Master Plan Worksheet - Alabama Wildlife

|[pic] |Alabama Outdoor Classroom Program |[pic] |

| |Master Plan Worksheet | |

Putting together a Master Plan on paper will help your planning committee stay focused, be organized, and achieve your goals for a sustainable Outdoor Classroom site that is an effective educational tool.

Remember—Keep It Simple and Have Fun!

❑ State the Purpose of your outdoor classroom. For example, the purpose of developing and using your outdoor classroom learning stations may be to provide hands-on learning opportunities for your students, to get students outdoors so they can develop a greater appreciation for their environment, and/or to enhance the wildlife habitat available in your schoolyard. This should be determined before you begin building any outdoor learning stations to help your committee prioritize its projects and avoid any inessential projects. In addition, your stated purpose should guide your committee’s goals and projects for future years to come.





❑ List your planning committee’s Goals for the outdoor classroom this year. For example, you may want to develop new outdoor learning stations, increase hands-on learning opportunities, have 100% participation in the outdoor classroom, teach students about conservation, demonstrate career tech opportunities, get students outdoors, and/or conduct wildlife habitat restoration projects. The Faculty Survey results may help you determine your goals for the upcoming year.





❑ Survey your Faculty at the beginning of each year and record the survey results below. The Faculty Survey should help you gather feedback such as what learning stations the teachers would/do use the most, what resources they may need to use the outdoor classroom as an educational tool, what resources they already have that can assist the outdoor classroom development and use, etc. You can download a sample faculty survey on the Alabama Wildlife Federation website at classrooms/ and edit it as needed.

When will you survey your faculty? ________________________________________________________

Note: To maximize the number of surveys returned, hand out the surveys at the beginning of a faculty meeting and collect them at the end of the meeting.

Faculty Comments & Suggestions:_________________________________________________________




Outdoor Classroom Master Plan Worksheet (p1 of 2): Form E.1, 7/23/12

|[pic] |Alabama Outdoor Classroom Program |[pic] |

| |Master Plan Worksheet | |

❑ Present an Outdoor Classroom Update to the faculty and PTA/PTO at the beginning of the year or at the beginning of each semester. Keeping key people like the principal, faculty, maintenance staff and parents informed and involved are vital to the success and sustainability of your outdoor classroom.

Faculty Presentation Date:_________________ PTA/PTO Presentation Date:_________________

❑ List the Projects your planning committee would like to accomplish this year. These projects should help you accomplish your goals for the year, address any faculty needs expressed in the Faculty Survey, and include projects that need to be completed from the previous year. Example Outdoor Classroom Projects include:

← Learning Stations – Build new learning station(s) or outdoor classroom component(s) such as a butterfly garden, songbird sanctuary, frog pond, bog garden, weather station, outdoor seating, compost bin, etc.

← Educational Activities – Create new “Outdoor Classroom Activity Kits” that include Field Journal Activity Sheets and educational resources that can be used in conjunction with the outdoor classroom

← Maintenance Plans – Hold Work Days when volunteers can help with the building or maintenance in the outdoor classroom or establish a “Learning Station Adoption Program” to help with day-to-day maintenance

← Fundraising – apply for a grant or hold a fundraiser to raise funds for learning station or activity resources

← Communication Projects – Develop an outdoor classroom bulletin board, create educational signs or kiosks for learning stations, install a webcam by a bird feeder, create a plant identification guide for your school, etc.

← Special Events – Certify your site through the AL Outdoor Classroom Program, hold a Wildlife Festival, etc.

Note: For learning station project plans, educational activity ideas, maintenance plan examples, grant opportunities, or planning materials visit AWF’s website at classrooms/. For more project and activity ideas, host a free Outdoor Classroom Inservice Workshop or attend an AWF Outdoor Classroom Workshop/Expo.

|Outdoor Classroom Project |Person in Charge |Estimated Cost |Estimated Date |

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|The Alabama Outdoor Classroom Program is a partnership between: |

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|Alabama Cooperative |Alabama Wildlife Federation |Alabama Department of |

|Extension System | |Conservation & Natural Resources |

Outdoor Classroom Master Plan Worksheet (p2 of 2): Form E.1, 7/23/12


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