Accessibility - Transit GIS

Development of a GIS-Based Tool for

Visualizing Land Use-Transportation Interactions and

Transit Planning

Fang Zhao

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Florida International University

Miami, FL 33199

(305) 348-3821, (305) 348-2802

Scott Burton, Marie York, John O’Brien

FAU/FIU Joint Center for Urban

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Jo Penrose

Florida Department of Transportation, District 6

Miami, FL 33130


Planning professionals have long recognized the connection between land uses and transportation, and there have been many studies to investigate the relationship between the two. Most studies have been focused on specific cases in which a major transportation investment induced land use developments or on sophisticated land use-transportation models. In planning practices, the land uses and transportation facilities are considered separately, usually by different departments in a local or regional government. While GIS has been used to support many transportation or land use planning efforts, efforts in using GIS to bring the two together have been limited.

This paper describes the design and implementation of a prototype GIS-based tool for visualizing the interaction between land use and transportation, and its potential applications in transit planning. The tools will provide functions to facilitate the understanding of important land use and transportation issues, as well as disseminate information through the Internet. The purpose of the software is to provide the planning professionals, the public officials, and the general public with information regarding land uses and potential transportation improvements and assist them in making best land use-transportation decisions. The objectives to be achieved through the research is to identified the relevant variables to allow such visualization, the applicable technologies, and issues related to the development of such tools, including data availability, data collection, data conversion, and integration of travel demand models and land use models.


The interaction between land use and transportation is a complex phenomenon as it involves many factors. These factors include, for example, the demand for and supply of developable land and transportation facilities, accessibility, household income levels, corporate or personal preferences of locations for business or residence, public policies, etc. Further complicating the matter is that there is a time lag between transportation improvements and land use changes in response to changes in the transportation system. Comprehensive reviews on the land use and transportation interaction may be found in (TRB 1999, EPA 1997, Southworth, 1995), among others.

Figure 1 shows the dynamics of the urban system including the land use and transportation components. The key link between transportation and land use is accessibility since spatial interaction between activities or land uses is promoted by transportation. Accessibility is used to measure this interaction which reflects both the attractiveness of potential destinations and ease of reaching them. The conceptual model shown in Figure 1 also suggests some of the elements that a GIS visualization tool may incorporate:

• Population and employment distribution

• Supply of floor space or residential dwelling units

• Vacancy rates of commercial or business buildings

• Availability of vacant land

• Degree of build-up

• Housing and business rents

• Zoning and other regulations

• Locational accessibility

• Trip generation

• Transportation network including different modes

• Cost of travel

• Travel speed or travel time

• Transportation system levels of service

The above elements are considered in the implementation of the visualization tool. However, it should be noted that the architecture shown in Figure 4.1 is designed for modeling for a large region and is not intended to directly support land use decisions concerning subareas in an urban area or at the community level. Necessary for a model, it leaves out detailed information that may be important for specific land use development projects or transportation improvement projects. Therefore, many more variables may be considered that are outside of the scope of this modeling framework.

In this paper, the design and implementation of a GIS based computer tool for visualization of transportation and land use information is described. The goal is to provide a means through which information about transportation system and land uses may be easily retrieved and presented in an easy-to-understand format to public officials and the public. Such information may be used to facilitate decision-makers and stakeholders of transportation investments to determine the effectiveness of transportation projects and their impact.

The main objectives of this project include identifying suitable computer technologies for data visualization through the development of a prototype computer visualization tool to study the feasibility, options of technologies, and design and implementation issues. These issues include data availability, data collection and conversion, and integration of travel demand models and land use models.


Figure 1. Complexity of Functional Linkage in Urban Systems Dynamics (Southworth, 1995)


The focus of this project is visualization of transportation and land use information. Five groups of information technologies are considered for this project:

1. GIS. GIS has been used by many DOTs and MPOs for various applications including transportation facility management, transportation improvement project tracking, analysis of travel or traffic characteristics, vehicle routing optimization, transit ridership analysis, visualization of land use and socioeconomic data, etc. GIS provides good user interface and map display capabilities. A GIS application can also be customized with the programming capability of GIS. GIS is the main technology utilized for this project.

2. Multimedia. Graphics, static photos, video imagery, and audio are some of the data that may be utilized. For instance, while transportation professionals understand the definition of highway levels of service, the public and elected officials generally do not. Video images of actual traffic conditions allow a road user to relate his or her personal experience to the level of service referred. Photographs can also be used to show the environment at a particular location. While video images may be more realistic, they are also more expensive since they need more sophisticated equipment to obtain and process and have a much greater demand on the computing power.

3. 3D models. 3D models of a transportation facility and its environment before and after the implementation of a proposed project can be a powerful tool for evaluating the impact of a transportation project. Such modeling will require specialized software that is capable of building realistic 3D models that represent buildings, landscape, and transport facilities, as well as knowledge and skills to construct 3D models. The cost may be high. Therefore, while it is feasible to generate 3D models for specific projects, given the current state-of-the-art of the technologies, it will not be feasible to produce such models at a regional scale. If being realistic is not required and building footprints are available, simple 3D models can be easily generated using existing GIS software such as the ArcView 3D Analyst extension.

4. 2D/3D simulation/animation. Simulation and animation are similar in that they both provide video-like graphic outputs that depict continuous changes in a system. The major difference is that simulation has an element of randomness since it is a stochastic process while animation is made of a predefined sequence of graphics. Simulation is used to study the behavior of a system, while animation is only used for visualization. For example, traffic flow may be animated to allow the user to inspect traffic conditions. However, animation with symbols may not be helpful to the public as interpretation of spatial and time scale is required. There have been applications of animation in which land use changes over a long period of time are visualized in a movie style display. The data used are typically satellite images. The resolution of these images is relatively low to only allow a sense of general patterns of land use changes. The study of transportation and land use interaction usually requires more detailed information, thus not a suitable application of such animations.

5. Internet technology. The Internet, or the World Wide Web, is considered to be an important tool for delivering information to the public and for state and local agencies to exchange information. It is possible in the long run to establish a data warehouse where all land use and transportation data from different public agencies may be easily accessed through a GIS tool such as VOLUTI.


VOLUTI stands for Visualization Of Land Uses and Transportation Interactions. VOLUTI is envisioned to iinclude four components: databases, visualization tools, tools for creating land use and transportation improvement scenarios, and a decision support tool. This conceptual framework is shown in Figure 2. In the figure, the arrows indicate the direction of the data flow. The solid lines indicate links that have been implemented. Dashed lines represent components or links that are desired but have not been implemented in the current version of VOLUTI.

The visualization component supports display of various types of information. The sources of the information may be the databases, travel demand model, land use model, scenario creator, and the decision support tool. The display formats may include maps, imagery, text, charts, tables, and multimedia.

The scenario creator is to be used for creating different scenarios of land use development, land use changes, and transportation improvement projects. The data created by the scenario creator may be input into the travel demand model or the land use model. The results produced by the models will then be displayed to allow the user to evaluate the impact of such scenarios.

Figure 2. Conceptual Structure of VOLUTI

The decision support component may be considered as an evaluator that can take the raw data and, by applying predefined rules, analyze and evaluate the data. For instance, for a proposed land development or transportation project, the decision support tool may suggest that due to environmental constraints, the project location is inappropriate. Another example is to evaluate the adequacy of public facilities in an area, or appropriate types of land developments to achieve balanced land use mix.

The travel demand model and the land use model are external to VOLUTI and are independent of each other at present. These models may be coupled in the future to allow the interaction between land use and transportation to be considered.

The current implementation of VOLUTI includes the databases and the visualization component. A primitive link to FSUTMS is also established to import the forecast traffic volume data produced by FSUTMS that are then displayed in VOLUTI.


To a large degree, the capabilities of VOLUTI depend on the availability and quality of data. For this project, data from various sources are collected. The sources include mainly the Miami-Dade County, Florida Department of Transportation, and the United State Geological Survey. For demonstration purposes, the study area was chosen to be a southern part of Miami-Dade County about 13 miles east-west and 13 miles north-south (see Figure 3). U.S. 1, a major thoroughfare, runs through the area. A major transportation improvement project – an extension of the South-Dade Busway, will be implemented in the area. Data collected for the project are from three major sources: Miami-Dade County, FDOT, and USGS.


Figure 3. Study Area - South Miami-Dade County

Data from Miami-Dade County

• TAZ. TAZ stands for Traffic Analysis Zones, which are used for analyzing travel demand and traffic patterns.

• FSUTMS. FSUTMS is the abbreviation of Florida Standard Urban Travel Model Structure. A FSUTMS model consists of a set of files that define the model network, which is an abstraction of the actual road network, and various parameters used in the model.

• Census Tract. Census tract boundaries are defined by the U.S. Census Bureau for the purposes of census data collection and statistics compilation. The census tract theme is created from the Census Bureau’s TIGER/LINE files. The tract boundaries appear to have been adjusted to the street network. This theme may be used to display geographically population statistics such as population of different age groups, racial groups, income groups, etc. There are 301 census tracts in Miami-Dade in 1990, 23 of which are in the study area. Census tracts may be used to display demographic data.

• Major road map. This map is used for display traffic related information.

• Detailed street map. This map is used for background and will be used in the future to support address matching.

• Public facilities such as libraries, schools, fire stations, dump sites, etc.

• Public transit facilities. These include bus routes represented as line features with attributes identifying them as being part of one or more transit bus routes.

• Land parcel information. It is jointly owned by the Miami-Dade County and the Florida Power and Light Company. Therefore, the data are proprietary. It defines the property boundaries by parcels and can be linked to the tax appraiser’s database via portfolio numbers of the properties.

• Property tax appraisal database. It contains information such property sales prices for the most recent three sales, assessed values for the past three years, ownership, lot size, building square footage, etc.

• Land uses. The land use map was compiled by the Miami-Dade County Information Technology Division, by aggregating polygons in the parcel map that have the same land use codes. The map used is last updated in 1994.

• Public well fields protection areas. This theme contains polygons representing well field protection areas.

• Dump sites. It contains 25 SWM sites in the county including landfills, resource recovery, neighborhood trash/recycling centers, and transfer stations.

• Flood hazard zones. It is a polygon theme defining areas that are flood zones according to 100-year flood plain, and 500-year flood plain, respectively. It also identifies areas that are not in flood zones as well as water areas. The attributes include a zone code and elevation.

• Hurricane evacuation zones. The entire study area is in an evacuation zone, therefore, it is not used in this project. However, if a larger region is considered, then this information may be added.

Data from FDOT

• Base map. This map contains all the federal and state roads in FDOT District 6, which has the jurisdiction over the Miami-Dade County and the Leon County. In the study area, there are relative few state roads.

• 1996 Average annual daily traffic (AADT).

• 1996 Roadway levels of service.

• Number of lanes. The number of lanes of a roadway is for both directions. It is an important factor that determines the roadway capacity.

All the data except the base map are created using the dynamic segmentation function of Arc/Info. Each set of data is stored as a database table with each record containing information about the beginning mile post, the ending mile post, and the attribute data. An event theme can then be generated in ArcView, which has the same appearance of the base map but the attribute values can be properly displayed.

Data from the U.S. Geological Survey

A number of digital orthophoto quadrangles (DOQs) have been purchased from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and some are obtained from FDOT. The one-meter DOQs can show great detail of features including buildings, sidewalks, roads, cars, etc. Because of the high resolution of the DOQs, the digital files have a large size. The infrared DOQ files obtained for this project have a size of about 150 megabytes. The display of such large amount of data may be slow depending on the computer speed and memory (RAM). If they are to be stored centrally at a location and provided over a local area network (LAN), a wide area network (WAN), or the Internet, the downloading of the data will take a significant amount of time and would be too slow to be useful.


The functions implemented in the current version of VOLUTI may be grouped into five general functional areas: land use, environment, socioeconomic, transport facility, and accessibility. These functions will be described by groups after a brief description of the ArcView project organization and the graphic user interface design.

Graphic User Interface Design

VOLUTI is implemented using ArcView. ArcView organizes information with several types of documents including view, table, chart, layout, script, etc. The main document type in VOLUTI that is of main interest to the user is the view document where maps are displayed and manipulated. The view GUI in VOLUTI is customized with Avenue, a script language of ArcView. To allow people with limited GIS skills to use it, all functions are provided through menus. When user interactions such as input from map area are required, the needed tool is automatically selected, and specific instructions about providing required input are given. The user is not required to know the functions of the tools available in the tool bar. Figure 4 shows the view GUI in VOLUTI. All menus appear in UPPERCASE are created for VOLUTI. Among these menus, LAND USE, ENVIRONMENT, SOCIOECONOMIC, TRANSPORT FACILITY, and ACCESSIBILITY have been implemented in the first phase of VOLUTI. The rest of VOLUTI menus will be implemented in the future. The View menu is also customized. The functions provided in the menus that have been implemented are explained below.


Figure 4. VOLUTI GUI

View Menu

View is an existing menu in the standard ArcView GUI. It has been customized to provide additional functions for managing the display. These additional functions include:

• A switch to turn image themes on or off. The image themes are the DOQQs.

• A theme manager that allows the user to move themes between a visible and an invisible view (see Figure 5). It helps to keep the Table of Contents (or legends list) short thus easier to visualize.

• Display control that allows the user to set default map extent for display. This is useful when the full map extents are large but the interested area is relatively small.


The LAND USE menu allows the user to query information related to land uses. The menu choices are shown in Figure 6. The following types of information may be requested by the user from the LAND USE menu:

• Site photographs. Photographs are available at predefined locations. A theme is created that stores such locations as points on the map. In the attribute table of the theme, the image files containing the photographs are given for each location. Up to nine photographs may be stored for each location and displayed. Figure 7 gives an example of four photographs displayed for the location at U.S. 1 and SW 211th Street.

[pic] Figure 7. Display of Photographs of a Site (U.S. 1 and SW 211the Street)

• Zoning. Zoning data are obtained from Miami-Dade County Planning Department and are only available for a portion of the study area. The user may chose the zoning types from a dialog box, and the area with specified zoning types will be highlighted in yellow on the zoning map.

• Vacant lands. The user can either request for the display of all vacant land parcels or request for those that have a specific acreage. The information about vacant lands is available from both the property tax appraiser’s database (which is joined to the parcel theme for display) and the 1994 land use map, the former is currently used by VOLUTI for this query. However, there are problems associated with both the property tax appraiser’s database and the 1994 land use database. In property tax appraiser’s database, some of the properties do not have land use information, thus raising concerns about the completeness and the quality of the database. A disadvantage of using the land use map derived from the parcel information is that it may not be updated as frequently as the parcel information.

• Underutilized lands. Underutilized lands are those properties that have a development ratio of less than or equal to 10 percent. The development is defined as the building square footage divided by the parcel area, both being available from the property appraiser’s database.

• Dwelling units and vacancy rates. The number of single-family and multi-family dwelling units as well as the vacancy rates for both types of housing units from a 1993 update version of the socioeconomic database for the travel demand model FSUTMS. This information may be considered as an indicator of housing markets. An alternative data source that may be used for this purpose is the property tax appraiser’s database, which is potentially more accurate if the database quality may be assured, since this database can provide actual statistics rather than just an estimate.

• Land use composition. Land use composition in a user-defined area may be displayed as a pie chart. This information may be used to evaluate the land use mix. The 1994 land use layer is used for this purpose. While there are 93 detail categories of land uses, the categories have been generalized in VOLUTI. The generalized land use categories include residential, hotel/motel, commercial, industrial, institutional, parks/recreation, agriculture, transportation/communications, vacant land, and inland water.

• Sales prices of the last three sales of a single property. This information is also from the property tax appraiser’s database. The database stores the sales prices of up to three most recent sales. The information is displayed as a bar chart, with each bar representing the sales price of a particular sale.

• Property value trends. The property tax appraiser’s database contains assessed values of the past three years include 1996, 1997, and 1998. This historical information, although covering only a short period of time, may be useful to evaluate the trend of the real estate market in an area. Such evaluation will be useful in determining the needs for transportation improvements in the area. The assessed values may be requested for one property or all properties in a user defined area, which is the area that fall within a user-drawn rectangle. The user may specify the type of properties types (e.g., single-family, multi-family, or commercial) to be included in the query. The result is shown as a bar chart (see Figure 8).


The purpose for this menu (as shown in Figure 9) is to provide information on the environmental conditions that have a relevance to land development. Many factors may determine the suitability or attractiveness of an area for different types of development. These factors may include, for example, topographic features such as water bodies, wet lands, and shorelines, sites of environmental concerns such as land fills and contamination sites, flood risks, and natural preserves. In South Florida the terrain is flat therefore elevation is not of concern. Depending on the availability of data, the display of the following information is supported: flood zones, public well field protection areas, trash centers and land fills, and hazardous waste sites.


This menu (see Figure 10) supports queries about demographic and social-economic information such as population distribution, population density, population age groups, single- and multi-family population distribution, distribution of employment of different types, and school enrollment. Employment distribution may be view by each category of employment such as commercial, service, or industrial employment, or as a total. Employment density can also be viewed.

One of the common types of analysis is the buffer analysis, mostly used for corridor analysis or transit service coverage analysis. The buffer analysis in VOLUTI begins first with the user choosing road segments to serve as a corridor, determining a distance from the roads as the buffer size, and specifying an attribute to analyze such as population or dwelling units. VOLUTI will then create a new theme that displays the buffer area, the distribution of the attribute value (population, e.g.), and a window that provides a summary of the statistics. Figure 11 illustrates the results of a buffer analysis along the new planned busway extension in the U.S. 1 corridor.


This menu provides access to information about the transportation facilities (see Figure 12). The user may query about different types of transportation facilities. Choice of Public Transit Facility from the menu will result in the display of both bus route and bus stop themes. Queries about roadway facilities will result in the display of the Major Roads theme with the roadways of interested functional classes highlighted. If the menu entry Show Selected Facilities is chosen, a new theme will be created and displayed that contains only those roadways that are selected from the theme Major Roads according to their function classes.

Information on number of lanes, traffic volume, and level of service is only available for state roads. Number of lanes and traffic volume are coded on the map by line thickness. A roadway section represented by a thicker line has more lanes or a larger traffic volume than one that is represented by a thinner line.

The entry Congested Roads displays roadway sections that have a level of service E or F. This option does not produce a new theme but only change the symbols to highlight the congested roadway sections.

To provide a more visual presentation of congestion or level of service, digital video camera was used to collect actual roadway operating conditions. The imager was collected in March 1999 during morning rush hours on a weekday. The intention is to link the video clips to roadway or a set of symbols representing levels of service. By clicking a roadway section or a symbol, a video clip will be played, giving the viewer a live scene of roadway operations. This function, unfortunately, was not implemented for the current version of VOLUTI due to a technical problem with the equipment required to edit the video recording.


Accessibility may be measured by the presence of a good transportation network and by the levels of service of the transportation facilities including transit. Due to the lack of data concerning congestion levels and time and effort required to gather such data, the current version of VOLUTI only evaluates the presence of transportation facilities and ignores the congestion levels on the roads. This is a weakness of the current version of VOLUTI but may be improved to some degree in the future when the link to FSUTMS is completed.

The ACCESSIBILITY menu is shown in Figure 13. Accessibility may be calculated for a site or a user defined area. A site is defined as a point location specified by the user on the map of Major Roads, which may be under consideration of new land developments. A region is an area defined by the user who draws a rectangle on the map representing the boundary the region to be considered.

According to the Planning Handbook published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, in an urban area a network consisting of expressways that are approximately six miles apart should be provided, and major arterials should be spaced about 1 mile apart. Based on these guidelines, accessibility for an area is ranked excellent, good, fair, or poor based on the density of expressways and major arterials. To measure the accessibility or mobility of a site, a three-mile radius and an one-mile radii are used to search for expressways and major arterials within the circular area, respectively. The total lengths of the two types of roadways are calculated and divided by the area of the circle to find the density. Accessibility, or more precisely, density of facilities, is ranked by the following criteria:

Excellent expressway(s) present, density >= 0.23 mile per sq-mile;

density of major arterials >= 1 mile per sq-mile.

Good expressway(s) present, density < 0.23 mile per sq-mile;

density of major arterials >= 1 mile per sq-mile.

Fair expressway not present;

density of major arterials >= 1mile per sq-mile.

Poor expressway not present;

density of major arterials < 1 mile per sq-mile.

A region is defined as an arbitrarily shaped polygon drawn by the user on the map display, who may be interested in new land developments in a large area. The accessibility is measured by the density of expressways and major arterials within the region:

Excellent expressway(s) present, density >= 1/3 mile per sq-mile

density of major arterials >= 2 mile per sq-mile

Good expressway(s) present, density < 1/3 mile per sq-mile

density of major arterials >= 2 mile per sq-mile

Fair expressway not present

density of major arterials < 2 mile per sq-mile

Poor expressway not present

density of major arterials < 2 mile per sq-mile

The result of any queries in the ACCESSIBILITY menu is a window displaying the accessibility ranking for a site or an area.

In the future, accessibility will be improved by considering travel time between pair of origins and destinations as proposed by, e.g., Schoon et al. (1999), Aultman-Hall et al. (1997), among others.


In this paper, the design of a prototype GIS application for visualizing land use and transportation information is described. The application, VOLUTI, has been partially implemented. The program is designed for people with limited GIS knowledge and skills. A set of menus is designed to allow the user to obtain information with minimum input. Various kinds of information may be requested and displayed easily. More functions that will allow the GIS program to be linked to a travel demand model to analyze the impact of land use changes or improvements of transportation facilities will be implemented in the future.

During the program implementation, some issues have emerged and most are data related. One of the problems is the lack of metadata. This has resulted in extra efforts to collect metadata in order to understand and use them appropriately, or the inability to use them. Another problem is the incompleteness or inaccurate data in the databases. Traffic data for county roads are also not as comprehensive as for the state roads.

Because of the time lag between transportation improvement projects and land use induced by there improvements, to be able to evaluate the impact of transportation projects historical data on both transportation projects and land use are needed. Such information is, however, generally lacking. For instance, property tax and sales price information may be valuable for evaluating the real estate market and market trends, but tax data are only available for the past three years and the sales prices are limited to the last three sales. Historical land use information is lacking since GIS and high-resolution DOQs are only recent technological advances. While the South Florida Water Management District did create a land use GIS map in 1989, that land use map and the 1994 land use map used in this project are created using different source data, and have different classification systems. Relating the two is therefore not straightforward. Also missing is the historical data of transportation projects. Such data may provide valuable opportunities for us to learn from the past. To solve this problem, temporal GIS technology should be developed, and studies are needed to investigate practical methods to preserve historical data and the costs for such effort (Zhao et al. 1997).

At present, VOLUTI can read the FSUTMS output of network loading (or travel volume) and display the data. One of the desirable functions of VOLUTI is to allow the user create land use and transportation scenarios and evaluate their impacts. The impact of transportation projects may be evaluated in a simple manner by determining the improvement in accessibility using FSUTMS. Take this one step further to forecast the impact of improved accessibility on future land use will require the application of a land use allocation model to determine the new growth scenario.

The evaluation of impact of land use changes on transportation is somewhat more complicated. While this is feasible technologically as VOLUTI may be interfaced with FSUTMS via file transfers, practical limitations exist. The fact is that such an evaluation, often referred to as development of regional impact (DRI) studies, is often an involved, and quite frequently political process. Unless accuracy can be assured, simply using FSUTMS to handle DRI studies is not desirable for inexperienced users, and may result in providing the user with misleading information. Therefore, the appropriateness of using FSUTMS for evaluating land use impact on transportation system needs to be carefully examined.

In the future, VOLUTI will be further improved by adding more data including the video clips, implementing the scenario editor that supports both land use changes and transportation system changes, and developing a methodology to evaluate land use impact on transportation. A web application of VOLUTI is currently under development and will be completed. Other potential improvements such as utilizing 3D models, including neighborhood design variables such as presence of sidewalk, landscaping, property setback, etc., and developing decision support tools will also be considered.


Aultman-Hall, L., Matthew Roorda, and Brian W. Baetz. Using GIS for evaluation of neighborhood pedestrian accessibility. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. March, pp. 10-17. 1997.

Rosenbaum, A.S. and B.E. Koenig (1997). Evaluation of Model Tools for Assessing Land Use Policies and Strategies, Technical Report EPA420-R-97-007, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

Schoon, John, M. MacDonald, and A. Lee. Accessibility Indices: Pilot Study and Potential Use in Strategic Planning, Transportation Research Board 78th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 11-14, 1999.

Southworth, F. (1995). A Technical Review of urban Land Use –Transportation Models as Tools for Evaluating Vehicle Travel Reduction Strategies, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.

TRB (1999). Land Use Impacts of Transportation: A Guidebook, National Highway Cooperative Research Program Report 423A, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.

Zhao, F., L. Wang, H. Elbadrawi, and L.D. Shen (1997). “ Temporal Geographic Information System And Its Application to Transportation,” Transportation Research Record 1593, pp 47-54.











Figure 11. Buffer Analysis Result

Figure 8. History of Average Assessed Value for Single and Multi-Family Properties in an Area


Figure 10. The SOCIO-ECONOMIC Menu

Figure 9. The ENVIRONMENT Menu

Figure 6. The LAND USE Menu


Figure 5. The Theme Manager


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