GATTACA - Applying DNA technology Name: Per:

GATTACA - Applying DNA technology


** In class viewing: 12/10, 11 & 14. Completed packets are due at the end of class on Monday. **

As you watch respond to the following questions: 13:08 1. What does Jerome (Vincent) place on the comb at his workstation?

16:15 2. "They used to say that a child conceived in love has a greater chance of...." What?

17:10 3. What is Jerome's (Vincent's) life expectancy?

18:00 4. After Marie's fertilized embryos are screened, how many healthy ones are left?

19:25 5. According to the geneticist, we have enough of this built in already. What is it?

20:50 6. What is Vincent's and his brother's favorite game?

21:30 7. "Anton was by far the stronger swimmer, and he had no excuse to..." what?

23:15 8. What is the name given to discriminating against people because of their genetic profile?

30:50 9. "After all there is no gene for ..." what?

35:44 10. What color is Jerome's medal?

40:30 11. What is a "borrowed ladder" or "de-generate"?

41:20 12. What does Jerome (Vincent) leave behind at the murder scene?

53:55 13. The director claims that Gattaca is occasionally forced to accept candidates with "minor shortcomings", but nothing that would prevent them from working in what field?

56:50 14. Why is it unlikely that Irene will travel into space?

1:06:05 15. When Jerome (Vincent) and Irene go to a concert, what is unusual about the piano player?

1:18:40 16. What does Irene leave behind at the club where she and Jerome are dancing?

1:34:50 17. Who killed the mission director?

8. ________________ "I got the better end of the deal. I only lent you my body - you lent me your dream. "

9. ________________ "For future reference, right handed men don't hold it with their

1:36:20 18. Whloefdt.oJeusstthoendeeotfecthtiovseelethaidnignsg. "the murder investigation turn out to be?

10. ________________ after vomiting "do you want some of this?" 11. ________________ "Jerome, Jerome, the metronome. You can play the piano by his

1:40:00 19. WhheenaArtnbetoant"asks Vincent, "How are you doing this?", how does Vincent answer?

12. ________________ "when they look at you they don't see you anymore. They only

see me"

1:44:10 20.1W3. h_y_d_o_e_s_E_u_g_en_e_t_h_in_k__tha"It hhaedgoyot uthseeqbueettnecreedn"d of the deal?

14. ________________ "I never saved anything for the way back" 15. ________________ "unfortunately my son's not all that they promised. But then

1:48:55 21. In wahgaaitns,pwohrtodkindoEwusgwenheatrheceecivoeulhdisdom."edal?

16. ________________ "no one exceeds their potential, it simply means that we didn't

accurately gauge their potential in the first place"

Irene Antonio Jerome




Who said this? Choose from the characters above.

1. ______________ "the only way you'll see the inside of a spaceship is if you were cleaning it" 2. ______________ "If you're going to pretend like you don't care, don't look up. " 3. ______________ "are you colorblind, it's silver" 4. ______________ "tragic as it may seem, it hasn't stopped the planet's turning" 5. ______________ "I have some books, I go places in my head" 6. ______________ "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again" 7. ______________ "if there is anything wrong with you, I can't see it from where I'm standing" 8. ______________ "I got the better end of the deal. I only lent you my body - you lent me your dream. " 9. ______________ "For future reference, right handed men don't hold it with their left. Just one of those

things. " 10. ______________ after vomiting "do you want some of this?" 11. ______________ "Jerome, Jerome, the metronome. You can play the piano by his heartbeat" 12. _____________ "when they look at you they don't see you anymore. They only see me" 13. ______________ "I had you sequenced" 14. ______________ "I never saved anything for the way back" 15. ______________ "unfortunately my son's not all that they promised. But then again, who knows what he

could do." 16. ______________ "no one exceeds their potential, it simply means that we didn't accurately gauge their

potential in the first place"

Analysis: After viewing the movie choose three and respond to each in 3-5 sentences below.

1. During a scene in GATTACA, Vincent's parents visited a doctor who specialized in child conception to select for the best traits for his future brother. They hoped that his brother would have the best possible chances for a successful life. Some of the traits mentioned in GATTACA included intelligence, height and any possibility of inheritable diseases. If you decided to have a child one day and are given the opportunity to select for special traits, would you do so? Explain why or why not.

2. What are the positive and negative aspects of the world showed in the movie? Describe at least two positive and 2 negative aspects.

3. What does the movie GATTACA say about DNA determining a person's potential? Provide two examples from the movie to support your answer.

4. Describe 3 preparations Vincent had to do everyday to pass as Jerome Morrow at GATTACA. In each case explain the significance of what he was doing.

5. Do you think life could be similar to how it is depicted in the movie in the future? How would your life be different than it is today? Think about dating, having children, employment, pre-diagnosis of disease, and date of death.

6. Most people, in general, want scientists to find the cures for diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, etc. What if scientists said that the easiest way to eliminate diseases was with prevention rather than a cure. Do you support this idea? Why or why not?

7. In a future, parents regularly choose the traits their children inherit. What traits do you think should be "off limits"? What should parents not be allowed to chose or tamper with? Explain your rational.

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Question ___ __________________________________________________________________________________________





Question ___ __________________________________________________________________________________________





Respond to one of the following.

"The new underclass is no longer determined by social class or the color of our skin. We now have discrimination down to a science."

"The best test score in the world wouldn't matter unless he had the blood test to go along with it."

How is the social reality portrayed by this emphasis in genetics? What types of discrimination do we see?


Anton Freeman: "Vincent! How are you doing this Vincent? How have you done any of this? We have to go back."

Vincent: "It's too late for that. We're closer to the other side." Anton Freeman: "What other side? You wanna drown us both?" Vincent: "You wanna know how I did it? This is how I did it Anton. I never saved anything for the swim back."

"There's no gene for fate."

In what way do these two quotes convey the message of the movie?

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