Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

SIT Meeting MinutesDecember 7, 2015Welcomepresent: B. Rhew, P. Hendrix, K. Wooten, G. Webster, D. Vest, Susan Marshall (parent rep), W. Sutphin, M. Ranson, Anasia Lyles (student rep), Emily Cuadra (student rep), V. Reyes, B. WatsonA. Staff concernsRainy days - extra rug between doors to soak up waterentry door by pods (7th grade hall) not always staffedMTAC update & Ages & PagesAges & Pages stations very popular (see attached summary)enrollment is continuingTitle 1 order is being put together for media acquisitionsStudent Survey resultsAddition of 'neither agree or disagree' as a choice may skew dataContinue student focus groupsWork with students to develop skills to deal with being bullied, and being a witnessHealth class addressing alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, length of time in curriculumGood of the orderenrichment/intervention program from EC conference (Watson)getting info to share with SIT Adjournmentnext meeting, January 25, 2016Ages & Pages: WWII 2015-2016Title I Family Reading Program Walkertown Middle School SIT/MTAC Update, Dec. 7, 2015 Media Center WWII Interactive Learning Stations? All middle school ELA classes participated in the WWII learning stations as a preview for kick-off. Students completed a War Zone Field Report and engaged with primary sources, photographs, informational text, and interactive websites. Student exit survey results indicated the following stations were their favorites: 1st place: Combat Zone (military strategy, weaponry, theatres of war, combat training)2nd place: Horrors of the Holocaust (primary sources depicting conditions, stories of survivors)3rd place: Hiding Place (Hiding during German occupation, Anne Frank, underground support)4th place: A World Divided Timeline Tour (Visual tour of WWII events and battles) 5th place: Growing Up During WWII & WWII Culture on the Homefront Students were given an opportunity to list what they wish they could learn more about if they had more time. The most frequent response wanting to know more about Adolf Hitler – Why he did what he did and believed what he believed. How he persuaded others to go along with his morals. Other frequent responses listed by students included: Code breakers and spies; Nazi Youth, effects of atomic bombs, 1940s fashions and entertainment, propaganda, and wartime childhood. Students were very interested in learning how children survived wartime conditions. Kick-Off Event - November 9, 2015? At least 250 students, family members, special guests in attendance at kick-off (middle-high)o Special guests included: WWII Veterans Ivey Redmon & CL Montgomery, WWII Army Nurse Mary Boyles, Veterans Rebecca Tyree, George Ellsworth & David McAdoo, Author Joyce Hostetter, Walkertown Mayor Doc Davis, Business Community Member Clyde Webster? 29 Staff volunteers/presenters helped with kick-off (19 middle school & 10 high school staff)? Exit Survey results summary from kick-off (on the back this sheet)? Sponsorship of kick-off dinner by Sheetz of Walkertown ? Press: Headline article for WS/FCS district homepage and article in Kernersville News Upcoming Ages & Pages: WWII Events? Lunch & Interviews with Veterans – in the media center (Target: January) ? Hometown Heroes Culminating Event: we will showcase outstanding student projects, recognize hometown heroes, and feature guest speaker (TBD)– April ? Students can still sign up to get books and family guides with project ideas (some teachers are offering extra credit and students can also get Reading Passport bonus credit). Ages & Pages: WWII Kick-off EventExit surveyPlease provide feedback about your family’s experience at our kick-off event. Return this slip to the MC at the end of the event. A volunteer will collect slips at the middle and high school library doors. ExcellentAverageFair/Needs ImprovementDoesn't ApplyComments:Submarine Supper 72%28% Your family's excitement about the Ages & Pages books/program 79%21% Media Center Stations & Activities 88%12% Break-Out Sessions 98% 2% *Overwhelmingly positive feedback comments for break-out session listed below. The person who marked fair/needs improvement indicated the suggestion for improvement was to allow more time for break-out sessions in order to see more. COMMENTS:? It was interesting to hear real life stories from that time in history.? The break-out sessions were very good.? [Supper] had great selection and value.? We learned things we didn’t know.? Stations and mayor were very informative.? Thanks for supper!? Enjoyed each break-out session very much – especially WWII nurse, Fly Girl, Soldiers’ Stories and author of Blue.? Quantavious Jackson did an excellent job.? Supper was very good.? Loved it all!? We loved “Healing in Harm’s Way!” ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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