Enjoy Learning - Learning for Life

Welcome to Trinity School

I would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to you as parents to Trinity School and hope that your child has a successful and enriching time with us. We strongly value the relationship we develop with each of our families and look forward to securing a happy and successful partnership with you over the coming years. We believe that by working together in partnership we can achieve all of our aspirations. This handbook provides information about our school, our aims, routines and procedures. It should answer many of your questions about starting or moving to a new school. We have an `open door' policy at Trinity and you are welcome at any time to share our learning experiences so that you can understand and be fully involved in your child's development. By working together we can really make a difference! We value each child as an individual and strive to ensure that every child in our care is provided with the opportunities and experience for him or her to achieve their full potential ? both in terms of academic success and their emotional well-being. We believe that children learn best when they feel safe and secure and we encourage our pupils to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour, so that they become healthy, successful individuals equipped with the skills they need for their future. Mrs Katy McMahon Headteacher

Me and my friends.


Enjoy Learning - Learning for Life

School History Trinity School has a long history dating back to 1854. The interior of the building has been altered and extended considerably over the years to meet current educational needs, but it still maintains great character. Trinity has seven classes, one for each year of primary education, a school hall, and library and computer suite. We have recently completed a building project which will increase our school space and ensure that we can offer more opportunities to our children.

Although we are on a small site we are fortunate to have access to a wildlife garden, the Riley field and Trinity Manor's nature trail. These facilities are used to enrich children's learning wherever possible.

Playing football on the field is the best!

Our aspirations

Our mission is to provide every child with memorable and rewarding experiences in a safe and secure environment. They are given opportunities to learn and grow as independent life-long learners to enable them to achieve their full potential.

Enjoy Learning - Learning for Life

Our school core values are; Respect, Compassion and Friendship

We aspire to educate the `whole child' - spiritually, mentally, morally,

physically, socially and culturally. We aim to place our children at the

centre of all we do - by offering:

a safe, caring and stimulating environment in which children feel

secure, happy and want to learn

a broad, balanced, relevant and exciting curriculum which inspires learning and meets the needs of all children

I love to dress up.

a high quality learning environment where children are motivated to take responsibility

for their own learning; where their work is valued within an ethos of high expectation

a learning culture where children develop into informed, responsible and confident

citizens ready for an ever changing, evolving world

an inclusive learning community, in which every member feels valued and respected,

and all achievements are celebrated

In order to achieve this we continuously monitor and evaluate the work of the school in order to raise our standards of learning and teaching: we celebrate our successes and identify areas for development we recognise priorities and set targets for improvement we promote strong partnerships between children, staff, parents, community and the


Enjoy Learning - Learning for Life

Education Department

For us to achieve our aspirations it is essential for children, parents and school to work together in partnership. Each has a fundamental role to play.

Children are expected to:

behave well and exemplify the "ethos" of Trinity School

represent the school positively by being well behaved, polite and respectful to others

both in school and when out in the community

follow the Golden Rules

work to the best of their ability at all times ? taking responsibility for their own learning

know where they are in their own learning and what they need to do next

be interested in their work, pose questions, solve problems, confidently select and use


form healthy relationships and be able to work independently, co-operatively and

collaboratively within group/class situations

respond to challenges with enthusiasm and be prepared to take risks within a

safe environment

make connections and build upon previously acquired knowledge in new

situations across all subject areas

respond appropriately to homework and opportunities for extended learning

be prepared for their lessons e.g. correct equipment/appropriate clothing

I'm good at writing.

look smart in the correct school uniform

Parents have a vital role to play in ensuring that their child achieves their full potential by: supporting and encouraging their child's learning at home e.g. homework, reading etc. supporting school policy and ethos valuing their child's learning and achievement ensuring school is informed about any matters which may affect their child's emotional well

being and readiness to learn ensuring their child attends school regularly, is punctual and in good health attending shared learning events, information sharing sessions and celebrations to deepen

their understanding of how their child learns

Teaching is most effective when teachers: show commitment to the school mission, aims and policies and promote the school

ethos know their children well and know where they are with their individual learning set high expectations to challenge all pupils keep parents well informed about their child's progress, levels of attainment and next steps in

learning are exemplary role models employ a balanced but varied approach of teaching strategies plan appropriately to match individual needs have good relationships with pupils and provide opportunities for them to contribute their

ideas manage pupils well and achieve high standards of behaviour use assessment effectively to inform the next steps in children's learning provide a safe and stimulating working environment, both physically and emotionally use homework effectively, to reinforce and/or extend what is learnt in lessons provide positive praise and encouragement to raise self esteem reflect and evaluate their own teaching adapt lessons and planning appropriately to meet the needs of the children ensure lesson content is relevant and enthuses the children give children time to reflect on their own learning


Enjoy Learning - Learning for Life

School Structure The school is organised into three stages:

Foundation Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2

Nursery and Reception Class Year 1 & Year 2 Years 3, 4, 5 & 6

STAFFING: The staffing structure at Trinity School is as follows:

Leadership Team; Mrs Katy McMahon Mr Chris Godden Mrs Kelly Cutting

Mrs Claire Flett

Head teacher Deputy Head teacher, SENCO, Y3/4 Phase leader Key Stage 1 Phase leader Y1 Class Teacher Y5/6 Phase leader Y6 Class teacher

Teaching Staff: Mr Robert French Mrs Rae Hardisty Miss Sonia Tomas Mrs Eve Mann Miss Abby Blampied Mrs Claire Churcher

Year 5 Teacher Year 4 Teacher Year 3 Teacher Year 2 Teacher Reception Teacher Nursery Teacher

Support Staff: Mrs Helen Racjan Mrs Sue Le Breton Mrs Julie Brown Mrs Alex Huckson Mrs Emma O'Connell Mrs Vicky Smith

Mrs Lisa Burden Miss Nicola Dervin Mr Dean Carter Mr Brian De Guelle Mrs Mary Galvin Mrs Jackie Brookfield

School Administrator Learning Support Assistant Learning Support Assistant Learning Support Assistant Learning Support Assistant Reception Learning Support Assistant/Well-being Facilitator Nursery Officer Nursery Officer Caretaker Lunchtime Supervisor/ ICT Technician Lunchtime Supervisor/Breakfast Club Lunchtime Supervisor

School hours Morning session: Afternoon session:

8.40 am - 12.00 pm 1.00 pm - 2.45 pm (Rec to Year 2) 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm (Years 3 to 6)

We operate a `drop and drive' scheme for pupils in Year 2 and above, whereby parents can drop their child at the gate to be met by a teacher. An adult is on duty in the playground to supervise Key Stage 1/2 pupils from 8.20 am. Please do not bring children to school before this time as we


Enjoy Learning - Learning for Life

cannot accept responsibility for their welfare. Parents leaving children on school premises before 8.20 am do so at their own risk. Children enter school from 8.40 am and go to their classroom where there will be activities available for them. In wet weather, children should go to the hall from 8.20 am where the duty adult will supervise them.

In the morning pupils in Foundation and their parents should make their way into school after 8.30 am. This gives parents the opportunity to help them put their things away and get organised for the start of the day at 8.50 am. A member of staff will be on duty.

Registration closes at 8.45 am. Pupils should be in class by that time otherwise they will be marked late. If children arrive late, after the close of registration, parents should report to the school secretary so the pupil can be marked present on the register. Parents of children who are repeatedly late may be contacted by our Educational Welfare Officer.

At the end of the day pupils in Reception should be collected from their classroom at 2.45 pm. Year 1 and Year 2 children will be escorted into the top playground at 2.45 pm and will stay with their teacher until collected by an adult. Key Stage 2 classes will be escorted into the top playground at 3.00 pm and will stay with their teacher until collected by an adult. If raining, children should be collected from their classrooms. Parking is available at the Riley Field and the RJA&HS.

Once collected, children become the responsibility of that person. School rules still apply at the end of the day even when children have been handed over to parents. Children are not permitted to run around or play on the Trim Trail. To ease traffic congestion at the end of the day we ask parents to leave promptly so that parking spaces are freed up on the Riley Field.

If you know you are going to be unavoidably delayed then please telephone the school so that we can reassure your child and arrange extra supervision if necessary.

If you give your permission for your older children to come to and/or from school without an adult, either on foot or by bicycle then please provide the school with written notification and a copy of their cycling proficiency certificate for our records if appropriate.

Behaviour and Attitudes As a school we have high expectations and standards of behaviour. We believe that children's behaviour and attitudes are shaped and influenced by their experiences at home and at school. We foster an atmosphere of praise and encouragement where children learn what is expected of them and understand the consequences of their actions. Staff aim to recognise and praise good behaviour more frequently than criticising inappropriate behaviour, but when necessary, the smallest sanction which is a system of "a recorded strike" that is applied calmly and fairly by a staff member.

The Trinity Rules underpin our expectations:

We are gentle; we don't hurt others

We are kind and helpful; we do not hurt other people's feelings

We work hard; we don't waste time

We look after property; we don't waste or damage things

We listen to people; we don't interrupt

We are honest; we don't cover up the truth

At the start of the academic year each class agrees their own class contract. Each child is expected to sign up to the agreed statements.

Year 6 children are encouraged to earn special privileges by demonstrating high standards of behaviour and maturity. Achievement is celebrated by receiving a `Privilege Badge' and


Enjoy Learning - Learning for Life


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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