So what is Forest Argent System - Webs

1 So what is Forest Argent System?

To begin with, I would like to introduce you to what we want the system to be:

“We wish to create a system that puts the world building in the hands of the participants as well as the organisers, where though there is a structure the details sit well within the hands of all involved, up to and including giving the participants the resources to build their own influence and lead characters to explore or conquer the worlds.

“Non-Player Characters play the part of catalysts, which help to move the plot and fill holes in the world, creating a reason for characters to work together.

“The system is designed to balance system against dramatic, trying to make the system an aid to creating drama in the story.”

The Golden Rules

1: Not every situation will be covered by the rules. Use your common sense and if in doubt: ROLE PLAY!!

2: Have fun: if you are not getting something out of this, we are doing something wrong. Don’t be afraid to approach and talk to the referees.

3: Take your hits. Even if you are unsure. Nothing breaks a game down quicker than complaints about cheats. As a participant, you can always approach a ref if there is an ongoing problem.

The Game World of Forest Argent

The idea of Forest Argent is that there are five worlds, each with its own flavour and feel. Until the start of the game system (at the time of writing three years ago) none of these worlds had seen each other before; that is what we use to create tension and allow players to investigate new cultures, etc.

Importantly the worlds can be added to; when you build your character, you can, if you wish, add to the game world by putting in new areas or peoples, etc. as long as they do not overwrite any previous world details, so you must always check with the organisers.

The Crusaders: Unlike the list below, The Crusaders does not refer to a world in itself but the people who are lost in the Forest Argent (the great wood between worlds). These are the people who actually live in the Forest Argent: they are people from our world, lost during the medieval period or previous and making their lives as best they can in the constantly-changing paths and strange creatures that have been equally lost, so many years ago…

Classic characters have included Saxons, Normans, Yeomen, Vikings, Woodsmen, Farmers, Hospitallers, Saracens, Alchemists, Priests, etc.

Costuming and props are based on the historical period your character is from.

The Melnisians: They come from a dark land, where the shadows are long, and the sun is large and dying…  

The Melnisians know why, when they turn their strange eyes and pale or ebony faces to the sky, they see a force of nature that they have tapped again and again; the humans that live in this land know fear, a slave race to their strange, pointed-ear masters.

Classic characters include Sorcerers, Monastic Scholars, Armoured Warriors,

Slaves, House Servants (favoured slaves), Monsters, Elemental Slaves, Escaped Slaves, Half Blooded Slaves.

Costuming is based on high 80s fantasy for the true-blooded Melnisians themselves, often with pointed ears or some other inhuman features. Slaves dress is based on their standing in the House that owns them (or they have run away from).

Gate: In a country of oak trees and slow-creeping industry, a land called England under a Queen called Victoria, but where the fey are not quite forgotten, there are places where things touch. The fey live in a place through a gate, in a wall that crumbles. Every now and again, they hold fairs, inviting the mortals to join them, helping human sorcerers or changelings left with humans to access their abilities. The fey know about the Forest: once in a while they escape to the Argent if wanted for crimes or for political reasons, and sometimes humans tumble in with them.

This world draws influences from stories about people getting lost in fantasy worlds: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Stardust (particularly), The Weirdstone of Brisingamen, Midsummer Night’s Dream, etc, even a hint of Lovecraft. As such, classic characters have included Lost Children, Fey Wanderers, Sorcerers, Human Investigators, Boglins and Dream Stealers, to name a few.

Costuming is based on Victorian England, though the Fey may be far more flamboyant, as such boaters, suits, greatcoats; and bowler hats are all very acceptable and for those not playing humans a gamut of acceptable non-human features are available.

The Lorians: Where countries stand shoulder-to-shoulder with companies of artisans and dreamers. The flintlock is the weapon of choice, second only to the nobles, “Clockwork blades” harnessing galvanic, steam, or clockwork force to pierce armour and lay low their enemies, and the great Steam-driven mechanoids clash with the hoary power of the Golems. The Kings and Lords of the world hold most of the power… Most.

The look and feel of Lorian is Napoleonic with a spice of strange science; we have drawn on a light touch of steampunk (clockwork guns or automatons, the occasional airship, even a madman on a mountaintop using copper rods to make the dead twitch and move...).

Classic characters have included Musket-Wielding Soldiers, Marksmen, Duellists, Technically Adept, Priests, Clockwork Automatons, Pirates, Buccaneers and Surgeons.

Costuming is based upon the Napoleonic era, ample examples of which can be found in historical texts or TV/Film (Sharpe, for example).

Sann: Oriental Creatures, an entire world where the people were built, grown etc. They know it.

Their entire society is geared towards a war that has never happened. Some continue that dream, working for the “Great Creators”, some wish to escape and build their own future.

The Sann are split into three races. The Sarris, stone, bird and lizard, merge to make infantry that was designed to be carried into the fray. The Waytin are huge ogreish omnivores of great physical strength but pacifistic nature, designed to carry and to look after the Sarris; not all of them continue with this slave-like mentality. Lastly are the strange Harrib; almost goblin-like, they are males who answer to a single female. Brown, animalistic and often furred.

Classic characters include Monks, Samurai, Ninjas, Tribal Harrib, Explorers, Shugenja, Clan Servants, etc.

Costuming is based on the Orient in the Middle Ages (particularly Japanese or Mongolian styles with some Chinese), with human features covered by appropriate prosthetics or face paint.

How Does World Building Work?

The idea here is that we give a framework and then let the players, refs and crew suggest countries, areas, cultures, etc.

Sometimes, we say no. Not everything fits; sometimes there is something you don’t know about in the gameworld already. So, it’s not a catch-all, it’s not an open world, but it is a world made by consensus, helping folk build it into a living, breathing organism.


There are always some; they are important, it is a truth that if you want to have an impact, then you will have to accept the consequences of doing so. If you kill, murder or maim, people will get upset with you.

The consequence may not happen straight away; they may take months, or even years, to slowly build to a crescendo, and there are always ways to change the outcome, but it will come and you should consider your options beforehand.

Physical Representation

It doesn’t matter what it is, from weapons to surgery equipment: this is a game about creating an immersive experience and that means having props for all occasions, whether you are swinging weapons at each other, or building things, or creating alchemy.


It is worth noting that the characters are lost in the gameworld, travelling often without choice to strange places with cultures and abilities beyond their ken, sometimes with only the clothes on their back. With the system being low-hit and dangerous, working with other characters is a matter of survival; the system is meant to reflect that. Consider that with your characters and their choices working with other strangers in strange places…

Roleplaying Notes

So, Roleplaying. It’s something we mark you on when looking at your Experience rewards at the end of an event and it’s kinda what this whole shebang is about, so I’d like to go through a couple of bits and pieces that might make things easier and more fun for both you and others:

1 – Combat. It hurts.

Whatever happens, when you’re hit, even when you have armour, or magical protection, or you’re just great. Super great. Being hit with a gun or a sword, or a whatever will always create impact: it is more fun for both you and the person you are fighting if you roleplay that.

Now, I know we have push back and knock down etc. but those are mechanics; this is roleplay. Stagger, swing big, enjoy your moment and make sure everyone else does.

Imagine how awesome it is with magical protection to go down under a barrage of pistol fire, then slowly drag yourself to your feet, dust yourself down… “Really, boys and girls?”

Making others feel like their combat counts and that you’re not just robotically taking or giving your hits WILL help everyone have fun.

2 – Magic

This is something that has come up a couple of times and it’s really important: when doing magic, it asks for a ritual; now, you can stick to the letter of the rules and that’s great, feel free. However, the spirit of the rules is that you are trying to call down, gain the attention of and bind to your will great and unruly powers that could backfire at any moment.

I would hazard to suggest, a little less anticlimactic than a few mumbled words and a pinch of salt over your shoulder may be called for.

Think chanting, body language, candles, props, tokens. Think physical endurance. Or stopping in absolute concentration as you drop to your knees desperately trying to get the last sentence of your spell out as the universe itself pits itself against you.

Magic should not be quiet, nor anticlimactic, nor routine. It should be the pitting of will against the natural order. The dragging of old powers to task.

Everyone should enjoy it when you cast.

3 – Social Rank

Believe it or not, this is not just a number.

The most important thing to remember is this: people who have a high social rank don’t shout. They say how things are. They may negotiate. They listen to people. Folk with low social rank are folk with little to no status, they get upset, throw their weight around, beg, plead,etc.

Consider that your social rank is the way the world knows you. Try to live up to it. It will mean that people listen to you, that your opinion will be sought by NPCs, particularly the ones from your world.

With great power comes great responsibility.

4 – You’re not just RPing for you

This is true even if you’re not crewing. Larp is a social hobby, people take part to be entertained and that is partly your responsibility.

There was an old truth about a horror game a friend of mine once ran: “There is no point in having a dark secret unless you are going to spill it”.

People want to see the worlds in all their resplendent glory and the great joy and terrible burden of being a player is that you are part of that, you help to build the worlds. Your actions have consequences and your roleplay impacts the way others view the paradigm you represent.

Go not softly, do not tread light. Kick up dust and drag down the very gods in magic, milk the drama of every fight and run the gamut from statesman to beggar.


If you’re tired, muddy, laughing and trying to change into three costumes at once, you’re probably crew…

The crew are the grease that keeps the events running, they play all the bit parts and important plot parts that the players interact with, they help tidy and scene-set and are almost always volunteers.

Please be nice to them and give them your respect: they have given up their time so you can have the game.

There are a number of advantages to crewing; however, as well as (hopefully) being fun in its own right, we give some recompense for all the work done:

For a day event, you earn 1 Crewing Credit,

For a weekend you earn 2 Crewing Credit.

What can I do with that?

1 – You can use it as a straight-up discount on any event (but not membership) £5 per crew credit.

2 – You can swap it at 1 crew credit per resource, 1xp or a DownTime “Move”.


Oliver sat, taking apart the clock and putting it together again, until he suddenly got it and impatiently picked up his drawing materials, keen to put his new understanding to good use.

At the end of each event, you are going to get something called “Experience”; you probably noticed it being mentioned throughout the course of this document. It’s the reward for good Roleplaying, playing fair, having great costume and working within the spirit of the event to make sure everyone has fun.

At the end of each event, you get 1 – 3 points of experience per day of the event to spend on new skills and DownTime “Moves”.

You will also get an Experience Point for any of your Story Cards that came up in the event.

You can spend these on new skills from your lists or doing things in DownTime.

What happens when I don’t want anything from a skill list anymore?

If you are certain that you don’t want anything further from a skill list, it can be cast aside and crossed off with a new Skill List chosen in its place; however, this one will now cost: 20xp a skill. This continues upwards in steps of five points, so your 6th skill list, for example, would mean that you had cast aside your original three and now had a 20point skill list, a 25point skill list and a 30point skill list.

This may continue until you have run out of skills you want.

Basic Character Creation

1 – Choose World of Origin

2 – Decide if you want a Story Card (+5 starting XP)

3 – Decide some form of background and a name

4 – Choose your three Skill sets (Primary, Secondary & Tertiary); please note, if you want a skill from the “Uncommon” list under the world you have chosen then you will need a reason to be supplied for you to take the skill.

5 – Then you get 40xp (45xp if you took a StoryCard) from that you can spend it on the following:

Primary Skills – 5xp

Secondary Skills – 10xp

Tertiary Skills – 15xp

Equipment Points – 5xp per level

6 – Calculate your Social Rank (Base 1, +1 if you have a Mansion, +1 if you are a member of a group or +2 if you are Leader of a group.)

NOTE – When making your character, you may wonder about the necessity of having a Homestead; however, they represent your character’s ability to survive in the world with resources to work with, so it is strongly suggested that unless you think you can find a patron to keep you then you should take a Homestead.

NOTE – After your first event (and only then) you may rearrange your character if you are unhappy with the way you built it.

Skill Lists


Notes: This is taken by professional line fighters, such as Crusader sword-and-shield characters, or a Melnisian spearwielder. It is not usually available for Lorians (as they tend to be much more skirmish-based etc.).

Weapon Skill, Tough as Nails, It Ain’t Over, Battle Veteran


Notes: Taken by professional thieves, scavengers, treasure hunters.

Tracking, Trap Finder, Slim Fingers, Scavenger


Notes: Taken by medical specialists, surgeons, soldiers of fortune who have learnt from experience.

Battle Medic, Surgeon, Alchemist, Life Saver


Notes: This is for characters who aren’t human, so Melnisians, Fey, posthuman alchemy victims, or golems/steamjacks etc.

Awakener, Regeneration, Tough as Nails, It Ain’t Over


Notes: This is for people who have studied magic, who have a background of study and forcing the universe to respond to their whims.

Awakener, Knowledgeable, Spell Craft


Notes: Being from Gate or Lorian, there is always the crazy adventure, the moustache-swirling duellist, the bomb that needs defusing. Jack is the skill for you.

Lucky, Duellist, Cog Head, Powder Monkey


Notes: This is a skill for a professional in their field rather than a tinkerer with Jack; it is for people that want to build and mend equipment or Homesteads.

Artist, Mason/Engineer, Armourer, Artisan


Note: This is the skill for people who are students, or intellectuals or dilettantes with the money and time to read what they want.

Knowledgeable, Artisan, Alchemist, BookWorm

Equipment & Skills

Please check your world:

Equipment – Crusaders

|Free – No Cost |Basic – one equipment pick |Medium – Two equipment pick |Expensive – Three equipment pick|

|Stick |Build Points |Information cache – Books, | |

|QuarterStaff | |scrolls, etc. | |

|Knife |Bow/Crossbow | |Two Handed Weapon |

|Bandages |War Spear |Plate Heavy Armour | |

|Writing equipment | | | |

|Clothes |Surgeon’s Kit/Mason’s |Hand and a Half | |

|Haversacks, eating |Tool’s/Armourer’s Equipment/etc | | |

|equipment etc. | |Halberd | |

|Boar Spear |Dagger/Short sword | | |

|Hunting Bow | | | |

|Buckler |Hand Weapon | | |

|Furs/leather/Etc. | | | |

| |Medium Shield | | |

| | | | |

| |Chainmail/ringmail/etc. Medium | | |

| |Armour | | |

Crusader Skill Groups Availability:

|Common |Uncommon |Not Available |

|Warrior: Weapon Skill, Tough as Nails, It |Sorcerer: Awakener, Knowledgeable, Spell |Empowered: Awakener, Regeneration, Tough |

|Ain’t Over, Shield Brother |Craft |as Nails, It Ain’t Over |

|Scout: Tracking, Trap Finder, Slim |Scholar Knowledgeable, Artisan, |Jack: Lucky, Duellist, Cog Head, Powder |

|Fingers, Scavenger |Alchemist, BookWorm |Monkey |

|Healer: Battle Medic, Surgeon, Alchemist, | | |

|Life Saver | | |

|Artificer: Artist, Mason/Engineer, | | |

|Armourer, Artisan | | |

Equipment – Melnisians

|Free – No Cost |Basic – one equipment pick |Medium – Two equipment pick |Expensive – Three equipment |

|Stick |Furs/leather/Etc. |War Spear |pick |

|QuarterStaff | | |Two Handed Weapon |

|Knife |Build Points |Medium Shield | |

|Bandages | | |Great Shield |

|Writing equipment |Surgeon’s Kit/Mason’s |Chainmail/ringmail/etc. Medium | |

|Clothes |Tool’s/Armourer’s | |Plate Heavy Armour |

|Haversacks, eating |Equipment/etc. |Rapier/Sabre | |

|equipment etc. | | | |

|Buckler |Information cache – Books, |Hand and a Half | |

|Boar Spear |scrolls, etc. | | |

|Hunting Bow | |Halberd | |

| |Hand Weapon | | |

| | | | |

| |Dagger/Short sword | | |

| | | | |

| |Long Bow/Crossbow | | |

Melnisian Skill Group Availability:

|Common |Uncommon |Not Available |

|Warrior: Weapon Skill, Tough as Nails, It |Healer: Battle Medic, Surgeon, Alchemist, |Jack: Lucky, Duellist, Cog Head, Powder |

|Ain’t Over, Shield Brother |Life Saver |Monkey |

|Artificer: Artist, Mason/Engineer, |Scout: Tracking, Trap Finder, Slim | |

|Armourer, Artisan |Fingers, Scavenger | |

|Sorcerer: Awakener, Knowledgeable, Spell |Scholar: Knowledgeable, Artisan, | |

|Craft |Alchemist, BookWorm | |

|Empowered: Awakener, Regeneration, Tough | | |

|as Nails, It Ain’t Over | | |

Equipment – Gate

|Free – No Cost |Basic – one equipment pick |Medium– Two equipment pick |Expensive – Three equipment pick |

|Stick |Buckler |Hand Weapon |Clockwork Repeating Pistol |

|QuarterStaff | | | |

|Knife |Boar Spear |Dagger/Short sword |Two Handed Weapon |

|Bandages | | | |

|Writing equipment |Hunting Bow |Long Bow/Crossbow |Hand and a Half |

|Clothes | | | |

|Haversacks, eating |Furs/leather/Etc. |Rapier/Sabre |Halberd |

|equipment etc. | | | |

| |Flintlock Pistol (Range 5 |Musket |Flintlock Rifle |

| |Metres) | | |

| | | |Medium Shield |

| |Build Points | | |

| | | |Chainmail/ringmail/etc. Medium |

| |Surgeon’s Kit/Mason’s | | |

| |Tool’s/Armourer’s Equipment/etc| | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Information cache – Books, | | |

| |scrolls, etc. | | |

| | | | |

| |Shot (8 for multi-shot or 12 | | |

| |for single shot) | | |

Gate Skill Availability

|Common |Uncommon | |

|Jack: Lucky, Duellist, Cog Head, Powder |Warrior: Weapon Skill, Tough as Nails, It | |

|Monkey |Ain’t Over, Shield Brother | |

|Artificer: Artist, Mason/Engineer, |Sorcerer: Awakener, Knowledgeable, Spell | |

|Armourer, Artisan |Craft | |

|Healer: Battle Medic, Surgeon, Alchemist, |Empowered: Awakener, Regeneration, Tough | |

|Life Saver |as Nails, It Ain’t Over | |

|Scout: Tracking, Trap Finder, Slim | | |

|Fingers, Scavenger | | |

|Scholar: Knowledgeable, Artisan, | | |

|Alchemist, BookWorm | | |

Equipment – Lorian

|Free – No Cost |Basic – one equipment pick |Medium – Two equipment pick |Expensive – Three equipment pick |

|Stick |Buckler |Steam Punk Repeating Pistol |Clockwork Sword – Strike damage call |

|QuarterStaff | | |(however special rules apply; please |

|Knife |Boar Spear |Dagger/Short sword |see Ref.) |

|Bandages | | | |

|Writing equipment |Hunting Bow |Long Bow/Crossbow |Great Shield |

|Clothes | | | |

|Haversacks, eating |Furs/leather/Etc. |War Spear |Chainmail/ringmail/etc. Medium |

|equipment etc. | | | |

| |Flintlock Pistol (Range 5 |Rapier/Sabre |Flintlock Rifle |

| |Metres) | | |

| | |Musket |Hand Weapon |

| |Build Points | | |

| | |Chainmail/ringmail/etc. Medium |Two Handed Weapon |

| |Surgeon’s Kit/Mason’s | | |

| |Tool’s/Armourer’s Equipment/etc| |Hand and a Half |

| | | | |

| | | |Halberd |

| |Information cache – Books, | | |

| |scrolls, etc. | |Heavy Armour (Plate etc.) |

| | | | |

| |Shot (8 for multi-shot or 12 | | |

| |for single shot) | | |

Lorian Skill Group Availability:

|Common |Uncommon |Not Available |

|Jack: Lucky, Duellist, Cog Head, Powder |Warrior: Weapon Skill, Tough as Nails, It|Sorcerer: Awakener, Knowledgeable, Spell |

|Monkey |Ain’t Over, Shield Brother |Craft |

|Artificer: Artist, Mason/Engineer, |Empowered: Awakener, Regeneration, Tough | |

|Armourer, Artisan |as Nails, It Ain’t Over | |

|Healer: Battle Medic, Surgeon, Alchemist, | | |

|Life Saver | | |

|Scout: Tracking, Trap Finder, Slim | | |

|Fingers, Scavenger | | |

|Scholar: Knowledgeable, Artisan, | | |

|Alchemist, BookWorm | | |

Equipment – Sann

|Free – No Cost |Basic – one equipment pick |Medium – Two equipment pick |Expensive – Three |

|Stick |Buckler |Hand Weapon |equipment pick |

|QuarterStaff | | |Two Handed Weapon |

|Knife |Boar Spear |Dagger/Short sword | |

|Bandages | | |Hand and a Half |

|Writing equipment |Hunting Bow |Long Bow/Crossbow | |

|Clothes | | |Halberd |

|Haversacks, eating |Furs/leather/Etc. |War Spear | |

|equipment etc. |. | |Plate Heavy Armour |

| |Build Points |Medium Shield | |

| | | | |

| |Surgeon’s Kit/Mason’s |Chainmail/ringmail/etc. Medium | |

| |Tool’s/Armourer’s Equipment/etc| | |

| | | | |

| |Information cache – Books, | | |

| |scrolls, etc. | | |

Sann Skills List Availability

|Common |Uncommon |Not Available |

|Artificer: Artist, Mason/Engineer, |Sorcerer: Awakener, Knowledgeable, Spell |Jack: Lucky, Duellist, Cog Head, Powder |

|Armourer, Artisan |Craft |Monkey |

|Healer: Battle Medic, Surgeon, Alchemist, |Scholar: Knowledgeable, Artisan, | |

|Life Saver |Alchemist, BookWorm | |

|Scout: Tracking, Trap Finder, Slim | | |

|Fingers, Scavenger | | |

|Warrior: Weapon Skill, Tough as Nails, It | | |

|Ain’t Over, Shield Brother | | |

|Empowered: Awakener, Regeneration, Tough | | |

|as Nails, It Ain’t Over | | |

Character Creation Explanation of Concepts & Skills

World of Origin

This is where you come from & up until the first event this is where you know. There is no way that you can know anything about the other worlds except what has appeared on your boards on the website, or other characters can tell you.


As part of the character creation you can choose to have a (only 1) random story element in your background called a StoryCard: This is a word or two that states something that happened in your background. (So for example, a Nemesis, or a Debt you owe, etc.) It is up to you to then write it into the background.

It has two effects:

➢ An additional 5xp for character creation

➢ An additional 1xp whenever your StoryCard comes up in the game per day. (Regardless if it is a part of preset plot or an occurrence that is negatively initiated by the StoryCard itself)

➢ When (if) you resolve your Story Card then you either get another 5 experience or you get another StoryCard as the Story changes.

➢ It is possible for you to get StoryCards as part of the game, or as a game mechanic. On those occasions, you get the 1 Experience Point for it coming up, but you do not get the 5 experience or another card for resolving it.

Skills & Notes

There are some terms that you need to know as they will be stated in the description of the skill:

Rest – This means that you need to sit down for at least five minutes, no using other skills or running or fighting, though some light reading or eating is fine. After this the skill may be used again. You cannot Rest if you have an untreated wound or a Complication.

BeadPull – The player has a bead bag, as well as physically recreating what they want to do; they must then pull a bead, the colour of which indicates their level of success (or lack of). When they have done so they simply drop the bead back in and make sure the bag has settled a bit before their next beadpull.

Colour descriptors are given when the skill is taken (largely); however, it’s important that you are aware of the BOOM!!! Card: certain skills come with a bead bag and a little folded wax-sealed card. When you pull a black bead, you open the card and follow the instructions. At this point, you may also wish to weep a little.

(Some effects ask you to pull several beads and use the worst; if you have a repull, you pull the same number of beads).

Repull – It is noted that some skills give you a repull; some of these skills may be taken more than once. However, you can only use a single repull on each attempt. (Though you can use any further repulls on a different attempt without resting.)

Push – To use a skill with a beadpull takes three minutes, or can only be used overnight/during Down Time, unless they “Push”. The “Push” allows them to use the skill in 30 seconds; HOWEVER, they may not use any skills, abilities, or items that would allow them a repull if they decide to do this.

Downside: after the first time you Push, every time after that you pull another bead and pick the worst on further Push attempts until you rest.

Phys Rep – Shorthand for Physical Representation, this shows that you need some kind of prop to use the skills; bandages for healing, lock picks, props for rituals etc. (not to mention that to fight anyone you are going to have to have larp safe weapons etc.)

DownTime – This skill can be used before events or between events to prepare items or potions being made etc. before the event.

The character can try only once for each DownTime they use. Additionally, other than Magic Use, which is always inherently dangerous, the DownTime table is much simpler:

|White Bead |Blue/Purple Bead |Red Bead |Black Bead |

|Success & you keep the Resource|Success, but lose the Resource |Nothing. DownTime Ends. |Failure and you lose the |

| | | |Resource. Downtime ends. |

Double Skills – If you have a skill twice in DownTime, if you black or red bead, instead of ending your DownTime you may lose your resource (in accordance with the table) but use the duplicate skill to continue.

# - If a skill appears on two lists, then you may take it twice.

In addition, if you see “#” then the skill may be taken at an additional five Experience Points per time it is taken. (So, if the Skill group you buy it in is your Primary: 1st time 5xp, 2nd time 10xp, 3rd time 15xp etc.)

Skill List

Alchemist – The character can try to bleed out, or flush out, or simply neutralise poisons and sickness: they use leeches, natural herbs to cause vomiting and reduce swelling, etc.

They can also create potions such as poisons or purging effects. (For Example).

Support Skill: Life Saver

BeadPull – The player pulls a bead to show the success of their potion

DownTime – Between games a character may make a potion in advance

Phys Rep – Bottles, mixing bowls, herbs, etc.

Push – The character may attempt to Push.

Rest – Before they may make another beadpull on events.

Armourer – The person who makes armour and weapons for the soldiers of the various worlds.

They need Raw materials viable for their attempts, so Leather, Iron, Wood, etc. gained through Homesteads.

This skill is not usually usable during the game, only in the downtime between games.

Support Skill: Artisan

BeadPull - Defines level of success by colour. The character may attempt to FIX items that are anything but shattered on the day if they have phys rep for the tools needed.

DownTime – Armour and Weapons must be made between games to equip players

Phys Rep – Hammers, tongs, small anvil etc.

Rest – Before they may make another beadpull on events.

Artisan – The people who have no focus, but dabble in all the skills needed for the day-to-day, able to make candles, papyrus or horseshoes, these jacks-of-all-trades are useful for everyday items.

To make anything they need appropriate Raw materials gained from Homesteads.

In addition, for every time you take this, you may have a second beadpull on Artificer skills. This skill is not usually usable during the game, only in the downtime between games.

BeadPull - defines success

Rest – If for some reason, you end up using this skill on an event you will need to rest before you can use it again

DownTime – Items can be made and stocked up between games

Phys Rep – Working tools, such as tongs, small hammers, papyrus, needle and thread etc.

Artist – The creators of fabulous pieces of culture, timeless artistry to provoke thought or awe.

To use the Artist skill, you need certain Raw materials, such as parchment, paint, dyes etc. obtained through Homesteads.

This skill is not usually usable during the game, only in the downtime between games.

Support Skill: Artisan

BeadPull - The colour defining the level of success.

Phys Rep – Papers, paints, charcoal etc.

DownTime – A character may use this skill in downtime to make art or to help someone building a mastercrafted item

Rest – Before they may make another beadpull on events.

Awakener – The character is capable of sensing the ebb of power through items that have been marked with runes or otherwise enchanted. With concentration, they can force the item to work for them. (Only one attempt may be made on an item by any person each day.)

Additional: If you take Spell Craft, or help in a spell crafting ritual, you can use it for a re-pull.

BeadPull – For success or failure

Rest – Before they may make another beadpull for either use of the skill

Battle Veteran – When the character is in a battle line with another Battle Veteran, then they are unaffected by damage calls with the exception of “Spell Breaker”.

It is notable that things that are not hit from weapons or Bombs, but gases traps will always affect you.

(A battle line is when two or more people are back-to-back, touching shields, or fighting together within 3 feet.)

Roleplay Note – A group of Battle Veterans must roleplay getting to know each other for at least a few minutes before any combat, where they get to know each other and learn how to fight as a team.

Battle Medic – The character can bandage an arm or a leg that does not need Surgery (a “Wounded” hit) so that they can use it again.

This also allows you to bandage a patient and leave them so that they cease to bleed further until a Surgeon can get to them. (So it ends the bleed count.)

Phys Rep – Bandages, splints, etc.

#BookWorm – Experience tells; if you are unsure of the success of a “Knowledgeable” beadpull you can use BookWorm to repull the bead.

Cog Head – A cog head is someone who is trained in clockwork and steam-driven machines. These are also the inventors and renaissance people of their world. Having this skill allows you to experiment with inventing new things.

(Practical uses include fixing coghead weapons, or working with clockwork machines.)

BeadPull - They can pull a bead to fix a broken piece of machinery such as a clockwork pistol or Steam Jack

DownTime – They can approach the ref team with ideas for new equipment.

Rest – Between each BeadPull

Phys Rep – Wrench, spanners, etc.

Push – The character may Push

Duellist – With pistols, rapiers, or sabres, you do “Through”; HOWEVER, if you ever kill anyone who has a Story Card the ref may give you another.

It Ain’t Over – The character can demand a re-pull on a healing check when wounded.

Rest – Before it may be used again after each use

Knowledgeable – The character has travelled widely and studied extensively; if asked there is a chance he may know the answer.

Support skill: Bookworm

BeadPull – The character must pull a bead to indicate their level of success (or failure)

Rest – Before they can use the skill again

Phys Rep – Books, scrolls etc. To look through and consult for the skill.

Push – The character may Push

#Life Saver – The Healer is experienced and capable; if it looks like the patient is going to die, he will redouble his efforts.

They can pull a second bead in Surgery or Alchemy if they wish.

If you take this more than once, though, you cannot make a second attempt on the same person, but you can make another re-pull on someone else.

Rest – Before they may make another beadpull for either use of the skill

#Lucky – This allows you to ignore ranged attacks completely, or to avoid explosions etc. once for each time you take it. (So if you are shot with a pistol, you may get “lucky”, if you are next to an explosion you may get “lucky”, if you fall down a pit, then you might catch onto an outcrop for example, thus getting “lucky”.)

Rest – Rest will allow you the use of all your Lucky skill picks again.

Mason/Engineer – The creators of vast structures or modest houses, these are the people that you go to when you need something built.

To use the skill, they need certain Raw materials such as Stone, Metal, Wood, etc. gained from Homesteads.

This skill is not usually usable during the game, only in the downtime between games.

Bead Pull - The Mason/Engineer pulls a bead, the colour of which defines the level of success.

DownTime – This skill can only really be used in DownTime (except in very special circumstances).

Phys Rep – Surveying equipment, maps etc.

Rest – Before they may make another beadpull on events.

Powder Monkey – You know your way around black powder weapons of all sorts; can use cannons and unusual technology.

BeadPull – To jerry rig (to fix something up with speed, from spare parts) explosives (you also need the in-game resources).

Phys Rep – gun, powder horn, black powder in bag, fuse, bomb prop etc.

Rest – Before you may make another repull.

DownTime – You can suggest new equipment to the referee team or make bombs/bullets.

Push – The character may Push

#Regeneration – You simply get better; for as many times as you take this skill (So you may take it more than once). This works in one of the following ways:

➢ You can ignore all wounds after a healing bead pull (or 30 seconds on the ground). Including Paralysis or Complications.

➢ For every time you take this you can heal a single hit (of any sort, so if you are hit on the arm and the chest, you could heal the chest but not the arm; however, if you are hit with a Strike (putting you straight in Surgery) you can heal that also). You may also Regenerate Paralysis or a level of Complication.

However, you must choose something to be allergic to such as (but not exclusively): Iron, Fire, Silver; they must be something that may turn up on the game and is not impossible, such as grass or lemons.

Your allergy does not go through armour but if you make skin-to-skin contact or are wounded in any way (even if you have Tough as Nails) then you instantly need Surgery with a level of Complication for every level of Regeneration you have no matter where you are hit.

Rest – Allows you to use your Regeneration again

Scavenger – The character can go through the enemy’s trash, strip the bodies, pull the teeth etc. for all the cash that they can.

BeadPull – Once per fight (you cannot stay in one place every 5 minutes) the character may make a bead pull for success.

Rest – You must have a rest before you can Scavenge again

Slim Fingers – The character can pick locks: his slim hands can find their way into any lock and try to draw it open.

BeadPull - Each lock will have a colour, representing a bead; pull the correct colour to open the lock.

Rest – For next use

Phys Rep – Lock picks, small pieces of metal like hair pins etc.

Push – The character may Push

#Spell Craft – A character with this skill gets to choose 8 “Spells” and is handled under the “Magic” section of these rules.

Support Skill: Awakener

BeadPull – To confirm the effect of the magic

DownTime – Spells can be prepared before the event starts to make sure they are in place before the first encounters

Phys Rep – props such as books, scrolls, wands, candles, runes, bones, anything that symbolises the nature of the magic you are doing

Push – You may Push if you wish

Surgeon – The characters that need the Surgeon are in trouble: he deals with the most terrible of war wounds, stitching and cutting to keep the character alive, but not necessarily whole….

The character may bandage a wounded person and leave them and thus stop their bleed time.

Support Skill: Life Saver

BeadPull – The bead pulled designates the success of the surgery, or the death of the patient

Phys Rep – Bandage, surgeon’s tools, etc. (Blood and scar make up also looks really good.)

Push – The character may Push if they wish to.

Tough as Nails – The character takes 3 additional hits, unless a damage call immediately reduces them to needing Surgery immediately.

These hits are global, so they take three hits to any location and then take hits as normal.

Additional: IF you have any Tough as Nails hits and you take a Strike or a Shatter, you lose the additional hits, are knocked to the floor and take a Complication instead of immediate surgery.

Rest – To regain hits

Tracking – The character can spot trail signs, see where people have travelled etc.

BeadPull – For Success level

Phys. Rep. – Though not strictly needed, having a magnifying glass, or spyglass of some sort, etc. looks good.

Push – The character may Push if they wish to.

Rest – Before they may make another beadpull.

Trap Finder – The character almost has a sixth sense in finding dangerous situations, he notices oddly falling leaves, small wires, etc.

BeadPull - If he asks he can pull a bead in a situation he believes there may be traps.

Rest – For next use

Phys Rep – Wire, shovels, rope, metal prods, leather gloves, etc.

Push – The character may Push if they wish to.

#Weapon Skill – The character can use ONE weapon from the list (though this skill may be taken several times); with this weapon the character can use the skills from the list for that weapon three times OR they can use a weapon (that has a damage call) or shield to “Block” a damage call (such as “Shattering” or “Knock Down”) instead (so they can do three damage calls, three “Blocks” or a selection of either).

If they choose to take a shield as their weapon skill, they double the number of Blocks they can take (so 6).

Rest – To get back up to three uses


Joe picked up his sabre, swung his musket over his shoulder, took a dagger, two small crossbows into his boots, a bandolier of pistols went over his chain shirt, clanging against his surgeon’s kit.

Then with determination he pulled on his gloves and went to stride towards the door. His crossbows caught on each other, the chain hampered him catching himself, and the musket went off into the wall.

He suspected on further consideration that there WAS such a thing as over-prepared…..

Note: Common Sense call!! These things are game-specific: no one in a medieval setting is getting a flak jacket! The skill list is reprinted under each race; this is just a general list:

|Shields |Weapon |Armour |Tools |

| | | | |

|Buckler – You may ignore |Boar Spear |Furs/leather/Etc. – Plus two hits|Build Points – For Homesteads etc. |

|one shot from a “cap/bang”| |on the location covered |(See Homesteads later) |

|gun during a fight |Hunting Bow | | |

| | |Chainmail/ringmail/etc. Medium – | |

|Medium Shield – Allows you|Steam Punk Repeating Pistol |Four extra hits to the location |Surgeon’s Kit/Mason’s |

|to ignore two shots from | |covered  |Tool’s/Armourer’s Equipment/etc |

|cap/gun in any fight |Dagger/Short sword – Through | |–Needed to perform surgery/Make the |

| | |Plate Heavy Armour – Six Extra |Skill check/Etc. |

|Great Shield – You may use|LongBow/Crossbow – Through |Hits per location covered  | |

|this to ignore three shots| | |Information cache – Books, scrolls, |

|from bang/cap guns during |War Spear – Through |(Note: All armour that stops you |etc. You must have an Information |

|a fight | |taking a hit stops |cache to use “BookWorm”. |

| |Hand Weapon – Push Back |poison/paralyses etc. that needs | |

| | |to actually draw blood/break the |Masterwork |

| |Long |skin. All armour allows a re-pull|Surgeon’s/Artist’s/Mason’s etc. |

| |Bow/Crossbow – Through |on surgery if the last hit you |Tools – Allows you to pick a |

| | |took hit your armour) |masterwork advantage from the |

| |War Spear – Through | |Masterwork list. |

| | | | |

| |Flintlock Rifle –Through | | |

| | | | |

| |Two Handed Weapon – | | |

| |Shattering | | |

| | | | |

| |Hand and a Half – Through or | | |

| |Knockdown | | |

| | | | |

| |Halberd – Knock Down | | |

| | | | |

| |Flintlock Pistol (Range 5 | | |

| |Metres) | | |

| | | | |

| |Shot – 8 shots for a rifle or| | |

| |multi-shot weapon, 12 for a | | |

| |flint lock | | |


The shields slammed together and in the first sweep he took a cut to his arm that threw him on his side; despite his chainmail he gasped with pain and swung his mace out into his attacker’s knee. The cracking noise was extremely satisfying.

Fighting to his feet, he was on the attack as the carefully-formed walls of warriors scattered into a simple mêlée. Screaming for his remembered Antioch he launched himself into the fray, praying that God would once again see fit to return him home to his family.

These systems are designed to be fun and to also be realistic.

As there are lots of different types of genres here, we are trying to be as generic as possible, but there is one thing that is true for all: It should be fun!!

When considering the combat, you should also consider the type of game you are playing and the type of character you are. In other words, if you are duellist, fight like one, with swift sharp movements and a great deal of wit or style. If you are a professional soldier, be professional, keep close to your companions, strong basic movements. If you’re a barbarian with a huge weapon, big swings, crushing blows, etc.

Characters have several hits, starting at 1 and being changed by effects in game (such as surgery) or skills and armour.

When you take your last hit, you fall over with the following effect:

Deadly Hits:

A hit in the body or the head

Any hit such as a Strike or Shatter that makes the character unconscious and in need a Surgeon

Wounding Hits:

An attack that hits the arms or legs

The character is unable to use the limb, but able to act otherwise (use your common sense: if you are hit in the leg you aren’t running anywhere etc.), and needs a bandage to be fully mobile or conscious again.

Bang Guns:

A pistol or musket that does not fire actual projectiles that makes contact:

At this point the person struck may decide where they are hit, as long as it is not the same place until every other location has been hit. (So a character wearing a breast plate can take a shot to the chest from a musket, but the next hit MUST strike another location, such as an arm or leg.)

“If you can’t see the face, you can’t hit the heart”

Flintlocks are universally acknowledged as being one of the most inaccurate weapons of all time and in a fire fight, there is a lot of uncertainty: if you aren’t close enough to see the person clearly, you aren’t going to hit with the weapon.

Please be aware that sometimes people just don’t see the shot; accept it, or get their attention before firing!

The Click – If for any reason whatsoever your gun does not fire, due to a nerf bullet jamming, the cap not going off or just forgetting to load it, the gun MUST be seen to by someone with the appropriate skill to fix it IC.

Subdual Hits and Grappling:

Hitting someone with an improvised weapon or pretending to hit someone with something that isn’t larp safe is considered “Subdual”.

We handle non-safe fighting in a variety of ways, making a clear movement and telling the other person what you are doing is a sensible approach and we allow limited grappling *ON THE CONDITION* that both participants are aware that it will happen and accept it.

You take as many hits as normal of Subdual damage, but at the end of it, you are simply knocked unconscious and need waking up.

Dramatic Damage

Nothing is set in stone; if you are hit by something and you’re not sure what it does, or it is clear that something would happen then take the hit.

The most obvious example for this is Bombs: it is not really possible to physically represent the effects of an explosion, but if a bomb goes off near you, take the hit and assume you have taken a Strike.

Damage Calls

Note – Damage calls are often the effect of force impacting; parrying or blocking the blow won’t stop the effect (though you don't take the damage) unless you use weapon skill to Block the effect.

Basic Damage Calls

Push Back - you take three steps backwards, or are pushed into the nearest hard object (even if that is the back): This represents the character being hit with a strong blow that moves people about.

Knock Down - Throws you on the floor: A large weapon with enough force to slam you to the floor rather than just backwards.

Through - Goes through armour (but does not damage it): Reflects a slim blade being used by a person with enough skill to find holes in armour. Note - this negates the armour’s ability to re-pull surgery

Reflect – When you are hit and call this, the other person becomes aware that they have also taken the damage that you have received

Composite Damage Calls

Poison – This gives you a level of Complication. It does not go through armour.

Paralysis – This stops you in your tracks for 3 minutes. It does not go through armour.

Shattering -

➢ It knocks you down and:

➢ If it hits a weapon the weapon breaks

➢ If it hits a shield the shield breaks

➢ If it hits armour that breaks

➢ If it hits the person, they need surgery

Strike -

➢ It knocks you down and:

➢ If it hits you or your armour, then you need surgery

SpellBeaker – It removes a singular spell from a person hit; it is the person who has been hit who chooses which spell they lose.

Single Call Note – A character can only call one damage call at a time on a weapon.

Complications & Bleed Out Time

➢ A complication is an extra bead that is drawn during Surgery (choosing the worst)

➢ For every two minutes, you are on the floor without help you gain an extra Complication

➢ Anyone may use cloth or bandages to staunch a wound, but once they start, they cannot leave the patient or the Bleed Time starts again.

➢ If you get to 10 levels of Complication, you have 30 seconds and then you die.

➢ The way to get rid of Complications is alchemy or magic (generally)

➢ Having a Complication counts as being wounded, so you cannot Rest.


The blood was going everywhere and simply would not stop; he slammed yet more bandages on it, praying that the rusty knife that his ribs had taken would not cause his wound to become septic.

They had run out of willowbark months ago; even the cloth he was using he had had to take off his dead friend.

He stumbled on, until the road came up to meet him.

The next he knew he was on a bed, the smell of vinegar around him and the clunk of a carriage bouncing him painfully. He slowly became aware that he was going to owe someone a LOT of favours.

When a character goes to Surgery, this is an important thing: there is a strong chance that the character may die, and in a lot of the more medieval- or “Victorian”- themed events there isn’t much in the way of painkillers etc.

(Please note, that when Magic is used as Healing: a Black bead always ends in the character’s death).

There are several outcomes, but I am going into them in more detail here:

White Bead – The character is up; all hits have been returned.

Purple Bead –The character is up, but none of their skills that require a Rest may be used, they require a Rest to get back any Tough as Nails hits etc.

Red Bead – The character has been healed of the original problem (as Purple), but there has been a complication and they now have a level of Complication due to septic poisoning or some such and will need an alchemist.

Black Bead – The surgery is unsuccessful and the character dies.

Battle Medic

If a character is hit on the arms or legs and needs medical attention, then a Battle Medic may attempt the Healing rather than a Surgeon: There is no need for a bead pull at this point, simply a bandage phys repping the arm or leg being bound up.

However, Battle Medic cannot be used to heal Deadly damage.


Anybody can pause the effect of Bleeding by holding onto the wound with the physical representation of bandages or cloth. However, if they leave the patient they start to bleed again.

However, a Surgeon or a Battle Medic can physically represent a bandage or tourniquet being put on the patient and that stops the Bleed until surgery is done or the character is left for dead.


The forge blasted out heat as he poured the molten glass into it, carefully timing the drops to run down the metal and into the tear-shaped indents.

She rolled the metal in the tongs feeling it bend and curl to her will, a delicate instrument to help a boatswain cast a true line for his timber…

The art of crafting is the area of expertise of the Artisan, a skill for making things both useful and artistic.

In this section, we will cover the art of making things and how it is done in-game and also, the creation of “Master Crafted” items, creations of wonder that last the test of time and make other skills easier.

Making Equipment

A character using an artificer skill can make a piece of equipment using a relevant produce from a Homestead.

You need as many pieces of produce, all relevant, as the piece of equipment costs in equipment picks (so a halberd, for example, needs two wood and one metal, or vice versa to make it).

Large things, such as boats, may need as much as the Ref deems necessary, so for this example (a boat), wood, metal, tar, cloth and leather.


|Free – No Cost |Basic – one Resource |Medium – Two Resource’s |Expensive – Three Resources |

|Stick |Buckler – You may ignore one |Steam Punk Repeating Pistol |Two Handed Weapon – |

|QuarterStaff |shot from a “cap/bang” gun |Hand Weapon – Push Back |Shattering |

|Knife |during a fight |Dagger/Short sword – Through |Hand and a Half – Through or |

|Bandages |Boar Spear |Long Bow/Crossbow – Through |Knockdown |

|Writing equipment |Hunting Bow |War Spear – Through |Halberd – Knock Down |

|Clothes |Furs/leather/Etc. – Plus two |Medium Shield – Allows you to ignore |Great Shield – You may use |

|Haversacks, eating equipment|hits on the location covered |two shots from cap/gun in any fight |this to ignore three shots |

|etc. |and if the last hit is on |Chainmail/ringmail/etc. Medium – Four|from bang/cap guns during a |

| |location covered by armour |extra hits to the location covered |fight |

| |they get to pull a second bead|and if the last hit is on one of |Plate Heavy Armour – Six |

| |if they want for damage. |these locations they get to pull a |Extra Hits per location |

| |Flintlock Pistol (Range 5 |second bead if they want for damage. |covered and if the last hit |

| |Metres) |Rapier/Sabre - Through |is on location covered by |

| |Build Points – For Homesteads |Musket – Knock Down |armour they get to pull a |

| |etc. (See Homesteads later) | |second bead if they want for |

| |Surgeon’s Kit/Mason’s | |damage. |

| |Tool’s/Armourer’s | |Flintlock Rifle – Through |

| |Equipment/etc - Needed to | | |

| |perform surgery/Make the Skill| | |

| |check/Etc. | | |

| |Information cache – Books, | | |

| |scrolls, etc. You must have an| | |

| |Information cache to use | | |

| |“BookWorm”. | | |

| |Shot – 8 shots for a rifle or | | |

| |multi-shot weapon, 12 for a | | |

| |flint lock | | |

When the crafter has the requisite items, they go to the ref at the start of the game (or preferably email the Referees between games) and explain that they spent the time between the events making the item (So it costs a DownTime), and then they pull a bead:

|White Bead |Blue/Purple Bead |Red Bead |Black Bead |

|The item is made and all the |The item is made, but all the |Nothing happens. The DownTime |The Resource is gone, and the |

|Resource survives the process |Resource is used up |ends. |item has not been made. The |

| | | |DownTime ends. |

Master Crafting

If you have made the item successfully you can call in an artist to “Guild the Lily” as it were; passing the item to the Artist means that they also must put a piece of produce on the line, such as gold or silver, maybe even silk etc. Both parties make the pull at the same time so if the item is not made then the Artist’s resources are wasted.

If they are successful in their attempt the item created will be exquisite and they may choose one of the following examples (but these are examples, so feel free to suggest other things to the referees) to imbue the item with:

➢ They can make the item “unshatterable” so the item cannot be destroyed by a Shatter (though you can still be knocked over etc. by the force). Must be fixed at the end of the day if used.

➢ Immunity: they can make the item immune to certain damage calls (so it cannot be pushed back, Through does not work, for example). However, the item needs an Artist after each event in which it is used to do upkeep, or it will cease to work. This item must be fixed at the end of the day if used.

➢ Balanced: The item doubles the amount of calls a person may make with the item (so you can do 6 damage calls or 12 Blocks if you chose Block for your shield).

➢ Well Made: The character may use the item for repulls for their skill, once per encounter.

➢ Robust: The item may be used to allow the character to use what is a usually a downtime skill (such as Armourer) on the field in the day.

➢ Prepared: You are building something that can either be used to have a spell cast into it permanently or prepared for an invention/galvanic/clockwork/etc.

Note – Homesteads/Build Points may not be Mastercrafted

Success levels:

|White Bead |Blue/Purple Bead |Red Bead |Black Bead |

|They are successful, the item |The produce is destroyed but |The produce is destroyed and |Both the item and the produce |

|created is a work of art and |the item is a work of art |the item remains workaday and |are destroyed. |

|the produce is still in |(Master Crafted). |without special ability. | |

|existence. | | | |

NOTE: Mastercrafting and Spell Craft. If a Mastercrafted item is used as the sacrifice in a Spell Craft check the caster may make another re-pull.


Sometimes it is possible to make things that have new or different effects.

To make them, you need to have a MasterCrafted “Prepared” item and then you can make the following things onto your invention; a skill check is needed from the most appropriate skill (most commonly CogHead) to make the item:

➢ Clockwork/Steam/Galvanic motor: firing quicker via any kind of motor (like some nerf guns) necessitates having this fitted and it must be “charged” with the relevant resource (so you need to keep putting a resource into it whenever it runs out of other kinds of shot or all the hits involved)

NOTE – To make a Motor work you must have the correct resources and you must make a CogHead check to “recharge” the battery.

➢ Extended magazine (able to hold more than 12 shots)

➢ Permanent damage call (if it is something simple like a damage call that can be done by a weapon similar then it this just costs 1; if something like Shattering or Strike: 2).

➢ Stopping something happening (for example, to stop a set number of damage calls affecting, or a particular damage call stopping either 8 damage calls, or 12 hits without damage calls).

All items must have a flaw (these are just some examples):

. Expensive: it costs extra resources to run.

. Bad side effects (under certain conditions it explodes, for instance)

. Circumstantial: For example, it only works without rain etc.


Alchemy is the jack-of-all-trades of the crafters, with access to laboratories and everything from crushed herbs to the metallic elements being mixed to create strange unguents and potions for any situation.

A character may use resources to create potions that can be painted onto things or drunk by the folk.

Only one potion may be taken at any time.

Though very versatile it doesn’t last long and its effects are smaller than magic etc.

Here are some examples:

➢ An extra floating hit

➢ Cure a singular Complication

➢ Cure Paralysis

➢ Cause Paralysis /Poison

➢ “Hardening” making an item unshatterable for a single Shatter call

➢ “Strength”: the damage call goes up one level (so Push Back becomes “Knock Down” etc.)

Bead Pull for DownTime:

|White Bead |Blue/Purple Bead |Red Bead |Black Bead |

|The item is made and all the |The item is made, but all the |Nothing happens. The Downtime |The Resource is gone, and the |

|Resource survives the process |Resource is used up |ends. |item has not been made. The |

| | | |Downtime ends. |


The Dean smiled. “Welcome, everyone, welcome, please, get to know one another; if you wish there is tea and a little tiffin on the side table. Those of you taking part may wish to brace yourself with Matron’s finest.”

The Faculty strolled round, taking a little tea and chatting generally while the Bedlows marked the chalk outline on the floor.

When the Dean was certain that all was in place and the first part of the ritual, “the casually taking tea”, had been completed he raised his hands. “Places, everyone; now remember, don’t make eye contact with the beastie this time, we don’t want anyone ending up like poor Master Conferable. I am happy with my staff without the need for mental health specialists.”

There was a dutiful chuckle from the Faculty as they donned their masks and went to their allotted places….

Magic, or Magic-like events (such as psychics) are commonplace in some of the worlds in Forest Argent. They are also world-shattering and have to be dealt with cautiously.

It is very important to notice that magic can be very powerful; it is not designed for people to get a cheap super power, but to bring something strange and dangerous into the world. If you are not willing to take the time and trouble to make your spells in keeping with your character and your roleplay bring something interesting and entertaining to the gameworld, please do not play a Magic User.

There are several aspects of Magic so I shall go through each in turn.

Magic Items: (different to an enchanted object) are made using a Mastercrafted item and a permanent sacrifice, as well as the item traditionally needed to cast magic.

If successful the item starts awakened and may be handed to another, but will need to be awakened on each use.

Enchanted Item: Work for a limited time, either an encounter, or a certain number of hits. They all stop at the end of the day, but it allows a mage to keep a spell ready for emergencies (for example a one-use Healing spell in a ring that needs to be rubbed).

However, an enchanted item always stops at the end of the day.

Note – When deciding your damage calls, a Basic damage call can be done 12 times, but a Composite call 8.

Awakener: An Awakener is someone who has an untapped talent: as such, when they come into contact with a magic item, they may attempt to awaken it.

The bead-pull defines the level of success; this can keep an item going near-indefinitely.

Additionally, as an Awakener they allow a re-pull on spell attempts and help with Rituals.

Rituals: A ritual is a larger spell, in an attempt to do something large, several people at once or an attempt to do something larger than usual. If several people are participating in a Ritual, then any Awakeners may use their bead pull as a supplementary re-pull for the ritual Ritual leader (who must have Spell Craft), so their re-pull overrides the Ritual Leader to affect everyone in the Ritual.

Due to the nature and power of Rituals, these must be witnessed by a Ref and the plot Ref must be made aware.

A white bead shows that the Ritual is a success and everyone is affected.

A purple bead means that one person is affected and the Sacrifice is consumed.

A red bead means nothing happens.

A black bead means that everyone is affected by the BOOM!! Card.

Spell Crafting: This is the ability to create and use Spells. Below are a series of example spells, but they don’t need to be stuck to and they give a general idea.

There are several rules governing the powers that spells can have that are listed here.

1 – It must be possible to Physically Represent the spell. It must be something that will not detract from the game with long explanations of things that aren’t there.

2 – You must know the name of the person or have their hair or blood to cast a spell directly on someone.

3 – You must have something to sacrifice and that item should be thematic (so you should have a suggestion of the item as part of the spell description, unless you are using a flaw in regards to collecting resources).

If this is a Master Crafted item it may allow you a re-pull.

4 – You must have at least a three-minute (30 seconds if you are “Pushing”) Ritual to prep the spell, something that shows preparation for the spell, even if it is only as simple as a piece of verbal doggerel.

5 - A spell can only have one effect, for example it could stop damage but not the Damage Call (the effect of the hit).

6 - A spell can only last up to five minutes, 8/12 hits or until its function is completed (such as asking questions to the spirits etc.)

7 – Rules 5 & 6 may be offset to some extent by a “Flaw” (so a flaw to offset each rule you are circumnavigating); this has to be a serious and debilitating flaw such as:

➢ Slow movement

➢ No aggressive action

➢ Cannot interact with anything physically

Spell Examples (All spells must be checked before being allowed, even if on this list)


Effect – The character can take either 8 damage call hits, or 12 normal hits


Effect – The character takes no damage or damage calls

Time – For five minutes or until the character makes an aggressive action

Disadvantage – The character cannot attack or make an aggressive action

Blessing (pre-ordained skill):

Effect – A pre-ordained skill is given to the recipient that they can use once.

Tallowing (Push Back):

Effect – The character can give a weapon 12 uses of Push Back


Effect - You state what it is you wish to find and either you are given directions or get a vision of where it is; you must make the way the spell works clear when sending it to us.


Effect – You can bring the person back to health as if a white bead. However, a Black Bead kills the person being healed as well as meaning the Magic User opens their BOOM!!! card.


Effect – A person that goes into the area is paralysed (as the call, so for 3 minutes)

Disadvantage – The character must stay with hands outstretched in the centre of the area they have ordained or the spell ends.


Effect - Turns an item into another: for example leaves into silver, or wine into a healing potion. (The item must be a resource and you can change a resource into another resource or an item into another item). Note: this could turn an item into someone’s Bane.

Contract Curse:

Effect - An agreement between two people such as the spell caster and recipient is spell bound so that something terrible happens to anyone that breaks it (such as turning into a table for a day, or catching a disease that will kill them without alchemy).

Ancient Wisdom:

Effect - Allows the caster to ask three questions to an unseen power.


Effect – For one DownTime a Homestead affected cannot create resources.


Effect – The character may put their hand in the air for either five minutes or until the end of an encounter. The character is considered to be unseen but if they make noise or interact with anyone or anything then they unmask themselves.


Effect - Allows you to use a substance to imbue you with armour, so if for example, your “Sacrifice” was glass you would get light armour, for “Iron” heavy.

Disadvantage – The item is not repairable; as a magical creation, it cannot be repaired and is destroyed when the armour runs out of hits.

Death Curse

Effect - Anyone who hits you (where you take damage) also takes the hit themselves. (Reflection call)

Gift of Tongues:

Effect - You may speak to any living thing and ask it questions.

Eyes of Stone/water/etc:

Effect - Allows the person to see an image from an inanimate item of something that happened in the past.

Sixth Sense

Effect - Character must specify when they take the spell, either they can see the invisible or they have danger sense once, allowing the Ref to warn them if they are about to be hurt/cursed/etc.

Disadvantage – Rather than five minutes it continues to affect until used once.

Twist the Tongue

Effect – A curse (so the person must be touched, or carry a cursed item or you have some of their hair/bone/etc.) that stops the person discussing or writing about something that has happened.

Disadvantage – This is permanent but only while the character is carrying the item or the personal item is in existence.

Yesterday’s Tale

Effect – The thing or person this spell is cast on must tell its history to the caster.

Fortune’s Favours/Fortune’s Bane

Effect – You can reverse someone’s bead draw before it is used.


Effect – Once can cause a Homestead to provide an extra resource on one event.

Magic Lock

Effect – An item is enchanted so that it cannot be opened without either a pre-stated side-effect or certain conditions are met (password, key, etc.).

Additional – We would allow this to last the day due to the natural limitations of the spell.

Spell Breaker

Effect – Allows the caster to put 8 calls of Spell Breaker on a weapon.


Effect – Causes a piece of technology with moving parts such as clockwork or similar to cease to work until either someone with CogHead fixes it, or the encounter passes.

The Smith

Effect – The character can overnight send something to be fixed, or made; depending on the sacrifice it may not be… quite what they expected…. (For example, if they use glass as the sacrifice and send it to the Smith for armour they may get back glass armour….)

Disadvantage – Things can only be made during a downtime.

DownTime, Social Rank & Homesteads

Marcus walked the cool mosaic floors of his home, the man next to him looked grimly out of place, clasped in chain and furs while he listened intently to the pointed-eared Marcus. The chainmail gauntlets could kill Marcus with a twitch, but Marcus was utterly unafraid… the man needed what he was offering and it was not something that could just be taken…

Social Rank

Everyone is worth something; there is always something that needs replacing, or a new cloak, upkeep for just living such as food etc.

Social Rank represents that.

You don’t have to have it, though everyone starts with a single point, but for traders and people who want to play the politics game, it is very useful indeed.

So what’s it for? Well here is the list:

1 – You can use it at the end of each event to vote people up or down based on a sliding scale.

2 – You get your Social Rank in resources from your Homesteads at the start of the event.

3 – You can invest someone with a Title that they will be known as from then onwards.

What are the Downsides?

1 – You must give up an equal amount of Produce as you have Social Rank at the end of an event, or lose one Social Rank.

How do I get it?

1 – Everyone starts with 1

2 – Owning a Mansion will increase your rank by 1 in certain cases

3 – Being members of a “Group” a group is a coalition of players (players may be in more than one group, but it is their primary group that counts in this case, for example, if they are a military company, or merchants guild), being in a group gives the following advantages bases on group size:

|Players Members Social Rank increase Leaders Increase Titles |

|3 – 10 +1 +2 1 |

|11 – 20 +2 +3 2 |

|Etc. |


If you are in a group or you wish to spend 5 Social Rank or Experience Points (which can be taken from a group of people), you can invest someone a Title. It can be positive or negative, you can confirm them as “Honest” or “Cowardly” and then they will be known as that by almost every NPC they meet, and if for example they go to Sann, being known as “Dishonourable” may get you into deep trouble.

If you wish to get rid of your Title, that costs 5 Social Rank.

What’s this about voting?

At the end of each event, if you want to you can move the following amount of Social Rank up or down on one or more people, spreading you vote as you wish:

|Rank |Movement |

|1 – 10 |1 |

|11 – 20 |2 |

|Etc. | |


It’s probably worth noting that your characters aren’t just asleep between games, they have important lives and are probably getting up to mischief. Between each game, a character has a single downtime “Move” and may give up Crew Credit (explained later) or an Experience Point to do more.

So what can I do with my DownTime “Move”?

1 – You can devote to producing and have your Social Rank of “Produce”

3 – You can make items

4 – You can use build points (this can be done at the moment the build point is created at no extra cost)

5 – Use a skill

5 – You may Assault Folks Homesteads:

Choose a Homestead belonging to someone else on the same world (or that you can travel to) as your Homestead to Assault and sacrifice “Produce” up to double your Social Rank. This is the force of soldiers, militia etc. you have raised to do the job.

The person who owns the Homestead is informed of the Assault and they then have until the next event to bid a higher amount of “Produce” (not capped by their Social Rank); if they successfully outbid the Assault they keep their Homestead.

If they are overbid, they lose their Homestead to the person who organised the Assault. (Or whatever you wish to do to the Homestead when you assault.)

If the person assaulted has Defences, then that person loses half the level of defences to the Assault.

Homesteads & BuildPoints

What is a Homestead?

For the purpose of this game, a Homestead is a building or property that you own and gain some form of advantage to having. Almost all these advantages also come with an advanced Social Rank.

Building a Homestead after character creation can be an expensive decision; here are a list of options and as you can see, the cost per build point is reflective of an ability:

Production (Farm, mine etc.) Cost: 1

➢ You choose a mundane or magical resource and your Homestead provides that

Mansion (A social building made only for promoting your Social Standing, such as an

orphanage or a country house) Cost: Half Current Social Rank.

➢ +1 Social Rank for every level put into it.

Workshop (A metal worker who works for you, an alchemist perhaps) Cost: 1

. Your Homestead has staff that helps you with skills allowing you to get a repull in downtime for a skill you already have above the normal singular pull as it counts as others aiding you. (You may only have one workshop per skill.)

Watch Tower Cost 1

➢ You get a rough (within the ten) idea of what an assault bid is against your Homestead. A watchtower only gives this protection to the Homestead to which it is attached.

Defensive Cost 1 Per level

➢ It’s at the top of a mountain, or it flies, etc. In terms of Assault, it always has a defence of 1 for each time this is taken. (So yes, you can make a mighty flying citadel of the skies, if the game world accepts such things.)

Gate Cost 3 (These are not built in most cases, but found).

➢ You have access to a Gate between worlds to the Forest Argent (Crusade). To use it there must be an Awakener to Awaken it (to use it) (so yes it can break) but while it is open you can move between worlds and even Assault through it, allowing you to attack different worlds.

Homesteads are then amalgamations of your choices under a title. Here are some examples.

Example 1

Crusader Church

Production: The church produces silver from the collections.

Mansion: The place is well known for its stained glass +1 Social Rank

Defences x2: The place has a small stone wall.

Cost – 4 Building Points

Gate Herbalist’s Workshop

Production: Herbs

Workshop: Alchemist’s lab

Mansion x2: +2 Social Rank due to being known as a place of healing and beautiful gardens.

Costs – 4 Build Points

The Timeline of DownTimes

1. You arrive at the event and have as many Produce as you are entitled to.

2. At any point in the day may pay off your social rank (you cannot pay in advance) and you must pay it at the rate you started the event.

3. After the event characters make their social rank votes up or down.

4. Once they know that, then they can make decisions based on their revised Social Rank.

5. DownTimes are then detailed before the next day event (so social rank will drop if you haven't paid your upkeep, new SR will take effect for getting resources etc.)

World Variants

They looked at each other in some confusion, the man in tall boots, tight military jacket, the huge lumbering creature in the straw conical hat and blunt teeth, the pale tattooed man with sharp spiked armour and alchemy-bright eyes, the young lady in towncoat and pumps gripping a brolly and a gun with equal defiance and the fur-wrapped forester with bow and hood.

“Welcome to the Forest Argent”

This is a quick overview of the different worlds and what to expect from them, what skills and equipment are available etc.

For more information, please see the World Primer.

2 “The Crusaders”

In the 12th to 15th century, there were several gateways to the Forest Argent, mostly in the Holy Land and the great woods that covered Europe. Over the years, various groups have slipped through; adventurers, travellers, people in search of adventure. 

They have begun to make a home for themselves, build and create as they have in the past, finding no way back, and most of the people seeming to be European; they have named the place “New Avalon”, though it is still rather divisive as to whether the travellers have found themselves in heaven or hell or some other strange place.

Races: Humans of a variety of cultures.

Costume Requirements – Medieval

Inspiration: Kingdom of Heaven, Robin Hood, Cadfael, A Tournament of Murders. History

3 “The Melnisians”

They come from a dark land, where the shadows are long, and the sun is large and dying…   

The Melnisians know why, when they turn their strange eyes and pale or ebony faces to the sky, they see a force of nature that they have tapped again and again; the humans that live in this land know fear, a slave race to their strange pointed-ear masters.

Races: Melnisians (who are based on the Melbonians from the Elric of Melnibone books by Michael Moorcock), Elementals, Slaves (Humans and other fantasy races)

Costume Requirements - high fantasy, elven, inspired by Elric of Melnibone

Inspiration: Elric of Melnibone by Michael Moorcock




7 “Gate”

In a country of oak trees and slow-creeping industry, a land called England ruled by Victoria, but where the fey are not quite forgotten, there are places where things touch. The fey live in a place through a gate, in a wall that crumbles. Every now and again, they hold fairs, inviting the mortals to join them, helping human sorcerers or changelings left with humans to access their abilities. The fey know about the Forest: once in a while they escape to the Argent comma; then wanted for crimes or for political reasons, and sometimes humans tumble in with them.

Races: Victorian Humans, Fey, Trolls, Witches, etc

Costume Requirements - Human 17th - 18th century, fey, inhuman features, ears, tails, orcs, trolls etc.

Inspiration: Stardust & Neverwhere both by Neil Gaiman, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Weirdstone of Brisingamen

8 “The Lorians”

Where countries stand shoulder-to-shoulder with companies of artisans and dreamers. The flintlock is the weapon of choice, second only to the nobles, “Clockwork blades” harnessing galvanic, steam, or clockwork force to pierce armour and lay low their enemies and the great Steam-driven mechanoids clash with the hoary power of the Golems.  The Kings and Lords of the world hold most of the power… Most. 

Costume Requirements - Human 18th Century, Mechanoids/golems full costume covering human features.

Races: Human, of the Napoleonic and steampunk style, Golems & Steamjacks (sentient or not)

Inspiration: Sharpe, Strange Pulp Science, Napoleonics, Frankenstein, The Island of Doctor Moreau and a casual dab of steampunk.

9 “Sann”

An entire world where the people were built, grown etc. They know it. 

Their entire society is geared towards a war that has never happened. Some continue that dream, working for the “great creators”; some wish to escape and build their own future.

The Sann are split into three races: The Sarris, stone, bird and lizard, merge to make infantry that was designed to be carried into the fray. The Waytin are huge ogreish omnivores of great physical strength but pacifistic nature, designed to carry and to look after the Sarris; not all of them continue with this slave-like mentality, Lastly the strange Harrib, almost goblin-like, they are males who answer to a single female. Brown, animalistic and often furred. 

Costume Requirements - Full masks, Oriental clothing, except for the Harrib, who are furred and almost goblinoid in greens and browns.

Races: Sarris (Stone, bird and lizard merged), Waytin, (Large and ogre like), Harrib (Tribal and goblinoid).

Time In Bead Pull Table

(Please see Crafting for Downtime Skill Use)

All Bead Pull skills cost 3 minutes to use minimum, unless they are done in downtime or overnight.

However, there is the “Push” for some skills. This will be marked with a “*” If you wish you may use a skill in 30 seconds. HOWEVER, if you do this, you cannot use any skills or abilities that would allow you a repull (You still need to make the original Bead Pull).

|Skill |White |Blue/Purple |Red |Black |

|Tracker |The character can see |The character knows |The character has lost|“They went THATAWAY!!!” the |

| |where others have |where they have gone and|the trail; he may know|characters will hare off in |

| |been, follow them |can track them with |that people had passed|the wrong direction, certain |

| |unerringly and can |little difficulty. |this way, but that is |that they have found the |

| |even tell if they are | |all. |trail. |

| |burdened etc. | | | |

|Trap Finder* |If they are there, he |They can see them, but |Nothing, you have no |“Errr, didn’t I have a hand?” |

| |not only finds them, |can’t figure out how to |idea |The character was directly in |

| |but takes them apart. |get them to stop being | |the path of the trap when it |

| | |dangerous. | |goes off and desperately needs|

| | | | |the Surgeon. |

|Knowledgeable* |The character is aware|The character has some |Not a clue, the |Bar Room Knowledge!! The |

| |of the answer to the |idea, maybe a few |character is entirely |character is certain that he |

| |question and can |details. |unaware of the answer.|is aware of the answer. |

| |provide details not | | |Unfortunately, he is mistaken.|

| |usually available. | | | |

|Scavenger |3 pulls from scavenge |1 pull from scavenge box|Nothing. |A horrible disease, vile |

| |box | | |poison, angry person etc. (As |

| | | | |a general rule, unless |

| | | | |stipulated otherwise: Poison).|

|Alchemist/ Artist/Mason/ |The item has been made|The item is successful |Nothing happens, you |Nothing is made and the |

|Engineer/ Armourer/ |and there are enough |but all Resources are |just can’t get it one |resources are used up. |

|Artisan |resources for a second|used |way or another. |If you are using Alchemy in |

|(On event, rather |attempt | |The resource is not |the field, then the results |

|downtime) | | |affected. |often backfire. |

|Awakener |The powers flow, the |The item awakens but |The item remains |The item dies, it crumbles |

| |item awakens |only in the hands of the|passive; it will not |completely |

| |completely and may be |awakener. He cannot hand|awaken, but can be | |

| |handed to another. |over the item to anyone |attempted again that | |

| | |else. |day. | |

|Spell Craft* |The Spell goes off |The Spell works, but the|The Spell fails. |The Spell fails |

| |without a hitch. There|items are consumed in |The resource is used |catastrophically. |

| |is no cost, nothing is|casting. If no |up. |Open your BOOM!! Card. |

| |destroyed. |sacrifice, they take a | |You lose the Resource. |

| | |Strike. | | |

|Cog Head* |You find and fix the |You can find the |You find the problem, |Should it make that noise? |

| |problem. |problem, but you’ll have|but can’t fix it. |Read your BOOM!! Card |

| |(no Resources lost). |to jerry rig it. |Try again after a |(lose the Resources.) |

| | |(Resources lost.) |*Rest*. | |

| | | |The Resource is used | |

| | | |up. | |

|Powder Monkey* |You build a perfect |You make something that |It… just… won’t… |Good news… it goes boom… bad |

| |tool. |is adequate, but |work….. |news…. |

| |(No Resources lost). |dangerous. (Lose the |The Resource is used |You need a Surgeon. |

| | |Resource used). |up. |Open your BOOM!!! Card |

| | | | |(lose the Resources.) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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