|ARO (Academic Report Online) – UofC CV Mapping Guide |

|ARO Section |UofC CV Section |

|Demographics |I. Biographical Data |

| | |

|Address Information |I. Biographical Data |

| | |

|Position Summary |N/A |

| | |

|Degrees and Certifications |II. Academic Record |

| | |

|Faulty Appointments & Merit History |I. Biographical Data |

| | |

|Other Appointments and Affiliations |IV. Academic Appointments |

| | |

|Memberships |VII. Professional Activities |

| | |

|Leaves |N/A |

| | |

|Supplementary Professional Activities |N/A |

| | |

|Continuous Professional Learning |N/A |

| | |

|Highlights of the Year |N/A |

| | |

|Patient Centered Clinical Activities |N/A |

| | |

|Research Studies and Grants |VIII. Research Support |

| | |

|Peer Review Activities |VII. Professional Activities |

| | |

|Educational Activities | |

|Classroom based Teaching and Supervision |V. Educational Activities |

|Workplace based Teaching and Supervision |V. Educational Activities |

|Formative Assessment Activities |N/A |

|Summative Assessment Activities | V. Educational Activities |

|Objectives Development |N/A |

|ARO Section |UofC CV Section |

|Teaching Methods and Strategies Development |N/A |

|Service to Education |V. Educational Activities |

|Publications |X. Publications |

|Presentations |IX. Invited Addresses/Presentations |

| | |

|Products of Scholarship (only patents and copyrights added) |XI. Patents and Copyrights |

| | |

|Professionalism |N/A |

| | |

|Mentoring |V. Educational Activities |

| | |

|Consent |N/A |

| | |

|Administrative and Other Service Activities |VI. Administrative Responsibilities |

| | |

|Awards and Recognition |III. Awards and Distinctions |

|*NA – Not applicable and this section of the ARO does not map to the CV |

| |

|Useful Tip |

|If information is appearing incorrectly on the CV, please review and update the section in the ARO and then generate a new copy of |

|the CV. |

1. Demographics


2. Address Information

• Maps to CV - I. BIOGRAPHICAL DATA, Address, Telephone and Email

3. Position Summary

• Does not map to the UofC CV

4. Degrees and Certifications

• Maps to CV - II. ACADEMIC RECORD, Final Degree, Date Completed, Specialty,

• In the ARO the MD or PhD must have final degree checked to map correctly

• Ensure that the degree types are correctly selected

o Degrees (Post-secondary education BSc, BA, MSc, MD, PhD etc.)

o Specialized Training (Residents, Fellows, Postgraduate, Postdoc, Externs)(indicate if it is postgraduate learning or it will map to Graduate training versus Postgrad training)

o Qualifications, Certifications and Licenses (Issued by college boards and other regulatory bodies)

5. Faulty Appointments & Merit History

• Maps to CV - I. BIOGRAPHICAL DATA, Present Rank, Department, Faculty and Institution

• If member is GFT (full-time academic) then Present Rank information will be automatically populated. If the member is non-GFT, then Present Rank information will have to be manually added to the CV

6. Other Appointments and Affiliations


7. Memberships

• Maps to CV - VII. Professional Activities, I Membership in professional and learned societies

8. Leaves

• Does not map to the UofC CV

9. Supplementary Professional Activities

• Does not map to the UofC CV

10. Continuous Professional Learning

• Does not map to the UofC CV

11. Highlights of the Year

• Does not map to the UofC CV

12. Patient Centered Clinical Activities

• Does not map to the UofC CV

13. Research Studies and Grants

• Maps to CV - VIII. Research Support

14. Peer Review Activities

• Maps to CV – VII. Professional Activities ii. Professional Service, Grant, Abstract and Journal Reviews

15. Educational Activities

• Classroom based Teaching and Supervision

o Maps to CV –V. Educational Activities

o Maps to CV based on learner types

• Workplace based Teaching and Supervision

o Maps to CV –V. Educational Activities

o Maps to CV based on learner types

• Formative Assessment Activities

o Does not map to the UofC CV

• Summative Assessment Activities

o Maps to CV –V. Educational Activities

o Thesis Committees maps to CV based on learner types

• Objectives Development

o Does not map to the UofC CV

• Teaching Methods and Strategies Development

o Does not map to the UofC CV

• Service to Education

o Maps to CV –V. Educational Activities

o Maps to CV based on learner types

16. Publications

• Maps to CV - X. Publications

• In Press – will have to be manually added to the CV section - ix. In press

• Submitted – will have to be manually added to the CV section - x. Submitted

17. Presentations

• Maps to CV – Invited Addresses/Presentations

• Role determines if entry goes under Invited Address or Presentation

18. Products of Scholarship

• Maps to CV – XI. Patents and Copyrights

• Only copyright and patent information under this section will be captured in the CV

19. Professionalism

• Does not map to the UofC CV

20. Mentoring

• Maps to CV –V. Educational Activities

• Maps to CV based on learner types

21. Consent

• Does not map to the UofC CV

22. Administrative and Other Service Activities

• Maps to CV - VI. Administrative Responsibilities

• Scope determines if the information maps to i. Departmental, ii. Faculty, iii. University, iv. Provincial/Regional Health or vi. Community and Other Service

1. Awards and Recognition

• Maps to CV – III. Awards and Distinctions


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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