|Growing Leaders Activities |

|Guidelines for personal and group activities that improve life skills and address quality standards in: |Activity(ies) |

| |List ALL activities in each quality standard. Choose the best one later! |

|LEADERSHIP |HELP individual to develop technical, human relations & decision-making skills to grow leaders. | |

|Activities: | | |

|Examples: |Team/individual leadership competitions |Hosting international students, etc. | |

| |New member mentor program |212° and 360° conferences | |

|Leadership conferences |State leadership camps |Washington Leadership Conference | |

|Public speaking experiences |Chapter officer leadership trainings (COLT) |State and National Conferences | |

|Team demonstrations | | | |

| |

|HEALTHY LIFESTYLE |PROMOTE the well-being of students, mentally or physically in achieving the positive evolution of | |

|Activities: |the whole person. | |

|Examples: |Personal wellness choices & consequences |diversity/inclusion programs | |

| |Personal image projection |Recreation/leisure activities | |

|Substance abuse prevention & education | | | |

| |

|SCHOLARSHIP |DEVELOP a positive attitude toward lifelong learning experiences. | |

|Activities: | | |

|Examples: |School and college tours |Chapter/school honor roll and recognition | |

| |FFA scholarships |for students across school departments | |

|Scholarship awards |Leadership conference scholarships |Academic mentoring | |

|Tutoring |Study skills seminars for members | | |

|Elementary reading programs | | | |

|Superior Chapter Award/National Chapter Award |

|Continued on back |

Growing Leaders Activities


|Guidelines for personal and group activities that improve life skills and address quality standards in: |Activity(ies) |

| |List ALL activities in each quality standard. Choose the best one later! |


|Activities: |CONDUCTED to improve the identity and self-awareness of FFA members: | |

| |1. REFLECT FFA members’ unique talents and potential by reinforcing their human and employability | |

| |skills; AND | |

| |2. STRIVE to enhance the quality of life and contribute to FFA members’ life goals and development. | |

|Examples: |Facing your fears |Diversity/inclusion programs | |

| |Money management |Personal organization skills | |

|Time management activities |Financial planning, |Member degrees | |

|Self-help workshops |Anti-bullying | | |

| |

|CAREER SUCCESS |Promote student involvement and growth through agriculture related experiences and/or | |

|Activities: |entrepreneurship and promote career readiness. | |

| |International seminars |Agri-science fairs | |

|Examples: |Shadow experiences |Science fairs for elementary students | |

| |Shadow experiences |Computer literacy activities | |

|News stories |Agricultural skills and judging events |SAE tours | |

|Career day |Test plots for school agriculture department |SAE fairs | |

|Guest speakers | | | |

|Displays of exemplary programs | | | |

|Facility tours Mentor programs | | | |

|Superior Chapter Award/National Chapter Award |

|‘Way to GO! Good Job! |

|Strengthening Agriculture Activities |

|Guidelines for activities that encourage students to work together and address quality standards in: |Activity(ies) |

| |List ALL activities in each quality standard. Choose the best one later! |

|Support Group |develop and maintain positive relations among FFA, parents and community leaders interested in supporting | |

|Activities: |agricultural education. | |

|Examples: Any activities with . . . | |

| | |

|FFA Alumni | |

|agriculture boosters, or | |

|other organized groups dedicated to supporting active FFA chapters | |

| |

|Chapter Recruitment |increase agricultural education enrollment and/or FFA membership and encourage greater participation. | |

|Activities: | | |

|Examples: |Program information mailings |Camping and fishing trips | |

| |petting zoos |create a mentor program for new members | |

|Career class visits |Member barbeques |A complimentary subscription to FFA new horizons| |

|Agricultural demonstrations |National FFA week exhibits |magazine | |

|Visits to lower grades, |New member picnics | | |

| |

|SAFETY |ENHANCE safety in the community. | |

|Activities: | | |

|EXAMPLES: |mock crashes |pesticide application safety awareness | |

| |general farm safety |activities | |

|Firearm safety programs |texting and driving campaigns |producer and consumer safety programs | |

|ATV safety |safe animal handling demonstrations |personal safety programs | |

|equipment operation safety | | | |

|Superior Chapter Award/National Chapter Award |

|Continued on back |

Strengthening Agriculture Activities


|Guidelines for activities that encourage students to work together and address quality standards in: |Activity(ies) |

| |List ALL activities in each quality standard. Choose the best one later! |

|AGRICULTURAL ADVOCACY |ARTICULATE and PROMOTE agricultural programs, practices, policies and/or education to elicit action. | |

|Activities: | | |

|EXAMPLES: |Teach Ag! Campaign |interacting with local media to promote agriculture and FFA | |

| |engaging policy makers to promote action on |use of social media to support agricultural causes | |

|Agriculture issue presentations |hunger |encouraging animal welfare practices | |

|National Agriculture Day |engage in policy supporting agricultural |advancements in biotechnology and technology in agriculture | |

|activities |education as an ideal delivery method for | | |

|parent/student orientations |STEM | | |

|advocating for agricultural |student representation on influential | | |

|legislation |agriculture boards | | |

| |

|AGRICULTURAL LITERACY |HELP consumers become better informed about the production, distribution and daily impact of food, fiber and | |

|Activities: |fuel. | |

|EXAMPLES: |agriculturally related educational events |partnering with local fair or festival boards | |

| |and/or displays |to include food related educational components | |

|Food for America |educating consumers about hunger, food cost and|in events | |

|Agriculture in the Classroom |food safety |alternative fuel education | |

|Food Checkout Day |Our Food Link activities |product awareness as it relates to agriculture | |

|activities centered around national food |Food, Land & People |(i.e., clothing, medicines, paper, etc.) | |

|promotions (i.e., dairy month) | | | |

|Superior Chapter Award/National Chapter Award |

|‘Way to GO! Good Job! |

|Building Communities Activities |

|Guidelines for cooperative activities that make the community a better place to live and work and address quality standards in: |Activity(ies) |

| |List ALL activities in each quality standard. Choose the best one later! |

|ENVIRONMENTAL |PRESERVE the natural resources and develop more environmentally responsible individuals. | |

|Activities: | | |

|Examples: |Collaborative effort to raise game for |Green practices | |

| |release/biological control |Provide water testing | |

|Urban and rural conservation programs |Water and air quality programs |Recycling programs | |

| | |National FFA Living to Serve Grants | |

| |

|HUMAN RESOURCES |IMPROVE the welfare and well-being of members and citizens of the community. | |

|Activities | | |

| |At-risk programs |Setup a community garden | |

|EXAMPLES: |Cultural awareness and diversity programs |Food/toy drives | |

| |Provide an after school program for younger |National FFA Living to Serve Grants | |

|PALS (Partners in Active Learning Support) |children |Farm to School Initiative | |

|Special populations involvement | | | |

| |

|CITIZENSHIP |ENCOURAGE members to become active, involved citizens of their school, community and country. | |

|Activities: | | |

|Examples: |Internships with government agencies |Work with local chamber of commerce | |

| |Roadside/area cleanup |Organize a charity concert | |

|Volunteerism |Legislative breakfasts |Network with governmental agencies | |

|Community service | | | |

|Civic duties | | | |

|Superior Chapter Award/National Chapter Award |

|Continued on back |

Building Community Activities


|Guidelines for cooperative activities that make the community a better place to live and work and address quality |Activity(ies) |

|standards in: |List ALL activities in each quality standard. Choose the best one later! |

|Stakeholder Engagement |conducted to develop teamwork and cooperation between the local chapter and | |

|Activities: |stakeholders. | |

|Working with another entity to |Farmers union |Fair boards | |

|strengthen agriculture – for example: |Grange |Local advisory committee | |

| |Chambers of commerce |parent-teacher organization | |

|Corn Growers |Service clubs |participation, etc. (cannot include | |

|Young Farmers |Extension |alumni or boosters.) | |

|Farm Bureau | | | |

| |

|ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT |IMPROVES the economic welfare of the community. | |

|Activities: | | |

| |Enhanced tourism |SAE economic impact | |

|Examples: |International development | | |

| |Historical preservation and community | | |

|Member entrepreneurship |relations | | |

|Community scavenger hunt | | | |

|Superior Chapter Award/National Chapter Award Super! Now, go back and select ONE activity per quality standard. |

|REMEMBER - Each activity can only be used ONCE! |


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