Iowa FLL Application for

Thank you for your interest in FIRST LEGO League. Funding has been set aside under the terms of a grant from Rockwell Collins through a donation to FIRST for a limited number of new and second-year FLL teams from the Los Angeles Region of Southern California, which includes Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. The grant is intended to establish FLL teams in economically and/or socially disadvantaged schools or communities. Primary consideration will be given to teams from schools with a free/reduced meal population of 40% or more and/or teams from zip codes with median household income less than 80% of the state per city-. Special consideration will be given to teams of underrepresented minorities and females. Additional consideration will be given to teams formed through a school or non-profit organization (e.g., Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Boys & Girls Club, 4-H). Grants are also available to teams anywhere in Southern California that have a Rockwell Collins employee or retiree as a coach or mentor.

In order to create sustainable FLL teams, teams receiving grants are responsible for paying a portion of their own FLL team costs. The estimated unreimbursed annual team costs are $167-$607. Teams will be expected to complete payments for Team Registration, Robot Set and Field Setup Kit promptly after receiving grant approval if they have not done so already.

Multiple teams and multiple coaches can receive grants at the same school or organization. If an additional team is funded one year, the same number of teams need to be registered the following year for the additional team to receive support the second year.

New Team Support

For new teams, grant funds will reimburse the FLL team registration ($261) and the FLL EV3 Robot Set ($579). For teams that already have robot sets, grant funds can reimburse the Field Setup Kit ($87) instead. New teams will be responsible for paying for the first three items directly to LEGO Education; the estimated total cost is $926. New teams may also need to build a challenge field table; the estimated cost of materials is $30-$70.

Second-Year Team Support

Teams that received New Team Support the previous year are eligible to apply for Second-Year Team Support. For second-year teams, grant funds will reimburse FLL team registration ($261). Teams will be responsible for paying for team registration plus the Field Setup Kit directly to LEGO Education; the estimated total cost is $348.

Team Support Reimbursement Requirements

Reimbursements will be paid in December upon successful completion of the requirements below. Teams with financial hardships can request that payment be made directly to LEGO Education, although additional approvals will be required. If requesting direct payment, order the team registration, robot set and/or field setup kit together, and indicate that you will pay by check.

Grant recipients must commit to the following requirements:

1. This FLL team is and will be continue to be registered with California – Los Angeles as its Primary Region.

2. This is a new team or the team received new team support last year.

3. The team will consist of 5-10 members who were between the ages of 9 and 14 on January 1, 2013.

4. The team will meet weekly for at least four hours per week for at least eight weeks in September, October and November.

5. Coaches will sign and abide by the FLL Coach’s Promise (included in FLL Coaches’ Handbook).

6. Coaches will participate in an FLL Challenge release workshop or coach training workshop for at least two hours. Workshops will be scheduled at various locations between June and October. See the Workshops Schedule at .

7. The team will participate in a Los Angeles Region FLL qualifying tournament in November.

8. The coach will be responsible for managing the team as outlined above and for participating in a post-season evaluation.

9. The coach and the team’s school/organization agree to maintain awarded robot sets in useable condition and to make them available for use by an FLL team for at least two years. If the school/organization does not continue with the FLL program for at least two years, the robot set must be returned to Los Angles Region FLL.

10. The coach will provide copies of invoices for reimbursable expenses if requested (not usually necessary).

Teacher Stipends

Certified teachers who are coaching FLL teams for the first time and meet all team expectations as outlined above may be eligible for a stipend of $500. The stipend may be split between two co-coaches. Payment of the stipend is contingent on receipt of IRS Form W-9 since the stipend is taxable income. The stipend will be paid in December if the team has completed the requirements above.

Application Due Date

Completed applications must be e-mailed to Grants@ by September 15, 2013. Applications will be considered in the order they are received. Decisions will usually be e-mailed to teams within one week. Decisions for teams that do not meet either economic eligibility criterion may be deferred until the due date.

Coach Information

First Name: Last Name

Daytime phone: ( ) - Cell Phone: ( ) -

Work email address:

Home email address:

How did you hear about FLL?

Team Information Note: Check boxes below by double or right clicking and changing properties.

Team number: (must be registered) Team Name (if known):

School or Organization Name:

Number of students on team: City: Zip Code:

Team Affiliation: School Boy Scouts Girl Scouts Boys & Girls Club 4-H

Other non-profit organization (please specify):

Number of years previously participated in FLL: This coach: This organization: This team:

Number of other FLL teams previously registered at this organization this year:

Number of previous years this team received Rockwell Collins funding:

Number of existing NXT Robot Sets this team can use throughout the FLL Challenge Season:

Grant Eligibility

Low median household income (zip code less than 80% of state per city-, please specify): %

High percentage of free or reduced price lunch eligibility (more than 40%, please specify): %

Mostly under-represented minorities. Number of under-represented minority students on team:

Mostly female. Number of female students on team:

Team has a Rockwell Collins employee or retiree as a coach or mentor.

Name of Rockwell Collins mentor:

Email of Rockwell Collins mentor:

Financial hardship. Direct payment to LEGO Education is requested. Fax additional approval on Page 5.

Coach stipend requested. Please submit signed IRS Form W-9 after the stipend is approved.

Team Support Reimbursement Information

Name of payee for reimbursement check:

Email address for payment by electronic check:

Mailing address for paper check:

City: State: CA Zip code:

Short Essay Questions: Please type responses to each of the following questions in 100 words or less.

How will the team be formed, including gender and ethnicity considerations?


Why does the team need funding in order to participate in FLL?


Are there any other special considerations about the team or goals that you would like to share?


Coach Agreement

If this application is approved, I will be responsible for managing the team as indicated in this application and for participating in a post-season evaluation. My organization and I agree to maintain awarded FLL Robot Sets in useable condition and to make them available for use by an FLL team for at least two years. If my organization does not continue with the FLL program for two years, I understand that I must return the Robot Set to Los Angeles Region FLL. I have entered my full name below as my electronic signature to indicate my agreement to these conditions.

Electronic signature:

Date signed:

Additional Approval Required for Financial Hardship Direct Payment of New Team Support

This page only needs to be completed if the coach has claimed financial hardship and has requested direct payment to LEGO Education instead of reimbursement. This form is to be signed by the Principal or equivalent manager of the school or organization applying for a New Team Support Grant from Rockwell Collins.

Please fax the signed form to LeRoy Nelson, Los Angeles Region FLL at 310-937-1416.

No cover sheet is needed.

Name of Coach Team number:

School or Organization Name:

Mailing Address:

City: State: CA Zip code:

Organization Agreement

I am the principal or equivalent manager of the school or organization listed above. I have reviewed this grant application, and I believe that all of the information provided is accurate.

I agree that this school or organization faces a financial hardship that prevents us from paying the total cost of FLL Team Registration, FLL EV3 Robot Set, and Field Setup Kit (estimated total cost is $927) by September 30, 2013. I understand that this grant, if approved, would pay for the FLL Team Registration and FLL EV3 Robot Set (estimated total cost is $840). I understand that my organization will be responsible for paying for the Field Setup Kit and materials to build a Challenge Field Table by September 30 (estimated cost is $117-157) and for project presentation materials and qualifying tournament registration by October 31 (estimated cost is $70-300).

I understand that my school or organization is responsible for maintaining awarded robot sets in useable condition and for making them available for use by an FLL team for at least two years. If my school or organization does not continue with the FLL program for two years, I understand that we must return the robot set to Los Angeles Region FLL. I agree to these conditions.

Signature of Principal or manager:

Name of Principal or manager:

Title of Principal or manager:

Date signed: Phone: ( ) - Fax: ( ) -

Email address:


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