Cree Language and Culture K-3 - Alberta Education

Cree Language and Culture

12-year Program Guide to Implementation

Kindergarten to Grade 3


Alberta Education Cataloguing in Publication Data

Alberta. Alberta Education. Curriculum Sector: Arts, Communications and Citizenship. Cree language and culture 12-year program guide to implementation : kindergarten to grade 3.

ISBN 978?0?7785?8598?5

1. Cree language ? Study and teaching ? Alberta. 2. Education ? Alberta ? Curricula. 3. Cree language ? Study and teaching ? Alberta ? Outlines, syllabi, etc. 4. Language and education ? Alberta. I. Title.

PM989 A333 2009


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The Cree Language and Culture 12-year Program Guide to Implementation (Kindergarten to Grade 3) was initially developed through the cooperative efforts of many people. Alberta Education acknowledges the following:

Elders and Cultural Advisors

Alfred Bonaise Jenny Cardinal Joe P. Cardinal (deceased) Florestine Chowace Linda Oldpan Myron Paskamin Jerry Saddleback


Janice Aubry Elise Auger Doreen Batchelor Paul Beauregard Louise Breland Loretta Breland Norine Buffalo Rosalyn Bull Julia Cardinal Mary Cardinal-Collins Raymond Cardinal Laura Collins Anne Crane Susan Dion Edith Ellingboe Esther Giroux Rhoda Gladue Emily Hunter Russell Hunter

Malvina Iron Bryant Johns Florence Kanhai Melody Kostiuk Bertha Laboucan Billy Joe Laboucan Barb Laderoute Donna Leask Lorna L'Hirondelle Willie Lightning Judy Louis Jutta McAdam Rita Marten Marjorie Memnook Velma Memnook Mary Moore Laura Moyah Madeline Noskey Pauline Ominiyak

Tony Petrone Bernice Prather Lorraine Rain Susie Robinson Clifford Ribbonleg Teddy Ribbonleg Mary Sasakamoose Betty Simon Joan Simpson John Sokolowski Noella Steinhauer Marion Stone Josephine Thompson Connie Twin Stuart Wachowicz Joyce Wood Nora Yellowknee Gerald Young

The process of developing this edition of the Guide was led by Billy Joe Laboucan, Little Buffalo, Alberta; Mary Cardinal-Collins, Saddle Lake First Nation, Alberta; Annette McLean, Sturgeon Lake First Nation, Alberta; with community consultations in the Treaty 6 and Treaty 8 areas.


Elders and Cultural Advisors Irene Dion-Martineau, Kehewin First Nation Louise Loyie, Sawridge First Nation

Cree Language and Culture 12-Y Guide to Implementation (K?3)

?Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

Acknowledgements / iii 2009

Validation Review Committee Norine Buffalo, Miyowakohtowin Education Authority Susan Dion, Kehewin Education Centre Eliza Gullion, Northland School Division No. 61 Loretta Pete, Miyowakohtowin Education Authority Delores Pruden-Barrie, Alberta Education Lorraine Scanie, Centre for Education, Edmonton Public School Board Bill Sewepagaham, Peace River School Division No. 10 Emily Sewepagaham, Peace River School Division No. 10 Joyce Wood, Saddle Lake Education Authority Gerald Young, Northland School Division No. 61

Editors Billy Joe Laboucan (Woods Cree language) Susan Dion (Plains Cree language) Neil Sawers J. Marilyn Scott

Thanks also to Donna Paskemin for her review and comments.

Alberta Education (Former Learning and Teaching Resources Branch)

Raja Panwar


Stella Shrum

Acting Director

Greg Bishop

Assistant Director, Resource Development

Delores Pruden-Barrie Resource Manager, FNMI Aboriginal Projects and Cree Learning and Teaching


Kim Blevins

Document Production Coordinator

Helen Czar


Lee Harper

Desktop Publishing

Esther Yong

Desktop Publishing

Thomson Duval House Design and Production Joanne Meredith Jeff Miles Leslie Stewart

Thomson Duval General Manager Glenn Rollans

We thank the following educators for supporting their staff's participation in the validation process:

Dale Bischoff, Deputy Superintendent, Peace River School Division No. 10 Debra Cardinal, Director, Saddle Lake Education Authority Linda Gadwa, Principal, Kehewin Education Centre Willy John, Director of Education, Kehewin Education Centre Bryant Johns, Coordinator, Kayas Cultural College Dennis Laboucan, Director of Education, Little Red River Board of Education Florence Quinn, Principal, Onchaminahos Elementary School Annette Ramrattan, Superintendent, Northland School Division No. 61 Debbie Stockdale, Principal, Ermineskin Primary School Don Tessier, Acting Principal, St. Thersea School

iv/ Acknowledgements 2009

Cree Language and Culture 12-Y Guide to Implementation (K?3)

?Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

Lyall Thomson, Superintendent, Edmonton Public School Board Judy Toews, Principal, Prince Charles Elementary School Genevieve Unger, Acting Principal, Kateri School Greg Woronuk, Superintendent, Peace River School Division No. 10

The writers and editors wish to acknowledge the following sources for certain materials that were used or adapted for this document:

Aboriginal Perspectives Teacher Resource, Aboriginal Studies 10. Duval House Publishing, 2006 Alberta Education Health and Life Skills Kindergarten to Grade 9 Program of Studies, 2002 Saskatoon Tribal Council Blue Quills First Nations College ACCESS--The Education Station.

Cree Language and Culture 12-Y Guide to Implementation (K?3)

?Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

Acknowledgements / v 2009

vi / 2009

Cree Language and Culture 12-Y Guide to Implementation (K?3)

?Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................... iii

Chapter 1: Introduction ...................................................................................... 1 Message to the Teacher .................................................................................... 1 Cree Worldview ............................................................................................... 2 Cree Values ...................................................................................................... 4 Nehiyaw Pedagogy ........................................................................................... 6 Oral Tradition ................................................................................................... 7 Protocol with Kihteyayak (Elders) ................................................................... 8 Language Variation .......................................................................................... 8 Using This Guide ............................................................................................. 9

Chapter 2: Teaching and Learning Cree Language and Culture ................... 11 Communicative Language Competence ........................................................... 11 Developing Cree Language Competence ......................................................... 12 Teaching for Cree Language Competence ....................................................... 12 An Effective Cree Language Learning Environment ....................................... 15 Suggested Teaching and learning Strategies .................................................... 16 Combined Grades in the Cree Language and Culture Classroom .................... 17

Chapter 3: Planning for Instruction .................................................................. 21 Why Plan? ........................................................................................................ 21 Sample Planning Procedure ............................................................................. 22 Areas of Experiences--Themes ....................................................................... 23 Key Elements of the Year Plan ........................................................................ 23 Developing Unit Plans ..................................................................................... 27 Developing Lesson Plans ................................................................................. 30 Global Task List ............................................................................................... 30 Planning for Balance ........................................................................................ 31 Reviewing ........................................................................................................ 33

Chapter 4: Classroom Assessment and Evaluation ........................................... 35 What Is Assessment and Evaluation? .............................................................. 35 Cree Approach .................................................................................................. 36 Types of Assessment ........................................................................................ 38 Assessment and Evaluation Strategies ............................................................. 40

Chapter 5: Grade Level Samples ...........................................................................45 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 45 Integrate for Efficiency and Motivation ........................................................... 46 Reading the Course Level Samples .................................................................. 46 Kindergarten Level Samples ............................................................................. 49 Applications .............................................................................................. 50 Language Competence .............................................................................. 68 Community Membership .......................................................................... 88 Strategies ................................................................................................... 103

Cree Language and Culture 12-Y Guide to Implementation (K?3)

?Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

Table of Contents / vii 2009

Grade 1 Level Samples .................................................................................... 107 Applications .............................................................................................. 108 Language Competence .............................................................................. 131 Community Membership .......................................................................... 153 Strategies ................................................................................................... 187

Grade 2 Level Samples .................................................................................... 195 Applications .............................................................................................. 196 Language Competence .............................................................................. 219 Community Membership .......................................................................... 250 Strategies ................................................................................................... 270

Grade 3 Level Samples .................................................................................... 275 Applications .............................................................................................. 276 Language Competence .............................................................................. 299 Community Membership .......................................................................... 332 Strategies ................................................................................................... 354

Appendices Appendix A: Specific Outcomes Chart ...........................................................A?1 Appendix B: Vocabulary and Classroom Expressions ................................... B?1 Appendix C: Planning Tools ........................................................................... C?1 Appendix D: Graphic Organizers ....................................................................D?1 Appendix E: Assessment Blackline Masters ................................................... E?1

Bibliography ...............................................................................................................1

viii / Table of Contents 2009

Cree Language and Culture 12-Y Guide to Implementation (K?3)

?Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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