Examples of some illegal questions and their legal ...

Examples of Some Illegal Questions and their Legal Counterparts

Age? Date of Birth?

Age based inquiries should be avoided. An age inquiry may be made to ensure a person is “old enough” to work for the job being filled.

Example of Illegal Questions

• How old are you?

• When is your birthday?

• In what year were you born?

• In what year did you graduate from college/high school?

Possible Legal Alternative, only if needed for a legal reason, i.e. able to drive

• Are you over the age of 18?

• Can you, after employment, provide proof of age?

Marital/ Family Status

The purpose of these “family” inquiries is to explore what some employers believe is a common source of absenteeism and tardiness. Typically, these questions are asked only of women making the inquiry clearly unlawful. However, even if such inquiries are made of both men and women, the questions may still be suspect. Such information has been used to discriminate against women because of society’s general presumption that they are the primary care givers. If the employer’s concern is regular work attendance, a better question would be, “Is there anything that would interfere with regular attendance at work?”

Example of Illegal Questions

• Are you married or do you have a permanent partner?

• With whom do you live?

• How many children do you have?

• Are you pregnant?

• Do you expect to have

a family? When?

• How many children will you have?

• What are your child care arrangements?

Possible Legal Alternatives

• Would you be willing to relocate if necessary?

• Travel is an important part of the job. Do you have any restrictions on your ability to travel?

• Do you have responsibilities or commitments that will prevent you from meeting specified work schedules?

• Do you anticipate any absences from work on a regular basis? If so, please explain the circumstances.


Minimum height and weight requirements are unlawful if they screen out a disproportionate number of women or minorities. Unless the employer can show that a height or weight requirement is essential for job performance, such inquiries should be avoided.

Example of Illegal Questions

• How tall are you?

• How much do you weigh?

(Questions about height and weight are always illegal unless it can be proven that there are minimum requirements to do the job.)

Possible Legal Alternative

• Are you able to lift a 50-pound weight and carry it 100 yards, as that is part of the job?


Inquiries about a person’s disability, health or worker’s compensation histories are unlawful if they imply or express a limitation based on disability. Any inquiry at the pre-employment stage, which would likely require an applicant to disclose a disability, is unlawful. Employers must avoid such inquiries or medical examinations before making a bona fide job offer.

However, an employer may inquire about an applicant’s ability to perform certain job functions and, within certain limits, may conduct tests of all applicants to determine if they can perform essential job functions, with or without an accommodation.

Example of Illegal Questions

• Do you have any disabilities?

• Have you had any recent illness or operations?

• Please complete this medical questionnaire.

• What was the date of your last physical exam?

• How's your family's health?

• When did you lose your eyesight/ leg/ hearing/ etc.?

Possible Legal Alternatives

• Are you able to perform the essential functions of this job with or without reasonable accommodations? (Legal if the interviewer thoroughly described the job.)

• Will you be able to carry out in a safe manner all job assignments necessary for this position?

• Are you able to lift a 50-pound weight and carry it 100 yards, as that is part of the job?

NB: Medical exams are legal AFTER an offer has been extended; results should be held strictly confidential except for reasons of safety.

National Origin/ Citizenship

Inquiries about a person’s citizenship or country of birth are unlawful and imply discrimination on the basis of national origin. A lawfully immigrated alien may not be discriminated against on the basis of citizenship however; employers are required to verify the legal status and right to work of all new hires. Employers should not ask applicants to state their national origin, but should ask if they have a legal right to work, and explain that verification of that right must be submitted after the decision to hire has been made. To satisfy verification requirements, employers should ask all new hires for documents establishing both identity and work authorization.

Example of Illegal Questions

• Where were you/your parents born?

• What is your native language?

• What is your country of citizenship?

• Are you a Canadian citizen?

Possible Legal Alternatives

• Do you have any language abilities that would be helpful in doing this job? (Legal if language ability is directly relevant to job performance.)

• Are you authorized to work in Canada?

Arrest Record

An employer may not refuse to employ or discharge a person with a conviction record unless the circumstances of the conviction substantially relate to the circumstances of the job. If an inquiry about convictions is made, the employer should add a clarifier, “A conviction will not necessarily disqualify you from employment. It will be considered only as it may relate to the job you are seeking”. Anyone who evaluates conviction record information should be knowledgeable about how such data may be used.

Example of Illegal Questions

• Have you ever been arrested?

Possible Legal Alternative

• Have you ever been convicted of ____ crime? (Legal if the crime is reasonably relevant to the job; e.g. embezzlement for a banking job.)


Example of Illegal Questions

• What clubs or social organizations do you belong to?

• Do you go to church?

Possible Legal Alternatives

• List any professional or trade groups or other organizations that you belong to that you consider relevant to your ability to perform this job.


This question may discourage an applicant whose religion prohibits Saturday or Sunday work. If a question about weekend work is asked, the employer should indicate that a reasonable effort is made to accommodate religious beliefs or practices. An employer is not required to make an accommodation if doing so would create an undue hardship on the business.

Example of Illegal Questions

• All questions are illegal


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