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LEGAL ABBREVIATIONSLaw journalsAfr. Hum. Rts. L.J.African Human Rights Law journalAJ Acta JuridicaAm. Crim. L. Rev. American Criminal Law ReviewAm. J Comp. L. The American journal of comparative LawAm. J. Int’l L. American Journal of International Law Ann. Surv. S. African L.Annual Survey of South African LawAustl. B. Rev. Australian Bar Review B.L.I.Business Law InternationalBML Businessman‘s lawBP Burrell’s Patent law reportsBSALR Butterworths South African Law ReviewsCambridge L.J. The Cambridge Law JournalCILSA Comparative and international law journal of Southern AfricaC.L.JCambridge Law JournalCLJ Cape law journalCLLContemporary Labour LawCod CodicillusCPC Crime, Punishment and Correction Misdaad, Straf en HervormingCrim L.Q.The Criminal Law QuarterlyCrim. L. Rev.The Criminal Law ReviewDe Rebus/DRDe Rebus Procuratoriius 1956-1978De Rebus: SA attorneys’journalDJ De Jure DR/DRP De Rebus ProcuratoriisEIPREuropean Intellectual Property ReviewEnt. LREntertainment Law ReviewEur.J.Crime.Cr.J.European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal JusticeHarv. L.. Rev. Harvard Law reviewHRCLJ Human Rights and Constitutional Law Journal of Southern AfricaILJ Industrial Law JournalIJLPF/Int’l J. L. Pol’y & Fam.International Journal of Law, Policy and the FamilyInt’l & Comp. L.Q. The International & Comparative Law QuarterlyIPQIntellectual Property QuarterlyITR Income Tax Reporter JBL/J.Bus. L. The Journal of Business Law/Juta’s Business LawJ. Corp. Tax’n The Journal of Corporate TaxationJ. Crim. L. & Criminology The Journal of Criminal Law and CriminologyJ. Int’l Crim. Just.Journal of International Criminal JusticeJ. L. & Econ. The Journal of Law & EconomicsJ. Legal Educ. Journal of Legal EducationJJS Journal for Juridical SciencesLaw Inst. J. Law Institute JournalLaw Q. Rev. The Law Quarterly ReviewMB Modern Business LawMM Meditationes mediiMod. L. Rev. The Modern Law ReviewNULR Natal University Law ReviewObiter Obiter Oxford J. Legal Stud.Oxford Journal of Legal StudiesPER/PELJPotchefstroom Electronic Law JournalPotchefstroom Electronic L.J.Potchefstroom Electronic Law JournalRLJ Rhodesian Law Journal RM Responsa MeridianaSACC/SASK/SAS South African Journal of Criminal Law and Criminolgy/ Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Strafreg en KriminologieSACJSouth African Journal of Criminal JusticeSACLJ South African Company law Journal SAILJ South African Insurance Law JournalS.A.Hum.Rts.Y.B.South African Human Rights YearbookSAJHR South African Journal on Human Rights SALJ South African Law Journal SAMLJ/SA Merc LJSouth African Mercantile Law JournalSAPL SA Public LawSASK SA Tydskrif vir Strafreg en Kriminologie SATJ SA Tax JournalSAYILSouth African Yearbook of International LawSI Speculum Iudiciale SJ Speculum JurisStell LRStellenbosch Law ReviewTHRHR Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins – Hollandse Reg TJOThe Judicial OfficerTM The Magistrate / Die Landdros TR Tydskrif vir Regswetenskap TSAR Tydskrif vir Suid - Afrikaanse RegYale L.J. The Yale Law Journal ZLJ Zimbabwe Law Journal Law ReportsAC Law Reports, Appeal CasesAD South African Law Reports, Appellate DivisionALL ER All England Law Reports ALL SAAll South African Law ReportsB Barber’s Gold LawB/BuchBuchanan’s Reports of the Cape Supreme Court (1868-69; 1873-79)BAC Bantu Appeal CourtsBAC/Buch ACBuchanan’s Reports of the Cape Appeal Court (1880-86; 1904-09)BAH Bantu Appe?lhofBALRButterworths Arbitration Law Reports / Arbitration Awards 1998-BCCRLButterworths Criminal Court Law ReportsBCLRButterworths Constitutional Law Reports 1994-BH Bophutatswana Supreme Court BIPBurrell’s Intellectual Property Law Reports 1997-BLLRButterworths Labour Law Reports 1994-BPBurrell’s Patent Law Reports 1981-Buch Buchanan’s Reports of the Cape Supreme Court Buch AC Buchanan’s Reports of the Cape Appeal CourtC Cape Provincial DivisionCCConstitutional CourtCh Law Reports, Chancery CLD Commercial Law Digest CLJ Cape Law JournalCorbett and Buchannan Damages Cases CPCourt of the Commissioner of PatentsCPD Cape Provincial Division Reports (pre-1947)CTR Cape Times Reports of the Cape Supreme Court (1890-1910)D Durxbury’s Reports of the High Court of the South African RepublicD & C Durban & Coastal Local DivisionECD Eastern Cape Division EDC Eastern Districts Court Reports (1880-87; 1891-1909) EDL Eastern District Local Division Reports (pre-1947)F Foord’s Reports of the Cape Supreme Court (Jan-Aug 1880)FND Finnemore’s Notes and Digest of Natal Cases G/Gregorowski Gregorowski’s Reports of the High Court of the Orange Free State (1883-87) GWL Griqualand West Local Division Reports (pre-1947)H Hertzog’s Reports of the High Court of the South African Republic (1893) HC or HCG High Court of Griqualand Reports (1882-1910)ILRIndustrial Law Reports 1980-ITCIncome Tax Cases - The South African Tax Case Reports 1939-JDR Juta’s Daily Reporter, Reporting Cases in the Cape Provincial Division K or Kotze? Kotze?‘s Reports of the High Court of the Transvaal Province(1877-81)LACLabour Appeal CourtLCLabour CourtLCCLand Claims CourtLJ, Ch Law Journal Reports, ChanceryLJ, PC Law Journal Reports, Privy CouncilLJ, QB Law Journal Reports, Queen’s Bench LLR Leader Law Reports LTR Leader Times ReportM or Men or Menz Menzie’s Reports of the Cape Supreme Court (1828-49) Moo or Moore PC Moore’s Privy Council Reports N Natal Provincial DivisionNAC Native Appeal Courts NA C Native Appeal Court Transkei NAC (C&O) Native Appeal –Divorce Court Reports (Cape &Free State Division) NAC (N&T) Native Appeal & Divorce Court Reports (Natal & Transvaal Division)NAC (CD) Native Appeal Court Reports (Central Division) NAC (SD) Native Appeal Court (southern Division)NAH Naturelle – Appe?lhof NC Northern Cape Provincial DivisionNHC Natal Native High CourtNLR Natal Law Reports of the Natal Supreme Court (1867-72; 1873-79; 1879-32 (Natal Supreme Court & Provincial Division))NPD Natal Provincial Division Reports (pre-1947)O Orange Free StateOff. Rep. Official Reports of the High Court of the South African Republic (1894-98)OFS Orange Free State High Court Reports (1874-83) OPD Orange Free State Provincial Division Reports (pre-1947)OR/Off.Rep Official reports of the South African Republic (1894-98) ORC Orange River Colony Reports (1903-09) PABPublications Appeal board ReportsPH Prentice Hall Weekly Legal Service 1923-Phip Phipson’s digest of Natal ReportsQB Law Reports, Queen ’s Bench R/Roscoe Roscoe’s Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (1861-67; 1871-72; 1877-78) R&N Rhodesia & Nyasaland Law Reports 1956- S or Searle Searle’s reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (1850-67)SA/SALR South African Law Reports 1947- SA… (A) Appellate DivisionSA… (B) Bophuthatswana Supreme CourtSA… (C) Cape Provincial DivisionSA… (CK) Ciskei Supreme CourtSA… (D) Durban & Coast Local DivisionSA… (E) Eastern Cape DivisionSA… (GW) Griqualand West Local DivisionSA… (N) Natal Provincial DivisionSA… (NC) Northern Cape DivisionSA… (Nm) High Court of NamibiaSA… (NmS) Supreme Court of NamibiaSA… (O) OFS Provincial DivisionSA… (SE) South –Eastern Cape Local Division SA… (SR)/ (FC) Southern Rhodesia or Federal Supreme CourtSA… (Tk) Transkei Supreme CourtSA… (V) Venda Supreme CourtSA… (ZH) High Court of ZimbabweSA… (ZS) Supreme Court of ZimbabweSA… (W) Witwatersrand Local DivisionSA… (SWA) South – West AfricaSACR / SASV SA Criminal Law ReportsSALRSouth African Law ReportsSALLR SA Labour Law ReportsSAR Reports of the High Court of the South African Republic (1881-92)SATC South African Tax Cases Reports SA (SR) or (FC) South African Law Reports High Court of Southern Rhodesia or Federal Supreme Court SC Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (1880-1910)SCASupreme Court of AppealSearle Searle’s Reports. Cape Supreme Court (1850-67)SEC South Eastern Cape Local DivisionSR Reports of the High Court of Southern Rhodesia Sth Afr. Rep Reports of the High Court of the South African Republic SWA Reports of the High Court of South-West Africa (1920-1945)T Transvaal Provincial DivisionTH Witwatersrand High Court Reports (Transvaal Colony) (1902- 09)TH Transkei Supreme Court TLR Times Law ReportTPD Transvaal Provincial Division Reports (pre-1947) TS Transvaal Supreme Court Reports (Transvaal Colony) (1902-09) VS Venda Supreme Court W Witwatersrand local Division (bound in the back of the Transvaal reports, with separate page numbers) W/Watermeyer Watermeyer’s Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (1857) WLD or TLD Witwatersrand Local Division Reports (pre-1947) WR Weekly Reporter, Reporting cases in the Cape Provincial Division Government Gazettes ANAdministrator’s NoticeBN Broad NoticeGenN General Notice GG Government GazetteGN Government NoticeMNMunicipal NoticeONOfficial NoticePNProvincial NoticePrNPremier’s NoticeProc ProclamationRGN Regulation GovernmentRProc Regulation Proclamation NoticeOther Legal AbbreviationsBCEABasic Conditions of Employment Act 11 of 2002CALSCentre for Applied Legal Studies/Wits Law Clinic?CCMACommission for Conciliation, Mediation and ArbitrationCPCourt of the Commissioner of PatentsHSRCHuman Sciences Research CouncilIDASAInstitute for democracy in South AfricaIMSSAIndependent Mediation and Arbitration Society of Southern AfricaLAWSA Law of South AfricaLHRLawyers for Human RightsLRALabour Relations Act 28 of 1956/Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995OHSAOccupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993PAIAPromotion of Access to Information Act 54 of 2002PAJAPromotion of administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000SAHRC South African Human Rights Commission ................

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