Psychology Final Exam

Finals Review

Learning and Memory Studies how new associations are made and how information is stored

Personality Studies the factors that determine similarities and differences among individuals

Cognitive Studies how perception, thought, and interpretation affect behavior and

interactions with others

Social Studies the ways in which human behavior is linked to culture and society

Biological Studies the neural, hormonal, and other physical factors that affect behavior

Perception Studies the use of senses to gain information about the world and give it meaning

Developmental Studies the mental and behavioral changes that occur over the life span of an


Approaches to Psychology

Psychodynamic this approach believed behavior is the result of the different states of conscience competing for domination

Cognitive believes that humans go through mental processes to resolve problems and develop


Sociocultural concerned with how individual behavior is influenced by social groups and by culture

Humanistic believes people are naturally good, and that to succeed, people need a little guidance to

strive for excellence

Neurobiological study physical features of the human body instead of the mind

Behavioral believes that an individual’s behavior is the result of earlier associations

Sleep Disorders

Hypersomnia chronic, excessive sleeping; irresistible drowsiness or napping

Narcolepsy sudden, unpredictable, and uncontrollable sleeping

Sleep Apnea sudden and regular breathing stoppages during sleep

Nightmares long and movie-like frightening dream

REM Behavior Disorder acting out dream activity

Sleepwalking although deeply asleep, person may talk and interact and have no memory of the activity

Insomnia difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep

Night Terrors sleeper will be frightened and may have eyes open but is not awake; person may remain

frightened when awakened

Altered States of Consciousness

hallucinations experiencing sights and sounds that are not real

Lucid Dreaming dreaming while aware that you are dreaming

Daydreaming fanciful imagery or unfocused thoughts

Meditative State highly focused state of consciousness

Drug-induced result of chemicals that alter mental state

Induced by Biofeedback self monitoring to control bodily functions


Unconditioned Stimulus

Conditioned Response

Conditioned Stimulus

Negative Reinforcement

Unconditional Response

Negative Punishment


Trial and Error Learning

Primary Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement

Positive Punishment

Classical Conditioning

Secondary Reinforcement

Operant Conditioning

That which produces a natural response

Learned response

That which produces a learned response

Following a behavior by stopping or taking away something that is


Natural response

Following a behavior by withholding something that is pleasurable

Relatively permanent change in knowledge or behavior as a result of


Attempting different strategies until the successful one is found

Reinforcement tied to an aspect of survival

Following a behavior with something considered pleasant

Following a behavior with unpleasant consequences

Learning through the association of a stimulus and response

Reinforcement that is nonessential to survival

Behavior that is learned in connection with reward or punishment


Association by similarity

Transient Global Amnesia

State-Dependent memory

Anterograde Amnesia




Retrograde Amnesia


Proactive Interference

Posthypnotic Amnesia

Retroactive Interference




Explicit memory

Korsakoff’s Amnesia


Association by contiguity

Implicit memory

Psychogenic Amnesia

concepts that are associated because of shared properties

loss of memory of one’s past and inability to form new memories

recall improved if internal physiological or emotional state is the

same during testing as initial encoding

loss of memory that occurs after the time of the event

most likely linked to language development or the fact that parts of

the brain is not fully mature

Identifying whether or not you have encountered something before

loss of memory of one’s past

cognitive disorder characterized by memory impairments

when an old memory interferes with remembering new information

loss of memory of events that have taken place during hypnosis

when a new memory interferes with remembering old information

improved ability to remember if tested in the same environment as

the initial learning

searching for and producing information from memory

declarative memory

memory loss due to alcohol abuse

Mental process responsible for encoding, storage, and retrieval of


concepts that are associated because they occur together in a previous experience

procedural memory

memory loss linked to a psychologically traumatic event

Mood Disorders

Dysphoric mood


Bipolar Disorder

Euphoric mood

unpleasant feelings, such as sadness or irritability

time-limited period during which specific symptoms of a disorder

are present

mood disorder involving manic episodes and very disruptive

experiences of heightened mood, possibly altering with major

depressive moods

state that is more cheerful and elated than average, possibly even


Personality Disorders


Personality disorder







Personality Trait


personality disorder characterized by an unrealistic, inflated sense of

self-importance and lack of sensitivity to other people’s needs

ingrained patterns of relating to other people, situations, and events

with a rigid and maladaptive pattern of inner experience and


personality disorder characterized by indifference to social

relationships, as well as a very limited range of emotional experience

and expression

personality disorder characterized by an overwhelming concern for

neatness and minor details

personality disorder characterized by an individual’s fear of any

involvement with other people

personality disorder characterized by extremely passive behavior to

the point of being unable to make any decisions or to take

independent action

personality disorder characterized by suspiciousness

personality disorder characterized by peculiarities and eccentricities

of thought, behavior, appearance, and interpersonal style

enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the


personality disorder characterized by exaggerated emotional

reactions, approaching theatricality, in everyday behavior

Antisocial personality disorder characterized by a lack of regard for society’s

moral or legal standards


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