Master Cleanse Directions PDF

Master Cleanse

Directions PDF

These Master Cleanse directions in a PDF file should serve as a good summary of

the Master Cleanse as well as a handy reference during the Master Cleanse. I'll also

include some links to online vendors of the supplies you need for the Master


Before doing the Master Cleanse, though, you should know that a mere article,

short video, or Web page cannot give you complete directions for performing the

Master Cleanse properly. In fact, the little book that started the Master Cleanse

trend decades ago, titled the Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs, did not even

provide complete directions for performing the Master Cleanse¡ªnot to mention

that much of its content is out of date at this point. For thorough, up to

date directions for performing the Master Cleanse, you may use my Ultimate

Master Cleanse Guide at . It's the only set of

complete directions to the Master Cleanse that includes an ebook, series of

instructional videos, and an audiobook¡ªand it comes with a money back


The Master Cleanse involves consuming a special lemonade as your only

nourishment for a period of days or weeks. The directions for making the

lemonade are rather simple:

1. Squeeze the juice from a lemon or two (these should be organic lemons, not

conventional or Meyer lemons)

2. Mix two tablespoons of the fresh lemon juice (it must be freshly-squeezed,

not bottled or old) with two tablespoons of organic maple syrup and one

cup (eight fluid ounces) of water. It is optional to add one tenth of a

teaspoon of powdered cayenne pepper to the drink.

My Ultimate Master Cleanse Guide at

directions on how to prepare the lemonade, how to store it to maintain its potency,

when and how much of it to drink, and more.

As far as the directions for beginning the Master Cleanse, you may read that you

should transition gradually into the Master Cleanse by restricting your diet for a

number of days before the Master Cleanse. That approach increases the chances of

your becoming malnourished and is unnecessary. So my directions are to only

transition out of the Master Cleanse, not into the Master Cleanse.

Once you start the Master Cleanse, the directions are to eat no foods or solids. The

only liquids other than the lemonade that you drink are salt water, an herbal tea,

and water.

Every day of the Master Cleanse you consume four cups (32 fluid ounces) of warm

water mixed well with two level teaspoons of sea salt. The directions are very clear

about the salt: it must not be iodized salt or ordinary table salt. It must be sea salt

for proper effect, and I have used and recommend Celtic Sea Salt. My directions

in my Ultimate Master Cleanse Guide go into how to prepare this sea salt drink,

why it is necessary, when to drink it, and how to get that large amount of salt water

down your throat in the short amount of time that¡¯s required.

Master Cleanse directions you may read elsewhere might recommend drinking an

herbal tea to keep the toxins moving out of your body during the Master Cleanse.

That's a good idea, but you may see certain laxative herbal teas suggested for this

purpose that are based on the herb senna. I advise against using senna, as it is an

irritating, harsh laxative that is harmful to your body. Instead, my directions for the

Master Cleanse recommend using chamomile tea for this purpose. It's gentle and

even helps relax you for good sleep.

You may also drink plain water during the Master Cleanse. But generally there's no

need to do so. The more lemonade you drink during the Master Cleanse, the more

detoxifying and beneficial the Master Cleanse is.

When you end the Master Cleanse, my directions are to transition gradually back

to a normal diet. You should generally allow at least three days for this transition

period of the Master Cleanse. On the first transition day you consume only liquids,

such as fresh fruit or vegetable juices or smoothies, the Master Cleanse lemonade,

teas, and water. On the second transition day you continue with plenty of liquids

but might add some simple, raw foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy

products, etc. But no fatty, spicy, or seasoned foods just yet. Then perhaps on the

third transition day of the Master Cleanse you might add some other types of foods

such as animal flesh or eggs. But don't gorge on large portions just yet. Your

digestive system needs time to readjust to a normal diet.

During the transition it is important that you take high doses of probiotics every

day to replenish the beneficial bacteria in your colon that the Master Cleanse

eliminated. If you don¡¯t take the right probiotics during this period, your body

would not be able to digest foods properly and would experience all sorts of

disease and unpleasant symptoms as a result. For detailed directions on selecting

an appropriate probiotic, how much of it to take, and when to take it, see my

Ultimate Master Cleanse Guide.

These Master Cleanse directions in a PDF file have presented the fundamental

concepts and practices of the Master Cleanse. For more complete directions on the

Master Cleanse, use my Ultimate Master Cleanse Guide at

. It covers everything you need to know to perform

the Master Cleanse easily, comfortably, and successfully. It covers far more than

this article could include, such as:

? complete, up to date directions for the Master Cleanse

? how to avoid the pitfalls of the Master Cleanse that sabotage most people

? how to optimize and quicken the results you get from the Master Cleanse

? myths and common misunderstandings about the Master Cleanse

? how to prepare and store the lemonade to keep it potent

? a complete list of supplies for the Master Cleanse along with suggested sources

for them

? how to reduce and avoid common unpleasant side effects of the Master Cleanse

I hope these Master Cleanse directions have been helpful for you and I wish you

the best with your health!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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