Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science

Academic Violation

N/A (94)

I was on Committee for Academic Integrity; heard many cases but not know anyone who got in trouble.

A few cheaters lost credit for a test/homework assignment.

Student stopped coming to school in October; never learned why, but I think it was an academic violation.

Several AP students got in trouble for sharing work. Parents notified and grade reduced.

Yes. Policy was to announce charge/punishment in morning meetings to whole school (but no names).

A guy cheated on some bio test and got a 0.

(A non-academic story about a student who was suspended for “civil disobedience”)

Two students used “pencil signals” on a physics exam. One stole a midterm. One hacked the school computer.

Student blatantly cheated on physics test; classmates turned her in; punishment unknown.

Several kids got in trouble for plagiarizing other students’ papers.

Freshman was expelled for cheating.

There is rampant cheating in every HS. A person or group as busted in 25% of my classes.

I turned in my whole pre-calc class for cheating while teacher was absent (assignment not graded).

Some students in some of my CS classes were caught copying code for projects.

Every now and then I’d hear of someone getting in trouble for copying somebody else’s homework.

A few friends were caught cheating and suspended.

Know people cheated from friends in honor council.

Group of students suspended when they submitted a joint project in which one member plagiarized.

Multiple people; biggest was a guy in France who cheated on IB exam, got caught, and couldn’t go to college.

A few students got in trouble on exams/assignments, typically by copying another student; some plagiarism.

Two students were caught cheating in 10th grade on a final History exam.

A student in my grade got in trouble for cheating.

A student cheated on an exam in History class.

Some people in my math class got in trouble for cheating on a test.

Students copied each other’s assignments (the material was supposedly too hard); failed the course.

Some students shared answers/materials on tests with students who didn’t take it (punishment unknown).

Student turned in paper with vocabulary too advanced; instructor found it came from various internet sites.

Rumors that students copying code and were failed arose occasionally.

In English, multiple times, a teacher suspected someone was cheating on a test and threw theirs out.

One of my friends was caught plagiarizing an English essay.

A few of my friends got caught turning in nearly identical programming project; none received credit.

A few football teammates were caught cheating on an English test.

I know someone who failed a project for copying a few sentences from and not citing it.

Pre-calculus students caught copying quizzes to help students in a class that met later.

Numerous incidents in exams/finals; my friends, when involved, were guilty of providing, not using, answers.

One student copied a paper from the internet; got a 0 (couldn’t make up the grade).

Students were put on disciplinary probation for cheating on tests.

Not. It was well known that cheating occurred, but seldom were students punished for it.

A friend copied paragraphs from two other students; received an F on the paper.

A few kids plagiarized in English and got kicked out of the National Honor Society.

I know someone who was caught cheating.

Students at my school did not dare to cheat due to heavy penalties.

Someone stole a math test answer key.

Some students did no home/in-class work; cheated off a person and all got caught.

A student in my CS class was on the news as part of a story on cheating.

Know students who did it, but they did not get in trouble.

Best Teachers

Knew material, made it interesting, answered questions, cared. Loved teaching and what they taught.

Dedication to teaching, emphasizing learning for learning’s sake (not grades, testing, order following)

Knowledgeable and organized. Passionate about teaching and made subject relevant.

Hold class attention via interesting teaching methods, engaging discussions, enthusiasm for subject.

They were understanding people, not know-it-all lecturing gods (in their own minds).

Level-headed, not uptight about trivial matters, engaging, enthusiastic, serious, liked enthusiastic students.

Respect and appreciation for their students.

They were friendly and willing to help; taught so that students learned (not memorized).

Could explain a complicated topic clearly, so it was remembered; “mean” enough to make you work for grade.

Made classroom feel like group discussion, not a class.

Talked with (not at) students; held discussions, teaching issues and questions.

Knowledge of what was taught; a sense of humor, respect for students, understanding and easy-going attitude.

Teacher enjoys subject, assigns exciting, open-ended projects; makes class fun.

Give attention to individuals; teach advanced/challenging material in an interesting and engaging manner.

Interest in teaching, friendliness, willingness to go outside the syllabus.

Moved class at a fast pace.

Went fast, were smart, liked smart students, were rigorous.

Love of the subject material and teaching made course exciting and fun despite being challenging.

Friendly, caring, and enthusiastic; encouraging to questions. Got to know students and available for questions.

Approachable; had good understanding of topic.

Students free to saw what we though without feeling our answers were wrong; writing, creative projects, humor.

Relaxed style; when lectured it was like he wasn’t teaching, but everything came together; guided assignments.

Should interest outside computing; could chat with outside of class, we both taught each other; was mentor.

Explained material clearly; made it easy for students to discuss; respected questions; challenged us to work.

Relaxed and intelligent.

Engaged in subject; encouraged students to think on their own (not just memorize formula; understand them).

Respectful: didn’t treat us like second graders.

Liked what they did; enjoyed subject; cared how they did; more human than teachers going through motions.

A love for their job, their students, and their subject. In one word: enthusiasm.

Respect for student intelligences; conversational class; short but difficult assignments.

Generous about grades; gives little homework; understand the subject.

Expected a lot; didn’t talk down to us; paid attention to us; accessible and up for outside-class discussions.

Fun, understanding, did more than expected; didn’t teach “out of the book” but you still learned.

Taught subject a long time; able to answer all questions; taught at right level (not too simple or complex).

Tough and taught a lot; I respected them and didn’t want to disappoint them; knew material and were fair.

Available outside of class; cared about students as individuals; explained/showed how (not just lecture).

Able to interact with students of all ability levels; excellent understanding of their subject.

Lectured well and stayed on topic; answered questions after school and generally talked to students.

Made class interesting/exciting; explained well; few questions, answered clearly quickly and completely.

Competent, friendly, engaging; creates interest among students and challenges them.

Friendly, helpful, approachable, responsible.

Enjoyed teaching material, helped students understand, applied what is taught to real world.

Energetic; passionate about their field (fascinated/excited about it too) and able to pass passion on to students.

Upbeat and relaxed; they kept their subject interesting.

Cared about making student learn; not rigid/no strict deadlines; willing to spend time outside of class.

Teachers in classroom and out of it. Enjoyed talking to students during free periods, not just about schoolwork.

Twisted folks who enjoyed making you suffer but enjoyed even more seeing you succeed.

Enthusiastic, down to earth, humble, knowledgeable, good sense of humor.

Humor, connection with students, knowledge of subject, fairness.

Knew the material; not too strict or easily irritable; approachable and friendly.

Enthusiastic, challenge students, explained material well.

Had a passion for their subject and shared it every day in class.

Friendly, modest, knew what they were talking about, provided clear explanations.

Humor; the ability to interest students; make interesting material that is thought to be boring by students.

Depth of knowledge, ease of communication, practicality.

Easily connect with students; teach using materials students understand.

Enjoyed the subject and focused on ideas (not teaching to tests).

Never gave work for work’s sake. High grades given to self-motivated students who questioned and learned.

High and difficult standards combined with flexible and helpful teaching style and expectations.

Intelligent/accomplished and modest/open to new ideas; kept the class interested in subject material.

Engaging, active, theatrical, intelligent, caring.

Friendly and helpful; good mentors; not too distant; able to relate.

Charismatic, unbiased, interested in the subject, nice.

Dedicated, knowledgeable, interesting to listen to.

Lessons were clear; allowed students to complete work independently, unless they needed help.

Thought-provoking lectures; challenging; kind/caring –an advocate for students; mentor; easy to talk to.

Loved their subject (and it was contagious).

Easy to talk to, humorous, took time to help students, challenging, presented material in interesting manner.

Pleasing personality, commanding knowledge, ability to know whether a class is learning.

Solid understanding of material, entertaining teaching style, excellent rapport with students, good explanations.

Smart and kind. Taught in and out of class. Was a teacher and a friend. Could talk to him about anything.

Can clearly explain the subject; class fun to be in.

Took good care of me; understood me as an international student.

Enjoyed teaching; respected their students; organized and knowledgeable; accommodating.

Interested in what they taught and conveyed that interest to students.

Enthusiasm for subject; eager to share their wisdom and their passion.

Cared about what they were doing; willing to spend time helping students; generally, understood students.

Uncompromising in standards and expectations, but still offered help and opportunities to succeed.

Pushed thinking beyond memorization. Force me to apply what I had learned to new situations (not plug&chug).

Enthusiasm, sense of humor, knowledge.

Sense of humor, interest in students, expertise in material, empathy and understanding.

Immense charisma and background/knowledge in the field; supplied encouragement.

Fun, interesting, movtivating; taught to think and question; had interesting stories; didn’t just teach from book.

Passionate about the material and showed respect to their students.

Taught material from experience (not book), flexible in defining success, eager to explain material out of class.

Encouraged me to do extra research and improve my knowledge.

Clear explanations, challenging, can hold class attention, constant questions, humor.

Funny, extremely personable, nice, related well with students, presented course in a clear manner.

Unafraid to teach own ideas/opinions; encourage expression/discussion of our own thought; constant feedback.

Fascination for subject taught, devotion to teaching, desire to make students reach their potential; challenging.

Strict policies enforced on a consistent basis; rules clear and concise; had a sense of humor.

Knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects; took a straightforward approach to teaching.

Humorous, animated, patient; command respect; motivate students; knowledgeable, willing to help, available.

Approachable: students need to be able to seek and get extra help.

Hard (graded on how hard he thought students were working); pushed students; kept pace, but helped students.

Nice, sense of humor, knowledgeable, competent, understanding, enthusiastic, helpful.

Knowledgeable, friendly, approachable, and supportive.

Experienced teaching (many >20 years), high expectations, sense of humor, supplied lots of information.

Memorable personality, mannerisms; nimble with students, active in field of study, tolerant, patient, available.

Great sense of humor and knew how to make the work more interesting.

Positive attitudes, well-rounded personalities, good sense of humor; knew material, approachable; challenging.

Understood subject and had a passion for it; interesting people who liked to get to know their students.

Thoughtful, close attention to students eager to work, humorous, organized.

Knowledgeable, consistent, cared about students, liked what they did, fun, interested in things outside school.

Encouraged new ideas, made effort to involve the entire class.

Class grade based on test, light homework load, extensive knowledge across many disciplines.

Expertise in field, available for help, kept class fun.

Intelligent, respected our intelligence, valued discussion in class, lively enough to make class fun.

Challenging and interesting work; cared about student success; gave interesting projects; knew material.

Taught about life and academics; role model/inspiration; taught how to learn for yourself; learned from students.

Approachable, knowledgeable, creative, experiences; got to know students; know how to teach them.

Creative, odd, make students think a lot.


Charisma, eagerness towards knowledge and students’ learning.

Studious, reliable, caring.

Motivate/inspire students to work; interesting/understandable presentations; make students think; humor.

Understand material, willing to answer questions/go on tangents; allows students to pace themselves.

Respected students; expected respect from students; demanding but not strict or uptight.

Excellent conveyors of ideas; loved to teach; were always helpful.

Commitment to jobs, student performance; fair; hard working.

Available, friendly, caring, understanding.

Amazing at teaching, fair grading policies, a friend.

Knowledgeable, passion for subject, enjoyed teaching kids, interesting/innovative, created desire to learn.

Spent time with students outside of class; strict with homework/due dates; kept up with published syllabus.

Genuine commitment to education.

Rigorous, consistent, available for questions.

Provided detailed, easy to understand explanations, helpful, concerned about individuals, varied style/approach.

Good sense of humor; willing to help.

Told relevant stories; considered “hard” by most students.

Taught the material without making it seem like work; good personality.

Relaxed personality, excellent instruction, kept us informed of our progress.

Energetic and enthusiastic; lessons beyond classroom; easy to relate to.

Organized, taught thoroughly, gave individual attention; graded fairly; good sense of humor; knew students.

Available outside of class; interesting ways to present material; connected current/prior lessons; fun in class.

Respected their students (for knowledge and attitude); interacted with them.

Made me want to learn the material.

Helped students outside class; created an interesting classroom environment.

Interest in subject, keeping up with developments, strictness, requiring organization, encouraging interest.

CMU Faculty

Love and knowledgeable in subject areas.

Dedication to teaching, emphasizing learning for learning’s sake (not grades, testing, order following)

Mixture of those who love teaching and those who teach (but love research).

Hold class attention and be enthusiastic; effectively present knowledge to students.

Down-to-earth folks.

Busier than HS teachers (less one-on-one tutoring); enthusiastic, friendly, serious, intolerant of apathy.

Knowledgeable and caring.

Goal is for students to learn; won’t be as personable because of number of students, but willing to help if asked.

More knowledgeable but less accessible; focused on making sure all students learn and excel.

Will focus more on lecturing and note-taking.

I expect to be treated as an equal (not talked down to); they should help me work on problems, not give answers.

Friendly, eccentric; care about teaching ugrads and open to ideas; allow ugrads to work with them on research.

Will have fun teaching so we can enjoy learning.

Focusing on teaching us to think/learn, rather than simple regurgitation.

Provide challenging and exciting courses presented in a unique and interesting way.

Move at a faster pace than HS, with faculty willing to work with students.

Better than: “Went fast, were smart, liked smart students, were rigorous.”

Passionate about their subject and challenge students to think in new ways.

Fair and open, friendly and approachable, open to new ideas, willing to listen to students, friendly.

Teach classes without endless note copying; available when we need help (and willing to give it).

Curriculum will be more rigid, but still some freedom. I’m expecting a more experienced teacher.

Glad to help students on research projects; those who work together will be close.

Easily accessible; friendly (since we all live in the same community).

I expect the same (as my HS teachers).

More laid back.

The same (as my HS teachers). A higher concentration of better ones would be great, but I’m not expecting it.

A little less personal by hopefully still enthusiastic.

Less hands-on (because it is larger than HS).

Smart and really understands the subject.

The same (as my HS teachers).

Similar (to HS) but more demanding.

More formally thatn HS (we had only 100 students grade).

Good at teaching the basics. Smarter (than HS teachers) so they will be able to teach what they think is basic.

Will spend time with students needing extra help.

Eager to for students to be self-motivated and to work out of class.

More distant and not know students as well; more knowledgeable and able to answer more in-depth questions.

Be able to give a good answer to any question regarding the course.

Friendly and helpful.

Similar to HS.

Less personalized attention, but with same dedication and interest in the topic.

Equally (to HS) passionate; I worry about getting professors who love their field but hate teaching.

They all are very excited about their subject and will be interesting (more than in HS).

Expect to spend more time with TAs than professors; don’t expect professors to be flexible about deadlines.

Easily reachable for extra hclp.

They will expect more (than HS teachers) and will not “baby” them.

Will know the material and help me succeed.

Same as HS (but they will be more distant because of the number of students they teach).

Experts in their field of study; friendly and easy to talk to.

Closely interact with students; be challenged and taught well.

I hope each is as exceptional as my best HS teachers. I want to be challenged and stretch my creativity.

Big reputations; easy to find/talk to.

I have contacted several faculty by email an phone: they are not standoffish and treat me familiarly.

The amount of practical work will be equal to the amount of theoretical work.

May not show enthusiasm for teaching (because are doing research).

Expect faculty to be more intelligent and better educated, but less accessible (than HS teachers).

Similar to HS teachers; lectures not bogged down trying to “pick up” stragglers.

Similar to HS teachers: some interesting and hardworking and some not.

Knowledgeable and accomplished and proving interesting subject matter.

Serious, demanding, knowledgeable.

More distant (than HS teachers) but able to articulate better; cover more material.

More focused and bureaucratic (as mentioned in the packets).

More knowledgeable but less protective/lenient (than HS teachers).

Similar (to HS teachers), providing challenging lessons while offering help when needed.

Top-notch faculty who will alter the way I think for the rest of my life.

Faculty loves what it teaches.

Not as personal or accessible (as HS teachers); helpful, available, more challenging.

Greater command of their subject (than HS teachers).

Some entertaining, some boring; some may care, some not; some will talk to students outside class, some not.

Knowledgeable and warm. Don’t expect them to have much free time, but expect to get help outside class.

I went to a very small HS, so I expect CMU faculty to be more distant.

Have a more systematic way of understanding students.

More rigorous and knowledgeable (than HS teachers).

Have passion for their work but be more informed about current state of the art.

Harder and expect more from students (than HS teachers); interested in students; help/support them as needed.

Similar to HS; some may be overly concerned with homework.

Place more responsibility on the student. I expect more independence and responsibility.

Not give students everything; anticipate what must be learned, review it enough for us to learn how to apply it.

Some similar to HS, some less enthusiastic, some less humor, all with more knowledge.

Less hygiene, more brilliance, crazy accents.

Skill and talent for their subjects; connected to students; able to relate and encourage new ideas.

Interesting and captivating; have depth of knowledge; will be busy but still available.

Same as my best HS teachers.

More rigid/objective grading (than HS); open to questions.

Encourage me; open minded; share their “limitless” knowledge.

Challenging, interesting/interactive lessons, act as guide for expanding student’s knowledge.

Similar (to HS): nice, easy to understand, helpful.

Interested and excited in material; crack “nerd” jokes, show quirks, strengths, frustrations.

Teach us fishing rather than give us fish.

Same (as for HS); I’m not planning on a sense of humor, but must be able to speak/write intelligibly.

Similar (to HS).

Student’s best interest in mind; make learning enjoyable; less association (than HS) given # of students.

Same (as HS).

Like HS teachers.

Average teacher will be like best HS teachers.

Similar (to HS) but less accessible.

Challenge us more (than HS), supply more information (than HS), and teach us to teach ourselves.

Generally like HS teachers, but caught up more in research.

Similar (to HS) and also passionate about the subject matter they teach.

More knowledgeable (than HS teachers); challenging material, not just hard material.

Even more knowledgeable (than HS teachers); personal relationships may vary more.

Close relationships with students.

The same as HS teachers.

Will be nothing short of brilliant; friendly and creative atmosphere.

Tests similarly weighted for final grades.

Narrowed curriculum; teachers may be less approachable.

Similar (to HS), maybe less lively/discussion.

More demanding and distant (than HS); faculty will be more knowledgeable in their subjects.

More interesting/challenging (than HS); involve students in their research; friendly and personable.

Not as personable or as approachable (as HS), but more knowledgeable in what they are teaching.

Encouraging (as in HS).

Since CMU is a small school, I expect to be close with faculty.

Similar (to HS) but more strict.

Inspire us to learn to broaden our understanding.

More knowledge and more open to student questions.

Looking forward to having a CS teacher (never had one in HS); available for questions.

Similar (to HS).

Similar (to HS) but less rigid about certain things.

Kind and friendly; treat students with more respect than HS teachers do.

Easily approachable, friendly; won’t ridicule me or “shoot me down”.

Knowledgeable, love what they teach, enjoy teaching, hands-on approach, friendly, available, engaging.

More strict (than HS teachers) with grading and due dates; not as close to students (as HS teachers).

Similar to HS, except with less reluctance to ream a student out.

Mastered topic, available during office hours.

More knowledgeable and generally better (than HS).

Willing to help, but won’t approach students. Pace of class is quicker.

Similar (to HS); won’t care much about my performance, won’t notify me if I’m doing poorly.

Leave us to ourselves to find grades; more stringent (than HS): e.g., no late work.

Provide excellent education; less hands-on but push harder.

Less personal with students; explain clearly, be organized; grade fairly.

Similar (to HS) except more effort to seek out extra help.

More of the kind I admired in HS.

Courteous professionalism and necessary curtness.

Same as from my best HS teachers.

Roughly the same as HS for personality; more unforgiving (given large classes); more interested in their subject.

Biggest Academic Challenge

Freedom: balancing academics and life (formerly scheduled by my parents).

Not being able to get an A in every course (as in HS).

Fast pace (I get by on passion and hard work; it will be challenging to keep up with smart people).

Stop procrastinating.

Allocation of time for coursework (more demanding than HS).

I just don’t seem to do well in History courses.

Completing optional homework assignments.

The workload.

Balancing time.

Maintaining academics while playing football. Earning 3.5 GPA to enter the 3-2 program to get an MBA.

Writing (same as in my HS); I have a hard time expressing ideas or explaining what I know.

Time management; missing classes for Jewish holidays.

Paying attention to details; managing time effectively; getting used to college tests.

English course.

Time management (switching from daily blocks of classes and homework assignments).

I’m not inclined to writing essays, especially long ones.

Discrete math.

Working on robotics.

Readjusting to a rigorous work schedule after an easy senior year (and the summer).

Transitioning from (rigid) British-based system to (liberal) American system.

To start studying after 2.5 years of national service.

Adapting to an environment where I really need to study hard to be on top (I’ll no longer be special).

I do not have much experience programming, so I will have to catch up.

Remember mathematics after deferring a year and getting used to a new educational system.

Dividing up the workload and following through with all my assignments.

The humanities.

Time management (not getting distracted from my homework).

Meeting workload while maintaining interest in my classes.

Time management.


The workload.

Organic chemistry.

Getting used to Computer Science.

Starting at an advanced level in CS with little formal CS training.

Lots of work outside of class; getting used to needing/getting help.

Keeping up with other students.

Studying: I didn’t have to in HS but I expect CMU will be different.

Science/Computer Science courses from teachers with high expectations.

Balancing time for studying with sports/job.

Fulfilling all the non-core requirements.

Getting used to the US academic system and pace.

English: having the dedication to complete all of the reading and writing assignments.

Learning what I need to learn – figuring out how much I need to study and what to do to help myself.

The writing course, simply because I won’t be interested or excited about it.

Managing time, so I get my assignments done on time.

Managing my time between classes.

Not overload myself while adapting to new situations in college.

Learning to manage my time and not procrastinate.

Remembering how to study (which I haven’t really done since 10th grade).

English I don’t like it and my writing is not very good (although I continue to get better).

Taking the right courses and not overloading my schedule; balancing academic/extracurricular activities.

Adjusting to a new workload and being challenged to exceed my past performance.

No parents to wake me up, send me to classes, etc. I must be solely responsible for attending/doing homework.

Language problems in a foreign country.

Adapt to the Western style of teaching.

My first English course.

Pacing myself; I expect exams to be tough.

Adjusting to the workload.

Adjusting to different system and expectations.

Managing my free time; it is different in HS and college.

Large volume of work.

Getting adjusted to the workload.

Writing in any humanities classes after the summer break.

My two math classes.

Managing my time.


Lack of advanced math classes.

Learning to budget my time and not procrastinate.

Managing many lectures during a day and dealing with 76-101 (because it is a different kind of English class).

Increase in workload (from HS).

Learning self-discipline/time management (with not parents around): e.g., do homework early, turn it in on time.

Playing football and getting down to work at the same time.

Learning/understanding more advanced material.

Finding ways to structure my time when studying.

Adapting to increased workload and difficulty of courses.

Taking lots of equally challenging classes and prioritizing my time/focus.

Not procrastinate.

Programming, because I know only the basic things.

Adjusting to the rigors of the course load.

Time management; I was active in clubs in HS; did homework only later; at CMU I’ll do less extracurriculars.

Not procrastinating.

Completing assignments/overcoming procrastination.

Getting back to math/quantitative exercises (I spent last year learning qualitatively and analytically).

Managing my time wisely, getting work done on time and getting used to people at my academic level.

Taking homework seriously.

Finding time for all the work; ensuring I can apply what I learn to the “real world”.

Academic system changing from knowing facts to one encouraging open thought and self-learning.

Widen my outlook on programming.

Not procrastinating: doing homework at a reasonable hour on a reasonable time-table.

Big workload.

College pedagogy (method of instruction) is different than from HS.

Adjust to independence on campus, including class participation in lectures/sections.

Keeping up with the quality of homework.

Time management; balancing study and extracurricular activities.

Self-motivation; I was able to float by in HS with little effort, which I expect to not be the case at CMU.

Time management.

Budgeting my time and dealing with the workload.

Avoiding overloading myself with work.

Time management.

Getting back to CS (I haven’t worked on programming for a year).

Making sure I understand all the material (not just most of it, or enough of it to get high grades).

Studying (I didn’t need to do much in HS); time management.

Balancing my time and getting long-term projects finished in a reasonable time frame.

Programming course (I’ve never taken any); time management; getting a 3.5

To be motivated to read the textbooks and study.

Asking for help.

Adapting to a college schedule; not getting behind on homework.

Balancing workload with athletics.

Getting used to doing more work (than in HS).

Getting used to the amount of work college requires (I didn’t do much work in HS).

Working with so many other students at the same academic level.

Learning how to not procrastinate.


I will have a part-time job, so I will need to work hard to keep my GPA high.

Holding off until my prerequisites are complete before diving into so many different/exciting courses.

Writing classes.

Adjust to college schedule: long lecture times, large chunks of homework over long time periods.

Passing general ed classes that I am not interested in.

Getting back to work: my senior year was easy.

Getting used to the way work is done at CMU.

Time management and getting a routine going for myself.

Learning and exceeding my professors’ expectations.

Working outside class; I’ve been coasting for so long, I forgot what it is like to work hard.

Being challenged (which I haven’t been in HS).

Studying for finals (didn’t have them in HS); keeping on top of work load (not doing it all on the weekends).

Keeping up with classes I’m not interested in; a different (than HS) approach to studying.

I avoided math in HS, but I know I’ll have to take a lot at CMU.

Getting to know how the “system” at CMU works.

Improving my time management.

Not waiting to the last minute to do work.

Keeping up good grades and finishing my assignment on time.

Difficulty managing time properly (with more work outside of class).

Transitioning to the different atmosphere at college.

Time management.

Choosing appropriate courses and seeking help when I need it.

Shift in learning style: less spoon-fed material than in HS.

Managing my time.

Focusing on classes that are not in my major and don’t enjoy.

Keeping motivated and getting up for my morning classes.

Biggest Social Challenge

Laundry; adjusting to a roommate.

Meeting new people and trying to realize that my old friends are gone.

Interacting with people. Hanging around with “nerds”.

Finding people who leave their rooms and do something (sociable people).

Handling money and being self-sufficient. Move from all male HS to coed setting.

Not worried: I make friends easily and I’m sure people will be accepting of whatever.

Venturing beyond the people I meet during my first few weeks at CMU.

Finding new friends.

Finding a good group of friends to hang out with and not have a negative impact on my school work.

Finding time for friends with homework/football.

Get comfortable talking: in an environment with unfamiliar people, my instinct is to keep my mouth shut.

Finding people who understand my commitment to Judaism, its laws and traditions.

Meeting compatible women; not being distracted by social things.

Sharing a room.

Breaking the ice with other students to establish long-lasting friendships.

Meeting students from around the world (which is the most exciting social activity).

I’m a bit on the introverted side with new people, so I guess making friends.

Stopping my roommate from playing bad music.

Finding someone to date who is just as geeky as me.

Understanding American social and cultural norms; interacting with students from a diverse background.

Adapt to culture.

Become popular (I’m shy by nature). I came from a small HS where I practically “ran it”.

I’m often stereotyped as a “jock”, which will affect peoples’ views of me for a while.

Living in a new country and a college environments (unlike HS or work).

Missing friends back home and feeling lonely.

Letting go of friends from HS.

Making friends with girls.

Finding my niche where I can have fun and experience more of the college life than just school work

Finding people like me (although I can get along with people who aren’t like me).

Meeting new people.

Making new friends.

Roommates: you never know who you are going to get; I don’t want a country music fan with no headphones.

The cold, and going so long without seeing familiar faces that I’m leaving at home.

The size of CMU (much bigger than my HS).

Getting along with my roommate. I’m outgoing, but I like privacy in my own room.

Finding a good group of friends I can count on.

Living with a roommate. I’m an only child who always had my own room (or two).

Finding a good group of friends from many different parts of CMU.

Mixing with local students and fitting into the community.

Learning to be independent.

Learning to interact and form class relationships for study groups, etc.

Finding a balance between socializing and studying.

Getting used to living in the city and making friends.

Manage time to do assignments and still spend time with friends.

Going out and meeting new people; breaking out of my home comfort zone.

Make friends, because I’m sort of weird.

Finding time to relax.

Finding friends (I’m shy/withdrawn/introverted and I don’t do well around strangers).

Meeting classmates and making friends. I’m shy around people. Maybe I’ll get over it during orientations.

Making the right friends and joining the right clubs and activities.

Living away from my friends and family (but I look forward to meeting new people).

Communications problem (because I am a foreigner).

Becoming friends with American students; do they think/act differently than I do?

Adapt to the new atmosphere of a Western college and fit into the university community.

Making friends in a new environment.

Getting involved in extracurricular activities and making new friends.

The girl/guy ratio.

Finding/forming close-knit group of friends who balance work and fun similarly.

Staying in contact with my HS friends while making new friends at CMU.

Living with a roommate.

Meeting new people and getting adjusted to dorm life.

Leaving my dorm and venturing out into the city.

Adjusting to a new community of thousands of people.

Finding new friends.

Life without mom! Many responsibilities and making friends/interacting with peers.

Adapting to a big city environment.

Meeting new people and making new friends.

Living in a foreign environment; socializing with people having different values/beliefs; doing daily “chores”.

Meeting and making friends.

Meeting new people in other dorms/majors. Finding time/opportunity outside class to interact with students.

Making new friends.

Getting used to living on my own.

Balancing social activities with studying/classwork (without going crazy with either one).

Finding friends with the same interests and standards.

Communicating. I left the US 10 years ago and I am not confident of my English skills.

Meeting new people.

Roommate. I can seek out friends, but a randomly assigned roommate might be a problem.

Adapting to new environment/location.

Getting into Pittsburgh to see it.

Finding ways to interact with students outside SCS.

Finding people to study with and pal around with when I’m not studying.

Getting accustomed to the culture and making friends with people of all backgrounds (cultures and countries).

To fit in. I want to move beyond “foreigner” community; others might feel unease in my presence.

Being social; I like to keep to myself, reading, watching movies, whatever.

Opening up to people (I don’t tend to amass friends); difficult not having my close friends from HS around.

First time I’ll be away from my family; acclimating myself to campus social life. balancing studying/work.

Making a positive first impression. I’m afraid of embarrassment.

Finding time to be social while keeping up with academics.

Leaving the place where I grew up and most of my friends; adapting to new environment and meeting people.

Moving into a new environment; meeting people: I’ll be “out of element” until I “get my bearings”.

Increased responsibility for myself.

Making friends with good people and finding time to spend with them.

Adjusting to living with a roommate.

Making friends and connections.

Dealing with a roommate; I’ve grown used to privacy in my exclusive living space.

Being a year younger than most students (I skipped 10th grade).

Finding friends I want to spend time with; learning to work in teams.

Meeting as many SCS students as possible, given they are split into many classes and dorm rooms.

Making friends with different people from different countries.

Interacting with older students.

Finding time for friendships and other (non-academic) aspects of college life.

Meeting girls and other people not on the cross-country team.

Talking to new people.

Finding good friends; it normally takes me a while to connect.

Having a roommate and living with so many people.

Learning to live with a roommate.

Adjusting to a new culture and environment.

I won’t have enough time to spend with all the diverse interest groups I’d like to associate with.

Meeting and dealing with many more students than in my HS.

Making new friends.

Dealing with “the city” (I come from a small town) and the lifestyle that comes with it.

Introducing myself to new people and be more outgoing.

Being somewhere where everyone is a stranger.

Restructuring eating habits.

Building new relationships; getting to know people while being on top of my academic goals.

Figuring out what to do with my time; adjusting to living near friends (not a 45 minute drive as in HS).

Knowing too many people and trying to juggle them; afraid on running into someone too “clingy”.

Living without my parents; interacting with strangers; making friends.

Getting used to the American way of life.

Getting involved in social events.

Adjusting to diversity (different customs and cultures); at home everyone is similar.

Cultural differences (US and others).

Being comfortable around new people.

Having enough time to do everything I want.

Being from California.

Moving 600 miles away and not knowing anyone.

I am shy and haven’t gotten out much to experience things; I think I’ll have a hard time making friends.

I tend to be shy and cling to people I already know.

Accustoming myself to totally new surroundings and people.

Meeting students outside my dorm and remembering their names.

I have a social anxiety disorder, but once I get used to campus and get some friends, I’ll be fine.


None listed (61)

Setting up a computer network for a small company.

Designed front-end/back-ends for web sites.

Data entry.

Sold wireless internet access (at mall); worked as a programmer at Northrop-Grumman.

Programming/data analysis/oftware development at Naval Surface Warfare Center in Philadelphia.

Wrote some programs for my dad (for his futures trading business).

Drew landscape figures with Autocad for an environmental engineering company.

Wrote computer-based training package and web applications.

I connected a MysSQL database to my school’s website.

Tested computer vision/image processing algorithms in Applied Physics Lab at Johns Hopkins.

Developed web-based courseware for Shell Petroleum. Customized web app for B2B services.

Freelance program in an accounting firm.

I have done many web pages, and some programmers (for designers needing code).

Worked at Tradesoft as an intern, first testing code, the some programming.

USN Observatory, programming involving orbits of GPS satellites.

Counselor at camp teaching programming; designed web pages for local library.

Freelance consulting and troubleshooting, and some website/database design.

Set up laptops for students/faculty at my HS (imaged them, configured network settings, replaced components).

Used windows applications as a clerk in a law firm.

Open source contributor; intern at Novell for 2 summers.

Consulting work on Vibe and Spin magazines websites in HTML/Perl; contributed to .

Made spreadsheets and charts; did some internet research.

JSP web interface for Penn State College of Medicine.

Burned CDs to back up files.

Designed web site/shopping cart (silicon valley startup); worked on intranet application (petroleum company).

Designing/maintaining DB with Lotus notes; system and server maintainence.

Help run robotics camps in the summer. Teach middle-school students how to program small Lego robots.

NIH, programs in MATLAB to analyze MRI data and create GUI for it.

Internship, learned to use Debian Linux.

Worked as an assistant in my school’s CS summer school.

Tech support: maintenance on computers via remove access.

Data entry in Excel.

Graphical programming in Labview (programming test cases).

Access entering computer components/accessories; Excel/Powerpoint creating accounting/budget spreadsheets.

Worked on websites using Dreamweaver and Photoshop. Creating a DVD (director, editor, producer, etc.)

Webpage design for a local non-profits and school clubs.

Solving IT problems in my father’s lab; setting up network security.

Counselor at National Computer Camp.

Working at Echlon, using TCL to test their products.

Naval Research Lab: Fortran program to simulate combustion; UofA: programming involving DNA.

Helped out in my school’s computer lab; repaired hardware and helped with networking problems.

Started my own software company and did programming. Columnist for REALBasic programming magazine.

Web designer/developer. In charge of advertising dept in HS newspaper.

Used a computer daily in intern job at National Geographic.

Designed website for local newspaper; worked with Excel/Word/Graphics on new product for an entrepreneur.

Webmaster/video editor for A Better School of Building Inspection.

Worked as intern in an on-line game company; I tested programs to find bugs.

Interned as a junior in website development; own a website development and marketing firm.

Data entry.

I run a small graphic/web design firm with a partner.

Program website for wine wholesaler (which updated a database).

Teaching HS students to program robots.

Install/configure computers/networks in new HS (and middle school).

Set up a simple calculating/accounting program in my father’s office (in C++).

Internship at a systems engineering company, programming in C.

Searching for grants, entering data in Excel, installing/uninstalling programs.

Wrote program that analyzed/plotted anemometer data; program to integrate datasets, then analyze them.

Write administrative scripts and updated database front-end.

Process/record financial transactions as a bank teller.

Used computers for statistical analysis; wrote programs dealing with security and translation among standards.

School’s IT department, setup, maintain and inventory school’s computers (grunt work).

Created graphics for a CD label and address labels with Photoshop; also powerpoint and a bit of programming.

Working in IT dept, testing and sorting hardware/software inventories.

Web design for clients; used MS Access to analyze convention data.

Motorola intern doing database programming in SQL, VB, and (for mobile devices).

I created a website for our family business, including an ordering system in Perl.

Work in IT dept for a small company; install OS, troubleshoot, etc.

Intern writing unit tests and testing programs; assisting in website development.

Freelance web design, data entry, IT at NIST programming in cold fusion.


Designing web sites for my dad.

Implemented challenge-response authentication at CMU’s Cyber Security Laboratory.

Mathematica programming for a tomography; administrator for linux server (scripts and maintainence).

Internship at Adobe.

MathCad to best-fit data for determining period of binary start (Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysics).

Entered numeric data and analyzing using ANOVA (analysis of variance).

Supervised computer lab in my school; took care of minor software/hardware problems.

Web programmer for three summer at Nu Horizons

Favorite Computer Application

AOL Instant Messenger (9)

Adobe Illustrator (1)

Ad-Aware (1)

Appleworks (1)

Azureus (1) – a Bit Torrent client

Bit Torrent (2)

Charon (1) – a proxy anonymity tester

Eclipse (1)

Emacs (2)

Email (1)

Excel (1)

Firefox (26)

Gaim (2) – an IM Client


GNU Utilities (1)

iChat (1)

ICQ/MSN Messenger (3)

Internet (1)

Internet Explorer (6)

iTunes (5)

Jasdc Paint Shop Pro 7 (1)

Java IDE (1)

JBuilder/JCreator (3)

JPEG viewers (1)

Macromedia Flash (6)

Mathematica (1)

Maya (1)

Media Player; (3)

Mozilla Thunderbird (1)

MSN Messenger

Music Sharing Software (1)

Netbeans (2)

Netscape (1)

Notepad (2)

Outlook (4)

Paint Shot (1)

Pascal Compiler (1)

PhaseOne C1 pro (1) – an imaging application that works with raw digital camera images

Photoshop (14)

Picasa (1)

Robocode (1)

Safari (1) – Mac web browser

Ssh (1)

Studio MX (1)

Tabit (1) – a music writing application

Terminal Emulators (1)

Trillian (4) – an IM Client

vi (1) – and editor

Visual Studio/C++ (3)

VIM (1) – like the vi editor

VNC (1) – virtual network computer (allows screen sharing over internet)

Winamp (2)

Word (3)

Xcode (1) – an Apple IDE

Xterm (1)

Computer Scientists

Allen, Paul (4)

The “brains” behind Microsoft (not really); co-develop windows (not really); Microsoft founder.

Andreessen, Mark (1)

Creator of first visual browser for web, Mosaic; founder of Netscape.

Arazi, Benjamin (1)

Works on hardware/cryptography

Babbage, Charles (20)

Created Differential/Analytical Engines, the first general purpose programmed mechanical device

Backus, John (2)

Creator of FORTRAN language (and BNF: Backus Normal/Nauer Form for describing syntax)

Berners-Lee, Tim (5)

Creator of the World-Wide Web, first text browsers

Blum, Manuel (1)

Thesis Advisor for RSA Encryption (Rivest, Shamir, Adelman; I’m not sure how Manuel is connected)

Brinn, Sergey (3)

Co-founder (with Larry Page) of Google (based on a page-rank algorithm)

Bryant, Randy (1)

Developed Binary Decision Diagrams for formal verification of large circuits (Dean of SCS)

Kare, Susan (1)

Created icons on the Mac

Carmack, John (3)

Created first 3D first person games (including Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake)

Cerf, Vinton (2)

Creator of TCP/IP (protocol underlying the internet)

Church, Alonzo (2)

Lambda calculus (a mathematical system for computation) – See Turing (Church/Turing Thesis)

Codd, Edgar (1)

Relational model for databases

Cray, Seymour (2)

Supercomputing (first at Control Data Corporation, later at Cray)

Diffie, Whitfield (2)

Co-creator of Diffie-Helman key agreement protocol (for cryptography)

Dijkstra, Edsger (6)

Shortest path algorithm (and many many other interesting CS things), general CS sage

Eckert, J. Presper (2)

Creator (with John Mauchly) of first electronic computer (it did not store programs –see von Neumann)

Engelbart, Douglas (3)

Pursued idea of Augmenting Human Intellect at SRI; invented mouse; gave best demo of all time.

Gates, Bill (46)

Pancake Problem (Andrew’s Leap), Creator of early BASIC interpreters, [Q]DOS (he bought it),

Microsoft founder/CEO, developed Windows and Office (not really)

Geshke, Charles (1)

Founded Adobe (developed Postscript language for printing pages; PhD from CMU); John Warnock

Godel, Kurt (1)

Incompleteness and Halting Problem (actually, HP was Turing – the results are related)

Goodger, Ben (1)

Works at Google (helped develop Firefox browser)

Gore, Al (4)

Students joked “Inventor of Internet” (which he never claimed); instrumental in US high-tech policy

Gosling, James (11)

Creator of Java (PhD from CMU)

Hellman, Martin (2)

Co-creator of Diffie-Helman key agreement protocol (for cryptography)

Hertzfeld, Andy (1)

One of the primary Mac designers (see his book Revolution in the Valley)

Hopcroft, John (1)


Hopper, Grace Murray (8)

Creator of Cobol (first and still popular business language), worked on early high-level languages.

Programmer for the Harvard Eniac. She retired an Admiral in the Navy and has a ship named for her.

She did not coin the term “bug” (which ven Edison used); she did find an actual bug (a moth) in a relay

and knowing the term, pasted it into a logbook with caption “First actual case of a bug being found”.

de Icaza, Migel (1)

GNOME desktop and Mono project

Jacobson, Ivar (1)

Member of Object Management Group

Jobs, Steve (25)

Apple Computer, Macintosh, Pixar; business acumen (he did NOT develop any computers –Wozniak

did that, nor a GUI –SRI and Xerox PARC did that work)

Kernighan, Brian (1)

Worked at Bell Labs and made various contributions to C (wrote standard book) and unix

Knuth, Donald (10)

Wrote The Art of Computer Programming books, TeX typesetting, algorithms, literate programming

Licklider, J. C., (1)

Headed US Govt’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) during early years of CS funding,

when tremendous strides were made. A visionary in Man/Machine Communication.

Lovelace, Ada (4)

Wrote programs for Babbage’s computer (not built: see Jacquard looms/punch cards); wrote about it

Maudlin, Michael (1)

Created early search engine; Lycos (did work at CMU)

McCarthy, John (6)

Creator of Lisp; founder of Artificial Intelligence (ran Stanford AI Lab)

Metcalfe, Robert (2)

Creator of Ethernet (while at Xerox PARC)

Meier, Sid (1)

Simulation game developer (Pirates, Civilization, etc.)

Minsky, Marvin (2)

Founder of Artificial Intelligence (ran MIT AI Lab)

Mitnick, Kevin (1)

Famous hacker (I’d say infamous cracker)

Moore, Gordon (3)

Moore’s Law: number of transistors per integrated circuit grows exponentially (~double every 2 years)

von Neumann, John (9)

Artificial Intelligence, Vacuum Tubes (not really), theory of self-reproducing automata, stored-programs

Game Theory; a legend in mathematics

Newell, Allen (1)

Founder of Artificial Intelligence (CMU Professor)

Page, Larry (3)

Co-founder (with Sergey Brinn) of Google (based on a page-rank algorithm)

Pascal, Blaise (2)

Creator of machine for addition/subtraction; famous mathematician; inventing the Pascal language (

Peitz, Johan (1)

Independent programmer; founder of Free Lunch Design

Raskin, Jef (1)

Apple publications manager; leader of Mac project (ousted by Jobs). Wrote The Humane Interface

Richie, Dennis (8)

Invented C; Unix (no; Thomson rewrote Unix in C)

Rivest, Ronald (1)

MD5 (a cryptographic hash function used on the internet)

Ross, Blake (3)

Developed Firefox (an open-source browser)

Rudich, Steven (1)

Worked on Complexity Theory, the P=NP problem (CMU professor; head of Andrew’s Leap program)

Shannon, Claude (4)

Creator of Information Theory, which underlies communication technology

Shockley, William (1)

Invention of Transistors (more EE)

Simon, Herbert (1)

Founder of Artificial Intelligence (CMU Professor); polymath; Nobel Price in Economics

Stallman, Richard (4)

Founder of Free Software Foundation (GPL), developer of emacs, gcc, gdb, and other utilities in Linux

Steele, Guy (1)

Contributions to Lisp (especially Scheme)

Stroustrup, Bjarne (10)

Creator of C++

Taco, Commander (1)

Creator of Slashdot (a web site where programming is discussed).

Tannenbaum, Andrew (1)

Textbook author (OS/Networks); Creator of Minix (which Torvalds read and modeled Linux after)

Tevanian, Avie (1)

Mach (operating system) Kernel; worked at Next then Apple (PhD from CMU).

Thales (1)

Rigorous Proofs

Thompson, Ken (3)

Creator of unix (after Richie created C, rewrote unix in C).

Torvalds, Linus (24)

Creator of kernel for Linux (an open-source operating system)

Turing, Alan (37)

Church/Turing Thesis, Computer Models (Turing Machine), AI Test, actually built early computer,

cracking Enigma code in WW II. ACM’s Turing Award (the “nobel prize” in CS).

Wall, Larry (2)

Creator of Perl programming language.

Warnock, John (2)

Founded Adobe (developed Postscript language for printing pages); John Warnock

Weiser, Mark (1)

Ubiquitous Computing (computing always available/computer receding into the background)

Wirth, Niklaus (1)

Well-known system (software and hardware) designer. Creator of Pascal/Modula family of languages.

Wolfram, Stephen (1)

Creator of Mathematica, wrote A New Kind of Science about automata theory.

Wozniak, Steve (8)

The “brains” behind Apple; his designs got more functionality from fewer chips than his contemporaries.

Wright, Will (1)

Creator of many simulation games (e.g., SimCity, the Sims, etc).

Zuse, Konrad (1)

Creator of first/early relay-based computer Z1-Z4 (Germany) and first High Level language, Plankalkul.

Most Interesting

Blank (3)

Programming in Java

An O(N log N) sort: mergesort

There are few things that cannot be expressed as code.

The Department of Defense invented the Internet.

Programs can be written to solve math puzzles.

The depth of logic in programming applications.

The amount of work/programming goes into the simplest commands.

The ability to use recursion.

How computer can work together to make the world better, making things efficient.

Object oriented program design.

The same software can run on different hardware: e.g., Linux kernel can be compiled for any architecture.

Synthetic diamonds might take the place of silicon; recursion.

Simple algorithms are able to solve complex problems.

How beautiful it is to make algorithms and see the finished product of what may seem like meaningless code.

What kind of question is that? There are way to many choices. (yes, lots of choices. I asked you to pick one!)

Quantum information processing may make classical encryption methods obsolete.

Data networks and communications.


Computers control so much of our daily lives.

Can build computers out of simple AND, NOR, etc. gates. Complex devices can be build from simple parts.

You can solve anything with a computer.

I can create programs/do research on interesting topics.

How to think algorithmically.

How to program.

Moore’s law.

It has so much potential and we’ve only gotten our feet wet.

How much computers can do.

AI on a neural net could create a mind completely unlike our own.


That I hardly know anything.

The concepts in the Mono JIT, register allocation, etc.

Cryptography (in The Code Book by Simon Singh) especially quantum cryptography.

Moore’s law.

Learning enough C++ to write my own game.

Universal computers: that a simple computer can do what a complex one can (given enough time/space).

People are constantly able to make computers faster (even though they have already been made much faster).

Ability to solve a similar but different problem with the same program.

Fundamental principles of AI and how some expert systems work.

On/off is the basis for all computers and computing.

It takes years to develop a professional piece of software.

How fast technology is progressing and how different computers are from what they were a decade ago.

Difference in operating systems; how much there is behind the actual computer components such as transistors.


The dedication Steve Jobs has to his products.

PID controllers.

How easily and quickly computers can solve problems (compared to working by hand).

The internet is just a series of computers part of a greater whole. Its content is incomprehensible.

Complex programs are sometimes required for simple tasks.

CS has no limitations; it can create worlds.

The logic used to write programs.

The rate that technology (e.g., graphics) gets better.

The most interesting things about computing are those that we haven’t learned yet.


What once required warehouse-sized technology can now be done on a cell phone.

How shortsighted intelligent people in the 1940s were about the future of computing.

How to program in Java.

Object-oriented programming.

WW II code breaking machines, invented before conventional computers.

They can estimate universal formulas that would be difficult to calculate exactly.

Its versatility; computers do so much that someone with interests in computing can go into so many fields.

All operations are carried out on binary data.

PC doing billions of calculations/second render photorealistic physical simulations.

All of a computer’s capabilities can be reduced to a series of electrical pulses.

When learning C, I was shocked to discover computers are very dumb and require careful instructions.

Making 3D graphics.

How rapidly it has advanced.

Java was originally developed to control household appliances.

Computing connects to so many areas.

Many complex and amazing things result from he locations of electrons.

How computers/math combine for photorealistic lighting: shadow, reflection, refraction, radiosity, …

Through programming, a computer can make decisions on prespecified conditions.

Everything is a bunch of 0s and 1s.

It has amazingly broad applications.

The history of the Mac: silicon valley to Xerox PARC to Apple – leading to the creation of “real” PCs.


Anything in software can be implemented mechanically (mechanical predated electronic).

The number of devices associated with computing, and the amount of computing power available worldwide.

Limitless possibilities of computing; a few lines of code can make versatile time-saving programs.

Logical programming.

There is no area where a computer cannot be applied or used.

The computing world boomed and sizes shrank and speed/capacity grew.

Principles of language design.

Can sort, analyze, calculate a large amount of information flawless and quickly (given the right commands).

It is simple to create role-playing games given technology advancements.

Programming isn’t as hard as I thought it would be (but debugging is harder).

How the processor works and communicates with other components.

The history behind the “bug” and how they found an actual bug in the relays of a computer.

You can create any application and have it do any function, providing you take the time to write it.

IA-32 assembly language; making metal/plastic generate streaming images for output.

All programming is based on binary.

Ubiquitous computing.

CS is a rapidly growing field.

Use of a common intermediary language for compiling (e.g., MS Net platform).

Capabilities of genetic programming and its implications for artificial intelligence.

Networking, especially wireless.

Programming languages and paradigms: procedural, object-oriented, functional, generative.

How many applications they have, useful in so many fields.

How to manipulate functionality through programming.

The concept of an algorithm.

Checking email and using MSN.

Improvements in programming.

Pages of code can be converted into virtual machines which are capable of doing phenomenal things.

That there are deterministic “non-computable” systems which can be proven to not be solvable by algorithms.

So many things can be done with a simple language like C.

The mathematics underlying computers.

Computers do just what they are programmed to do; efficiency reflects a smart programmer.

Many different ways/programs to do the same task.

Most things can be simulated on a computer; complex factors can be broken down into simple logic.

Everything is made up of binary code (0s and 1s).

The rate at which it is advancing.

It is governed by a relatively small elite.

Scientists are using the spin states of atoms as bits of data in quantum computers.

Computing revolves around our lives and is a useful tool; every field can use it to enrich people’s lives.

How much computers have changed over the years; from huge to laptops.

Progress in computing.

What seemed like magic I know to be code, and I can influence that code.

The social revolution brought about by networking.

The origin of the term “bug”.

Everything is interesting.

Intellectual Property (IP) Rights/Computing

If property rights are not enforced, there will be no incentive to produce quality content.

When multimillionaires stop price gouging their products, people will slow their downloading.

Downloading (e.g., listening to music) should require paying; for instructional/educational purposes, not paying.

I’m not going to pay $300 for using photoshop an hour/week; I try to use open source as much as possible.

Respect whatever the original owner wants.

Stopped downloading; MP3 not as bad as CD burning; open-source won’t replace commercial market.

Tolerable if the “pirate” has no other means of obtaining the product.

I think you should have to pay it in some respect; if they ask too much, people will find a way to get it for free.

Cheaper software would mean less pirating; I pay for music on iTunes.

Complaints against downloading are weak; “artists” want folks to pay money for the privilege of listening.

Software/Movie/Music companies realized they couldn’t charge so much; industries forced to be more realistic.

I oppose RIAA stance, but do not condone illegal downloading. Software should move towards open-source.

Companies should follow an open-source model; laws should be obeyed.

Those with power/money exhibit fear, anxiety, greed; Intellectual Property issues shouldn’t hinder research.

Downloading is a byproduct of advancement.

Property rights aren’t compatible with the existence of the internet.

There is a balance between rewarding innovation and freedom of information. Gov. should tread carefully.

IP rights should be honored ethically/legally; but holders morally/ethically must use them to serve society.

Overblown; availability of pirated copy of expensive software provides marketing tool (and eventual buyers).

Creators need to be paid, but prices are too high, causing downloading. Some balance must be found.

Like open source, but can see why content providers are upset. Free is good for programs but not music/movies.

Programmers need money to live, but solutions to problems should not be kept hidden. Not like other property.

Producers should have the right to stop downloading.

It is easier to buy than hack it securely. A vulgar use of ability.

Theft won’t be stop (wrong or right) and movie/music industry will have to innovate around that fact.

I don’t support illegal downloading, but things cost too much. Both sides should compromise.

I condone downloading. CDs are overpriced and subpar music. iTunes is still a little expensive too.

I’ve cut down on downloading; I don’t think downloading is right, but I think some things need to change.

Anything that can be sensed can be copied (even with digital rights management); entertainment will adapt.

Illegal software copying makes software develop faster.

I’ll buy a CD for $10; $18 for a CD is ridiculous. Pirating is wrong, but industry (by pricing) encourages it.

Lines are drawn thinly, but any type of piracy should be looked down on.

I care about open source licenses. As for other licenses, I ignore them. In music, I take what I need.

Downloading music is illegal, but I should be able to do anything I want with purchased materials (copy them).

You should respect the artists but downloading is more convenient and cheaper.

Compromise between seller’s rights/buyer’s desire; copy protection is a stopgap solution; need societal norms.

Immoral to steal/music is very overpriced. I purchase to support my favorite artists. Friends send me downloads.

Downloading is stealing someone’s hard work/profit. Sampling might help; most products are overpriced.

Free market forces should determine the price of intellectual property. Theft should be discouraged.

IP rights should be respected, but not used as a tool to make huge profits. Sharing should be advocated.

Even with downloads available, people should pay for products they really like.

People should feel guilty downloading (when iTunes exists). Artists aren’t rich; they need to earn a living.

When someone creates something with their mind it is their property; others should not be able to just take it.

I believe that it is important to protect the property rights of others. I won’t download copyrighted materials.

There are ways to protect IP; if not protecte, then people don’t care if it is downloaded (but not for profit).

I am a fan, but they make the world a more bureaucratic place. I admire those who code open source.

People work hard to produce content; they deserve compensation.

Important for creators to profit, downloading is best way to figure out what to buy.

If IP rights are not upheld, I hope I still have a job in the future.

Wrong to improperly use the internet to download software or music illegally.

Laws are antiquated. Content industry must embrace technology in a connected world with fat bandwidth.

It is “over the line” to download the work of others. People should pay for content or create their own.

IP rights must be protected.

Downloading is fine, as long as it doesn’t cause any harm.

If it is copyrighted, obtaining it for free is wrong; but it is not wrong if not copyrighted.

I’m against piracy, but could never afford the thousands of dollars of software I run on my computer.

If music CDs didn’t cost $15-20, I’d stop downloading music.

Stealing property is wrong; however, it is unpreventable.

Since files are just a series of electrons, they belong to no one and therefore should not be considered property.

Downloading is wrong, but not so much if downloaders support the band at concerts, buying merchandise, etc.

I see both sides to argument.

Downloading should be uninhibited; virtual property is different than physical property; there are limitations.

A vice I share with my peers; hard to find sympathy for monopolies ripping off artists and consumers.

The sharing of information is fine if no one is harmed.

IP should be protected; some people deserve piracy (the music industry overcharges/under compensates artists).

It is not right to download copyrighted works without paying, but that doesn’t stop many people (including me).

A commercial product is the property of the creator; download is violates copyrights and is illegal.

As a developer, I disapprove of piracy (but I have downloaded music). IP rights imply there will be theft.

Internet is wealth of information; individuals should be responsible for own property (no govt. interferences).

Downloading is not a good thing (unless you pay for it).

Violation of IP rights is illegal but it will never cease.

Artists should be paid for their creations; people shouldn’t download music without paying.

People have right to own their own works. Companies shouldn’t take advantage. Downloaders buy CDs too.

Downloading can be bad (stealing from an artist) or good (artists distributing through a network of friends).

People have the right to be compensated for what they create.

It is stealing; sometimes it is useful for previewing products (giving access to students the can’t afford to buy it).

Any property downloaded should be paid for, unless the owner has waived those rights.

It is wrong to download copyrighted works; intellectual rights need to be respected.

Pirating is a clear copyright violation; networks are being explored as a revolutionary distribution system.

Effects not fully understood; piracy is wrong, but downloading can have a positive effect too.

Important for crediting creators, but they should try to share; downloading can be positive: interest in product.

Applications violating copyright are essential technology for future business models; IP: important but abused.

I respect rights no new products but small change rights are abused. IP holders sometimes are too restrictive.

Downloading not a crime: forum for new artists to gain exposure; should be nominal charge for downloading.

IP rights are beneficial to people.

IP rights is a sticky question, but people should definitely be given credit for their ideas.

Fine now: everyone likes freebies; but many won’t search/post/download; stars don’t need money.

Absolute enforcement of IP right is not viable. Knowledge of ethical issues/individual’s conscience may help.

Some IP is publicly available for downloading; for copyrighted material, uploader/server is responsible.

Patents too easy to obtain; restrictions on format manipulations (conversion) should be reduced/eliminated.

Respect other’s work; but industries should make their product affordable to the general public.

Downloading identical to books/television (sharing ideas); more copyright cases with books than the internet.

I’m biased by self-interest, but I think it is wrong for RIAA to sue students.

Downloading should be illegal; companies should not use Digital Right Management to limit owner’s use.

Power of digital distribution will cause reworking of IP laws; the jump is too great for the current rules.

Good ideas should be shared in the computing world, but appropriate [sic] must be give where it is due.

When someone takes work that is created by otehrs, it is stealing; it isn’t appropriate (even for education).

Downloading is wrong, but will continue until material available cheaply. Industry is moving in right direction.

While property is a basic human right, IP should be public to work as a catalyst in the flood of information.

Downloading is illegal but not harmful; companies lose little money; if people like content, they will buy it.

Allowed me to explore new music genres; this caused me to buy CDs I would have otherwise ignored.

While downloading/file sharing has proved invaluable, I respect IP rights and that principle must come first.

I’m a proponent of protection of IP but also of p2p/bit torrent networks for the good they can do.

Unfortunate producers don’t make money they deserve, but the world would improve if information were free.

Unauthorized copying is illegal/immoral; cases (abandoned works/fair use) where it is moral; tech should allow.

Pirating is wrong; artist/companies deserve compensation; open-source is beneficial to creative/technical folks.

Complicated: work is property and creator should be compensated; open-source promotes advancement.

Sharing IP helps develop more; we need to balance sharing/protecting; illegal downloading breaks the balance.

I download music legally (iTunes), and I don’t let my friends take it; I cannot affect what they do otherwise.

IP right are needed (time, effort, intelligence); although nothing physical is stolen, all the 0s/1s worth something

Everyone has the right to reliable copy protection for the control of distribution of their IP.

Downloading copyrighted material is wrong, but RIAA/MPAA is being too aggressive.

People have the right to.

Creators have the right to profit; illegal copying is an infringement of that creator’s rights.

IP rights are ignored; many people don’t know downloading is illegal; we must teach these people.

You should buy stuff legally; recently aired TV shows are fair game (but not movies, songs, etc.)

Open-source is great; downloading illegally is stealing; changing the economy (talent makes too much $).

DRM is excessive; complete freedom for bought products: e.g., bought CDs should be able to be ripped.

Studies show no one is losing money because of piracy; IP/downloading will reach some mutual agreement.

People should not steal IP; if two IP are slightly different, they are separate; consumers: “free is free”.

No free downloading unless owner wants it.

IP should obey economic laws (supply/demand, competition); vital necessities (OS, utilities) should be free.

Downloading is a reaction against the rising cost of content; illegal but necessary.

Convention theft doesn’t apply to IP duplication; owners lose money, but downloaders wouldn’t buy anyway.

Restrictions need to stop people from going overboard; I’m happy with the balance at the moment.

Some downloads are legal; I can see why musicians have problems with downloading their work.

Cannot legislate morals; important to consider the people you may affect.

Downloading is fine; stuff on the internet is “free game”; prices are often ridiculous (companies must change).

Artists have the right to distribute/restrict access; users should respect these wishes.

Downloading encourages sales; companies should find a way to use it to their advantage.

I’ve downloaded illegally, usually buying the CD (which I wouldn’t have otherwise). One track buying is better.

Colleges for High School Friends

Alfred University (1)

Allegheny College (2)

American University (1)

Baylor (1)

Blue Ridge Community College (1)

Brigham Young University (1)

Boston College/University (10)

Brandeis (2)

Brown University (4)

Bucknell (1)

Cal Tech (11)

California University of PA (1)

Cambridge (1)

Carelton (1)

Carnegie Mellon (26)

Case Western (5)

Champlain College (1)

Clarkson (1)

College of Westchester (1)

Colorado School of Mines (2)

Colorado University – Boulder (1)

Columbia University (7)

Cornell (29)

Dartmouth University (2)

Davidson (1)

Drexel (6)

Duke University (15)

Duquesne University (1)

Earlham College (1)

Edinburgh University (1)

Emory (2)

Embry-Riddle University (1)

Fitchburg State College (1)

Florida Institute of Technology (1)

Florida State University (1)

George Mason University (2)

Georgetown (2)

Georgia Tech (13)

Grove City (2)

Harvard (1)

Harvey Mudd College (1)

Hawaii University (1)

Humboldt State (1)

Imperial College –England (1)

Indian Institute of Technology (2)

Johns Hopkins University (6)

James Madison University (1)

Lehigh University (2)

Loyola University (1)

Marshall University (1)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (29)

McGill (2)

Miami University (1)

Michigan State (2)

Morehouse College (1)

Mount Holyoke (1)

Mount Wachusett CC (1)

Nanyang Technological University (1)

National University of Singapore (2)

New York University (9)

North Carolina State (1)

Northeastern University (2)

Northwestern University (3)

Notre Dame (2)

Ohio State University (2)

Olin College (2)

Pennsylvania State University (11)

Pomona College (1)

Princeton (10)

Punjab University (1)

Purdue (5)

Radford University(1)

Rensseleaer Polytechnic Institute (7)

Rhode Island School of Design (1)

Rice University (2)

Rochester Institute of Technology (14)

Rose Hulman Institute of Technology (2)

Rutgers (4)

St. Vincents (1)

Salem State College (1)

Savannah College of Art and Design (1)

Seoul National University (1)

Skidmore (1)

Stanford University (16)

State University of NY (3)

Stevens Institute of Technology (1)

Texas A & M (4)

Thiel (1)

Trinity College (1)

Tufts (2)

Tulane (1)

University of Akron (1)

University of California – Berkeley (12)

University of California – Davis (3)

University of California – Irvine (1)

University of California – Los Angeles (1)

University of California – San Diego (1)

University of California – Santa Barbara (2)

University of California – Santa Cruz (1)

University of Chicago (4)

University of Connecticut (3)

University of Delaware (1)

University of Florida (3)

University of Illinois/Champaign-Urbana (10)

University of Illinois/Chicago (3)

University of Indiana (1)

University of Maryland – College Park (8)

University of Massachusetts (5)

University of Miami (2)

University of Michigan (8)

University of Minnesota (1)

University of New Hampshire (1)

University of New Orleans (1)

University of North Carolina (4)

University of Pittsburgh (10)

University of Pennsylvania (12)

University of Rochester (3)

University of Southern California – USC (3)

University of Texas – Austin (3)

University of Texas – Dallas (2)

University of Utah (1)

University of Vermont (1)

University of Virginia (15)

University of Wisconsin (3)

Ursinus College (1)

Villanova University (3)

Virginia Tech (15)

Wake Forest (1)

George Washington University (1)

Washington University – St. Louis (3)

Webb Institute (1)

Wellesley (1)

Wesleyan (1)

Westminster College (1)

Williams College (2)

William and Mary (2)

Wittenberg University (1)

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (4)

Yale (4)

Schools You Turned Down to Come to CMU

Amherst College (1)

Baylor (1)

Boston College/University (9)

Bowdoin (1)

Brandeis (2)

Brown University (1)

Bucknell (3)

Cal Tech (3)

Case Western Reserve (11)

Clarkson (1)

Colombia University (3)

Cornell (17)

Delhi College of Engineering (1)

Drexel (1)

Duke (4)

Duquesne (1)

Elon University (1)

Florida Institute of Technology (2)

George Mason University (1)

Georgetown (2)

Georgia Tech (14)

Grinnell College (1)

Hampshire College (1)

Harvey Mudd (4)

Haverford (1)

Hope College (1)

Illinois Institute of Technology (2)

Imperial College –England (1)

Indiana University of PA (1)

Johns Hopkins University (8)

Kettering University (1)

Lehigh University (4)

Mt. Holyoke (1)

Marshall University (1)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2)

McGill (2)

National University of Singapore (1)

New York University – NYU (4)

Northeastern (4)

Northwestern (6)

Notre Dame (3)

Ohio State University (3)

Pennsylvania State University (6)

Purdue (3)

Rensseleaer Polytechnic Institute (22)

Rice University (4)

Rochester Institute of Technology (14)

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (4)

Rutgers (2)

Savannah College of Art and Design (1)

Smith College (1)

State University of NY – Binghampton (2)

State University of NY – Stony Brook (2)

Stevens Institute of Technology (2)

Swarthmore (1)

Tufts (3)

University of California – Berkeley (3)

University of California – Davis (3)

University of California – Irvine (1)

University of California – Los Angeles (3)

University of California – San Diego (4)

University of Chicago (1)

University of Connecticut (2)

University of Edinburgh – Scotland (2)

University of Florida (2)

University of Illinois – Champaign/Urbana (13)

University of Illinois – Chicago (1)

University of Kentucky (1)

University of Maryland –College Park (10)

University of Massachusetts (5)

University of Miami (2)

University of Michigan (9)

University of New Orleans (1)

University of North Carolina (4)

University of Pennsylvania (4)

University of Pittsburgh (7)

University of Rochester (6)

University of Southampton – England (3)

University of Southern California – USC (4)

University of Texas – Austin (3)

University of Vermont (1)

University of Virginia (6)

University of Washington (1)

Virginia Tech (8)

Washington University (3)

Warwick University – England (1)

Wesleyan University (1)

William and Mary (1)

Worcester Polytechnic University (9)

York University – England (1)

Schools Preferred to CMU

Brown (3)

Cal Tech (2)

Cornell (2)

Duke (1)

Florida State (1)

Harvard (4)

Johns Hopkins University (2)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (33)

New York University (1)

Princeton (3)

Rice (1)

Stanford (15)

University of California – Berkeley (4)

Yale (1)

Why a CS Major

Special Effects in Movies

High School Class

Find Computers Fascinating.

Both parents have advanced CS degrees; always have had an intuitive feel for computing

First experience with computing (in 10th grade) were interesting.

I like computers.

It was most fun.

My first-hand experience with programming.

Enjoyed programming courses in school (did a computer program for my senior project).

I took intor to C++ in 9th grade and loved it.

Early fascination with special effects and computer animation; can use math and physics to do something.

My CS classes in HS: I enjoyed them and enjoyed doing the work.

Experiences with CS projects; success in CS courses, interest in science and math.

I have always loved working on computers.

I am interested in robotics.

An affinity to mathematics and computing.

It has a wide range of applications.

I read research papers.

Programmed at a young age and got hooked; a curiosity to understand the architecture of complex systems.

My childhood dream is to study computer science.

A general infatuation with computes as well as my liking the challenge of programming.

Enjoyed programming (since 5th grade). Running my school’s website made me more interested.

Using computers every day; the opportunity/ability to solve every logical problem (and that you can solve them).

I like math/CS; I can tap into any field and create programs.

Ever since 8th grade I’ve loved it like no other subject in school.

My high school programming course and the PA Governor’s School for IT.

My enjoyment and abilities with programming a computer.

My dad has been interested in CS. It is something I never tire of.

Being exposed to computers as a child; money.

My interest in computer programming.

Took a course from a great teacher; went on to an AP course at a college.

SAMS program at CMU (after my sophomore year).

Liked my experiences as a programmer.

I’ve used computers forever, but never taken any sort of CS class; I need teachers now.

Fell in love with movies made entirely with computer graphics.

My first experience with computers and my first programming class in HS.

Math is boring; chemistry and biology are mostly memorization; I don’t want to spend life doing physics.

My dad (who always uses computers he’s a process control engineer) and my love of math.

Rapid advancement in CS during my formative years (grades 8-10).

To be able to break out of the binary system.

My enjoyment of programming courses in HS. A wide range of available careers.

When I started teaching programming courses I fell in love with the field.

I want to do robotics.

My love and interest in computers and technology.

Technology has always been important in my family.

CS let me deal with graphics; CS is logical and makes so much sense.

Reaction of my friends to the first game I wrote in Visual Basic.

I always liked messing around with computers and loved my Java course.

I enjoy programming and learning about things that can be programmed.

My passion for computers and technology.

Watching “Pirates of Silicon Valley” cemented my desire to program and create. Multimedia is my focus.

My dad is a CS professor and I am fascinated by his work; computers are crucial in our daily lives.

Advised by HS teachers (because I was creative).

Interest in programming.

Computer games (first playing, late studying).

My experience programming/thinking/theorizing as well as my understanding of the field.

Couldn’t pursue music; interested in CS and had a knack for it.

Skills in computing and computer programming: I want to perfect what I am good at already.

I love everything about computers and am fascinated by them.

In 5th grade I learned Microworlds and loved it (spending lots of time making my own games).

My dad and his introducing me to computers.

I want to do something I can enjoy.

A math mentor in elementary school introduced me to QBASIC and I got hooked on programming and robots.

The challenge in problem solving.

My love of math/science and my interest in technology.

Videogames pointed me towards CS; developed profound fascination with the logical workings of computers.

Programming courses in HS and using computers a lot (fun or otherwise).

I like playing around with computers, creating stuff. I want to develop my talents.

The challenge of solving problems; skills valuable in job market.

Both my parents have PhDs in CS. I had early exposure and guidance in CS.

I like to play with computers.

Advice from parents; huge potential for computing.

I could use my technical abilities and still be creative.

I’m interested in problem solving and learning how things work. Computers have been a long-time hobby.

Enjoyed CS in HS and working on my own (outside of a classroom context).

I like computers and have always been interested in them.

Attracted by graphics/human interface aspects of computing; limitless possibilities waiting to be discovered.

My mom does career counseling and I took tons of assessments. My freshman Visual Basic course hooked me.

Experience in CS courses.

My first computer.

My CS teacher and friends; encouraged me to go beyond graphic design, and get a programming background.

Using computers (we had no TV) and learning to program.

My dad did cool things with technology, and I’d like to do the same.

Lots of computers around me and the impact they have had.

Excelled in CS and pursued programming.

I have been interested in programming (it is fun and challenging).

When I took at CS class, I fell in love with programming.

I have a flair for programming.

My parents are software engineers.

I have had a strong interest in computer since a young age.

Computer technology’s role in everyday life; my HS programming classes and teacher’s encouragement.

My interest in computers, my enjoyment of programming (I know programming ≠CS).

I’m interested and have aptitude; challenging; provides excellent opportunities after graduation.

Middle+HS programming.

Participated in CMU Cognitive Tutor program.

Taking AP CS and the fact I spend a lot of the time around computer.

I enjoy programming, writing useful applications and scripts, and computer graphics.

I love to create things; my family has worked with CPU since the mainframe; programming.

AP CS in HS. Still see incredible potential for growth.

Curiosity about computer programming.

Parents are programmers; brother is a CS major; I have liked classes I’ve taken involving computers.

I genuinely enjoy programming.

Lifelong love of and interest in computers; my AP CS class.

Life long interest; 10th grade Science Fair project.

Computers/Programming are the only practical things that have caught and held my interest.

I’ve always loved working with computers.

I have a logical mind; have used computers for a long time; when started programming, knew this was for me.

My dad is a programmer (and uncle/two cousins); I feel satisfaction when I learn something about computers.

Computer algorithms.

Its fun.

I have always been interested in cutting-edge technology.

A love of computing and my AP CS course.

I enjoy programming and AI more than anything else.

My dad works with computers, so I grew up around them.

I enjoy working with computers and mathematics.

My first computer purchase; my introduction to programming in BASIC.

I have a family background in computing.

CS is fun, interesting, and versatile.

I spend all my time in front of a computer.

Love of working with/programming computers; elation of thinking and solving problems.

Pure interest through movie, graphics, etc. Tweaking something to perfection; efficient at little cost.

Computers are here to stay and will reshape civilization for the foreseeable future.

Satisfaction of creating a program; AP CS.

Interest in AI.

I was responsible for trouble-shooting problems on my home computer.

Russian Heritage & affluence there of math/cs.

Strong interest/background in computers.

I enjoy programming, and do so in my free time.

Taking CS classes in HS; I had one of the best teachers who taught us about the real world.

Either wanted to do cs, engineering, or medicine.

Loved taking C++; interested not only in languages but in theory too.

CS classes in HS and programming project I worked on last summer (robot path planning).

Natural talent and interest.

Learning something new or completing a program is the most enjoyable experience I could have.

The field is broad; the complexity of endless information is appealing.

After Graduation

AI/Cognitive Studies (5)

Army (1)

Computer Animation/ Graphics/Special Effects (10)

Computer Programmer (1)

Congressman (1)

Cryptography (2)

Educational Software (1)

Entrepreneur (8)

Film Scoring (1)

Game Software (7)

Government (1)

Graduate School (53)

Hardware (1)

High Paying Job (3)

IT Management/Security (2)

International Relations (1)

Law School (1)

MBA (12)

Medical School (1)

NASA (2)

Peace Corps (1)

Programming/Software (8)

Research (5)

Robotics (6)

Software Engineering (2)

Startup (work at) (1)

Security (1)

Simulation (1)

Statistics (1)

Teach (1)

Theoretical Computer Science (1)

Travel (2)

Video Games (5)

Virtual Reality (1)


51 Dates (1)

1941 (1)

AI (1)

Almost Famous (1)

Amelie (1)

American Beauty (1)

Analysze This (1)

Austin Powers (1)

Back to the Future (1)

A Beautiful Mind (1)

The Big Lebowski (1)

Blade Runner (10

Boondock Saints (1)

The Bourne Identity (2)

Braveheart (2)

The Breakfast Club (1)

Brazil (1)

Conan The Barbarian (1)

Contact (1)

Crash (1)

Dirty Harry (1)

Donnie Darko (3)

Dr. Stangelove (1)

Edward Scissorhands (1)

Erin Brockovich (1)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (1)

Event Horizon (1)

Ever After (1)

Fantasia (2)

Fight Club (3)

Finding Forrester (1)

Forest Gump (2)

Gattaca (1)

Gladiator (3)

The Godfather (3)

Gosford Park (1)

The Graduate (1)

Hero (1)

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (1)

The Incredibles (1)

John Q (1)

Kill Bill (2)

Lord of the Rings (9)

Magnolias (1)

The Matrix (7)

Memento (1)

Mighty Ducks (1)

Minority Report (1)

Miracle (1)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1)

Oceans Eleven (2)

Office Space (3)

Pirates of the Carribbean (1)

Powder (1)

Psycho (1)

Pulp Fiction (3)

Rat Race (1)

Remember the Titans (1)

Reservoir Dogs (1)

Rush Hour (1)

The Shawshank Redemption (2)

Serendipity (1)

Shrek (1)

Snatch (1)

Sneakers (1)

Spaceballs (1)

Spirited Away (1)

Stalag 17 (1)

Star Wars (12)

Thirteen Days (1)

The Truman Show (2)

Troy (1)

Twister (1)

UHF (1)

Unleashed (1)

Waiting for Guffman (1)

Young Frankenstein (1)

Zoolander (1)


Richard Dean Anderson (1)

Jennifer Anniston (1)

Amitabh Bachchan (1)

John Belushi (1)

Orlando Bloom (1)

Matthew Broderick (1)

Adrian Brody (1)

Nicolas Cage (2)

Bruce Campbell (1)

Jim Carry (1)

Sean Connery (4)

Russell Crowe (3)

Johnny Depp (11)

Leonardo DiCaprio (1)

Clint Eastwood (1)

Dakota Fanning (1)

Laurence Fishburne (1)

Harrison Ford (3)

Morgan Freeman (1)

Jennifer Garner (1)

Mel Gibson (2)

Hugh Grant (1)

Joan Gruffudd (1)

Jake Gyleenhaal (1)

Tom Hanks (6)

Audrey Hepburn (1)

Jeremy Irons (1)

Shahrukh Khan (1)

Jet Li (1)

Lucy Liu (1)

Christopher Lloyd (1)

Michael Madsen (1)

Groucho Marx (1)

Eddie Murphy (1)

Bill Murray (1)

Robert De Niro (1)

Jack Nicholson (1)

Edward Norton (4)

Al Pacino (1)

Gergory Peck (1)

Brad Pitt (2)

Natalie Portman (1)

Julia Roverts (2)

Adam Sandler (1)

Arnold Schwartnegger (1)

Will Smith (2)

Jimmy Stewart (1)

Patrick Stewart (1)

Ben Stiller (2)

Jason Stratham (1)

Audrey Tautou (2)

Christopher Walken (1)

Denzel Washington (1)

Robin Williams (3)

Bruce Willis (1)

Own Wilson (1)

Gundam Wing (1)

Kate Winslet (1)

Zang Zi Yi (1)


10th Grade (1)

1984 (1)

Angels and Demons (2)

Anthem (1)

Atlas Shrugged (1)

The Awakening (1)

The Bell Jar (1)

Bible (1)

Brave New World (2)

A Brief History of Time (2)

The Cardinal of the Kremlin (1)

Catch 22 (1)

The Chronicles of Narnia (1)

The Clan Wars (1)

Crime and Punishment (1)

Cyrano de Bergerac (1)

Dark Jewels Trilogy (1)

The DaVinci Code (1)

Digital Fortress (1)

The Death Gate Cycle (1)

Dune (3)

The Emperor’s New Mind (1)

Ender’s Game (4)

Endor Series (1)

Eyes of a Child (1)

A Farewell to Arms (1)

Fight Club (1)

The Foundation (1)

Godel, Escher, Bach (2)

The Great Book of Amber (1)

The Great Gatsby (1)

Guliver’s Travels(1)

Harry Potter (6)

Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (5)

The Hobbit (1)

House of Leaves (1)

Job: A Comedy of Justice (1)

Kane and Abel (1)

Ishmael (1)

Lord of the Rings (5)

The Mythical Man-Month (1)

Neuromancer (1)

Notes from the Underground (2)

Nothing Lasts Forever (1)

The Odyssey (1)

On Intelligence (1)

The Perfect Day (1)

Power of One (1)

Pride and Prejudice (3)

The Purpose Drive Life (1)

A Raisin in the Sun (1)

Rocket Boys (1)

Running Linux (1)

The Screwtape Letters (1)

Silmarillon (1)

Skybowl (1)

Slaughterhouse Five (1)

Speaker for the Dead (1)

Stalking Darkness (1)

Steppenwolf (1)

Tao of Pooh (1)

Their Eyes Were Watching God (1)

Three Kingdoms (1)

The Three Musketeers (2)

The Things They Carried (1)

To Hell and Back (1)

To Kill a Mockingbird (1)

Watership Down (1)

Welcome to the Monkey House (1)

Wizard’s First Rule (1)


Douglas Adams (4)

Jeffrey Archer (2)

Isaac Asimov (1)

Jane Austen (3)

Dave Barry (1)

Anne Bishop (1)

Ray Bradbury (1)

David Brin (1)

Dale Brown (1)

Dan Brown (5)

Orson Scott Card (4)

Tom Clancy (1)

Paolo Coelho (1)

Anne Coulter (1)

Bryce Courtenay (1)

Michael Crichton (2)

Mark Z. Danielewski (1)

Daniel Dennet (1)

Fydor Dostoyevsky (2)

Alexander Dumas (1)

David Eddings (1)

F. Scott Fitzgerald (1)

Lynn Flewelling (1)

William Gibson (1)

Steven Hawking (2)

Jeff Hawkins (1)

Robert A. Heinlein (1)

Joseph Heller (1)

Ernest Hemmingway (2)

Frank Herbert (4)

Hermann Hesse (1)

Homer Hickham (1)

Zora Neale Hurston (1)

John Irving (1)

Robert Jordan (1)

Jack Kerouac (1)

Ron Klinger (1)

Haper Lee (1)

Ira Levin (1)

C.S. Lewis (3)

Yann Martel (1)

Haruki Murakami (1)

Gwan-joong Na (1)

Tim O’Brien (1)

George Orwell (1)

Chuck Palahniuk (1)

Roger Penrose (1)

Sylvia Plath (1)

Terry Pratchett (5)

Ayn Rand (3)

Melanie Rawn (1)

Anne Rice (2)

J.K. Rowling (3)

David Sedaris (1)

Neal Stephenson (1)

J.R.R. Tolkien (3)

Vernor Vinge (1)

Kurt Vonnegut (1)

David Foster Wallace (1)

Rick Warren (1)

Josepth Weisberg (1)

Jack Whyte (1)

Thomas Wolfe (1)


70s Music (1)

Alternative Rock (3)

Bollywood (Hindi) Music (1)

Chinese Rock/Pop (1)

Christian Rock (2)

Classical (3)

Classic Rock (5)

Country (1)

Gospel (1)

Hindi Folk (1)

Hip-hop (1)

Indian Music (1)

Indie Rock (1)

Jazz (3)

Metal (2)

New Age (1)

Pop (2)

Rap (3)

Rhythm & Blues (1)

Rock (8)

Serbian Classic Rock (1)

Smooth Jazz (1)

Soundtracks (2)

Swing (1)

Trance/Techno (2)


3 Doors Down (1)

30 Seconds to Mars (1)

J. S. Bach (1)

Backstreet Boys (1)

Barenaked Ladies (1)

Beatles (4)

Beethoven (1)

David Bowie (1)

Beyonce (1)

Black Eyed Peas (1)

Blind Guardian (1)

Jolin Cai (1)

Mariah Carey (1)

Kelly Clarkson (1)

Coldplay (2)

John Coltrane (1)

Creed (1)

Scotty D (1)

Dark Tranquility (1)

Death Bab for Cutie (1)

Miles Davis (1)

Dragonforce (1)

Dredg (1)

Dream Theater (1)

The Dresden Dolls (1)

Toby Emerson (1)

Enya (1)

Flogging Molly (1)

Ben Folds (1)

Kirk Franklin (1)

James Galway (1)

The Game (1)

Montgomery Gentry (1)

Angela Gheorghiu (1)

Goo Goo Dolls (1)

Green Day (2)

Josh Groban (1)

Jimmy Hendrix (1)

Utada Hikaru (1)

Incubus (1)

Jars of Clay (1)

Jimmy Eat World (1)

Billy Joel (1)

Jack Johnson (1)

Keane (1)

Maynard James Keenan (1)

Kutless (1)

Linkin Park (3)

Marilyn Manson (1)

Keiko Matsui (1)

Mayday (1)

Medeski, Martin, and Wood (1)

Metallica (3)

Aimee Mann (1)

Dave Mathews Band (2)

Don Moen (1)

Van Morrison (1)

Of Montreal (1)

Mozart (1)

Mushroomhead (1)

Nelly (1)

Parents (1)

Ellis Paul (1)

Pink Floyd (2)

Rakim (1)

Rammstein (1)

Reel Big Fish

Buddy Rich (1)

Red Hot Chile Peppers (1)

Rolling Stones (2)

Brian Setzer (1)

Dmitri Shostakovich (1)

The Shins (1)

Sleater-Kinney (1)

Snow Patrol (1)

Sousa (1)

Spoon (1)

Stereophonics (1)

They Might Be Giants (1)

U2 (2)

Leehom Wang (1)

Raymond Watts (1)

Weezer (1)

Wicked – The Musical (1)

John Williams (1)

Wonderwall (1)

Li Yundi (1)

TV Show

24 (4)

Alias (1)

The Amazing Race (1)

The Apprentice (1)

Aqua Teen Hunger Force (2)

Boy Meets World (1)

Charmed (1)

CNN (1)

Contender (1)

CSI: (5)

Daily Show (4)

Discovery Channel (1)

Dr. Who (1)

Family Guy (11)

Farscape (1)

Fear Factor (1)

Firefly (1)

Food Network (1)

Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends (1)

Friends (4)

Futurama (2)

The Gilmore Girls (1)

The Great Indian Comedy Show (1)

History Chanel (2)

House (2)

Inside Nextel Cup (1)

Iron Chef (1)

Inuyasha (1)

JAG (1)

Jeopardy (4)

Law and Order (5)

Lost (3)

Monty Python’s Flying Circus (1)

Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1)

Mythbusters (1)

Numb3rs (1)

OnGameNet Star League (1)

Ronin Warriors (1)

Saturday Night Live (1)

Scrubs (1)

Seinfeld (4)

The Simpsons (8)

The Sopranos (1)

Sports Center (2)

Star Trek (3)

Stargate (2)

Sunday Sunday Night (1)

Survivor (1)

Taiwanese Variety Show (1)

That 70s Show (1)

Three’s Company (1)

X-Files (1)

Venture Brothers (1)

Veronica Mars (2)

The West Wing (2)

Whose Line is it Anyway (4)

X-Play (1)

Your World w/Neil Cavuto (1)


Age of Empires (1)

Age of Mythology (1)

Aladdin (1)

Alpha Centuri (1)

Amplitude (1)

Battlefield Z (1)

Battlezone II (1)

Baldur’s Gate (1)

Burnout 3 (1)

Chrono Trigger (3)

Civilization (3)

Command & Conquer (2)

Counter Strike Force (2)

Cyworld (1)

Dance Dance Revolution (2)

Dark Age of Camelot (1)

Deus Ex (1)

Diablo (3)

Earthbound for SNES (1)

Elder Scrolls (1)

Everquest (1)

Fary Cry (1)

Final Fantasy (4)

Gladius (1)

Grand Theft Auto (3)

Grim Fandago (1)

Guild Wars (1)

Halo (6)

Heroes (1)

The Hobbit (1)

Jedi Outpost (1)

Legend of Zelda (2)

Madden Football (3)

Marathon (1)

Mario Party (2)

Metal Gear Solid (2)

Metroid Prime (1)

Minesweeper (1)

MVP Baseball (1)

NBA 2005 (1)

Natural Selection (1)

Need for Speed (1)

Nethack (1)

Neverwinter Nights (1)

Nights (1)

Obsidian’s Dream (1)

Oni (1)

Ragnarok Online (1)

Ratchet and Clank (1)

Red Alert (1)

Resident Evil Series (1)

Rise of Nations (1)

The Sims 2 (1)

SimCity (1)

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (1)

Star Chamber (1)

Starcraft (6)

Star Wars (2)

Street Fighter (1)

Super Smash Brothers (3)

System Shock (2)

Tetris (2)

Total Annihilation (1)

Ulima Online (1)

Unreal Tournament (4)

Volfied (1)

Warcraft (8)

Wolfenstein (1)

Xenogears (1)

Xenosaga: Der Wlle zur Mact (1)

Zelda Series (5)



bloodfistklan. (1)



Cyworld (1)


Definitive Yeti (by Matthew Baldwin) (1)

Drudge Report (1)



Family Guy Blog (no url supplied) (1)


GoRush (by Tae-Min Park, a professional gamer) (1)

Jay Is – Jay Ribby’s Rants on Game Design ()


Maddox. (1)

My own/my friends (3)


Rob Schneider


Surfin Safari (1)




Sport (to watch)

Auto Racing (1)

Baseball (6)

Basketball (23)

Battle bots (1)

Boxing (1)

Car Racing (1)

Cricket (3)

Cross country (1)

Curling (1)

Fencing (2)

Figure Skating (1)

Football (29)

[Ultimate] Frisbee (1)

Gymnastics (3)

Hockey (8)

Icd Skating (1)

Lacrosse (1)

Lightsaber Battles (1)

Motocross (1)

Poker (1)

Soccer (19)

Skateboarding (1)

Skiing (1)

Swimming (1)

Table Tennis/Ping Pong (1)

Tennis (4)

Ultimate Fighting (1)

Water Polo (1)

Wrestling (1)

Sport (to play)

Academic Games (1)

Archery (1)

Badminton (7)

Baseball (8)

Basketball (23)

Bicycling (1)

Bowling (2)

Cross Country (4)

Dodgeball (1)

Fencing (2)

Fishing (1)

Football (9)

[Ultimate] Frisbee (13)

Golf (2)

Gymnastics (1)

Jeet Kune Do (1)

Judo (1)

Hockey (2)

Lacrosse (2)

Martial Arts (2)

Miniature Golf (1)

Pool (1)

Rock Climbing (1)

Rowing (1)

Rugby (1)

Running (1)

Skiing (1)

Soccer (16)

Softball (3)

Speed Skating (1)

Swimming (4)

Table Tennis (8)

Tennis (11)

Track and Field (2)

Volleyball (2)

Water Rugby (1)

Wrestling (1)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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