Importing into the United States A Guide for Commercial ...

Last Revision 2006


Importing into the United States

A Guide for Commercial Importers

A Notice To Our Readers

On March 1, 2003, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, or CBP, was born as an

agency of the Department of Homeland Security, merging functions of the former

Customs Service, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Border Patrol, and Animal

and Plant Health Inspection Service. Many changes took place in preparation for this

merger and many have occurred since in order to safeguard U.S. borders against highrisk cargo, contraband, and unsafe imports. We encourage you to visit our Website

() for the latest information on specific laws, regulations or procedures that

may affect your import transactions.


This edition of Importing Into the United States contains material pursuant to the

Trade Act of 2002 and the Customs Modernization Act (Title VI of the North American

Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act), commonly referred to as the Mod Act.

The Customs Modernization Act (Title VI of the North American Free Trade

Agreement Implementation Act [P.L. 103-182, 107 Stat. 2057]) became effective

December 8, 1993. Its provisions have fundamentally altered the relationship between

importers and CBP by shifting to the importer, the legal responsibility for declaring the

value, classification, and rate of duty applicable to entered merchandise.

A prominent feature of the Mod Act is a relationship between CBP and importers

that is characterized by informed compliance. (See Section Three of this book, which

starts on page 26, for details and definitions.) A key component of informed compliance

is the shared responsibility between CBP and the import community, wherein CBP

communicates its requirements to the importer, and the importer, in turn, uses reasonable

care to assure that CBP is provided with accurate and timely data pertaining to his or her


Importing Into the United States provides wide-ranging information about the

importing process and import requirements. We have made every effort to include

essential requirements, but it is not possible for a book this size to cover all import laws

and regulations. Also, this publication does not supersede or modify any provision of

those laws and regulations. Legislative and administrative changes are always under

consideration and can occur at any time. Quota limitations on commodities are also

subject to change. Therefore, reliance solely on the information in this book may not

meet the ¡°reasonable care¡± standard required of importers.

We urge interested parties to contact their nearest CBP office for information on


specific issues or questions. CBP ports of entry, with their addresses and phone

numbers, can be found on our Website under ¡°Ports.¡±

We cannot overemphasize that although the information in this book is provided

to promote understanding of, and compliance with, importing laws and regulations, the

information provided here is for general purposes only. Importers may also wish to

obtain guidance from private-sector experts who specialize in importing, for example,

licensed customs brokers, attorneys or consultants.

Federal agencies whose laws CBP helps to enforce are listed throughout this

book, as well as in the Appendix and on our Website.




U.S. Customs and Border Protection: Mission and Organization

1. Organization; CBP Attaches Abroad

Suggestions to the Exporter

Entry of Goods

2. Entry Process

3. Right To Make Entry

4. Examination of Goods and Entry Documents

5. Packing of Goods¡ªCommingling

Informed Compliance

6. Definition

7. Reasonable Care Checklists

8. Compliance Assessment/Compliance Measurement

9. Notice to Small-Business Importers


10. Commercial Invoices

11. Other Invoices

12. Frequent Errors in Invoicing

Assessment of Duty

13. Dutiable Status of Goods

14. Containers or Holders

15. Temporary Free Importations

16. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

17. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)

18. Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) and the Caribbean Basin Economic

Recovery Act (CBERA)

19. Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA)/Andean Trade Promotion and

Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA)

20. U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area Agreement

21. U.S.- Jordan Free Trade Area Agreement

22. Compact of Free Association (FAS)

23. African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)

24. U.S.-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBPTA)

25. U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement (US-CFTA)

26. U.S.¨C Singapore Free Trade Agreement

27. Antidumping and Countervailing Duties

28. Drawback¡ªRefunds of Duties


Classification and Value

29. Classification¡ªLiquidation

30. Conversion of Currency

31. Transaction Value

32. Transaction Value¡ªIdentical or Similar Merchandise

33. Other Bases: Deductive and Computed Value

34. Rules of Origin


35. Country of Origin Marking

36. Special Marking Requirements

37. Marking¡ªFalse Impression

38. User Fees

Special Requirements

39. Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Other Agency Requirements

40. Alcoholic Beverages

41. Motor Vehicles and Boats

42. Import Quotas

43. Fraud

Foreign Trade Zones

44. Foreign Trade Zones


Invoices; Additional Information; Customs Valuation;

Other Forms; Other Agencies




1. Organization


Before September 11, 2001, the major responsibility of the former U.S. Customs

Service was to administer the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended. When Customs

subsequently merged with other border enforcement agencies to become U.S. Customs

and Border Protection, CBP¡¯s priority mission became homeland security: detecting,

deterring and preventing terrorists and their weapons from entering the United States.

This mission fits ideally with CBP¡¯s long-established responsibilities for

protecting and facilitating international trade. CBP retains its traditional enterprise of

protecting the nation's revenue by assessing and collecting duties, taxes and fees incident

to international traffic and trade. Further, by providing procedural guidance to the import

community, CBP enhances and increases compliance with domestic and international

customs laws and regulations. CBP thus helps importers assure that their shipments are

free from terrorist or other malicious interference, tampering, or corruption of containers

or commodities.

Today, CBP is the nation¡¯s premiere border enforcement agency, and it

accomplishes this new mandate in part by executing the responsibilities for

which it has always been known: controlling, regulating, and facilitating the

movement of carriers, people, and commodities between the United States and

other nations; protecting the American consumer and the environment against

the introduction of hazardous, toxic or noxious products into the United States;

protecting domestic industry and labor against unfair foreign competition; and

detecting, interdicting, and investigating smuggling and other illegal practices

aimed at illegally entering narcotics, drugs, contraband or other prohibited

articles into the United States.

CBP is also responsible for detecting, interdicting, and investigating

fraudulent activities intended to avoid the payment of duties, taxes and fees, or

activities meant to evade the legal requirements of international traffic and

trade; and for detecting, interdicting, and investigating illegal international

trafficking in arms, munitions, currency, and acts of terrorism at U.S. ports of



Field Operations Offices

CBP operates through a field-office structure that consists of 20 Field Operations


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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