
Two Days Workshop On “Python Programming Language”Event: Workshop on “Python Programming LanguageDate &Time: 27-28/11/2018, 10:00AM-04:00 PMVenue: Computer Center-Jagran Institute of Management, Saket Nagar, Kanpur-(U.P.)Faculty Coordinator: Mr. Adarsh SrivastavaParticipants: Participants are students of MCA-1st, 3rd & 5th semester.Aim:-The work shop started at 10:00 a.m. in the morning on Tuesday and the speaker was Mr. Amit Pal (Director-Info surfers Kanpur). The Trainer Mr. Amit Pal covered Python Programming concepts as per the new learning methodology of programming language for MCA students. It was an informative session and will help in the implementation of the new learning methodology.This workshop was appreciated by the all students, as they were able to add another programming language in their technical skill set. The trainer Mr. Amit Pal has given mix of theory and practical knowledge of python programming language. The workshop on “python programming language” was very helpful to us in giving necessary background information for new developer.This workshop was intended to bring students to up to speed in Python programming language. It assumes that they were already familiar with fundamental programming concepts such as "variable", "loop", “tuple” and "function".Description:This workshop has been specifically?designed for beginners, who have been looking to obtain?a hands-on learning experience with Python language; He also demonstrated how to use Python language in the development of software and its features.This workshop was an opportunity for MCA stream students and faculty members to study most recent programming languages focusing on development of various applications.Key Notes/Highlights of the Workshop: - The Training Programme Contents included all the topics proposed in the workshop: Introduction (Need of Python, Features of Python, Library Support) Install Python on your Computer writing your own code Hello World Data types support Conditional Statement Loops & Tuple Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in Python Database ConnectivityApplication of python: 1. Text Handling 2. System Administration 3. GUI programming 4. Database Apps 5. Scientific Applications 6. Games 7. Natural Language processing (NLP) Why python: It is a very powerful language it has the feature of following languages:-Conclusion: Students will learn the basics of writing and running Python scripts to more advanced features such as file operations, regular expressions, working with binary data, and using the extensive functionality of Python modules. This session will cover topics for students completely new to programming along with comparisons and contrasts to other programming languages and after the workshop students were really excited in using Python as the primary tool for their project work. Dr. Divya Chowdhry (Director, JIM Kanpur) Felicitating Mr. Amit Pal (Director, Infosurfers Kanpur) Mr. Amit Pal giving an introduction The workshop on “Python language” in progress ................

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