TSPFI GROUPS (Updated 8/27/04)


(Updated 7/18/06)

0002 Criminals

0003 no group involved

0004 Indeterminate Americans

0005 Army of God (U.S.)

0009 Organization of Struggle against World Imperialism

0010 Phalangist Security Group

0011 Squad of the Martyr Patrick Arguello

0012 Weatherman faction of the SDS

0013 Moslem International Guerrillas


0015 Islamic Liberation Organization

0016 Che Guevara Brigade

0017 International Revolutionary Front

0018 Pan Epirotic Federation of America and Canada

0019 International Che Guevara Organization

0020 United Freedom Front-Fighters-Federation

0021 Jewish Defense League

0022 Republic of New Africa

0023 Black Panther Party

0024 Revolutionary Force 7

0025 Jewish Defense League-Wrath of God

0026 Revolutionary Affinity Group 6

0027 Revolutionary Action Party

0028 Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry

0029 Black Revolutionary Assault Team

0030 White Panthers

0031 Jewish Armed Resistance

0032 indeterminate Black Power urban guerrillas

0033 indeterminate militant Jewish group

0034 Hungarian Peace and Freedom Fighters

0035 Jewish Armed Resistance Strike Movement

0036 Jewish Underground Army

0037 Red Guerrilla Family

0038 Jewish Armed Resistance Strike Force

0039 Jewish Armed Resistance Strike Unit

0040 New World Liberation Front

0041 Save Our Israel Land

0042 Hanafi Muslims

0043 National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi group

0044 Islamic Guerrillas in America

0045 Iranian Liberation Army

0046 Iranian Free Army, an anti-Khomeini group

0047 Imperial Iranian Patriotic Organization

0048 People's Majority

0049 Black Brigade, possibly Liberian exiles

0050 Ku Klux Klan

0051 Jewish Committee of Concern

0052 People's Temple

0053 New Jewish Defense League

0054 Revolutionary Communist Party

0055 International Committee Against Nazism

0056 Jewish Action Movement

0057 Iranian Student Association

0058 United Americans

0059 United Jewish Underground UJU

0060 indeterminate Puerto Rican terrorists

0061 Armed Commandos of Liberation

0062 MIRA

0063 Puerto Rican Resistance Movement

0064 Puerto Rican Liberation Front

0065 FALN, Armed Front for National Liberation

0066 Independence Revolutionary Armed Commandos

0067 Anti-Communist Alliance

0068 Machete Wielders, Macheteros

0069 Ramon Emeterio Betances PR Independence

0070 Organization of Volunteers for PR Revolution

0071 Puerto Rican Popular Army

0072 Armed Forces of Popular Resistance

0073 ARU, Armed Resistance Unit

0121 Jewish Direct Action, a U.S. group

0122 El Rukn, a U.S. group

0123 Kahana Organization (radical Zionist - U.S.)

0201 Quebec Liberation Front

0202 Canadian Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation

0203 Direct Action, Action Directe

0369 Military Liberation Union (Cuba)

0370 Commando L (Cuba - U.S.)

0371 Pedro Luis Boitel Command

0372 Pedro Ruiz Botero Commandos

0373 International Secret Revolutionary United Cells

0374 Anti-Castro Commandos

0375 CORU, Coordination of United Revolutionary Orgs

0376 Cuban Revolutionary Organization

0377 Secret Anti-Castro Cuban Army

0378 Brigade 2506

0379 Cuban Youth Group

0380 El Condor

0381 Cuban Power 76

0382 Youths of the Star

0383 El Alacran, The Scorpion

0384 Cuban Action Commandos

0385 Omega-7

0386 Movement for Cuban Justice

0387 Pragmatistas

0388 Cuban C-4 Movement

0389 Latin American Anti-Communist Army

0390 M-7

0391 Secret Organization Zero

0392 Abdala

0393 Secret Hand Organization

0394 Cuban Action

0395 Cuban Anti-Communist League

0396 FIN, Cuban Nationalist Front

0397 Cuban National Liberation Front - FLNC

0398 Anti-Communist Commandos

0399 Young Cubans

0400 indeterminate Cuban group

0401 El Poder Cubano - Cuban Power

0402 Cuban Revolutionary Directorate

0403 indeterminate anti-Castro Cubans

0404 Alpha 66

0405 Second Front of Escambray

0406 Cuban Representation in Exile

0407 Secret Cuban Government

0408 Cuban Liberation Front

0409 JCN

0410 indeterminate Haitian exiles

0411 Coalition of National Liberation Brigades

0412 Haitian Coalition

0413 Hector Riode Group

0414 indeterminate Haitian

0415 former Tonton Macoutes

0416 United Militants Front - FMR

0417 Revolutionary Front for the Promotion and Progress of Haiti (FRAPH) (Neo Duvalierist-Haiti)

0420 indeterminate Dominican Republic exiles

0421 United Anti-Reelection Command

0422 Dominican left-wing revolutionaries

0423 Dominican youths

0424 MDP Dominican Popular Movement

0425 Dominican leftists

0426 12th of January Liberation Movement

0427 Maximiliano Gomez Revolutionary Brigade

0520 Muslimeen

0541 Rastafarians

0651 Guadeloupe Liberation Army

0681 ARC Caribbean Revolutionary Alliance

0700 indeterminate Mexicans

0701 Armed Communist League

0702 Peoples Revolutionary Armed Forces

0703 23rd of September Communist League

0704 Mexican Peoples Revolutionary Army

0705 Peoples Armed Command

0706 Leftist rural Acapulco guerrillas

0707 Peoples Liberation Army

0708 FRAP

0709 United Popular Liberation Army of America

0710 Armed Vanguard of the Proletariat

0711 National Independent Committee for

0712 FPDN

0713 COCEI

0714 Simon Bolivar Anti-Imperialist Commando

0715 Citizen Defense Committee (Mexico)

0716 Zapatista National Liberation Army

0851 Roque Dalton Command

0852 Juan Rayo Guerrilla Group


0888 Revolutionary Patriotic Forces (Honduras)

0889 Civilian Self-Defense Patrol(Guatemala) Guatemalan

0890 National Settlers Movement (Guatemalan Peasants)

0891 National Revolutionary Unity

0892 Comite de Unidad Campesina CUP (Peasant Unity Committee) Guatemala

0893 ORPA

0894 Counterrevolutionary Solidarity

0895 National League for the Protection of Guatemala

0896 Pedro Diaz Command

0897 Guatemalan Labor Party

0898 CUC

0899 Che Guevara Command of Guatemala

0900 indeterminate Guatemalans


0902 MR-13


0904 EGP

0905 Guatemalan Nationalist Commando

0906 ESA Secret Anti-Communist Army

0907 Clandestine Rebel Armed Forces

0908 Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez Front

0909 FP-31 January 31 Popular Front

0910 indeterminate Honduran Guerrillas

0911 FREPA Patriotic Anticommunist Front

0912 URP Revolutionary Peoples Union

0913 Popular Revolutionary Command Lorenzo Zelaya

0914 National Coordinating Board of Solidarity

0915 Martyrs of La Talanquera

0916 Cinchonero National Liberation Front

0917 Federation of Secondary Students

0918 Honduran Anti-Communist Movement

0919 Morazanist Front for the Liberation of Honduras

0920 indeterminate El Salvadoran guerrillas

0921 ERP People's Revolutionary Army

0922 FMLN Faribundo Marti Liberation Labor Forces

0923 White Warriors Union

0924 LP-28 28 February Popular League

0925 PRTC

0926 January 28 Popular Leagues

0927 FPL People's Liberation Forces

0928 FARN Armed Forces of National Resistance

0929 Salvadoran Revolutionary Front

0930 Islamic Brotherhood (Guatemala)

0931 FSLN Sandinist National Liberation Front

0932 Nicaraguan Anti-Communist Democratic Movement

0933 indeterminate Nicaraguan guerrillas

0934 Misura indian group

0935 Anti-Sandinista Nicaraguans

0936 former Contras

0937 Nicaraguan Students

0937 Recontras 3-80 Northern Front (Nicaragua)

0939 Andres Castro United Front (FUAC) Nicaragua

0940 indeterminate Costa Rican

0941 Revolutionary Commandos of Solidarity

0942 Roberto Santucho Revolutionary Group

0943 Carlos Aguero Echeverria Command

0944 People's Vanguard

0945 MCRL Free Costa Rica Movement

0946 Homeland and Freedom group

0947 Anti-Yolaina Commandos (Costa Rica)

0950 20 December Torrijist Patriotic Vanguard (Vanguardia Patriotica Torrijist 20 de Diciembre VPT-20)

0951 Panamanian students

0952 Revolutionary Student Front

0953 Kuna Indians

0954 MOJAP Anti-Interventionist Juvenile Move

0955 Noriega agents

0957 December 20 Movement M-20

0958 Torrijos Vive Group Panama

0959 The Popular Army of National Liberation

0960 Froilan Turcios Front

0971 FDR Revolutionary Democratic Front of El

0972 DRU Salvadoran Unified Revolutionary Dir

0973 BPR Popular Revolutionary Bloc

0974 FAPU United Popular Action Front

0975 Nationalist Republican Alliance Party

0976 CSS Salvadoran Suicide Commandos

0977 Luis Adalberto Diaz Detachment

0978 Clara Elizabeth Ramirez Urban Front

0979 El Salvador National Guard

0980 El Salvador Anti-Communist Alliance

0981 Major Roberto d'Aubuisson National Force (FURODA) (El Salvador)

0989 EPC splinter group of defunct group (Colombia)

0990 El Salvadoran Government Agents

0991 Salvadoaran Patriotic Directorate

0992 United Self Defense Forces of Colombia (rightwing paramilitary)

0993 Guevarista Revolutionary Army - ARG (Colombia)

0994 People's Revolutionary Organization

0995 September 14 Workers Self-Defense Command

0996 Patriotic Liberation Front

0997 MAO Worker s Self-Defense Movement

0998 Colombian Indians

0999 Chilean Socialist Party

1000 indeterminate Colombian guerrillas

1001 The Invisible Ones

1002 ELN National Liberation Army - (Domingo Lain Front)

1003 M-19 April 19 Movement

1004 Colombian students

1005 United Front for Guerrilla Action

1006 FARC Revolutionary Armed Forces

1007 Military Liberation Front of Colombia

1008 EPL Popular Liberation Army

1009 Revolutionary Workers Party

1010 Hernan Botero Moreno Command

1011 People's Revolutionary Army--Zero Point

1012 Bandera Roja Red Flag

1014 National Liberation Armed Forces

1015 Group of Revolutionary Commandos

1016 Luis Boitel Commando

1017 Internationalist Brigade Venezuela

1018 Heroes of Palestine Venezuela

1019 18th Front of the Revolutionary Armed Forces

1020 Medellin Cartel (Colombia)

1021 Simon Bolivar National Guerrilla Coordinating Board (Colombia)

1022 The Movement for the Dignity of Colombia (Colombia)

1101 Peoples Progressive Party

1123 Tupamaro Revolutionary Movement (Venezuela)

1151 Brunswijk Gang Jungle Commando

1152 Suriname Liberation front (SLF)

1300 indeterminate Ecuadoran leftists

1301 Anti-Poncista group

1302 Ecuadoran students

1303 18 October Movement Astra Revolutionary

1304 Ruminahui Front of Solidarity with Centra

1305 Alfaro Lives Damn It

1306 America Battalion

1307 JCE Ecuadoran Community Youth

1308 Heroes of Canto Grande (Ecuador)

1309 Free Homeland Montoneras Movement (Ecuador)

1310 Achuar Indians (Ecuador)

1311 People’s Revolutionary Militias (MRP Ecuador)

1349 indeterminate Peruvian guerrillas

1350 Peruvian students

1351 MTR

1352 MANO Movimiento Armada Nacionalista

1353 Condor

1354 Revolutionary Vanguard

1355 MIR Movement of the Revolutionary Left

1356 Sendero Luminoso Shining Path Maoists

1357 Peruvian Anti-Communist Alliance

1358 MRTA Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement

1359 Peruvian Maoists

1400 indeterminate Brazilian extremists

1401 VPR Popular Revolutionary Vanguard

1402 MR-8 Revolutionary Movement of the 8th

1403 ALN Action for National Liberation

1404 VAR-Palmares Armed Revolutionary Vanguar

1405 Aurora Maria Nacimiento Furtado Command

1406 Trotskyist Brazilian Workers Party PT

1407 Palestine Support Group Grupo de Apoyo

1450 Bolivian peasants

1451 People's Command

1452 Bolivian dissidents

1453 Falange Socialista Boliviana a rightist

1454 Nationalist Commando

1455 Tupac Katari Guerilla Army (EGTK) (Bolivia)

1456 Manuel Ascencio Padilla Group (Bolivia)

1457 Medellin Bolivarian Militia (Bolivia)

1459 Nestor Paz Zamora Commando - CNPZ Boliv

1501 MoPoCo Popular Colorado Movement

1502 Political Military Organization

1503 Reorganization Committee of Revolutionary

1550 indeterminate Chilean guerrillas

1551 Proletarian Action Group

1552 Revolutionary Movement of the Left

1553 Chilean leftists

1554 MIR

1555 Revolutionary Action Group

1556 FRMR Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front

1557 United Popular Action Movement MAPU

1558 5 April People s Detachment DP5

1559 September 11 Commando

1560 Lautaro Youth Movement

1563 Anti-Imperialist Revolutionary Front

1600 indeterminate Argentine leftists

1601 FAP Peronist Armed Forces

1602 FALN Argentine National Liberation Front

1603 MANO Argentine National Organization Mov

1604 ERP Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo

1605 Comite Argentino de Lucha Anti-Imperialis

1606 Montoneros

1607 indeterminate Peronist guerrillas

1608 Descamisados Peronistas Montoneros

1609 ERP-August 22

1610 indeterminate Argentine guerrillas

1611 FAR Revolutionary Armed Forces

1612 Frente de Liberation Nacionel del Vietnam

1613 Movemento Peronista

1614 Argentine students

1615 Maximo Mena Commando a Peronist group

1616 AAA Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance

1617 indeterminate Argentine rightists

1618 Argentine National Social Front

1619 Argentine Youth for Sovereignty

1620 2 April Group-Capt. Giacchino Command

1621 Independence Commando

1622 Peronist Youth

1623 People's Revolutionary Organization (OPR) (Argentina)

1624 Eva Peron Command Argentina

1625 Anti Imperialist Commando (Argentina)

1650 indeterminate Uruguayan guerrillas

1651 Tupamaros MLN National Liberation Movemement

1652 OPR-33 Organization of the Popular Revolution

1653 PCU

1654 Armed Popular Front FAP

1655 Raul Sendic International Brigade

1827 Patriotic Resistance Army ERP

2000 indeterminate British guerrillas

2001 Black Liberation Army

2002 Angry Brigade

2003 Muslim Extremists (United Kingdom)

2038 Ulster Freedom Fighters

2039 Catholic Reaction Force

2040 Irish Freedom Fighters

2041 IRA-Provos PIRA Irish Republican Army-Provisional Wing

2042 Sinn Fein

2043 UDA Ulster Defense Association

2044 Red Flag 74

2045 Young Militants

2046 indeterminate Protestant militants

2047 UVF Ulster Volunteer Force

2048 INLA Irish National Liberation Army

2049 Bobby Sands Group

2050 indeterminate Irish guerrillas

2051 indeterminate Baader-Meinhof Group support

2052 Real Irish Republican Army (Real IRA, RIRA)

2061 Scottish National Liberation Army

2101 Dutch revolutionaries

2102 Revolutionary Peoples Resistance of the

2103 People's League of Free Palestine

2104 Nordic Terror Front

2105 Red Revolutionary Front

2106 Movement of Solidarity with the Central

2111 Direct Action Section Belgium

2112 Black Lebanon

2113 Julien Lahaut Brigade

2114 Revenge and Freedom

2115 Andreas Baader Commando of the Red Army

2116 CCC Communist Combatant Cells

2117 FRAP Proletarian Revolutionary Action Front

2118 Peace Conqueror

2121 October 18 Movement

2191 Corsican National Liberation Front FLNC

2192 Pasquale Paoli Unit of the Corsican Guerr

2193 indeterminate Corsican separatists

2200 French students

2201 Movement of Youthward Brothers in War of

2202 Masada--Action and Defense Movement

2203 Committee of Coordination

2204 Charles Martel Group

2205 We Must Do Something

2206 Group for the Defense of Europe

2207 Youth Action Group a rightist organization

2208 6th of March Group

2209 Front de l Auto-Defense Juive

2210 International Solidarity

2211 indeterminate French Zionists

2212 indeterminate French rightists

2213 Avengers composed of ex-WWII resistance

2214 Spanish deportees

2215 Action Front for the Liberation of the Ba

2216 Committee for Socialist Revolutionary Unity

2217 Solidarity Resistance Front

2218 New Order

2219 Red Army Faction of Southern France

2220 Andreas Baader Commando

2221 Direct Action March 27-28 Direct Action

2222 Afghan Collective

2223 Jewish Brigade

2224 Palestine Resistance

2225 Autonomous Revolutionary Brigade

2226 Afghanistan Islamic Nationalist Revolution

2227 Gazi

2228 Assembly for Moral Order and Anti-Communist Youth

2229 Self-Defense Against All Authority

2230 National Youth Front a right-wing group

2231 Militant Zionist Resistance Fighters

2232 Committee for the Safeguard of the Islamic Revolution

2233 Order and New Justice Cell of the Friends of Inspector Jacques Mazel

2234 Organization of European Nationalist Group

2235 National Revolutionary Movement

2236 Basque Spanish Battalion

2237 Pessah Passover

2238 September France

2239 Bakunin Gdansk Paris Group

2240 The Breton Resistance Army - ARB (France)

2242 Friends of Carlos

2243 Committee of Solidarity with Arab and Middle Eastern Political Prisoners

2244 Benchella Column

2245 French Revolutionary Brigades

2246 Organization Delta

2247 Talion Law

2248 Autonomous Intervention Collective Against the Zionist Presence in France and the Israeli - Egyptian Peace

2249 GAL - Antiterrorist Liberation Group

2251 Les Beliers Swiss Jura-ists

2252 Petra Kraus Group

2253 Swiss anarchists

2260 Organization of French Socialists

2261 indeterminate French anarchists

2262 Anti-Armenian Organization

2263 Ordinary Men

2264 Partisans of Law and Liberty Supporters

2265 Right and Liberty Organization

2267 Gracchus Babeuf Group

2286 Iraultza

2287 Terra Lliure Free Land

2288 Catalan Red Liberation Army (Ejercito Rojo Catalan de Liberacion)

2289 Guerrilla Army of the Galician People

2290 Iparretarrak

2291 Spanish National Association

2292 Spanish Armed Group

2293 Basque Justice

2294 Committee of Solidarity with Euzkadi

2295 Armed Revolutionary Groups

2296 Spanish-Catalan Battalion

2297 CAA Autonomous Anti-Capitalist Commandos

2298 GRAPO Anti-Fascist Resistance Group-October

2299 Juan Paredes Manot International Brigade

2300 indeterminate Basques

2301 ETA Basque Nation and Liberation

2302 indeterminate Spanish extremists

2303 Hammer and Sickle Cooperative

2304 MIL Iberian Liberation Movement

2305 GARI International Revolutionary Action

2306 Warriors of Christ the King Cristo Rei

2307 Catalan separatists

2308 Nationalist Intervention Group

2351 ARA

2352 Revolutionary Internationalist Solidarity

2353 Portuguese Liberation Army

2354 Portuguese Anti-Communist Movement

2355 April 25 Popular Forces FP-25

2356 Zionist Action Group

2357 Action Group for Communism

2358 Anti-Capitalist and Anti-Militarist

2359 GAR Revolutionary Autonomous Group

2360 Armed Liberation Commandos ORA

2549 Venceremos Beginning of Autumn

2550 indeterminate West German leftists

2551 Baader-Meinhof Group Red Army Faction

2552 2nd of June Movement

2553 International Anti-Terror Organization

2554 Holger Meins Kommando Revolutionary Cell

2555 Baader Solidarity Group

2556 Holger Meins Brigade

2557 Ulrike MeinhofCommando

2558 Puig Antich-Ulrike Meinhof Commando

2559 Socialist Patients Collective

2560 Revolutionary Cell Brigade Ulrike Meinhof

2561 Military Sports Group Hoffman a neo-Nazi

2562 Brunswick Group

2563 Black Bloc RAF supporters

2564 In the Heart of the Beast

2565 Revolutionary Cells

2566 Andreas Baader Brigade of the German Libe

2567 Robert E. D. Straker Commando of the Terr

2568 Moenchburch Liberation Army

2569 indeterminate anarchist group

2570 Commando Proletarian Action

2571 Fighting Unit of the Creation of an Anti-

2572 Proletarian Initiative and Offensive

2573 Anti-Imperialist Group

2574 Democratic Pro-German Action

2575 Autonomous Cell

2576 FAP German Workers Party

2577 National Democratic Front for the Liberat

2578 Timmerman Fighting Unit

2579 Pacifist Initiative Group

2580 Fighting Unit Hind Alamed

2581 Indeterminate German right-wing extremists

2582 National Front (Germany)

2583 Anti Imperialist Cell (Germany)

2901 Armed Secret Organization-Execution Group

2902 antigovernment Polish guerrillas

2903 December 13 Independent Group

3051 Justice Guerrilla

3052 Neo-Nazis (Austria)

3053 Bavarian Liberation Army (Eurobomber)

3054 Austrian indeterminate right-wing extremists

3151 indeterminate Czechoslovakians

3171 National Front of Slovakia

3247 Anti Imperialist Territorial Nuclei (NTA) (Italy)

3248 The Proletarian Revolutionary Initiative Units

3249 Armed Falange

3250 indeterminate Italians

3251 Red Brigades

3252 Ordine Nero Black Order

3253 Armed Communist Formations

3254 Sardinian separatists

3255 Proletarian Internationalism

3256 Armed Proletarian Power

3257 Italian neofascists

3258 indeterminate Italian leftists

3259 Combatants for Communism

3260 Prima Linea Front Line

3261 Chaka II

3262 Armed Revolutionary Nuclei

3263 GIP Proletarian Internationalist Groups

3264 Veneto Communist Cells

3265 Extraparliamentary Group for Communism

3266 Nuclei Armati Comunista

3267 Groups of Internationalist Communists

3268 Communist Anti-Imperialist Movement

3269 Party of the Guerrilla

3270 PLO-Red Brigades

3271 Fighting Communist Formations

3272 Proletarian Squad

3273 Proletarian Justice

3274 Red Guerrilla

3275 Autonomous Workers Movement

3276 Internationalist Communist Group

3277 Armed Communist Front

3278 indeterminate right-wing Italians

3279 Guard Corps of the Islamic European Revol

3280 Abedi group

3282 The Committee for Direct Action Against

3381 Maltese Liberation Front

3390 indeterminate Albanian guerrillas

3391 Anti-Communist Military Council

3392 Albanian People's Path

3393 Fides Besa Bes

3394 Albanian Autonomist Movement of Kosovo

3395 Albanian Croat HDP

3396 Red Front

3397 Liberation Army of Kosovo (KLA)

3398 Albanian National Army (ANA)

3440 Muslim Green Berets (Bosnia)

3441 Bosian Muslims

3450 indeterminateYugoslav/Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian

3451 Trotskyist Organization

3452 Young Croatian Republican Army

3453 Young Croatian Army for Freedom

3454 Croatian National Liberation Forces

3455 Croatian Freedom Fighters

3456 OTPOR resistance

3457 Commando of Croatian Revolutionaries

3458 Croatian Revolutionary Cell Bruno Busic

3459 Croatian Revolutionary Army in Germany

3460 Croatian Intelligence Service

3461 SEPO Freedom for the Serbian Fatherland

3463 The Black Hand

3470 Islamic Group Military Branch (Bosnia)

3477 Communist Party of Macedonia

3478 Antiregime Anticapitalist Struggle

3479 1 May Organization

3480 Revolutionary Cells

3481 National Front

3482 Revolutionary Militant Wing

3483 Autonomous Greek Army

3484 Revolutionary Group for International

3485 Spiros Milios of Khimara

3486 Revolutionary People's Army

3487 Front for the Liberation of Northern Ipir

3488 People's Authority

3489 People's Revolutionary Solidarity

3490 People' s Struggle Laikos Agonas

3491 People's Revolutionary Combat Group

3492 4 August National Organization

3493 AOI Solidarity with the El Salvador People

3494 Revolutionary Greek Battalion

3495 Blue Archer

3496 Greek Armed Group for the Support

3497 Revolutionary Solidarity

3498 October-80

3499 Revolutionary Left

3500 indeterminate Greek urban guerrillas

3501 Popular Revolutionary Resistance Group

3502 AAA Independence-Liberation-Resistance

3503 EAN Greek Anti-Dictatorial Youth

3504 National Youth Resistance Organization

3505 Greek People

3506 Patriotic Front

3507 Greek Militant Resistance

3508 Free Greeks

3509 LAOS People Number One

3510 LAOS Number 13

3511 dissident Greek students

3512 People's Resistance Organized Army

3513 Popular Liberation Organized Army

3514 LAOS-11 Popular Liberation Sabotage

3515 Organization of November 17

3516 Union of Officers Struggling for the Nati

3517 ELA Revolutionary Popular Struggle

3518 People's Front Initiative

3519 Autonomous Resistance Avtonomi Andistasi

3520 21 November Organization

3521 EOKA-B

3522 National Patriotic Front M.P.14/31

3523 FRAXIA Midheniston (Nihilist Faction) Greece

3524 Group of Political Initiative of Fighters

3525 Palestinian Revenge Organization

3526 Social Resistance Organization

3527 Greek Anarchists

3528 Palestinian Fighters of Athens Abu Nidal

3529 Northern Epirus Liberation Front (Malvi) (Greece)

3530 Support of Ocalan - The Hawks of Thrace

3531 Anti-Capitalist Action (Greece)

3532 Red Line (Greece)

3533 Mavros Asteri (Black Star) (Greece)

3534 Revolustionary Nuclei (nationalist far left) (Greece)

3535 The Organization Khristos Kassimis

3536 The Anarchists Attack Team (Greece)

3551 Indeterminate Bulgarians

3601 Romanian agents

3603 Vatra Romaneascu

3640 Rubiks (Latvia)

3651 Ukraine Liberation Front

3652 Etienne Bandera Ukrainian group The Rat

3653 Fils de Makhno Sons of Makhno Ukrainian

3654 Ukrainian nationalists

3655 15 October Commando

3656 Ukrainian Reactionary Force

3657 Chechen Activists

3658 KGB (Russia)

3660 Azerbaijanis led by Surat Gusaynor

3670 indeterminate Armenians (Armenia)

3680 Organization for Solidarity with the Chechen Resistance Fighters

3681 Chechen Rebels (Chechnya)

3690 Belfast Kiev Fraternity (pro IRA) (Ukraine)

3691 Ukranian National Assembly Ukranian National Self-Defense Organization (UNA-UNSO)

3700 Tajik Rebels (Tajikistan)

3701 Muzlokandov's Gang (Islamic Extremist Group Tajkistan)

3702 Islamic Revival Movement Rizvon Sadurov (Tajikistan)

3710 Abkhazian Seperatists (Guergia)

3710 indeterminate Georgian Rebels

3711 Algetis Mglebi (Algeti Wolves - Georgia)

3720 Uzbek Rebels

3721 Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

3801 B-26

3802 Christian Klar Command

3803 Malmo Muslims Jihad

3804 We Who Built Sweden (Sweden)

3851 National Socialist Nazi Front

3900 GN 95 (Poland)

3901 Choson Minju Chonson

3902 Danish Neo Nazis

3951 indeterminate Icelandic

4320 Armed Resistance Group (Mali)

4360 Tuaregs Niger

4361 Niger Students

4370 indeterminate Ivory Coast Rebels

4381 Guinean agents

4390 indeterminate Burkinabes

4499 Ulimo J

4500 Ulimo K

4501 LPP Liberian People's Party

4502 UPP United People's Party

4503 Liberian Rebels led by Prince Johnson

4504 indeterminate Liberians

4505 Liberian Rebels led by Charles Taylor

4506 Liberia Peace Council

4510 Revolutionary United Front (led by Foday Sankoh)

4511 indeterminate Sierra Leone rebels

4512 Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (Sierra Leone)

4610 indeterminate Togolese Guerillas

4611 Togolese Agents

4751 Nigerian agents

4752 National Union of Petroleum and National Gas Workers

4753 Ijaw Tribe (Nigera)

4754 indeterminate Nigerians

4755 Enough is Enough in the Niger River (Nigeria)

4810 indeterminate Gabonese

4821 Central African National Liberation Movement

4822 Central African Empire students

4830 indeterminate Chadian guerrillas

4831 FROLINAT Chadian National Liberation Front

4832 FAN

4833 OLTIF Organization for the Liberation of

4834 Idriss Miskine group

4835 indeterminate Chadian dissidents

4836 Movement for Democracy and Development (MDD) (Chad)

4841 Congolese Armed Patriotic Group

4842 Lendus (Congo)

4843 Congolese Rally for Democracy

4844 indeterminate Congolese militia

4850 indeterminate Zairean guerrillas

4851 National Movement of Congo-Lumumba

4852 indeterminate Tutsis (Zaire)

4901 People's Revolutionary Party

4902 People's Army of the Oppressed in Zaire

5001 Uganda Freedom Movement

5002 indeterminate Ugandan guerrillas

5003 National Resistance Army

5004 United Democratic Christian Army (Uganda)

5005 The Lord's Resistance Army (Religious Sect Uganda)

5006 Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) (Nigeria)

5100 indeterminate Kenyans

5101 Revolutionary Youth Movement of Tanzania

5160 indeterminate Hutus (Burundi)

5161 indeterminate Tutsis (Burundi)

5162 indeterminate rebels (Burundi)

5163 National Liberation Forces (Burundi - Hutus)

5170 indeterminate Hutus (Rwanda)

5171 Rwandan Rebels

5172 PALIR (Hutu Extremists) (Rwanda)

5173 Rwanda Patriotic Front (Rwanda)

5199 National Front for the Liberation of Somalia

5200 indeterminate Somalian guerrillas

5201 Somali Liberation Front

5202 Somali Mohammed Siad Barre

5203 Somali National Movement

5204 Somali Salvation Democratic Front

5205 Aidid Rebels (Somalia)

5206 al-Ittihaad al-Islami (The Islamic Union) (Somalia)

5221 FLCS Somali Coast Liberation Front

5222 Popular Liberation Movement

5223 National Independence Union

5224 Djiboutian Arab Youth Movement

5300 indeterminate Ethiopian guerrilla group

5301 Ethiopian students

5302 Galla nationalists

5303 Tigre Peoples Liberation Front TPLF

5304 Ethiopian Democratic Popular Front

5305 Ethiopian People' s Revolutionary Army

5306 Oromo Liberation Front

5307 Ogaden National Liberation Front (Ethiopia)

5311 ELF Eritrean Liberation Front

5312 ELF-GC ELF-General Command

5313 Popular Liberation Forces

5314 ELF-Revolutionary Council

5390 indeterminate Cabinda separatists

5391 FLEC Front for the Liberation of the Enc

5400 indeterminate Angolan guerrillas

5401 MPLA Popular Movement for the Liberation

5402 UNITA National Union for the Total Indepe

5403 Catana Ardente - Burning Sword

5404 Cabinda Liberation Front Cabindan Armed Forces (FLEC - FAC) (Angola)

5410 indeterminate Mozambique guerrillas

5411 COREMO Mozambique Revolutionary Council

5412 FRELIMO Mozambique Liberation Front


5414 Quizumba-South African backed guerrillas

5520 indeterminate Zimbabwe guerrillas

5521 indeterminate Rhodesian nationalists

5522 ZIPRA/ZAPU Zimbabwe African People's Uni

5523 ZANU Zimbabwe African National Union

5530 indeterminate Malawi agents

5600 indeterminate South African

5601 ANC African National Congress

5602 South African Agents

5603 Pan African Congress PAC

5604 Order of the Boer People - Orde Boereolk

5605 indeterminate Right wing guerrillas (South Africa)

5606 Anzanian National Liberation Army (AZANLA) Military wing of Black Conciousness Movement of Azania (South Africa)

5607 Pan Africanist Students Organization (South Africa) (PASO)

5608 Boere Aanvals Troepe (South Africa)

5651 SWAPO South West Africa People's Organiz

5701 LLA Lesotho Liberation Army

5911 Seychelles Resistance Movement

6001 Secret Islamic Youth Organization

6002 indeterminate Moroccans

6003 Darl al Islam (House of Islam) Western Front (Morocco)

6004 Assirat al-Moustaquin (The Righteous Path) (Morocco)

6071 MPAIAC Canary Islands Independence Movement

6072 Canary Islands Intelligence Service

6091 POLISARIO Popular Front for the Liberati

6092 Mustafa el Wali Bayyid Sayed Internationa

6093 Saharan People's Liberation Army

6149 Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (Algeria)

6150 al-Dali group (Algeria)

6151 Soldier of the Algerian Opposition

6152 United Liberation Front of New Algeria

6153 Islamic Jihad of Shaykh Sadiq al-Mundhiri

6154 Algerian secret service

6155 The Organization for Combatting Tyrants

6156 Algerian Fundamentalists

6157 Islamic Armed Group (Algeria) (GIA)

6158 Algerian Islamic Salvation Army (AIS)

6159 GIA - General Command (Algeria)

6160 indeterminate Algerians

6161 Les Vivants

6162 Tunisian Revolutionary National Organization

6163 Tunisian Islamic Front (dissident wing of the Nahda Renaissance Party) Tunisia

6200 indeterminate Libyans

6201 Libyan Free Unionist Officers

6202 People of Omar

6203 Libyan dissidents

6204 Libyan Agents

6205 Green Brigades

6206 National Front for the Salvation of Libya

6207 Al Borkan Volcano Libyan Organization

6208 Arab Unionist Nationalist Organization

6209 Libyan Organization of 7 April

6210 Libyan Revolutionary Committee

6250 indeterminate Sudanese guerrillas

6251 Sudanese People's Liberation Army SPLA

6252 Liberation Front for Southern Sudan

6253 Sudanese Socialist Popular Front

6254 Sudanese Students

6255 Takfir wa Hijah (Sudan) (Neo Muslim fundamentalists)

6256 South Sudan Independence Movement (SSIM) (Sudan)

6257 International Mollah Force (Sudan)

6258 Janjaweed (Sudan)

6298 Iranian Exiles

6299 Iranian Revolutionary Organization for Li

6300 Islamic Jihad Cells (Lebanon)

6301 indeterminate Iranian guerrillas

6302 Iranian students

6303 IPS Peoples Strugglers Mujahiddin e Kha

6304 Reza Rezai International Brigades

6305 National Front Forces of Iran

6306 Islamic Jihad Organization

6307 Fedaye Islam

6308 Iranian Amal Movement

6309 Political Organization of the Arab People

6310 Arab Masses Movement Arab Peoples Moveme

6311 Movement of the Moslem Arab People Strugg

6312 Martyr Muhyi a-Din an-Nasir Operation

6313 Group of the Martyr

6314 Al-Nasir Mojahedin Group

6315 Arab People's Mujahiddin Combatants Movement

6316 Iranian National Liberation Movement-Red

6317 Revolutionary Islamic Organization

6318 Guards of Islam Guard Corps of Islam Group

6319 Forqan

6320 Azadegan Freedom Seekers Iranian monarc

6321 Peykar Muslim Protest

6322 Feda iye Khalq Mujaheddin e Khalq

6323 Mujahidin People's Fighters Organization

6324 Fedayen-e-Islam led by Ayatollah Sadegh

6325 Moslem Liberation Front

6326 Aref Boluki Dynamite Group

6327 Martyrs of the Islamic Revolution

6328 Iranian intelligence agents

6329 Islamic Revolutionary Movement

6330 Army for Iran's National Liberation

6331 Hezbollah

6332 indeterminate Shiite moslems

6333 Islamic Association of Students of the Wo

6334 Fedayeen of the imperial Iranian monarchy

6335 Martyrs of the Iranian Revolution

6336 Sons of Imam al-Hoseyn ibn Ali

6337 Iranian Revolutionary Guard

6338 Iranian People's Fedayin Guerrillas

6339 Guardians of the Islamic Revolution

6340 Soldiers of Khomeini

6341 Islamic Revolution Organization

6387 Falcons Brigade (Iraq)

6388 Swords of Righteousness Brigade (Iraq)

6389 Abu-Hafs al-Masri Brigades (Al-Qaeda) (Turkey)

6390 Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (MLK-P)

6391 Marxist Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party Front

6392 The Brotherhood of Martyrs

6393 The Resistance Movement

6394 Imami's Soldiers (Iran)

6395 Revolutionary People’s Liberation Army-Front (Turkey)

6396 Revolutionary People's Salvation Party Front (Turkey)

6397 The Western Thrace Islamists (Islamistas Dhitikis Thrakis) (Turkey)

6398 Grey Wolves

6399 The Turkish People's Liberation Party C/ People's Liberation Forces (Turk Halk Kurtanlus Partisi-C/ Halkinkurtulus Guclar)

6400 indeterminate Turkish guerrillas

6401 TPLA Turkish People's Liberation Army

6402 TPLF Turkish People's Liberation Front

6403 Yanikian Commandos

6404 Turkish Revolutionary Youth Federation

6405 indeterminate Armenian nationalists

6406 Mayir Cayan Suicide Group

6407 Marxist group

6408 Slave Kortin Yanikiyan Group

6409 JCAG Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide

6410 ASALA Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia

6411 New Armenian Resistance Group

6412 28 May Armenian Organization

6413 Acilciler The Swift Ones

6414 Marxist-Leninist Armed Propaganda Union

6415 Anti-Camp David Front

6416 Sons of the Land

6417 THKPC Turkish People's Liberation Party

6418 Commando of Avengers of Armenian Genocide

6419 Avril Noir

6420 Revolutionary Way Dev Yol

6421 Organization of October 3 3 October Arme

6422 Party of Kurdish Workers in Turkey

6423 Turkish People's Liberation Party Front W

6424 Commandos of Retribution for the Armenian

6425 Turkish Islamic Revolutionary Army

6426 Organization for the Liberation of Armenia

6427 Armenian June 9 Organization an ASALA wing

6428 Army for the Protection of Turkey's Inter

6429 Orly Group Orly Organization

6430 Dev Sol Revolutionary Left

6431 Armenian Red Army

6432 Turkish Revolutionaries

6433 Avengers of the Armenian Genocide

6434 Front for the Liberation of Armenia

6435 Armenian Revolutionary Army ARA

6436 Brigades for the Liberation of the Turkis

6437 Anti-Christian Turkish Liberation Front

6438 Pan-Turkish Organization

6439 Turkish Marxist Workers Party

6440 Indeterminate Turkist Separatists

6441 Great Eastern Islamic Conquering Front (IBDA) (Turkey)

6442 Islamic Jihad Turkey

6443 Turkish Leftists

6445 Islamic Preaching Group (Hezbul Dawah Al Islamiah)

6446 Hawari Group (Pro Iraqi) (Iraq)

6447 Revolutionary Action Organization

6448 indeterminate Iraqi guerrillas

6449 Iraqi Agents

6450 Iraqi Communist Party

6451 Kurdish sympathizers

6452 Iraqi Baathists

6453 Free Iraq

6454 Mujahidin Iraqis Iraqi Mujahedeen Movement

6455 Iraqi Mujahidin Islam

6456 Al Dawa

6457 Martyr Araef Basri Commando

6458 Revolutionaries of Mohammed Baqir as-Sadr

6459 Iraqi Strugglers Movement

6460 Unified Kurdistan Socialist Party

6461 Army for the Liberation of Kurdistan

6462 Iraqi Liberation Army-General Command

6463 Iraqi Islamic Amal Organization

6464 Group of the Martyr Talid Shahim al- Alub

6465 KDP Kurdish Democratic Party

6466 Kurdish rebels

6467 Organization of Iraqi Islamic Action

6468 Patriot Union of Kurdistan PUK

6469 Organization of Iraqi Islamic Vengeance

6470 Al-Rafidayn - Vanguard of the Hezbollah

6471 Kurdistan's Secret Revenge Movement

6472 PKK Kurdish People s Liberation Front

6473 National Union of Iraqi Kurdistan

6474 National Liberation Front of Kurdistan (ERNK)

6475 Kurdistan Freedom Falcons Organization

6476 Kurdistan People's Liberation Army (ARGK - Faction of PKK)

6477 Kurdistan Worker's Party KWP

6478 Kurdish Freedom Fighters - Teshmargia

6479 Kurdish Revolutionary Committees Movement

6480 Ansar al-Islam (Iraq)

6481 Kurdistan Liberation Hawks

6502 Holy Warriors of Egypt – Mujaheddin of Egypt

6503 Islamic Pride Brigades (Egypt)

6504 Gund Allah (Soldiers of God) (Egypt)

6505 Gamaat (Egypt)

6506 Vanguards of the Conquest (Egypt) (Talai al Fath)

6507 Sulayman Khatir Group

6508 Abdullah Azzam Brigades Al Qaeda in Syria and Egypt

6509 The Muslim Group (al-Jama'a al klamiyah) (Islamic League of Those Applying the Book and the Sunnah) (Egypt)

6510 Al-Hilal Revolutionary Organization

6511 Egypt of Arabism Misr al-Urubah

6512 Takfir wa Hijra Repentant and Holy Flight

6513 Independent Organization for the Liberati

6514 Correct Course of Fatah Al-Kat as-Sahih

6515 indeterminate Egyptian guerrillas

6516 Egyptian Revolution

6517 Egyptian Liberation Organization

6518 El Aksa

6519 Revolution Group

6520 indeterminate Syrian guerrillas

6521 Muslim Brotherhood

6522 Arab Revolution Vanguards Organization

6523 Combatant Avant-Garde a Muslim Brotherhood

6524 Islamic Revolutionary Command

6525 Syrian Struggle Front

6526 Alawite intelligence service

6527 Al- Iqab punishment

6528 Eagle of Return

6529 October 17 Movement for the Liberation

6530 Syrian agents

6531 Troops of the Revolutionaries and Resistance

6532 People's Mujaheddin

6533 Syrian Mujaheddin

6536 Revolutionary Action Organization

6540 Friends of Mayumi Hachiya

6541 Lebanese Liberation Organization

6542 Tanyas Shahin Armed Unit

6543 Al-Husayn Brigade

6544 Green Cells

6545 Islamic Jihad Against the Oppressors

6546 Partisans of God Supporters of God Alla

6547 Liberation Hawks Suqur al-Tahrir

6548 Lebanese Liberation Front

6549 Chosen of God Mukhtaru Allah

6550 Committee for Defense of Arab Prisoners

6551 Armed Revolutionary Front

6552 Strugglers for Freedom

6553 Revolutionary Brigades

6554 Unified Nasirite Organization

6555 Sunnite Islamic Resistance Movement

6556 Fedayeen Arab Cells

6557 Lebanese Islamic Army

6558 Arab Liberation Front Lebanon

6559 Black Palm Organization Black Hand Organ

6560 Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Brigade

6561 Independent Committee for the Liberation

6562 United Forces of Justice

6563 Call of Jesus Christ

6564 Continuous Revolution

6565 Organization of Moslem Martyrs

6566 Fedayeen Revolutionary Cells

6567 Armed Arab Brigades

6568 Islamic al-Husayn Organization

6569 National Revolutionary Command

6570 Organization of Revolutionary Justice ORJ

6571 Fighting Revolutionary Cells

6572 Black Banner Organizaton

6573 Group 219FA

6574 Ali Ayyab Group

6575 Al-Mukhtar Forces

6576 Islamic Siffin Organization

6577 3 March Organization

6578 Islamic Amal Movement

6579 Southern Lebanese Army SLA

6580 Amal Security Bureau

6581 Organization of the Oppressed on Earth

6582 Khaybar Brigade

6583 Black Brigade

6584 Islamic Unification Movement

6585 September 17 Organization

6586 Sharp Sword Organization

6587 Forces of the Islamic Dawn

6588 Islamic Liberation Organization

6589 Lebanese Front for National Resistance

6590 Black Lebanon Organization

6591 indeterminate followers of Musa as-Sadr

6592 Organization of France's Friends in Lebananon

6593 Progressive Socialists Druze militia

6594 indeterminate Lebanese guerrillas

6595 Martyr Sa d Sayil Group

6596 Armed Struggle Organization

6597 Moslem Holy Warriors

6598 Free Naserite Revolutionaries

6599 Liberal Nasserite Organization

6600 Holy War Organization Al-Jihad al-Muqadd

6601 Lebanese Socialist Revolutionary Organization

6602 Lebanese Revolutionary Guard

6603 Lebanese Revolutionary Socialist Movement

6604 Revolutionary Arab Youth Organization

6605 Socialist Labor Party

6606 Lebanese leftists

6607 Phalange

6608 Sons of the South

6609 Lebanese Amal Shiite militia

6610 Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from

6611 Forces of Mojahedin

6612 Martyr Abu Ja far Group

6613 Arab National Organization

6614 Vanguards of Revolutionary Violence

6615 Eagles of the Revolution Nusur ath-Thawr

6616 Ali Nasir Group

6617 United Southern Front

6618 Lebanese Communist Party

6619 Front for the Liberation of Ahwaz

6620 Syrian Liberation Army

6621 The Pan Arab Action Organization (Lebanon)

6622 Lebanese Red Brigades

6623 Organization of Holy Struggle

6624 Imam Musa as-Sadr Brigades Imam as-Sadr

6625 Movement of Arab Revolutionary Brigades

6626 Revolutionary Lebanese Forces

6627 LARF Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Faction

6628 Al Aqsa Group

6629 Lebanese Cedar Force to Free Lebanon from

6630 indeterminate Jordanian

6631 Jordanian National Liberation Movement

6632 Jordanian intelligence organization

6633 Jordanian Free Officers Movement

6634 MOUAB Military and Revolutionary Committee

6635 The Islamic Martyrs

6636 Green Formation

6637 World Islamic Front for Liberation

6638 Revolutionary Arab Communist Party

6639 Western Emancipation Group

6640 Islamic Liberation Front

6641 Arab Revolutionary Communist Party

6642 Partisans of Sadam

6643 The Union of Communist Fighters

6644 Organization for the Defense of Detainee

6645 Revolutionary Justice Organization - RJO

6646 Prophet Muhammad s Army - Jihad Brigades

6647 Cell of Shaykh Muhammad Ya qub of Imam M

6648 31 Black August Organization Munazzamat

6649 The Arab Revolutionary Platoons - Revolu

6650 Shabab al-Nafir al Islami (led by Shaykh Qirrish) (Jordan)

6651 Palestine Revolutionary Movement

6652 Harkatal al Intilaqah al-Thawriyah (Lebanon)

6653 Harakat al-Madd al Thawri al-Arabi (Arab Revolutionary Resurgence Movement) (Lebanon)

6654 Kahana Hay (Israel)

6655 Rebels Movement (Kach) (Israel)

6656 The Arabs' Eagles (Nusur al-'Arab) (Lebanon)

6657 Black September-June Black September

6658 Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) (Palestinian)

6659 Al Tawhid (Palestinian)

6660 indeterminate Israelis

6661 Irgun Zevai Leumi

6662 Wrath of God

6663 Sons of Zion

6664 TNT Terror Against Terror

6665 Union of Galilee Christians

6666 Israeli agents

6668 Islamic Jihad Movement of Palestine

6669 Izz-al-Din al Qassam Battalions (Squads of the New Disciples of Martyr Yehiya Ayash) (military wing of Hamas)

6670 indeterminate Arab/Palestinian guerrillas

6671 PFLP Popular Front for the Liberation of

6672 AOLP Action Organization for the Liberati

6673 Al Fatah

6674 BSO Black September

6675 Organization for the Victims of Zionist O

6676 Palestine Popular Struggle Front

6677 Nationalist Youth Group for the Liberatio

6678 National Organization of ArabYouth

6679 PFLP-GC PFLP-General Command

6680 Organization of Victims of Occupied Terri

6681 Organization of the Sons of Occupied Terr

6682 7th Suicide Squad

6683 Eagles of the Palestinian Revolution

6684 Punishment Squad Al Icab

6685 OANY ANYOLP Organization of Arab Nation

6686 PLO Palestine Liberation Organization

6687 Al Saiqa Thunderbolt

6688 DFLP Democratic Front for the Liberation

6689 PLA Palestine Liberation Army

6690 Palestinian students

6691 Palestine Revolutionary Forces

6692 Sons of the Occupied Land

6693 Commando Muhammed Boudia

6694 Arab Communist Organization

6695 Arab Liberation Front

6696 Group of the Fallen Abd al Kadir al Husay

6697 Arm of the Arab Revolution

6698 Palestine Rejection Front

6699 Abdel Nasser Movement

6700 Fatah Force 17

6701 Union of the Peoples of the Arabian Peninsula

6702 Palestinian Resistance Jafa Squad (Palestine)

6703 Battalions of Faith (Kata'ib al-iman) (Saudi Arabia)

6704 Saudi Hizballah

6705 Movement for Islamic Change - The Jihad Wing (Saudi Arabia)

6706 Usama Bin Ladin (al-Qaida) (The World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders) (Islamic Army for the Liberation of the Holy Sites)

6710 Voice of the Palestinian Revolution

6711 15 May Arab Organization

6712 Fatah-Revolutionary Council Abu Nidal Gr

6713 Al Asifah headed by Abu Nidal

6714 Black June headed by Abu Nidal

6715 Arab Revolutionary Army Palestinian Comma

6716 Organization of the Sons of Southern Leba

6717 Organization of the Sons of Palestine

6718 Rejection Front of Stateless Palestinian

6719 PFLP-Special Operations

6720 ARA Arab Revolutionary Army

6721 Arab People Ash-Shab al- Arabi

6722 Black March Organization

6723 Organization of Avenging Palestinian Youth

6724 Organization of the Standard Bearers of Islam

6725 Group for Martyred Isam as-Sartawi

6726 Movement for Rebuilding Fatah

6727 Islamic Revolutionary Guard

6728 Revolutionary Organization of Socialist

6729 Martyrs of Tal Za tar Organization

6730 indeterminate Abu Nidal guerrillas

6731 Liberation of Palestine

6732 Secret Army for the Liberation of Palestine

6733 Arab Revolutionary Cells

6734 Arab Revolutionary Front

6735 PLF Palestine Liberation Front

6736 International Revolutionary Organization

6737 Baath Resurrection Cells

6738 Eagles for the Liberation of Palestine

6739 Islamic Resistance Front

6740 Martyrs of Palestine Abu Nida group

6741 International Anti-Imperialist Front

6742 Anti-Imperialist International Brigades

6743 Abu Musa Organization

6744 Arab Combatants

6745 Organization of Islamic Justice

6746 12 June Movement

6747 Tigers of the Gulf (Saudi Arabia)

6748 The Movement for the Struggle of the Jordanian Islamic Resistance Movement (aka Movement for the Struggle of Jordanian Islamic Resistance)

6749 Ahmed al Daqamisah Group (Holy Warriors of Ahmed Daqamisah)

6750 Union of Imams (Jordan - al Qaeda)

6751 Islamic Resistance Movement – al – Numazz Brigades (Iraq)

6752 Army of Ansar al Sunna (Iraq)

6753 Mujaheddin Without Borders (Iraq)

6754 Al Qaeda (Iraq – Mesopotamia)

6755 Omar Bin Khatab (Iraq)

6756 Islamic Army in Iraq

6757 Shura Council of Mujaheddin (Iraq)

6780 al-Hada (Yemeni Tribe)

6781 indeterminate Yemeni Tribesmen

6782 al-Jawf (Yemen Tribe)

6783 Jahm Tribe (Yemen)

6784 Bakil Tribe (Yemen)

6785 Khalulran (Khulan) Tribe (Yemen)

6786 Ahnum Tribe (Yemen)

6787 Al-Aslam Tribe (Yemen)

6788 Toaiman (Yemini Tribe)

6789 Murad Tribesmen (Yemen)

6790 Wadi al Dabaat (Yemeni Tribe)

6791 Bani Dabian Tribe (Yemen)

6792 Al-Sha'if Tribe (Yemen)

6793 al-Shamian Tribe (Yemen)

6794 Fehaid Tribe (Yemen)

6795 Khawlan Tribe (Yemen)

6796 al-Abdullah bin Dahha tribe (Yemen)

6799 Islamic Jihad (Yemen)

6800 indeterminate Yemeni resistance

6801 Eagles of National Unity

6901 Group of Martyr Salah al-Bitar of the Ara

6902 Prophet Muhammad's Forces in Kuwait-Revol

6903 Organization for the Liberation of Muslim

6904 indeterminate Kuwaitis

6920 Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain

6921 Shi'ite Muslim Activists (Bahrain)

6961 People's Liberation Army of Oman

6971 Islamic Front Against Heretics

6990 Islamic Movement of Victory of Martyrs, Cyprus Branch)

6991 al Jame'ah of International Justice

6992 Students of Musa Abu Marzuq (Palestinian)

6993 Islamic Renewal Group (led by Abu Ashraf who split from Conyeyance and Call Group) (Palestinian)

6994 Likah Asept al-Islamiya (Islamic Saturday Meeting Group - breakaway group from Hamas overseas support group)

6995 The Basics of the Islam (Palestinian)

6996 Jordanian Resistance (Jordan)

6997 Ansar'e Hizballah (Iran led by Hossein Allah Karam)

6998 Dotsam-Karmal-Gdboddin Militia (Afghanistan)

6999 Mullah Salam (belongs to Ittahad-i-Islamif of Sayyaf) (Afghanistan)

7000 indeterminate Afghan mujahadeen guerrillas

7001 People's Mojahedin of Afghanistan

7002 Islamic Alliance for the Liberation of Afghanistan

7003 Islamic Society of Afghanistan

7004 Hezb-e Eslami led by Yunus Khalis

7005 Jami at-e Eslami

7006 Harakat-e Enqelabe Islami

7007 Afghan National Liberation Front

7008 Islamic Movement of Afghanistan

7009 KHAD Afghan secret service

7010 Taleban Militia (Afghanistan)

7011 Millat-i-Qadian (Afghanistan)

7101 Anti-Government Chinese

7131 World United Formosans for Independence

7132 Taiwanese Independence Movement

7311 North Korean agents

7321 Anti-US Suicide Action Squad

7322 Nagai-Gumu Gang

7323 indeterminate South Koreans

7324 Chamintu

7325 Minmintu

7334 South Korean students

7335 Anti-US Patriotic Death Squad

7400 indeterminate Japanese extremists

7401 JRA JURA Japanese Red Army Rengo Sekig

7402 Asia Corps

7403 Kansai Regional Revolutionary Army

7405 Kyukoku Reidan

7406 Chukaku-ha Middle Core Revolutionary Army

7407 Okinawa Liberation League

7408 Black Flag

7409 Senki faction of Kyosando

7410 Kakurokyo (Revolutionary Workers) (Japanese Leftists)

7412 Sekihotai

7413 Taikosha

7500 indeterminate Indian guerrillas

7501 indeterminate Kashmiri nationalists

7502 Dal Khalsa Sikhs calling for Khalistan i

7503 Free India Army Free India Party

7504 Ananda Marg

7505 Kashmir Liberation Army

7506 Universal Proutish Revolutionary Front

7507 indeterminate Sikh extremists

7508 Kashmir National Liberation Front

7509 All India Sikh Student Federation AISSF

7510 Jarnail Khalsa

7511 Saffron Tigers

7512 Divine Wheel

7513 Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front

7514 Moslem Janbaz Force MJF Moslem Kashmir

7515 Pasdaran-i-Inquilabe-Islam

7516 The United Assam Liberation Front - Unit

7517 Liberation Tigers of Khalistan - LTFK

7518 Punjab Extremists

7519 Muslim Yaqub Momen (India)

7520 Harkat-ul-Ansar (Movement of Friends - Muslim group) (India)

7521 Isasmi Harkat-ul- Mominen (Kashmir Nationals) (India)

7522 Khalistan Liberation Force (India)

7523 Al-Faran (Jungle Warriors - Kashmiri Muslim Group) (India)

7524 Indian Marxists

7565 indeterminate Bangladeshi Muslims

7651 Bangladesh students

7652 Pro-Mujib Force led by Kader Sidiqui

7653 JDS National Socialist Party

7654 Harakat-ul-Jihad Islami (HUJI) (Bangladesh)

7699 Baluchistan National Army (Pakistan)

7700 indeterminate Pakistani

7701 Al Zulfiqar

7702 exiled Pakistan People's Party

7703 Ali Bhutto movement

7704 Al Hadid-Kashmir Muslim Fundamentalists (Pakistan)

7705 Guardians of the Friends of the Prophet (Pakistan)

7706 Anjuman Sipahe Sahaba - ASS

7707 Islamic Movement (Iranian Sunni Muslims) (Pakistan)

7708 Sunni Muslim Warriors of Jhangvi (Pakistan)

7709 Pathan Tribe (Pakistan)

7710 Harkat Ansar (Pakistan)

7711 Jumat-ul-Ulema

7712 Harakat ul-Mujhadeen

7713 Laskar-i-taiba (Pakistan)

7714 Al Medina (Kashmiri Nationalists)

7715 Muslim United Army (Pakistan)

7716 Jaish-i-Muhammed (Pakistan)

7717 Lashkari-i-Jhangvi (Palistan)

7750 indeterminate Burmese

7751 Shan tribesmen

7752 Kachin Independence Army

7753 Karen

7754 Burmese Students

7755 The Justice and Liberation Warriors

7756 Karen National Union (KNU) Tenth Battalion (Burma)

7757 Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors

7758 God’s Army (Karen Rebels - Myanmar)

7801 Tamil Liberation Tigers

7802 People' s Liberation Army

7803 Tamil terrorists

7804 LTTE Liberation Tiger of Tamil Eelam

7805 TEA Tamil Eelam Army

7806 EROS Eelam Revolutionary Organization of

7807 Sinhalese People's Liberation Front

7901 Samyukt Mukti Bahini United Liberation

7902 Leftist Extremists (NEPAL)

8000 indeterminate Thai communists

8001 Pattani Liberation Front

8002 PULO Pattani United Liberation Organization

8003 New Thai Leftist Front

8004 indeterminate Thai guerrillas

8005 indeterminate Shiite moslems

8006 Khun Sa armed forces

8111 Kampuchean guerrillas

8112 National Army of Democratic Kampuchea

8113 Khmer Rouge

8114 indeterminate Cambodians

8115 Cambodian Freedom Fighters (CFF) (US - Cambodia)

8121 anticommunist Laotian guerrillas

8201 Malay-Arab group

8202 International Muslim Brotherhood Organization

8400 indeterminate Communist Rebels (Philippines)

8401 Kabataang Makabayan

8402 April 6 Liberation Movement

8403 Light a Fire Movement

8406 MNLF Moro National Liberation Front

8407 NPA New People's Army

8408 Filipino dissidents

8409 Indeterminate Anti-Marcos guerrillas

8410 Civilian Home Defense Forces CHDF

8411 Mindanao Independence Movement

8412 NDF National Democratic Front

8413 Jihad Brigade

8414 RAM Reform of the Armed Forces Movement

8415 Indeterminate Marcos backers

8416 MILF Moro Islamic Liberation Front

8417 Angels

8418 Red Scorpion Group (Philippines)

8419 Abu Sayyaf Group (Muslim fundamentalists) (Philippines)

8420 Alex Boncayao Brigade (breakaway of CPP/NPA) (Philippines)

8500 Jemmah Islamiyah (Indonesia)

8501 indeterminate Amboinese-South Moluccan

8502 Indonesian Islamic Revolution Board

8503 Front for the Liberation of Aceh--Sumatra

8504 Darul Islam Holy War Command

8505 Irian Jaya OPM

8506 White Rose Movement

8507 Security Disturbance Movement (GPK) (Indonesia)

8508 indeterminate anti-independence group (Indonesia/East Timor)

8509 Besi Marah Puti Militia (Indonesia)

8510 Free Aceh Movement

8511 indeterminate Indonesians

8512 LASHKAR Jundullah Militia (al Qaeda - Indonesia)

8521 indeterminate Moluccan terrorists

9001 Australian socialist youth group

9002 Pacific Popular Front (Australia)

9101 Secessionist Rebels Papua New Guinea

9102 Organization of Free Papua (OPM) (Papua New Guinea)

9301 Kanaka Liberation Front Palika military

9302 Kanak Socialist Liberation Front (FLNKS) (New Caledonia)

9480 indeterminate Solomon Islands Rebels

9501 Fiji for Fijians

9998 irrelevant inapplicable



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