Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing - Pearson

Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing

Seventh Edition

Ginny Wacker Guido, JD, MSN, RN, FAAN

Regional Director-Nursing and Assistant Dean, (retired) College of Nursing Washington State University Vancouver Vancouver, Washington

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Guido, Ginny Wacker, author. Title: Legal and ethical issues in nursing / Ginny Wacker Guido, JD, MSN, RN, FAAN, Regional Director-Nursing and Assistant Dean, College of Nursing, Washington State University, Vancouver, Washington. Description: Seventh edition. | Upper Saddle River, New Jersey : Pearson Education, Inc., [2020] | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2018038475| ISBN 9780134701233 | ISBN 0134701232 Subjects: LCSH: Nursing--Law and legislation--United States. | Nursing ethics--United States. Classification: LCC KF2915.N8 G85 2020 | DDC 344.7304/14--dc23 LC record available at


ISBN 10: 0-13-470123-2 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-470123-3

About the Author

Ginny Wacker Guido has been active in legal and ethical issues in nursing for all of her professional life. She developed an interest in these areas of nursing while she was teaching undergraduate nursing students in southern Texas, and her excitement for further knowledge and understanding of these content areas encouraged her to pursue a doctorate of jurisprudence degree and attend multiple ethical conferences. Over her career, she continued to attend national and regional workshops and conferences, updating and expanding her knowledge base regarding both the legal and ethical aspects of professional nursing practice. Dr. Guido has authored numerous

publications and presented conferences and lectures on legal and ethical issues in nursing, with special emphasis on a variety of clinical practice settings. In addition to publishing seven editions of Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing, she also edited a text on nursing care at the end of life. She remained active in nursing education until her retirement from Washington State University Vancouver in May 2014. Since her retirement, Dr. Guido continues to review legal and ethical articles for the Journal of Nurse Practitioner, reads extensively on current legal and ethical issues affecting the professional practice of nursing, and has authored this latest text.


This book is lovingly dedicated to my family:

Ed, Jenny, Joseph, Alexa, and Archer Guido and

Cecelia G. Wacker

Thank You

Our heartfelt thanks go out to our colleagues from schools of nursing across the country who have given their time generously to help create this exciting new text. These individuals helped us plan and shape our text and resources. Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing has reaped the benefit of your collective knowledge and experience as nurses and teachers, and we have improved the materials due to your efforts, suggestions, objections, endorsements, and inspiration. Among those who gave their time generously to help us are the following:

Diane Daddario, DNP, ANP-C, ACNS-BC, RN-BC, CMSRN Nursing Faculty Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania

Lynn R. Dykstra, MS, RN, CHPN Instructor Northern Illinois University DeKalb, Illinois

Peggy Flannigan, PhD, RN Associate Chairperson, Department of Nursing Bradley University Peoria, Illinois

Cheryl L. Lang, MSNed, RN, CNE Nurse Case Manager Manifestations Nurse Navigator University Hospitals of Colorado



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