Curriculum Vitae - Rutgers University

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Steven E. Keller

Home Address: 4 Big Oak Way

Califon NJ 07830

Office Address: UMD/New Jersey Medical School (973) 972-5036

Department of Family Medicine (973) 972-7979

183 South Orange Avenue, BHSB E 1536 sek1949@

Newark NJ 07103

1. Education

a. Undergraduate

Pace University

New York NY



b. Graduate

Columbia University/Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

New York NY

M.S., 1973-1974

M.A., 1973-1974

Columbia University/College of Physicians and Surgeons

Department of Pathology

New York NY



2. Post Doctoral Training

a. Internships and Residencies


Research Fellowships


3. Military Service


4. Licensure


5. Certification


6. Narcotics Certification


7. University Appointments

Department of Pathology

Columbia University/College of Physicians and Surgeons/Lenox Hill Hospital

New York NY

Research Assistant, Immunology, 1969-1972

Senior Investigator, Immunology, 1972-1974

Instructor, Clinical Pathology, 1974-1976

Department of Psychiatry

Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York NY

Research Assistant/Professor of Psychiatry, 1977-1984

Research Associate/Professor of Psychiatry, 1985-1987

Department of Psychiatry

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark NJ

Associate Professor of Psychiatry, 1987-1991

Associate Professor of Psychiatry with Tenure, 1990-1991

Professor of Psychiatry, 1991-present

Vice Chair for Academic Administration, 1994-1996

Vice Chair for Research, 1996-2002

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark NJ

Associate Professor of Neurosciences, 1989-present

Education and Information Technology

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/New Jersey Medical School

Newark NJ

Assistant Dean (Interim), 2003-2005

Assistant Dean 2005-2006

Department of Family Medicine

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark NJ

Professor of Family Medicine, 2005-present

Director of Research Family Medicine, 2005-present

Director of Research, Primary Care Research Consortium, 2005-2007

Department of Emergency Medicine

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark NJ

Director of Research Emergency Medicine, 2012-present

Dean’s Office, NJMS

Acting Director of NJMS Evaluation Unit, 2012-Present

8. Hospital Appointments


9. Other Professional Positions and Major Visiting Appointments

Visiting Professor of Psychiatry, University of Hamburg, Germany, 1989

Visiting Professor of Psychiatry, University of Bonn, Germany, 1989

Visiting Professor of Psychiatry, University of Geneva, Switzerland 1990-1992

Visiting Scientist, Soviet-American Conference on Psychoneuroimmunology,

Institute of Experimental Pathology, U.S.S.R., 6/1991

Mentored PhD. Candidate Melissa Demetrikopolous – Graduate School of

Biomedical Sciences of UMDNJ, 1992-1995

Visiting Professor of Psychiatry/Co-Principal Investigator, University of

Geneva, Switzerland, 1992-1997

Ph.D. Thesis Review Committee: Joseph Cheu MD, 1997

Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Chair: Thomas Gregg, 1998

Mentor for Ph.D. Candidate Aerille Goldklang at the Albert Einstein

Graduate School, 2000

Mentor for Ph.D. Candidate Marielos Vega at the NJ. School of Nursing, 2005-2009

10. Awards and Honors

1994 Excellence in Research Writing Award – Best Paper in The American

Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (see paper #51).

2005 Nomination for Master Educators’ Guild, UMDNJ

2006 Nomination for Master Educators’ Guild, UMDNJ

11. Membership on Boards of Directors or Trustees

Fund for Psychoneuroimmunology

Scientific Board of Directors, 1992-2002

Starbright Foundation

Scientific Research Advisory Board, 1992-2000

Board of Concerned Citizens, UMDNJ

Member, 2002-present

Executive Committee, 2004-present

12. Major Teaching Experience

a. Lectures

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York NY

Instructor of Clinical Pathology: Teaching of immunopathology

for medical and graduate students, 1974-1976

Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York NY

Medical student elective in Brain Behavior and Immunity,


UMDNJ/New Jersey Medical School, Newark NJ

Teaching of psychoimmunology to medical students, 1988-1990

Introduction to Statistics and Research Design, PGY-1 and PGY-2

Psychiatry Residents, 1997-2001

IRB and Research Ethics, Psychiatry Faculty/Staff, 1996-2002

Research Methods for Clinical Faculty, 1996-2002

Research 101 Methodology, Research Design and Statistics for Clinical Faculty: 2005-2006

Research and Statistics for family Medicine residents: 2005-2006

UMDNJ/Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Newark NJ

Introduction to Psychoneuroimmunology, 1993

Statistics for Grant Applications, 1994

Experimental Design, Statistics and Grant Writing, 1995

QA/QI/QI In a Clinical Setting-Course Director 2012, 2013

NJMS Professionalism Orientation Training PBL Facilitator August 2005

NJDS Dental School of New Jersey: Electronic Course Hosting, March 14, 2006

Research Training

Postdoctoral Fellow

Primary Care Research Consortium

Teaching Research 101 to NJMS Faculty Section 1 2005-present, section 2 January 2006-present

Mentoring Primary Care Research Consortium fellows

3 Physician fellows and one Ph.D. candidate 2005-present

Research Director for twenty two Family Medicine Residents at St. Mary Hospital, Hoboken, N.J.: 2005-present

Teach fundamental of clinical research

Teach IRB preparation

Teach abstract and presentation preparation

Teach critical reading of the medical literature

Research mentor for 125 Internal Medicine Residents U.H. UMDNJ

Teach fundamental of clinical QA/QI research

Teach QA/QI IRB preparation

Teach abstract and presentation preparation

Teach critical reading of the medical literature

Predoctoral Students

Introduction to Research – Summer Program for 1st year

incoming medical students, 2003

Medical Students

Introduction to Clinical QA/QI Research 2009-Present


UMD/New Jersey Medical School, Newark NJ

Department of Psychiatry: Research Seminar for Junior Faculty:

Research design, statistics and grant writing, 1997

Family Medicine: PBL Art of Medicine Facilitator, 2003

Physician’s Core Course, Module Director: Evidence-

Based Medicine, 2 year, 4 semester course, 2004

Physician’s Core 2005-2006

PBL facilitator for:

Doctor Patient Relationship

Medical ethics

Humanism and professionalism

Physician’s Core 2006-2007

PBL facilitator for:

Doctor Patient Relationship

Medical ethics

Humanism and professionalism

Cultural Competency

Physician’s Core 2008-2009

PBL facilitator for:

Doctor Patient Relationship

Medical ethics

Humanism and professionalism

Cultural Competency

Physician’s Core 2009-2010

PBL facilitator for:

Medical Interviewing

Advanced Medical Communication

Ethics, Humanism and Professionalism

Physician’s Core 2010-2011

PBL facilitator for:

Medical Interviewing

Advanced Medical Communication

Ethics, Humanism and Professionalism

Physician’s Core 2011-2012

PBL facilitator for:

Medical Interviewing

Advanced Medical Communication

Ethics, Humanism and Professionalism

EBM Facilitator

Physician’s Core 2012-2013

PBL facilitator for:

Medical Interviewing

Advanced Medical Communication

Ethics, Humanism and Professionalism

EBM Facilitator

Course design and pedagogical consultant for web-based design

for the following: (2004-2005)

Human Anatomy and Development


Human Immunology

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Introduction to Clinical Sciences

Integrated Structure and Function




Internal Medicine



Public Health

13. Principal Clinical and Hospital Service Responsibilities

UMDNJ/University Hospital, Newark NJ

Coordinator for psychiatry ER coverage, 1996-2001

Acting Administrative Director of the ambulatory alcohol and drug

dependence clinic during the preparation for JCAHO site visit, 1994

14. Major Committee Assignments

a. International

United States – Israel Binational Science Foundation

Special Reviewer May 2006, 2013

b. National

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Special Review Committee – AIDS, 1&7&11/1984, 7/1986

Epidemiological Research Review Site Visit, 2/1985

Research Scientist Development Award (ad hoc), 5/1985

Special Review Committee – AIDS, 7/1986

Psychopathology and Clinical Biology Research, 10/1986

Chair, Special Review Committee – AIDS, 7/1987, 11/1987

Chair, AIDS Site Visit Review, Tampa FL, 8/1987;

Philadelphia PA,10/1987; Washington DC, 12/1987;

Detroit MI,1/1988

Psychopathology and Clinical Biology Research Review

Committee, 10/1989

Small Grant Review Committee, 2/1990

AIDS 2 Study Section Member, 1992-1994

AIDS 1 Study Section Member, 1994-1995

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Ad Hoc SBIR Review Panel, 4/1987

Epidemiology and Disease Control Section-2

Bethesda MD, 7/1988

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Alcohol Research Center Site Visit, Detroit MI, 7/1988

Alcohol Research Center Project Site Visit, Miami FL, 7/1988

Alcohol Research Center Study Section, Miami FL, 7/1988

SRC AIDS, Alcohol and Immunity, Bethesda MD, 3/1989

National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Site Visit Program Project Grant, Boston MA, 11/1989

Site Visit, Washington DC, 1/1993

ADAMHA Reviewers Reserve, 1989-1993

Chair, OSAP Pregnant and Postpartum Abusing Individuals, 3/1991

Chair, AIDS Special Study Section SRCM-T-01, 9/1992

c. Medical School

UMD/New Jersey Medical School

Student Affairs Committee, 1989-1990

Biomedical Research Support Grant Committee, 1989-1990

Search Committee for Chair of Psychiatry, 1991

Strategic Planning Committee, 1993-1994

Faculty Investigator Group, 1995 – present

UBHC Steering Committee for the BHSB, 2000-2002

BHSB Coordinator for Information Technology Planning

and Development, 2000-2002

Admissions Committee – ex officio, 2003

Basic Sciences Curriculum Committee, ex officio, 2003

Clinical Sciences Curriculum Committee, ex officio, 2003

Dean’s Executive Committee for Information Technology, 2003

Information Technology Operations Committee, 2003

NJMS WebCT representative to UMDNJ-2003-2006

Student Affairs Committee 2008-

d. Hospital

UMDNJ/University Hospital

Dean’s Executive Committee for Information Technology, 2003

Information Technology Operations Committee, 2003

e. Department

UMD/New Jersey Medical School, Department of Psychiatry

Member, Appointments and Promotions, 1987-2005

Chair, Departmental Space Committee, 1988-2002

Chair, Information Technologies Committee, 1988-2002

Chair, Managed Care Committee, 1993

Chair, Public Policy/Public Relations Committee, 1994-1995

Chair, Building Planning/Construction Committee, 1999-2002

Chair, Departmental Relocation Committee, 2002

UMDNJ/NJMS Department of Family Medicine

Chair Department of Family Medicine Research Committee 2005- present

f. Editorial Boards

Brain, Behavior and Immunology, 1990-2003

g. Ad Hoc Reviewer


Psychosomatic Medicine

Brain Behavior and Immunology



Cell Immunology

15. Memberships, Offices and Committee Assignments in Professional Societies

Member, Research Society on Alcoholism

Member, Biological Psychiatry

Member, Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry

Member, International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology

Founder and Chair, Spring Conference on Immunomodulation, 1997-2002

16. Major Research Interests: Brief Narrative Description in Full Sentences

Immunological and Psychological Investigation of Adolescents

Stressful Life Events and Immunity

Major Depression and Immunity

Alcohol Dependence, Depression and Immunity

Developmental Issues, Immunity and Depression

Neuroendocrine Mechanisms of Stress and Depression: Effects on Immunity

Pain and Immunity

Spinal Cord Injury and Immune Function

Alternative Medicine and TBI, SCI and Stroke

Adoption Rates of Medical Educators with Course Management Platforms

Evidence Based Medicine: Efficacy of Medical Simulators

Medical students’ evaluations and attitudes

Screening for common cancers in underserved populations

Obesity research in underserved populations

Clinical QA/QI research in primary Care-see abstracts

Clinical QA/QI research in Emergency Medicine

Opioid Use in Emergency Departments

Clinical QA/QI research in Student Run Clinics- see abstracts

17. Grant History (No proposed or pending funding, only full awards)

a. Principal Investigator

Chernow Foundation Capital Equipment Grant

Enumeration of Lymphocyte Phenotypes in Stress and Depression

by Florescence Activated Cell Sorter, 1986


Chernow Foundation Project Grant

Life Stress, Immunity and Health, 1987-1991, $325,000


The Upjohn Company Mini-Grant

Effectives of Tricyclic Antidepressants and Alprazolam on Immune

Function in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), 1988-1989


National Institute of Mental Health – MH44142-01

The Psychoimmunology of Adolescents at Risk for AIDS, 1988-1992

$1,300,000 (Total Direct Costs)

ADAMHA Small Instrumentation Grant, 1989-1990, $12,000

National Institute of Mental Health Program Project

Psychobiology of Hypnosis, Pain and Sleep, 1989-1992

$2,564,762 (Total Direct Costs)

ADAMHA Small Instrumentation Grant, 1990-1991, $13,187

Centers for Disease Control

AD HOC – Lower East Side Project, 1992-1994

$394,150 (Total Direct Costs)

National Institutes of Health

A Thirty Year Follow-Up of Neglected Children, 2000

$576,737 (Total Direct Costs)

Pfizer and UpJohn Pharmaceuticals

September 11, 2001 Training Grant for Psychologists and Psychiatrists, 2001

$3,000 (Total Direct Costs)

Co-Investigator (legitimately labeled as such; contract work on a grant is not applicable)

ADAMHA Small Grants Program – MH37774

Depression and Lymphocyte Function, 1982-1983

$15,000 (Total Direct Costs)

Chernow Foundation Project Grant

Psychosocial Processes, Immunity and Health, 1983-1988

$1,000,000 (Total Direct Costs)

National Institute of Mental Health – MH39651

Major Depressive Disorder and Immune Function, 1984-1987

$406,000 (Total Direct Costs)

American Cancer Research Foundation

Life Events and Immune Function, 1985-1986

$64,000 (Total Direct Costs)

Philip Morris Company Project Grant

Stress: Psychosocial Processes, Immunity and Health, 1986-1987

$189,000 (Total Direct Costs)

New Jersey Medical School BRSG

Immune Function in Panic and Depressive Disorder, 1988-1989

$12,000 (Total Direct Costs)

Foundation of UMDNJ

Stressful Life Events and Immunity, 1988-1989


Swiss National Fund Award

T-Lymphocyte Function in Primary Depressive Subjects with and

without simultaneous DSM IIIR Panic Disorders, 1988-1991

425,000 Swiss Francs/$326,923 (Total Direct Costs)

The Upjohn Company – Protocol #4532

Effects of Tricyclic Antidepressants and Alprazolam on Immune

Function in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), 1989-1990

$53,000 (Total Direct Costs)

National Research Service Award, NIMH

AIDS Risk in Inner City Populations, 1989-1990

$28,750 (Total Direct Costs)

National Institute of Mental Health – MH45235

Immunity in Prepubescent Major Depressive Disorder, 1989-1990

$25,000 (Total Direct Costs)

National Institute of Mental Health Program Project

Psychobiology of Hypnosis, Pain and Sleep, 1989-1992

Project 1: The Effects of Emotional, Behavioral and

Immunological Functioning during Life Stress

Project 4: The Effects of Sleep and Sleep Loss on Immune


$2,564,762 (Total Direct Costs)

The UpJohn Company

Panic Disorder and Immunity, 1990-1991

$30,000 (Total Direct Costs)

National Institute of Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Dependence: Psychoimmunology and AIDS Risk, 1990-1995

$2,640,352 (Total Direct Costs)

Swiss National Fund Award

T-Lymphocyte Function in Primary Depressive Subjects with and

without simultaneous DSM IIIR Panic Disorders: Further investigations

of a stress diathesis model of major depressive disorders psychobiology, 1988-1991

686,282 Swiss Francs/$571,901 (Total Direct Costs)

Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Company

Olanzapine vs. Haloperidol in the Treatment of Schizophrenia and Other

Psychotic Disorders, 1993-1995

$150,000 (Total Direct Costs)

Abbott Pharmaceutical Company

A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Dose Response Comparison of the

Safety and Efficacy of 3 Doses of Sertindole and Haldole in Schizophrenic

Outpatients, 1994-1996

$250,000 (Total Direct Costs)

Abbott Pharmaceutical Company

A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Dose Response Comparison of the

Safety and Efficacy of 3 Doses of Sertindole and Haldole in Schizophrenic

Inpatients, 1994-1995

$750,000 (Total Direct Costs)

National Institute of Mental Health – 1 R29 MH48645-01

Mood and Immunity in Inner-City Children, 1994-1999

$350,000 (Total Direct Costs)

Abbott Pharmaceutical Company – M94-222

An Open-Label Assessment of the Long-Term Safety of Sertindole, 1995-1997

$200,000 (Total Direct Costs)

American Massage Therapy Association Foundation

Immunological Effects of Massage Therapy During Academic Stress, 1995-1996

$10,000 (Total Direct Costs)

Henry H. Kessler Foundation Grant

Immune Function in Spinal Cord Injury, 1996

$5,200 (Total Direct Costs)

UMDNJ-NJMS Dean’s Biomedical Research Seed Grant

Immune System Dysfunction Following Spinal Cord Injury, 1997

$8,400 (Total Direct Costs)

NIH – Center for Alternative Medicine – 1 UD24 HD32994-01

Center for Alternative Medicine in Rehabilitation, 1995-1999

$2,165,551 (Total Direct Costs)

National Institutes of Health

A Thirty Year Follow-Up of Neglected Children, 2000-2001

$4,576,737 (Total Direct Costs)

Spinal Cord Research Foundation

Factors that Contribute to Infections During SCI Rehabilitation, 2001-2004

$223,765 (Total Direct Costs)

NIH – K24-Career Award in Patient Oriented Research

Immunity and health Following Spinal Cord Injury, 2004-2008

$630,806 (Total Direct Costs)

Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation

Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) Dysregulation and Diminished

Cellular Immunity in SCI, 2002-2004

$223,765 (Total Direct Costs)

Interleukin-1 and Periodontitis in Down’s Syndrome

NIDCR R21 DE015012


$371,785 (Total Direct Costs)

HRSA Primary Care Training and Enhancement Grant; Predoctoral Training Program Teaching Innovative Primary Care Practice Models in a Student-Run Free Clinic;


$940,265 9 (Total Direct Costs) Investigator – 10% effort;

18. Major Administrative Responsibilities

UMD/New Jersey Medical School, Newark NJ

Director, Behavioral Immunology Laboratory, 1987-2003

Director, Site Planning, Construction Design and Implementation for the

$33 million dollar BHSB project for NJMS and Department of Psychiatry, 1999-2002

Administrative Oversight and Liaison for NJMS student website, 2003-2005

Administrative Liaison to NJMS Student’s IT Committee, 2003-2005

Administrative Liaison to NJMS Laboratory Preparation, 2003-2005

Department of Psychiatry

Director, Space management and allocation, 1990-2002

Vice Chair for Research, 1995-2002

Director for departmental relocation to new facility, 2002

Department of Education

Design and initial development of Education Division’s Administrative

Web Site, 2003-2004

Administrative Oversight for Education Division’s Web Site, 2003-2004

Administrative Oversight of Education Division’s Computer Lab, 2003-2004

Investigation and negotiation for hardware and software for electronic hand-held

capture of student/patient encounters, 2003-2004

Administrative liaison between Education Division and Central Administration’s

Academic Computing Division, 2003-2005

Administrative liaison between Education Division and Central Administration’s

Server and Data Center Division, 2003-2005

Department of Family Medicine

Research Director 2005-

HUMC Director of Research for Resident education in Family Medicine 2005-2010

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark NJ

Administrative Oversight of campus-wide Audio-Visual Services, 2003-2006

Administrative Oversight of Graduate Medical Education’s On-Line

Journals, 2003

19. Private Practice


20. Articles

Keller, S.E. and Hunter, S.H.: ARearing the Colorless Marine Dinoflagellate Cryptothecdinium Cohnii for Use as a Biochemical Tool@. J. Protozool. 15:792-796, 1968

PMID: 5719080

Ioachim, H.L., Sabbath, M., Anderson, B. and Keller, S.E.: "Viral and chemical leukemia in the rat: Comparative study". J.N.C.I. 47:161-177, 1971.


Ioachim, H.L., Keller, S.E., Sabbath, M., Anderson, G., Dorsett, B. and Essner,E.:"Myeloperoxidase and crystalline bodies in the granules of DMBA-induced rat chloroma cells". Ultrastructure, cytochemistry and tissue culture. American Journal of Pathology. 66: 147-162, 1972.

PMID: 433312

Ioachim, H.L., Dorsett, B., Sabbath, M. and Keller, S.E.: "Loss and recovery of phenotypic expression of Gross Leukemia Virus". Nature New Biology 237: 215-218, 1972.

PMID: 4113835

Ioachim, H.L., Keller, S.E., Gimovsky, M.L. and Shepherd, S.: "Immunity to viral leukemia in rats and the route of transmission from mother to offspring". Cancer Research. 33:107, 1973.

PMID: 4570272

Ioachim, H.L., Gimovsky, M.L., and Keller, S.E.: "Maternal vaccination with formalin-inactivated Gross lymphoma virus in rats and transfer of immunity of offspring". Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol.. Med. 144:376, 1973.

PMID: 4746905

Ioachim, H.L., Keller, S.E., Dorsett, B.H. and Pearse, A.: "Induction of partial tolerance to a viral lymphoma". J. Exp. Med. 139:1382, 1974.


Ioachim, H.L., Keller, S.E., Sabbath, M. and Dorsett, B.H.: "Antigenic expression as a determining factor of tumor growth in Gross virus lymphoma". Immunology of Cancer-Prog. Exp. Tumor Res. 19:284, 1974.

PMID: 4373783

Keller, S.E., Ioachim, H.L., Pearse, T. and Silletti, D.M.: "Decreased T-lymphocyte levels in patients with breast cancer" American Journal of Clinical Pathology 65: 445, 1976.


Ioachim, H.L., Pearse, A. and Keller, S.E.: "Antigenic deletion and malignant enhancement induced in lymphoma cells by passage through X-irradiated hosts: Possible significance for human cancer". Nature 265: 5589, 1977.

PMID: 189199

Keller, S.E., Stein, M., Camerino, M.S., Schleifer, S.J. and Sherman, J.S.: "Suppression of Lymphocyte Stimulation by Anterior Hypothalamic Lesions in the Guinea Pig". Cell. Immunol. 52:334-340, 1980.

PMID: 6969123

Keller, S.E., Weiss, J.M., Schleifer, S.J., Miller, E. and Stein, M.: "Suppression of Immunity by Stress: Effect of a Graded Series of Stressors on Lymphocyte Stimulation in the Rat". Science 213:1397-1400, 1981.

PMID: 6973822

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Sherman, J., Camerino, M., Smith, H.Jr., and Stein., M. Comparison of a Simplified Whole Blood and Isolated Lymphocyte Stimulation Technique. Immunol Communic., 10:417-431, 1981.

PMID: 7037614

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., McKegney, F.P., Sherman, J., Camerino, M. and Stein, M.: "A Simplified Method for Assessing PHA Induced Stimulation of Rat Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes". J. Immunol. Methods 51:287-291, 1982.

PMID: 6286778

Marchevsky, A., Carroll, W., Jacobs, J., Keller, S.E., and Kleinerman, J.:"Quantitative Studies of APUD Cells in Airways and Gut in the Guinea Pig: A comparison of Various Histochemical Stains and Fixatives". Lung 161:245-254, 1983.

PMID: 6193376

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Camerino, M.S., Thornton, J., and Stein, M.: "Suppression of Lymphocyte Stimulation Following Bereavement". JAMA 250(3):374-377, 1983.

PMID: 6854901

Keller, S.E., Weiss, J.M., Schleifer, S.J., Miller, E. and Stein, M.: "Stress Induced Suppression of Lymphocyte Stimulation in Adrenalectomized Rats". Science 221:1301-1304, 1983.


Marchevsky, A., Keller, S.E., Fogel, J. and Kleinerman, J.: "Quantitative Studies of Sensitization and Anaphylactic Shock". Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 129:477-480, 1984.


Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Meyerson, A.T., Raskin, M.J., Davis, K.L., and Stein, M.:"Lymphocyte Function in Major Depressive Disorder". Arch. Gen. Psychiatr., 41:484-486, 1984.


Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Stein, M.: "Brain, behavior and the immune system". Nature 310:456, 1984 (letter).


Marchevsky, A., Keller, S.E., Jacobs, J., and Kleinerman, J.: "Quantitative studies of argyrophilic APUD cells in airways and intestine: effects of hypothalamic injuries". Lung, 162,281-286, 1984.

PMID: 6151023

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Siris, S.G., Davis, K.L., Stein, M.: "Depression and Immunity: Lymphocyte function in ambulatory depressed, hospitalized schizophrenic, and herniorrhaphy patients". Arch. Gen. Psychiat., 42:129-133, 1985.

PMID: 3872111

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Stein, M.: "Stress Effects on Immunity". Psychiat. J. Univ. Ottawa, 10:125-131, 1985.


Stein, M., Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J.: "Stress and Immunomodulation: The Role of Depression and Neuroendocrine Function". J. Immunology, 135(2):827s-833s, 1985.


Schleifer, S.J. and Keller, S.E.: "Stress Effects on Immune Function: Possible Relevance to Rheumatologic Disease". Clin. Rheum. in Practice 4(1):27-32, 1986.


Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., and Stein, M. "Behavioral and developmental aspects of immunity". J. Am. Acad. Child Psychiatry 26:751-763, 1986.


Georgescu, R. and Keller, S.E. "Decreasing the spontaneous release in NK cell assays". J. Immunol. Methods, 103, p. 143, 1987.

PMID: 3655380

Georgescu, R. and Keller, S.E. "Overnight storage at 1o C does not affect NK cytotoxicity". J. Immunol. Methods, 103, p. 151, 1987.


Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., and Stein, M. "Conjugal Bereavement and Immunity". Israel J. of Psy. 24:111-123,1987.

PMID: 3327842

Reich, D.J. and Keller, S.E. "An improvement on the Bollman method of restraining and collecting thoracic duct lymph for the rat". J. Immunol. Methods, 110, pp. 179-181, 1988.

PMID: 3379310

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., and Bartlett, J.A. "Depression, Altered Immunity and Health: Clinical Implications for Psychoimmunologic Processes". Arch Neurol, 45, p. 1281, 1988.

PMID: 1970190

Ackerman, S.H., Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Shindledecker, R.D., Camerino, M., Hofer, M.A., Weiner, H. and Stein, M.: "Premature Maternal Separation and Lymphocyte Function". Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2:161, 1988.

PMID: 3233359

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., and Johnson, R.L. "AIDS Risk Behavior in Adolescents" (letter). JAMA, Dec. 23, 1988.


Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Liotta, A.S., Bond, R.N., Farhoody, N., and Stein, M. "Stress-induced alterations of immunity in hypophysectomized rats". Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 85, p. 9297, 1988.

PMID: 2848259

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Bond, R. N., Cohen, J. and Stein, M. "Major Depressive Disorder and Immunity: Role of Age, Sex, Severity and Hospitalization". Arch. Gen. Psychiatry, Vol.46, p. 81, 1989.

PMID: 2562915

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Miller, S.I., Lafarge, S., Lombardo, J., and Franklin, J.: "HIV-1AB Reactivity in Inner City Alcoholics". (letter) JAMA Vol. 262, 2680, 1989.


Andreoli, A., Taban, Ch., Rabaeus, M., and Keller, S.E. "Psychoneuroimmunologie: une mise au point". Ann. Med.-Psychol., 1989.


Marbach, J. Schleifer, S.J. and Keller, S.E., "Facial Pain, Distress and Immune Function". Brain, Behavior and Immunity 4:243-254, 1990.

PMID: 2083380

Schleifer, S.J., Marbach, J., Keller, S.E.,"Psychoneuroimmunology: Potential Relevance to Chronic Orofacial Pain". Anesth. Prog., 34;93-98, 1990.

PMID: 2085205

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Franklin, J., LaFarge, S. and Miller, S.I. "HIV Seropositivity in Inner City Alcoholics" Hospital Community Psychiatry 41:248-254, 1990.

PMID: 2312072

Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A.,Schleifer, S.J., Johnson, R.L., Pinner, E., Dillon, B.: "HIV-Relevant Sexual Behavior Among a Healthy Inner-City Heterosexual Adolescent Population in an Endemic Area of HIV". J. Adol. Health Care., 12:44-48, 1991.

PMID: 2007154

Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Johnson, R.L., Keller, S.E.: "Depression in Inner-City Adolescents Attending an Adolescent Medicine Clinic". J. Adol. Health Care., 12:316-318, 1991.


Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., and Bartlett, J.A. "Psychoimmunology of Adolescents at Risk for AIDS: Relationship of Stress and Depression". Excerpta Medica 1991.


Schleifer, S.J., and Keller, S.E., Altered Lymphocyte Function in the Depressed Patient. Infections in Medicine, 8:42-46, 1991.


Schleifer, S.J. and Keller, S.E. "Psychoneuroimmunologic and Behavioral Issues in Populations at Risk for AIDS". Psychiatric Medicine, 9(3):395-408,1991.

PMID: 1681568

Andreoli, A., Keller, S.E., Rabaeus, M., Zaugg, L, Garrone, G., Taban, C. "Immunity, major depression and panic disorder comorbidity". Biological Psychiatry, 31:896-908, 1992.

PMID: 1637930

Schleifer, S.J., Eckholdt, H.M., Cohen, J., Keller, S.E. Analysis of Partial Variance (APV) as a Statistical Approach to Control Day to Day Variation in Immune Assays. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 7:243-252, 1993.

PMID: 8106022

Andreoli, A., Keller, S., Rabaeus, M, Marin, P., Bartlett, J.A., Taban, C. Depression and Immunity: Age, Severity and Clinical Course. Brain, Behavior and Immunity,7:279-292, 1993.

PMID: 10195317

Rigatelli, M., Casolari, L., Keller, S.E., Andreoli, A.: Cortisol, prolactin and their immunity correlations in major depressed patients. New Trends in Experimental and Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. IX:95-100, March, 1993


Campagnolo, D.I., Keller, S.E., DeLisa, J.A., Glick, T.J., Sipski, M.L., Schleifer, S.J.: Alteration of Immune System Function in Tetraplegics: A Pilot Study. American J. of Psychical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 73(6):387-393, 1994.

PMCID: PMC2562915

Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Siegel, A., Schleifer, S.J., Obedi, J., Keller, S.E.: Electrical Stimulation of the Dorsal Midbrain Peraqueductal Gray Suppresses peripheral Blood Natural Killer Cell Activity. Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 8, 212-228, 1994.


Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, J.S.,52.Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Keller, S.E.: Immune Differences in Children with and without Depression. Biological Psychiatry 38:771-774, 1995.


Pascual, T., Andreoli, A., Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A., Marin, P., and Cathieni, M. Demoralisation, Crise emotionnelle et immunite: une etude pilote. Revue de Psychologie Medicale, 1995.


Eckholdt, H.M., Schleifer, S.J., Cohen, J., Keller, S.E.: Analysis of Partial Variance (APV): Response to Thompson and Maes (letter). Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 8:372-373, 1995


Whitehouse, W.G., Dinges, D.F.,Carota, E., Keller, S.E., et al: Psychosocial and Immune Effects of Self-Hypnosis Training for Stress Management throughout the First Semester of Medical School. Psychosomatic Medicine, 58:249-263, 1996.


Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., LaFarge, S., Dhaibar, Y., Shiflett, S., Eckholdt, H.M.: HIV-1 Infection in an Inner City Alcohol Treatment Program. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 20:1 75-80, 1996.

PMID: 8651466

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A., Eckholdt, H.M., Delaney, B.R.: Immunity in young adults with Major Depressive Disorder. Am. J. Psychiatry, 153:477-482, 1996.


Bartlett, J.A., Andreoli, A.A., Pasqual, T., Keller, S.E.: Recent Benzodiazepine use in Depressed Patients: A Confound of Psychoimmunological Studies? Brain, Behavior and Immunity 10:380-386, 1996.

PMID: 9045752

Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A., Eckholdt, H.F., Delaney, B.R.:Immunity in Young Adults with Major Depressive Disorder. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 153:4, 477-482, 1996.

Bartlett, J.A., Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Phagocytosis and Killing of Staphylococcus aureus: Effects of Stress and Depression in Children. Clinical and Diagnositc Laboratory Immunology , 4:3 362-366, 1997.

PMID: 9144378

Campagnolo, D.I., Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A. Impaired Phagocytosis of Staphylococcus Aureus in complete Tetraplegics. American J. of Psychical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 76:276-280, 1997.

PMID: 9267186

Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Delaney, B.R., Shiflett, S.C., Keller, S.E.: Immune Function in Healthy Adolescents. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 5:1 1998.


Raphael, K.G., Marbach, J.J., Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A. Systemic health consequences of alloplastic implants of the TMJ: A pilot study. Journal of Orofacial Pain., 12:4, 1998.

PMID: 10425976

Raphael, K., Marbach, J.J., Wolford, F., Keller, S.E. and Bartlett, J.A. Self-Reported Systemic Immune-Mediated Disorders in Patients with and without Proplast-Teflon Implants of the TMJ. J. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 57:364-370, 1999

PMID: 10199486

Campagnolo, D.I., Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A. Adrenal and Pituitary Hormone Patterns Following Spinal Chord Injury. American J. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 78:4, 1999.

PMID: 10418843

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A.: Depression and Immunity: clinical factors and therapeutic course. Psychiatry Research, 85:63-69, 1999.


Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Shiflet, S. Benton, T, Eckholdt, H. Immune Changes in Alcohol-Dependent Patients without Medical Disorders, Alcoholism, 23(7): 1199-1206, 1999.

PMID: 10443986

Zeitlin, D., Keller,S.E., Shiflett, S.C., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A..Immunological effects of massage therapy during academic stress. Psy. Med., 62, 83-84, 2000.

PMID: 10705915

Campagnolo, D.I., Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E.: Influence of Neurological Level on Immune Function Following Spinal Cord Injury: A Review. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 23(2):121-128, 2000.

PMID: 10914353

Bartlett, J.A., Goldklang, A., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Immune Function in Healthy Inner City Children. Clin Diag. Lab. Immunol, 8(4): 740-746, 2001.

PMID: 11427420

Zeitlin, D., Keller, S.E., Shiflett, S.C., Schleifer, S.J. Bartlett, J.A. Immunological effects of massage therapy during academic stress. Massage Therapy Journal, Summer 2001: pp 80-87.

PMID: 10705915

Schleifer, S.J., Benton, T., Keller, S.E., Dhaibar, Y.: Immune Measures in Alcoholics with Minor Health Abnormalities. Alcohol, 26 35-41, 2002.


Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A.: Panic Disorder and Immunity: Few Effects on Circulating Lymphocytes, Mitogen Responses, and NK Cell Activity. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 2002


Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A. Keller, S.E., Eckholdt, H.M., Shiflett, S.C., Delaney, B.R. Immunity in Adolescents with Major Depression, J, Am Acad Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 41:1054-60, 2002.


Kocht, A., Janal, M., and Keller, S.E. The influence of Gingival Margin Recession on Loss of Clinical Attachment in Alcohol Dependent Patients without Medical Disorders, J & Ann. Periodontology, 2002

PMID: 14682669

Chen K.W, Shiflett S, Ponzio N, He B, Elliott D, Keller S.E., A preliminary study of the effect of external qigong on lymphoma in mice, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 8(5): 615-621, 2002

PMID: 12470443

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A. Panic Disorder and Immunity: Few Effects on Circulating Lymphocytes, Mitogen Response, and NK Cell Activity, Brain Behavior and Immunity. 16:698-705, 2002.

PMID: 12480500

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., and Cjaza, S. Major Depression and Immunity in Alcohol Dependent Persons: 2005 Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.

PMID: 16039825

Campagnolo, D.I., Dixon, D, Schwartz J, Bartlett, JA, and Keller, S.E., Altered innate immunity following spinal cord injury: Spinal Cord, 2008

PMID: 18268516

Ahmed Khocht DDS, Steven Schleifer MD, Malvin Janal Ph D, and Steven Keller Ph D The Effect of Dental Care on Oral Disease in Alcohol Dependent Patients: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2008

PMCID: PMC2760312

Schroeder R., Brazeau C., Zackin F., Rovi S., Dickey J., Johnson MS, Keller S.E. Do State Medical Board Applications Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? Academic Medicine: 2010

PMID: 19474558

Jason Zucker, MS, MD, Jennifer Gillen, MD, Jason Ackrivo, Robin Schroeder, MD,

and Steven Keller, PhD; Hypertension Management in a Student-Run

Free Clinic: Meeting National Standards? Academic Medicine Vol. 86, No. 2 / February 2011


Jason Zucker, MS, MD, Jennifer Gillen, MD, Jason Ackrivo, Robin Schroeder, MD,

and Steven Keller, PhD; Measuring and Assessing Preventive Medicine Services in a Student-Run Free Clinic. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved in press


21. Books, Monographs and Chapters

Ioachim, H.L., Schmidt, E.C. and Keller, S.E.: Morphologic studies of cell receptors of lymphocytes and lymphomas. Int'l. Confer. on Comparative Leukemia Research, Copenhagen, Ed. Clemmesen, Johannes and Yahn, David, S., Karger, Basel, 1975.

Stein, M., Keller, S.E. and Schleifer, S.J.: Role of the Hypothalamus in Mediating Stress Effects. In Stoll, B.A., Mind and Cancer Prognosis. J. Wiley and Sons, Chichester, England, 1979.

Stein, M., Schleifer, S.J. and Keller, S.E.: Immune Disorders. In Kaplan, H.I., Freedman, A.M. and Sadock, B.J. Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry III, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1980.

Stein, M., Keller, S. and Schleifer, S.: The Hypothalamus and the Immune Response. In Brain, Behavior and Bodily Disease. Ed. H. Weiner, ARNMD. Raven Press, New York, 1981.

Stein, M., Schleifer, S.J. and Keller, S.E.: Hypothalamic Influences on Immune Responses. In Psychoneuroimmunology, (ed.) Ader, R. Academic Press, New York, 1981.

Stein, M., Schleifer, S.J. and Keller, S.E.: The Role of the Brain and Neuroendocrine System in Immune Regulation: Potential Links to Neoplastic Disease. In Biological Mediators of Behavior and Disease: Neoplasia. Ed. S. Levy, Elsevier, North Holland, 1982.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J. and Stein, M.: Stress Induced Suppression of Lymphocyte Function in the Rat. In Stress, Immunity and Aging, ed. Cooper, E.L., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1984.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., and Stein, M.: Stress and CNS Effects on the Immune System. In S.M. Levy (ed.) Behavior and Cancer, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1985.

Stein, M., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Stress, Depression and Immunity. In Hendrie, H. and Frederickson, R.C.A. (ed.), Proceedings of the First Annual Symposium on Neuronal Control of Bodily Function, Indianapolis, 1985.

Stein, M., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E. Stress, Depression and Immunity. In: Frederickson RCA, Hendrie H.C., Hingtgen J.N, Aprison M.H,: Neuroregulation of Autonomic, Endocrine and Immune Systems. M. Nijhoff, Boston, 1985.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., and Stein, M. Central Nervous System Mechanisms and Immunity: Implications for Tumor Response. In: S.M. Levy, Behavior and Cancer, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1985.

Stein, M., Schleifer, S.J. and Keller, S.E.: Immune Disorders. In Kaplan, H.I., Freedman, A.M. and Sadock, B.J. Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry IV, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1985.

Stein, M., Schleifer, S.J., and Keller, S.E.: Brain, Behavior and Immune Processes. In J.D. Cavenar (Ed.), Psychiatry, J.P. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1985.

Stein, M., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E. Psychoimmunology in Clinical Psychiatry. In: American Psychiatric Association Annual Review, v. 6, Section Two, 1986.

Stein, M., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Immunity and Aging: Experimental and Clinical Studies. In Riley, N.W., Baum, A.S., Matarazzo, J.D. (ed.), Perspectives on Behavioral Medicine, Volume 4: Biomedical and Psychosocial Dimensions of Aging, L. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ. pp 125-142, 1987.

Stein, M., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E. Psychoimmunology in Clinical Psychiatry. In: American Psychiatric Association Annual Review, v. 6, pp 210-234, 1987.

Stein, M., Keller, S.E., and Schleifer, S.J. Immune System: Relationship to Anxiety Disorders. In G. Winokur (ed.) Psychiatric Clinics of North America, W.B. Saunders Co., Vol. 11(2), pp. 349-360, 1988.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Stein, M.: Bereavement and Immune Function. In: C.N. Ramsey Jr. (ed.) The Science of Family Medicine, Guilford Press, pp. 257-262, 1989.

Schleifer, S.J., S., Keller, S.E., Immunity and Major Depressive Disorder. in Miller, A., \Depressive Disorders and Immunity, Am. Psychiatric Press, Washington, D.C., pp.65-84, 1989.

Stein, M., Schleifer, S.J. and Keller, S.E. Stress and the Immune System, in Davis, K.L. and Klar, H. and Coyle, J.T. (Eds.) Brain, Behavior and Psychiatry, W.B. Saunders, Orlando 1990.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Depression, Altered Immunity, and Health: Clinical Implications for Psychoimmunological Processes. In Immunologic Mechanisms in Neurologic and Psychiatric Diseases, ed. B. H. Waksman. Raven Press, 1990

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Stress-Induced Changes in Immune Function in Animals: Hypothalamic-Pituitary Adrenal Influences. In Psychoneuroimmunology II, (Ed.) Ader, R., Cohen, N., Felten, D. Academic Press, New York, pp.771-784, 1991.

Keller, S.E., Delaney, B.R., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Pinner, E.T. Teaching Safe Sex to High Risk Adolescents. In Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, C. Isler (Ed.) Cahners Inc., NY,NY 1990

Schleifer, S.J., Dillon, B., Tross, S., Keller, S.E., AIDS and Addictions. In Miller, S.I. and Frances, R. (Ed.) Clinical Textbook of Addiction Disorders, #13, pp. 299-313, Guilford Press, New York, N.Y., 1991

Schleifer, S.J. and Keller, S.E. Depressive Disorders and Immunity, In: Plotnikoff, N. P., Murgo, A.J., Faith, R.E., Wybran, J. (Ed.) Stress and Immunity, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl., Chapter 10: pp. 157-165, 1991.

Schleifer, S.J. and Keller, S.E. Stressful Events, Depressive Disorders and Immunity. In: Schmoll, H.J., Tewes, U., Plotnikoff, N.P. (Ed.) Psychoneuroimmunology: Interactions between Brain, Nervous System, Behavior, Endocrine and Immune System, Hogrefe and Huber, Lewiston, New York, Chapter 8, pp. 91-99, 1992.

Keller, S.E. and Schleifer, S.J Stressful Events, Depressive Disorders, and Immunity. Schmoll, HJ (Ed.) Psychoneuroimmunology: Interactions between Brain, Nervous System, Behavior, Endocrine, and Immune System. Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover, Germany, 1992

Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Shiflett, S.C.: Stress, Depression, Immunity and Health. Psychoneuroimmunology: Stress, Mental Disorders and Health, (Ed.) Goodkin, K., American Psychiatric Press, 1995.

Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E., Eckholdt, H., Schleifer, S.J.: HIV-Relevant Issues in Adolescents. In: Boyd-Franklin, N., Steiner, G., and Boland, M.D. (Eds) Children, Families, and HIV/AIDS, pp. 78-89, Guildford Press, New York, 1995.

Bartlett, J.A., Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Stress, Depression, Mood and Immunity. Pfeffer, C. (Ed.), Intense Stress and Mental Disturbance in Children, 1995

Keller, S.E., Shiflett, S.C., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A.,: Stress, Immunity and Health. Handbook of Human Stress and Immunity, (Ed.) Glazer, R., Kiecolt-Glazer, J., Academic Press, Chapter 9, pp. 217-244, 1997.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Shiflett, S.C., Rameshwar, P.: Stress, Depression, Immunity and Health. Psychoneuroimmunology: Stress Mental Disorders and Health, (Ed) Goodkin, K., American Psychiatric Press, Inc., Washington, D.C., pp. 1-25, 2000.

22. Abstracts

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., McKegney, F.P. and Stein, M.: Bereavement and Lymphocyte Function. Abstract - New Research Section - American Psychiatric Association Meetings. San Francisco, Calif., May, 1980.

Keller, S.E., Ackerman, S., Schleifer, S.J., Shindledecker, R., Camerino, M.A., Hofer, M., Weiner, H. and Stein, M.: Effect of Premature Weaning on Lymphocyte Stimulation in the Rat. Psychosomatic Medicine 45:75, 1983.

Keller, S.E., Shapiro, R., Schleifer, S.J., and Stein, M.: Hypothalamic Influences on Anaphylaxis. Psychosomatic Medicine, 44:302, 1982.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Camerino, M.A., Falini, J.A., Halperin, J., Stein, M.: Stress Induced Suppression of Antibody Production and PFC's in the Rat. Psychosomatic Medicine. 46:286-287, 1984.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Cohen, J., and Stein, M.: Depression and Immunity: Role of Age, Sex, and Severity. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, 1985.

Keller, S.E. Behavioral Influences on Immunity. UCLA Seminar Series in Behavioral Neuroimmunity, Los Angeles, California, 1986.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., and Stein, M.: Depression and Lymphocyte Function: Role of Age, Sex, and Severity. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1986.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., and Stein, M. Age-Related Immune Changes in Depression. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1986.

Keller, S.E. Central Nervous System - Immune system Interaction. Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1986.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Stein, M. Bereavement and Immune Function Symposium. American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C., 1986.

Keller, S.E. McArthur Summer Workshop: Health Promoting and Health Damaging Behaviors. Palm Beach, FL, 1986.

Keller, S.E. Mechanisms of CNS Modulation of Immunity. Organizer, Specialized Panel. Winter Conference on Brain Research. Vail, Colorado, January, 1987.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., and Stein, M. Depression and Immunity: Role of Age and Severity, Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C., March, 1987.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., and Stein, M. Clinical Studies of Immune Function in Psychiatric Disorders. ISPNE, Chapel Hill, N.C., July, 1987, Neuroendocrinol. Letters, v. 9

Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Scott, B.J., Johnson, R.L., Keller, S.E. Stress and Depression in Inner-City Adolescents. New Research, presented at the American Psychiatric Association 141st Annual Meeting at Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May, 1988.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Johnson, R.L., Thompson, C. AIDS Risk Behavior in Adolescents. New Research, presented at the American Psychiatric Association 141st Annual Meeting in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May, 1988.

Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E., and Schleifer, S.J. Correlates of AIDS Knowledge and AIDS Risk Behaviors in Inner City Adolescents. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Seattle, Washington, October, 1988.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., and Bartlett, J.A. Depression, Altered Immunity and Health: Clinical Implications for Psychoimmunologic Processes. ARNMD, November, 1988.

Keller, S.E. Novel CNS-Immune Interactions, Winter Conference on Brain Research; Barbara Bayer, Organizer. Snowbird, Utah, January, 1989.

Keller, S.E. Psychoimmunology: Implications of Stress and Depression in Adolescents at Risk for AIDS. Yardley Symposium, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, April, 1989.

Keller, S.E. Psychoneuroimmunology. University of California, Veterans Administration Hospital, San Diego, CA, May, 1989.

Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E. Immune Changes in Pre-Pubescent MDD, Biol.. Psychiatry, San Francisco. May, 1989.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A. A Psychoimmunological Model of AIDS Risk, Biol.. Psychiatry, San Francisco. May, 1989.

Holmes, D. Pinner, E.T., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E. Dominance, Immunity and Depression in Adolescents, New research, A. Psy. Ass. May, 1989.

Bansil, R.J., Hymowitz, N., Keller, S.E. Cigarette Smoking and Neuroleptics. American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco. May, 1989.

Keller, S.E. Psychoimmunology and AIDS Progression: Symposium: Jack Gorman, Organizer. American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco. May, 1989.

Keller, S.E. Depression, Immunity and Health, Department of Psychiatry, University of Modena, Modena, Italy July, 1989

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A. A Psychoimmunological/Behavioral Model of AIDS Risk. American Psychological Association, New Orleans. August, 1989.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E. Stressful Events, Depressive Disorders and Immunity. International Symposium on Interactions and between Brain, Nervous System, Behavior, Endocrine and Immune System. Hannover, FRG, September, 1989.

Andreoli, A., Keller, S.E., Taban, C., Rabaeus, M. and Garrone, G. Immune Function in Major Depressive Episodes: Relation to Panic Disorder Comorbidity. Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry; Bern, Switzerland, January, 1990.

Keller, S.E., Glazer, R., Schwartz, S. Schutzer, S. and Schleifer, S.J. Immunology for the Neuroscientist. Winter Conference on Brain Research; Aspen, Colorado, Jan 1990.

Bartlett, J.S., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E. Development Psychoimmunology, Winter Conference on Brain Research; Snowmass, Colorado, January, 1990.

Andreoli, A., Keller, S.E., Taban, C., Rabaeus, M, Garrone, G. Immune Function in Major \Depressive Disorder: Relation to Panic Disorder Comorbidity. Biological Psychiatry Society, New York, 1990.

Keller, S.E., Glazer, R., Schwartz, S., Schutzer, S. and Schleifer, S.J. Immunology for the Neuroscientist. Winter Conference on Brain Research; Aspen, Colorado, January 1990.

Andreoli, A., Keller, S.E. Taban, C., Rabaeus, M, Garrone, G. Immune Function in Major Depressive Disorder: Relation to Panic Disorder Comorbidity. Biological Psychiatry Society, New York, New York, 1990.

Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J. Adolescence and AIDS Risk. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting, New York, May, 1990.

Keller, S.E. Central Nervous System Effects on Immunity. 2eme Symposium de Psychoimmunologie de Geneve. Institutions Universitaires De Psychiatrie - Geneve (I.U.P.G.), June 1990. (Second Symposium on Psychoimmunology in Geneve, Department of Psychiatry, University of Geneve, Geneve, Switzerland).

Keller, S.E. Immunity and Depression. Psychoneuroimmunology in Relation to Cancer. John Rittmeister Institute,kiel, West Germany, June 1990.

Keller, S.E. The Immune System. American Society Adolescent and Child Psychiatry. Chicago, Ill., October 1990.

Keller, S.E. Psychological and Biological Risk Factors in Adolescents AIDS. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, November 1990.

Keller, S.E. Developmental Issues in Depression and Immune Function. UCLA, Psychoimmunology Task Force, December 1990.

Marbach, J.J., Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J. Temporomandibular Pain (TMPDS) and Immune Function. The Clinical J of Pain, vol.7 &, No.1, 1991.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Eckholdt, H.M., Stein, M.: Life Threatening Spousal Illness and Immunity. Society of Biol.. Psychiatry, New Orleans, La., May, 1991.

Lignelli, A., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Aggression and Immunity in Inner City Alcoholics. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La., May, 1991.

Bartlett, J., Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J.: Altered Immunity in Childhood Major Depressive Disorder. New Research, American Psychiatry Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La., May, 1991.

Dillon, B., Bartlett, J., Schleifer, S.J., Eckholdt, H.M., Keller, S.E.: Adolescent Suicidality in an Inner City Population. New Research, American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La., May, 1991.

Bartlett, J., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Immune Changes in Childhood Depression. Society of Biol.. Psychiatry, New Orleans, La., May, 1991.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., LaFarge, S., Lignelli, A., Nui, H.: Immunity in Inner City Alcoholics. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La., May, 1991.

Keller, S.E., Dinges, D.F, Orne, E., Vauer-Manler, MS, Whitehouse, W.G., Morahan, P., Bloom, B., Orne, M.T. Perceived Stress, Sleep, and Natural Killer Cell Function during the First Semester of Medical School. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La., May, 1991.

Keller, S.E., Andreoli, A., Taban, C., Rabaeus, M., Maran, P. Immunity and Depression: Role of Cortisol and Prolactin. Soc. Biol.. Psychiatry, New Orleans, La., May, 1991.

Shiflett, S.C., Eckholdt, H.E., Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., and Bartlett, J.A. Relationship of Loneliness to Mood and Behavior Among Minority Adolescents. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, 1991.

Keller, S.E. MDE and Co-morbid Panic Disorder: Immune Alterations. Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, Geneva University, Geneva, Switzerland. June 1991.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J. and Bartlett, J.A.: Immune and Health Aspects of Populations at Risk for AIDS. Research Perspectives in Psychoneuriommunology, Columbus, Ohio September, 1991.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J. and Bartlett, J.A.: Affect Behavior and Immunity. Research Perspectives in Psychoneuroimmunology, Columbus, Ohio, September, 1991.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Andreoli, A.: Depression and the Immune System. European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Monte Carlo, Monaco, October 1991.

Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E. Acad. Child Psych. October, 1991

Keller, S.E.: Stressful Life Events and Chronic Pain: What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Know? American Pain Society, New Orleans. La. November 1991.

Eckholdt, H.M., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E.: Sex Risk among Inner City Adolescents as a Function of Information about AIDS. American College of Epidemiology, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1991.

Demetrikopoulus, M., Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Depression, Stress, and Immune Functioning in Prepubescent Children: Effects on Phagocytosis. Society of Neuroscience, New Orleans. La. November 1991

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Eckholdt, H.: Affective Processes and Immune Dysfunction Have Health Consequences. Society for Biological Psychiatry, Washington, D.C., April, 1992.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., LaFarge, S.: Psychoimmunologic Processes in Pure and mixed Alcohol Abusers. Society for Biological Psychiatry, Washington, D.C., April, 1992.

Bartlett, J.A., Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Stress, Depression and Granulocyte Function in Pre-Pubescent Children. Washington, D.C., April, 1992.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Eckholdt, H.: Affective Processes, Immune Dysfunction and Health. American Psychiatric Association 145th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 1992.

Keller, S.E., Andreoli, A.: Immunity in Drug-Naive Major Depressive Episode Patients. American Psychiatric Association 145th Meet., Washington, D.C., May, 1992.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A.: Depression and Lymphocyte Function in Adolescents. American Psychiatric Association 145th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 1992.

Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Demetrikopoulos, M, Eckholdt, H.M., Keller, S.E.: Stress and Immunity in Adolescents. American Psychiatric Association 145th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 1992.

Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J.: Mood and Altered Immunity in Adolescents. American Psychiatric Association 145th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 1992.

Eckholdt, H.M., Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., DaSilva, J.: Sex Risk Predicted by Past Sexually Transmitted Disease. American Psychiatric Association 145th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 1992.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Eckholdt, H.M.: Health Consequences of Affective Processes and Immune Dysfunction. Quality of Life and HIV Infection Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July, 1992

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Eckholdt, H.M.: Affective Processes and Immune Dysfunction Have Health Consequences. 8th International Congress of Immunology, Budapest, Hungary, August, 1992.

Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Eckholdt, H.M.: Clinical Implications of PNI Findings in Adolescents. International Congress of Psychosocial Oncology, Bordeaux, France, October 1992.

Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Siegel, A., Schleifer, S.J., Obedi, J., O'Brien, W.T., Keller, S.E.: Procedural Effects on Natural Killer Cell Responses: Time Course for Multiple Blood Sampling in Psychoneuroimmunological Experiments. Research Perspectives in Psychoneuroimmunology, Denver, Colorado, April, 1993.

Schleifer, S.J., LaFarge, S., Eckholdt, H.M., Keller, S.E.: Substance Abuse and Immunity: Alcohol and Cocaine Effects. Research Perspectives in Psychoneuroimmunology, Denver, Colorado, April, 1993.

Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Keller, S.E.: Differential Effects of Severity and Diagnosis of Depression on Immunity in Children. Research Perspectives in Psychoneuroimmunology, Denver, Colorado, April, 1993.

Bartlett, J.A., Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Cell Cycle Analysis of Response to PHA in Children and Adolescents with MDD. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, May, 1993.

Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Mood and Substance Use: Effects on Health and Immunity. 146th Annual Meeting of The American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, California, May, 1993.

Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Diagnosis and Severity of MDD: Effects on Immunity. 146th Annual Meeting of The American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, California, May, 1993.

Schleifer, S.J., Dhaibar, Y., Kumar, N., Martinez, J., Beltramini, S., Keller, S.E.: Alcohol \Abusers, Cocaine Use, and Immunity. 146th Annual Meeting of The American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, California, May, 1993.

Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Siegel, A.: Electrical Stimulation of the Rat Midbrain Periaqueductal Gray Suppresses Peripheral Blood Natural Killer Cell Activity. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C., November, 1993.

Bartlett, J.A., Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Alcohol and Immunity: Clinical Implications. Winter Conference on Brain Research, Salt Lake City, Utah, January, 1994.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Demetrikopoulos, M.K.: Medical Status Depressed Mood and Immune Function. Annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia, PA., May, 1994.

Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E., Demetrikopoulos, M.K., Schleifer, S.J.: Aggression and Immunity. Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia, PA., May, 1994.

Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Dillon, B., Zeitlin, D., Eckholdt, H.M., Keller, S.E.: Immunity in Young Adults with Major Depression Disorder. Annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia, PA, May, 1994.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Irwin, M., Eckholdt, H.:Alcohol, Depression, and Immunity: Clinical Implications. Annual Scientific Meeting - Research on Alcoholism, Maui, Hawaii, June 1994.

Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E., Demetrikopoulos, M.K.: Aggression and Immunity. Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Key Biscayne, Florida, November, 1994.

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Demetrikopoulos, M.K.: Medical Status, Depressed Mood and Immune Function. Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Key Biscayne, Florida, November, 1994.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Eckholdt, H.M.: Immunity in Healthy Inner City Alcoholics. Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Key Biscayne, Florida, November, 1994.

Rameshwar, P., Keller, S.E., Niu, H.L., Gason, P.: Monocyte Adhesion in Myelofibrosis is Associated with Increased Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Up regulation of CD25 Expression. Role of CD44 Adhesion Molecule. 36th Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology. Nashville, Tennessee, December 1994.

Andreoli, A., Keller, S.E., T. Pasual, L.P., Bartlett, J.A.: NK Activity and Past antidepressant Medication. Europe, April, 1995.

Schleifer, S.J., Andreoli, A.A., Keller, S.E. et al. Psychoimmunology of Depression and Antidepressant Therapy. 2nd International Conference on New Directions in affective disorders. Jerusalem, September, 1995

Shiflett, S.C., Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Delany, B.R.: Psychoimmunology of Loneliness, Social Supports and Health in Innercity Adolescents. NIH Conference on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Methodology, April, 1995.

Schleifer, S.J. Keller, S.E., Shiflett, S., Eckholdt, H.M.: Immune Changes in Healthy Inner City Alcoholics: Role of Alcoholism and Comorbid Factors. The Third Annual Symposium on AIDS, Drugs of Abuse, and the Neuroimmune Axis, San Diego, CA, November, 1995.

Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E., Shiflett, S.C., Eckholdt, H.M.: Immunity in Young Adults with Major Depression: Clinical and Pharmacotherapeutic Considerations. Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society Annual meeting, Santa Monica, CA. April, 1996

Bartlett, J.A. Hill, J.M., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E.: Mood, Cognition and Immunity in Children. Spring Conference on Immunomodulation April 1996

Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E., Shiflett, S.C., Eckholdt, H.M.: Major Depression and Immunity: Role of Clinical Change and Treatment, Spring Conference on Immuno-Modulation (SCIM), Vail, CO, April, 1997.

Eckholdt, H.M., Shiflett, S.C., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E.: Immune Effects on Sex Behavior, Annual meeting Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA, April, 1997.

Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Shiflett, S.C., Keller, S.E.: Immune Patterns in Adolescents with Major Depression. Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society (PNIRS) Annual meeting, Boulder, CO, June 5, 1997

Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett J.A., Keller S.E. Immunity in Depressive

Disorders: Categorical vs Dimensional Effects. Winter Conference on Brain Research, Snowbird, Utah, January, 1998.

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Benton, T Alcoholism and Immunity: Role of Liver Disease. Am. Psych. Assoc., New Research, Washington, D.C., May, 1999

Keller, S.E., Schleifer, S.J., Bartlett, J.A., Goldklang, A. Bereavement and Depression: Immune Concomitant. Soc. Of Biological Psychiatry, Chicago, Illinois, May, 2000.

Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A., Goldklang, A.R., Andrisano, N. Immune Function in Healthy Children. Psychoneurommunology Research Society (PNIRS), Cape Fear, North Carolina, May, 2000.

Goldklang, A.R., Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E. Adolescent Smoking: A PNI Confound of Consequence to NK Function. PsychoneuroImmunology Research Society (PNIRS), Cape Fear, North Carolina, May, 2000.

Bartlett, J.A., Keller, S.E., Hill, J.M. Mood, Cognition and Immunity: Related Phenomena in Children. PsychoneuroImmunology Research Society, Cape Fear, North Carolina, May, 2000.

Bartlett, J.A., Goldklang, A.R., Andrisano, N, Keller, S.E. Immune Function in Healthy Children. 23rd European Conference on Psychosomatic Research, Oslo, Norway, June, 2000.

Goldklang, A.R., Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E. Adolescent Smoking and NK Function: PNI Confound. 23rd European Conference on Psychosomatic Research, Oslo, Norway, June, 2000.

Goldklang, A.R., Bartlett, J.A., Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E. Adolescent Smoking: A PNI Confound of Consequence to NK Function. PsychoneuroImmunology Research Society (PNIRS), Cape Fear, North Carolina, May, 2000.

Keller, S.E., Bartlett, J.A., Campagnolo, D., Czaja, S. Why do Adolescents with Spinal Chord Injury Die of Infection?. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Oahu, Hawaii, October, 2001

Schleifer, S.J., Keller, S.E., Czaja, S. Sex Risk Behavior for HIV Transmission in Alcoholics and Mixed Substance Abusers. American Psychiatric Association, New Research. May, 2002

Schleifer, S., Keller, S., Czaja, S. Sex Risk Behaviors for HIV Transmission in Alcoholics and Mixed Substance Abusers. New Research, Annual Meeting, Am Psychiatric Assoc, Philadelphia, PA, May, 2002.

B. Geyer, J. Hill, S. Keller, and J. Bartlett: Updated inner-city norms for the Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices, International Neuropsychological Society, February 2003, Waikiki, Hawaii

Keller, S.E., Why Teach WebCT to Medical School Professors? ITMED 2005

Keller, S.E. Adoption Rate Enhancement of CMS for Medical Education and Faculty Development. Institute for Technology in Medical Education, May 2005, Philadelphia, Pa.

Hauptman JS; Alli V; Stark F; Keller S; and Schulder M. "Autologous platelet-poor gel as a dural sealant in skull base surgery." American Association of Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans, La., April 2005.

Hauptman JS; Alli V; Stark F; Keller S; and Schulder M. "Autologous Platelet-poor Gel in Skull Base Surgery: Outcome Analysis." North American Skull Base Society, Toronto, Canada, April 2005.

Brown, S., Stagnaro-Green, and Keller, S. “Longitudinal Study of Student Expectations, Perceptions and Enthusiasm in Year One of a Comprehensive Curriculum Change” AAMC 2005

Keller, S., Washington, J. “What to do with Tenured Faculty when the Money Stops Rolling In: On-Line Course Creation Made Easy” AAMC 2005

Keller, S., Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks: A Simplified Approach to Engage Medical Faculty to Create On-Line Courses. Graylyn Conference 2005

Washington, J and Keller, S. “Faculty Development: Turning “Precomputer Age” Faculty Into Online Course Creators. If We Can Do It So Can You” STFM Charleston, S.C. 2006

Mentored Peer Reviewed Publications of Residents and Medical Students

J. Bundalian, M.D., J. Gonzalez, M.D., Thomas, B., A. Bhattacharyya, M.D.: Medical Management of the Missed Abortion in an Office Setting for Family Practice: AAFP Scientific Assembly, Washington, D.C., September 2006

N. Elias, M.D., Z. Hammad, M.D., Z. Khan, M.D.: Duration of Breastfeeding in Patients at the Center for Family Health: NJAFP Poster Session at the Summer Celebration in Atlantic City, NJ., June 25, 2006, and was selected as the second place poster in the resident category.

R. Wade, M.D., M. Malek-Jones Post-Partum Depression – Steps Towards Improvement:

STFM Northeast Regional Meeting, Pittsburg, PA., October 19-21, 2007.

B. Chiara, M.D., I. Erlikh, M.D., A. Siddiqui, M.D.:Cancer Prevention Practices Among Primary Care Physicians In New Jersey: 40th STFM Annual Spring Conference, Chicago, Il., April 24-29, 2007

D. Shah, M.D., F. Cintas, M.D Has Our Understanding of the Metabolic Syndrome Translated Into Improved Clinical Practice?: 40th STFM Annual Spring Conference, Chicago, IL., April 24-29, 2007

N. Tully, M.D., I. Erlikh, M.D., I. Bentahar, M.D: Is Postpartum Depression Under-diagnosed in an Urban Minority Population in Hoboken, New Jersey?: 40th STFM Annual Spring Conference, Chicago, IL, April 24-29, 2007

Jacobs, A., Keller, S.E., How well is an urban prenatal population screened and managed for Tuberculosis?: STFM, 2008 Spring Conference Fellows/Residents/Students Research Works In

Progress Poster, April 30 - May 4, 2008 in Baltimore, MD.

Wade, R., Jacobs, A., Keller, S.E.: Postpartum Depression: Steps to Improving Screening

and Follow-up: STFM, 2008 Spring Conference Fellows/Residents/Students Research Works In

Progress Poster, April 30 - May 4, 2008 in Baltimore, MD.

Mentored IRB Approved Research Projects:

Chung, Tong Wei, Oleske, J, Kim, Soyeon, Keller, S.E. Is Neutropenia Associated with Increases of Infections in Children with AIDS. 2006-2008

Mentored QA/QI Approved Research Projects:

Lwanga Bennin, NJMS 2008; Hypertension Control in Nairobi; Spring 2008

Summer 2008


Mentors: Kelly Kronhaus-Ussery, MD (Family Medicine, HUMC) and Steven Keller, PhD (Psychiatry and Family Medicine)

Supported by Cancer Education research traineeship from the National Cancer Institute



Sponsors: Marilyn Pierre-Louis, MD (Family Medicine, HUMC), Steven Keller, PhD (Family Medicine)

Supported by a Cancer Education research traineeship from the National Cancer Institute


Mentors: Steven E. Keller, PhD (Department of Family Medicine), Abbie Jacobs, MD (Hoboken University Medical Center), Julia Ejiogu, MD (Hoboken University Medical Center)

Supported by a training grant from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute



Elise Butkiewicz, MD, Steven Keller, PhD, Abbie Jacobs, MD (UMDNJ and Hoboken University Medical Center)

Supported by a Cancer Education research traineeship from the National Cancer Institute


Supported by a training grant from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute



Sponsor: Steven E Keller, PhD. (Family Medicine), Marylin Pierre-Louis, MD (Hoboken University Medical Center)

Supported by a training grant from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

The Effectiveness of the SMART program at UMDNJ: Pre-Academic Evaluation

J. Jacob.

Mentors: Steven Keller, Ph.D; KathyAnn Duncan, M.D

Department of Family Medicine, New Jersey Medical School

The Effectiveness of the SMART program at UMDNJ: Relation to Socio-Demographics -P. Yelavarthy

Mentors: Steven Keller, Ph.D; KathyAnn Duncan, M.D

Department of Family Medicine, New Jersey Medical School

The Effectiveness of the SMART program at UMDNJ: Education and Aspiration

M. Denisiuk; Lifestyle and Cardiac Behavior- Y. Namn;

Mentors: Steven Keller, Ph.D; KathyAnn Duncan, M.D

Department of Family Medicine, New Jersey Medical School

The Effectiveness of the SMART program at UMDNJ: Interest level and Familial Relationships; M. Marki; C. Amo-Adjei, P. Gabriel, C. Marki, E. Nwafor, S. Peprah

Mentors: Steven Keller, Ph.D; KathyAnn Duncan, M.D

Department of Family Medicine, New Jersey Medical School

Neil King, Opeyemi Asanbe, Radhika Shah

Assessing the Effectiveness of Patient Education at a Community Health Fair.

Mentor: Steven Keller, PhD; Department of Family Medicine, UMDNJ, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ 07103


Caryl Heaton, DO and Steven Keller, PhD Department of Family Medicine 2009

David Woodkotch MS-II: Adherence to Diabetes Guidelines In Family Medicine Teaching Practices.

Mentors: Caryl J. Heaton, D.O. & Steven E. Keller, PhD

Department of Family Medicine, 2009

Mafudia Bangura, (NJMS 2010) Opportunistic screening for diabetes and hypertension in the outpatient clinics in Sierra Leone : A pilot study; Oral presentation during the 138th APHA Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2010) in Denver, CO. Steven E. Keller, Ph.D. Mentor

Pierre-Louis,M.D., Aguero, PharmD,BCPS, , S. E. Keller,PhD, Inpatient Diabetes Blood Sugar Control on a Family Medicine Service using an Insulin Sliding Scale 2010 NJAFP Summer Celebration and Scientific Assembly in Atlantic City June 18-20 HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank"


Peer reviewed presentations

Khokhar, Mamoona, Gurunathan, Arun, He, Ken, Dunay, Stephen, Schroeder MD, Keller PhD, Steven. Patient Flow Analysis at a Student Family Health Care Center; Society of Teachers of Family Medicine/Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Conference, Houston, TX 2011.

Palma, Mark, Jean, Wisna, Lee, Jae, Shih,Tiffany, Morales, Rachel, Schroeder MD Robin, Keller PhD, Steven. QA/QI of Social Services at the Student Family Health Care Center. SSRFC Conference, 2011.

Morrissey, B., Mecoli, C., Keller, S., Schroeder, R.. (2011, January). Prejudice in Student-Run Free Clinics: Are we reinforcing misperceptions about the medically uninsured?, Oral Presentation Society for Student Run Free Clinics Annual Conference; Houston TX, 2011.


Internal Medicine Residency NJMS-UMDNJ

Each project has between 3 and 4 residents participating with one from each PGY per group.

UH Group #1: Are we following guidelines for Unstable angina

UH Group #2: Are we following guidelines for chest compression in CPR?

UH Group #3: Are we following guidelines for screening microalbuminuria in UH

UH Group #4: Smoking Cessation Education in Clinic

UH Group #5: Appropriate use of DVT Prophylaxis

UH Group #6: End of Life discussion in the outpt setting

UH Group #7: Appropriate use of Protonix in the inpatient setting

UH Group #8: Are we referring African American for Colorectal screening?

UH Group #9: Appropriate use of DVT Prophylaxis

UH Group #10: Adherence to microalbumin testing in non-CKD Diabetics

UH Group #11: Appropriate administration of Pneumovax and Flu Vaccines in resident Clinic

UH Group #12: Are residents following diabetes education guidelines in the clinic for type 2 DM?

UH Group #13: Screening of AAA in resident clinic

Uh Group #14: Metformin Use in Renal Failure

UH Group #15: Following guidelines for management of CKD stage III-IV in terms of meds and referrals to Nephrology

VA Monday: Are we initiating glucose control for severe septic patients?

VA Tuesday: Are we following the guidelines for colon cancer screening at the VA?

VA Wed: Appropriate frequency of A1c's in Diabetics

VA Thurs: Are we following guidelines Coumadin vs aspirin in Va pts with a-fib?

Hackensack Monday: Following Guidelines for Osteoporosis prevention

Hackensack Tuesday: Screening for microalbuminuria in diabetics?

Hackensack Wed: Are clinicians following ACR guidelines for CT scans with patients diagnosed with acute pancreatitis?

Hackensack Thursday: How effective are we in the initial management of Sepsis

Hackensack Friday: Are we properly screening Cirrhotic patients for HCC?


Arun Gurunathan, BS, Ken He, PharmD, Stephen Dunay, BS, Mamoona Khokhar, MD, Steven Keller, PhD, Robin Schroeder, MD; Presented at the Society for Student Run Free Clinics (SSRFC) Conference in Long Beach, CA on 2/4/2012"An Inner City Hospital Based Student-Run Free Clinic's Experience with Patient Flow Analysis: What Impacts the Visit Time?";.

Jean, W., Lee, J., and Palma, M. “Going Beyond Health Care Needs: Breaking Across Social Barriers” Society of Student Run Free Clinics 2011 International Conference; Houston, Texas.  January 22, 2011. 

Shih, T., Morales, R., Quereshi, M., Lee, J., and Schroeder, R. “Building Bridges Toward Access: The Case Manager Project Moving Forward” Society of Student Run Free Clinics 2012 International Conference; Long Beach, California.  February 4, 2012.

Using student run free clinics as a referral center for the follow-up of uninsured health fair patients; Presented at the Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Annual Conference in Long Beach, CA on February 4, 2012; Novneet Sahu, Justyna Marcinow, Jeffrey Noll, Matthew Stuart, Robin Schroeder; S.E. Keller, Mentor

Adherence of Students to Recommend Joint National Committee 7 Lifestyle Modifications to Hypertensive Patients; Chelsea Bower, R. Schroeder, S.E. Keller; Society of Student Run Free Clinics, Long Beach 2012

Using student run free clinics as a referral center for the follow-up of uninsured health fair patients; Presented at The Pozen Community Service Scholars Award Presentation in Newark, NJ on February 17, 2012; Novneet Sahu, Justyna Marcinow, Jeffrey Noll, Matthew Stuart, Robin Schroeder; S.E. Keller, Mentor

Healthcare for the Uninsured New Jersey Army National Guard: Utilizing student run free clinic to fill gaps in military health” with Novneet Sahu, Stephen Dunay; Presented at the Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Annual Conference in Long Beach, CA on February 4, 2012

2013 Student Run Free Clinic Meeting STFM San Antonia Tx. January 2013

“Increasing health empowerment and health literacy at the Student Family Health Care Center”

Krysta Johns –Harris, NJMS 2013, Maham Qureshi, S.E. Keller, Mentor

“Are We Following the Guidelines for Screening of Alcohol Abuse and Depression in SFHCC of NJMS?”; Grace Huang-NJMS 2015, Enid Sun-NJMS 2015; S.E. Keller, Mentor

“Is SFHCC correctly following the guidelines for screening for obesity?”; Awani Donthireddy, NJMS 2015, Khusbhu Shah- NJMS 2015, Sneh Xavier, NJMS 2016; S.E. Keller, Mentor

“Establishing a student-run clinic at the Fairmont Homeless Shelter”.;Maham Qureshi NJMS 2013; Peter Jin; Shital Shah; and S.E. Keller, Mentor

Are We Following the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain at New Jersey Medical School’s Student Family Health Care Center (SFHCC)?

Dhruv Patel; Jay Panchal; Israel Saramago, and S.E. Keller, Mentor

“Investigating the Challenges of Implementing Interventions Designed to Decrease Patient Non-Attendance at a Student Run Free Health Care Clinic”; Kathleen Sullivan NJMS 2015; S.E. Keller, Mentor

Community Activity 2001-present

Provided 30 Ham, Roast beef and cake dinners to St. James Church, Food Pantry; 604 Martin Luther King Blvd., Newark, N.J. 07102 December 2005-Present

Volunteer Fire Fighter Califon, N.J. 2001-Present

Volunteer Fire/Police Sworn Officer: Califon, N.J. 2005-Present


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