met the qualifications and experience requirements for an HSE Training |

| | |Assessor for either Level 1, and/or 2, and/or 3 courses and reassessments, and been Approved to conduct a range of specific HSE Training assessments|

| | |after interview and assessment by the Company's HSE Training and Assessment Quality Assurance team. |

|Approved Trainer | | An individual who is employed by an Approved Training Provider, and has met the qualifications and experience requirements for an HSE Trainer for |

| | |either Level 1, and/or 2, and/or 3 courses and assessments, and been Approved to conduct a range of specific HSE Training courses after interview |

| | |and assessment by the Company's HSE Training and Assessment Quality Assurance team. |

|Term | |Definition |

|Approved Training Provider | |An HSE training organisation that has applied for, met and been formally informed as meeting the Company's requirements in PR 2010 Part II for the |

| | |provision of HSE Training and Assessment Services. |

|Assessment | |A judgment decision of a delegate's performance against specific and measurable criteria, carried out by a qualified, sector competent assessor. |

|Assessor | |See Approved Assessor |

|Attendance classification | |For HSE training courses or assessments, one of three types - Compulsory, Mandatory or Recommended - see definitions for each. |

|Auditor | |An individual who measures an organisation's performance against a defined Scope of Work and Terms of Reference, producing evidence, findings and |

| | |recommendations that enable review to take place against intent. |

|Booking | |A requested place on an HSE Training course or assessment event, that has been confirmed by the ATP. |

|Compulsory (course or assessment event) | |the event must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role or responsibility, i.e. immediately. |

|Concession Area | |The area within the Sultanate of Oman, PDO has been awarded exclusive oil and gas exploration and production rights for a period of time, including |

| | |areas in north and South Oman, and in the Muscat area at Minah Al Fahal. |

|Contract Holder | |The Company's authorised representative in relation to a Contract. |

|Core HSE | |The common HSE competencies required of all individuals to achieve safe working in the industry. |

|Core HSE Learning Ladder | |The suite of a progression of HSE Training courses or assessments that collectively produce the required knowledge, understanding and skills in Core|

| | |HSE for all newly hired individuals. |

|Delegate | |A person nominated for, confirmed, or attending, an HSE training course, recertification or reassessment event. |

|Term | |Definition |

|Equivalent prior HSE training | |HSE Training, that was attended prior to the individual's employment with a PDO contractor or PDO, that is similar in terms of trainer quality, |

| | |syllabus, duration, method of assessment and performance outcomes when compared to a specific PDO HSE course or reassessment. |

|Executive | |Delegates who ‘are members of their organisation’s most senior management team or a nominated executive’s deputy who, when deputising, has full |

| | |executive authority’. |

|External Verifier | |A very experienced, qualified and competent person who is NOT directly employed by the organisation, who carries out quality assurance |

| | |(verification) of assessment conduct and evidence against the intent of the organisation's assessment system. |

|Fax | |Hard copy document transmission or reception over the telephone network achieved by a facsimile machine. |

|Formative Assessment | |An assessment that is carried out during a course, or in the field, for which feedback is given to aid teaching/learning through coaching and |

| | |mentoring. |

|GSM | |A telephone that achieves communication with other telephones and communication devices using the Global System for Mobile communications network |

| | |infrastructure. |

|HSE Learning Ladder | |A progressive set of HSE courses and events aligned to PDO generic job types, that lead to HSE competence in that job, once attended and performance|

| | |requirements are met. |

|HSE Training Focal Point | |An individual who has been allocated the responsibility for HSE Training and Assessment planning, selection, nominating, administering, recording |

| | |and reporting on the HSE Training and Assessment compliance against PDO requirements of staff within a team, function, directorate or contracting |

| | |company |

|Internal Verifier | |An experienced, qualified and competent assessor(s) directly employed by the organisation, who carries out internal verification (quality assurance)|

| | |of assessment conduct and evidence against the intent of the organisation's assessment system. |

|Job Competence Profile | |A set of specific competencies, some of which are HSE related, that apply to a generic job type within PDO. |

|Joining Instructions | |A set of details and instructions sent to a delegate and his nominator that contains confirmation of the requested course or assessment place, |

| | |confirmation of all the pre-requisite event requirements of the delegate, together with any other details that the delegate may require in order to|

| | |attend the event in the correct location, at the correct time, with the correct PPE, documentation and other pre-requisites. |

|Term | |Definition |

|Manager | |Those who ‘supervise the work of at least one other supervisor or manager’. |

|Mandatory (compliance) | |The requirements must be met in full. |

|Mandatory (course or assessment event) | |Must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. |

|May | |The word ‘may’ is to be understood as indicating a possible course of action. |

|Must | |The word ‘must’ is to be understood as an activity to be carried out, without option. (see also 'Shall') |

|Nomination | |A properly authorised request to reserve a delegate place on a training course, recertification or reassessment event. |

|Non-supervisory staff | |Those delegates whose role is not as a Supervisor, Manager or Executive. |

|PC based | |An event delivered using a personal computer and appropriate software. |

|Performance Assessment (HSE) | |Theory and/or practical assessment judgments (formative and/or summative) recorded after measuring HSE performance against specified criteria, |

| | |either to confirm equivalent prior training, after training on an HSE course, at a scheduled period to confirm the required performance has been |

| | |maintained, or in the workplace to confirm  the application and maintenance of the desired safety behaviours after Core HSE Training. |

|Personal Development Plan | |The events and activities planned for a defined period ahead, including HSE Training and Assessment events, drawn up on the basis of identified |

| | |competence gaps between the individual's current competence in role and the individual's job competence profile, agreed between the individual and |

| | |his/her Line Manager. |

|Provision | |The supply of something that is required. |

|Reassessment | |A judgment decision of a delegate's performance against the same or very similar specific and measurable criteria as that measured originally, |

| | |carried out by a qualified, sector competent assessor. |

|Recertification Assessment | |A judgment decision of a delegate's performance against the same or very similar specific and measurable criteria as that measured originally, |

| | |carried out by a qualified, sector competent assessor, that leads to renewal of a required permit or certificate. |

|Recommended (course or assessment event) | |a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. |

|Shall | |The word ‘shall’ is to be understood as an activity to be carried out, without option. (see also 'Must') |

|Term | |Definition |

|Step-Out (HSE Specification) | |An application for exceptional circumstances made by, or on behalf of a specific individual, to vary the application of a requirement made in the |

| | |HSE Specification. Step-outs may only be granted by PDO’s HSE Manager. |

|Summative Assessment | |An assessment which is administered at the end of a course, or in the field, to contribute to the decision on achievement of required competences. |

|Supervisor | |Those who ‘supervise the work of at least one other person’. |

|Target Population | |Subset of overall workforce population defined as the audience for a particular HSE-SD & DDC training course. |

|Trainer | |See Approved Trainer |

|Training Course (HSE) | |Delivery of a set of instructions, exercises, practical demonstrations on HSE (General, Lifting & Hoisting, First Aid, Defensive Driving or HSE |

| | |professional qualifications)by a qualified trainer in line with a particular Course Specification. |

|Training Schedule | |The issued plan of when and where the HSE Training Courses and assessments shall be delivered. |

|Verification | |The term used for quality assurance of assessments and evidence against the intent of the organisation's assessment system, and is conducted by |

| | |experienced assessors called verifiers. |

|Workplace Assessor | |A new employee's Supervisor or Manager, who should preferably be qualified as a vocational assessor, and who has responsibility to coach, mentor and|

| | |is recommended to assess the employee in the workplace, 3 months after their initial Core HSE courses or assessments, against the same performance |

| | |criteria. |

Appendix K – Non-Supervisory staff Core HSE Performance Criteria for recommended workplace assessment

|HSE Induction Course Performance Criteria |

|When shown the Life Saving Rules icons, explain accurately what each means, and the circumstances under which they would apply. |

|Correctly explain each of the Golden Rules. |

|Correctly identify 10 hazards associated with typical oil and gas activities when shown photographs, video or during a visit to an actual or simulated |

|operational site. |

|Correctly identify 10 different control measures being used during the hazard identification assessment activity. |

|Correctly identify 10 unsafe acts or conditions, and why they are the type stated, from photographs, video or during a visit to an actual or simulated |

|operational site. |

|Carry out the correct response when presented with a simulated fire or medical emergency situation. |

|Initial Fire Response Course Performance Criteria |

|Correctly name the three most common causes of workplace fires. |

|Correctly identify the class of fire involved, when shown three different types of fire. |

|Explain correctly the fire triangle, the principle of fire extinguishment, and the mechanisms by which fire (heat & smoke) will spread. |

|Explain how you would raise the alarm on discovering a fire in an occupied building, in a production station, on a site where any form of construction |

|is taking place, in a vehicle during a work-related journey. |

|When shown four different items of portable fire-fighting equipment, correctly identify what type of fire each is best suited to deal with, why and at |

|least one limitation for use of each one. |

|Demonstrate how to safely move through a compartment that is said to be smoke filled. |

|Demonstrate you can correctly select, safely and successfully use a portable fire extinguisher to extinguish a Class A and Class B fire (or fire |

|simulator Class A and B fire). |

|When presented with a specific fire type (or fire simulator fire type), select the correct type of portable fire equipment to deal with it. |

|Demonstrate you can safely and correctly approach a stove-top Class B fire (or fire simulator stove-top Class B fire) using a fire blanket, and use the|

|correct method to successfully extinguish it. |

|Demonstrate you can correctly deal with a person standing, whose clothing is said to be on fire. |

|Dealing with Hazards & Risks Performance Criteria |

|Accurately identify each of the 12 Life-Saving Rules when shown each icon. |

|Recount the Golden Rules with 100% accuracy. |

|Explain accurately who is authorised to stop work, under what circumstances, and what action may be taken afterwards. |

|Using photographs, real or simulated workplace activities identify 6 common workplace hazards, the risks associated with each, and the appropriate |

|controls including PPE. |

|Demonstrate your ability to recognise all unsafe work/behaviour from observed activities in a real or simulated workplace, photographs or video. |

|Explain accurately the role and responsibilities of the work team members, permit holder, and area authority within the PTW system. |

|Correctly identify at least 2 documents that might be attached to a PDO PTW. |

|Participate effectively in a simulated TBT that uses a TRIC card, demonstrating your ability to contribute meaningfully to the discussion. |

Appendix L - Supervisory and Managerial staff Core HSE Performance Criteria for recommended workplace assessment

|HSE Induction Course Performance Criteria |

|When shown the Life Saving Rules icons, explain accurately what each means, and the circumstances under which they would apply. |

|Correctly explain each of the Golden Rules. |

|Correctly identify 10 hazards associated with typical oil and gas activities when shown photographs, video or during a visit to an actual or simulated |

|operational site. |

|Correctly identify 10 different control measures being used during the hazard identification assessment activity. |

|Correctly identify 10 unsafe acts or conditions, and why they are the type stated, from photographs, video or during a visit to an actual or simulated |

|operational site. |

|Carry out the correct response when presented with a simulated fire or medical emergency situation. |

|Initial Fire Response Course Performance Criteria |

|Correctly name the three most common causes of workplace fires. |

|Correctly identify the class of fire involved, when shown three different types of fire. |

|Explain correctly the fire triangle, the principle of fire extinguishment, and the mechanisms by which fire (heat & smoke) will spread. |

|Explain how you would raise the alarm on discovering a fire in an occupied building, in a production station, on a site where any form of construction |

|is taking place, in a vehicle during a work-related journey. |

|When shown four different items of portable fire-fighting equipment, correctly identify what type of fire each is best suited to deal with, why and at |

|least one limitation for use of each one. |

|Demonstrate how to safely move through a compartment that is said to be smoke filled. |

|Demonstrate you can correctly select, safely and successfully use a portable fire extinguisher to extinguish a Class A and Class B fire (or fire |

|simulator Class A and B fire). |

|When presented with a specific fire type (or fire simulator fire type), select the correct type of portable fire equipment to deal with it. |

|Demonstrate you can safely and correctly approach a stove-top Class B fire (or fire simulator stove-top Class B fire) using a fire blanket, and use the|

|correct method to successfully extinguish it. |

|Demonstrate you can correctly deal with a person standing, whose clothing is said to be on fire. |

|HSE Tools & Skills |

|As a member of a team, correctly complete a HEMP review of a given site activity. |

|Correctly identify the contents and purposes of a Method Statement. |

|Correctly identify the contents and purposes of a TRIC card. |

|Correctly identify the contents and purposes of a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). |

|When given a typical oil and gas industry activity that is to take place, prepare and conduct an effective Tool Box Talk that includes main hazards and|

|control measures. |

|Inspect an actual or simulated work place to accurately observe, record and report unsafe acts and conditions. |

|Coaching, Mentoring & Performance Assessment |

|Demonstrate the ability to coach another person in the use of safe behaviour at work that achieves a sustained positive change. |

|Demonstrate how to mentor another person in a topic area connected with ‘core’ HSE. |

|Demonstrate consistent use of see-hear-feel-do and active listening in the workplace. |

|Using the STOP system recommended approach, carry out a safety intervention conversation after an ad-hoc observation in a real or simulated workplace. |

|Prepare for a ‘core’ HSE workplace assessment by identifying the appropriate performance criteria, the individual to be assessed, the workplace and |

|activity to be observed and assessed. |

|Using a real or simulated workplace, carry out an observation and ‘core’ HSE assessment on another person, identifying performance gaps, collecting |

|CARS evidence and making appropriate records to fully justify the assessment decision. |

|Prepare a personal action plan to further develop your coaching, mentoring and workplace assessment skills. |

|Safety Leadership Reassessment |

|Demonstrate use of your personal safety action plan, how it has been monitored, and evidence of what worked, what didn’t work and why. |

|Demonstrate use of See-Hear-Feel-Do and Active Listening when dealing with others. |

|Demonstrate through your reports to the line since Safety Leadership training how you: |

|have applied effective safety leadership |

|applied the ABC Behavioural Safety principles in the workplace |

|produced a clear positive influence on the behaviour of others |

|Carry out an ad-hoc STOP visit to a simulated or actual workplace using, |

|the correct STOP total observation process, |

|an intervention conversation, |

|the STOP database or observation card, |

|the production of a follow up action plan to close identified issues out. |

|Demonstrate that you have accepted personal responsibility as a safety leader, for your team’s workplace safety behaviours and performance, by: |

|producing a personal safety action plan, |

|committing to it, |

|naming a peer to hold you to account for it, |

|specifying how you will review and report on your plan to your line manager. |


3 months after being hired, reassessment of Core HSE performance by Supervisor or Line Manager in the workplace.

Can be deployed to workplace

HSE Passport and, if required, H2S permit issued


Day 2 a.m.

(H2S) if required

Days 3 & 4


Day 1


Day 1


Within max. 7 days of new hire’s Start

Day 5



Within max. 3 months



Days 6 & 7


HSE Passport & if required, H2S permit issued


Days 6, 7 & 8


HSE Passport & if required, H2S permit issued

Can be deployed to workplace

PDO staff (INDP)

Can be deployed to workplace

Day 1


Day 1


Day 2


HSE Passport issued

Day 4 a.m.

(H2S) [if required]

H2S permit issued

Within max. 7 days of new hire’s Start date

Supervisory & Managerial staff

Non-Supervisory staff


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