Leon High School

Leon High School550 E. Tennessee St.Tallahassee, Florida 32308850-617-5700Course: Advanced Placement US History (APUSH)Teacher: Erica SearsCredit: 1 e-mail: searse@course website: apushsears.I am available at lunch time on Mondays and Wednesdays in room 211.COURSE DESCRIPTION:provide a survey on the history of the American civilization. examine topics using a broad scope at an accelerated pace. examine events from the explorations in the fifteenth century to the most recent current events. implement research presentations, special topic discussions, analysis of historical scholarship articles, debates, appropriate historical videos and materials, as well as political and physical maps in order to provide the necessary depth in areas requiring more complex evaluation.The course is organized using periodization – the segmenting of time using major events or transitions in history. These periods will serve as baselines to define different eras of America’s past. Essentially, the aim of the course is to provide a sufficient structure to support the understanding of the United States’ political, economic, and social atmosphere.Historical Periods The historical periods, from pre-Columbian contacts in North America (represented symbolically by the date 1491) to the present, provide a temporal framework for the course. The instructional importance and assessment weighting for each period varies: Period 1 1491–1607 5% Period 2 1607–1754 10% Period 3 1754–1800 12% Period 4 1800–1848 10% Period 5 1844–1877 13% Period 6 1865–1898 13% Period 7 1890–1945 17% Period 8 1945–1980 15% Period 9 1980–Present 5% An advanced placement course designation means that the course goes into greater depth of content, moves at a more rigorous pace, and has high expectations in the quality of work completed. As an advanced placement student, you will be expected to read materials, study class and supplemental notes, and complete assignments in a timely manner.COURSE GOALS & OBJECTIVES:AP United States History Themes? American and National Identity: This theme focuses on how and why definitions of American and national identity and values have developed, as well as on related topics such as citizenship, constitutionalism, foreign policy, assimilation, and American exceptionalism.? Politics and Power: This theme focuses on how different social and political groups have influenced society and government in the United States, as well as how political beliefs and institutions have changed over time.? Work, Exchange, and Technology: This theme focuses on the factors behind the development of systems of economic exchange, particularly the role of technology, economic markets, and government.? Culture and Society: This theme focuses on the roles that ideas, beliefs, social mores, and creative expression have played in shaping the United States, as well as how various identities, cultures, and values have been preserved or changed in different contexts of U.S. history.? Migration and Settlement: This theme focuses on why and how the various people who moved to and within the United States both adapted to and transformed their new social and physical environments.? Geography and the Environment: This theme focuses on the role of geography and both the natural and human-made environments on social and political developments in what would become the United States.? America in the World: This theme focuses on the interactions between nations that affected North American history in the colonial period, and on the influence of the United States on world affairs.All questions on the AP U.S. History Exam will measure student understanding of the specified thematic learning objectives. TEXTBOOKS and Materials:The Enduring Vision, Fifth Edition. Boyer, Paul S., et al. Toronto: D.C. Houghton Mifflin Publishing. 2004.Unites States History Preparing for the Advanced Placement Exam by John J. Newman and John M. Schmalbach. Amsco PublishingDon’t Know Much About History by Kenneth C. Davis (can be purchased from a book store or ordered online.)Students will need: a binder dedicated to APUSHloose leaf paper a pen or pencil.The following items are needed and can be donated to Ms. Sears (but are not required):TissuesClorox WipesHand SanitizerFine Point SharpiesNotebook PaperPrinter paperIV. GRADING:1. COUNTY GRADING POLICY:The high school grading system for Leon County Schools is as follows:LetterPercentagePointsA90-1004.0B80-893.0C70-79`2.0D60-691.0F 0-59 02. TEACHER GRADING POLICY:Student Grade will be calculated as follows:100% of your grade will be assessment including (but not limited to) projects, tests, quizzes, portfolios, writing assignments, journals, and more. I will grade on an A, B, C, D, F system.A grade of D or F means that you are not meeting minimum standards (which will be described at the beginning of each unit) and must attend lunchtime redo sessions to retake the assessment until the redo score is at least a C or better. The redo score will then be averaged with your original score to become your final grade on the assessment. Lunchtime extra help sessions will be on Mondays and Wednesdays in room 211. If you cannot attend lunchtime help sessions, you will need to schedule an alternative appointment with the instructor. If you set up an appointment, and you do not show, you will forfeit your re-do opportunity.To qualify for the ability to redo assignments, you must have completed all assignments for that unit of study. You will have 2 weeks from the time graded work is returned to you to redo your assessment. Homework will be assigned for each unit and will include vocabulary, reading, studying notes, and other assignments. If you are absent from class, do one of the following, in this order:Check the teacher website to see what you missed and get the notes.Ask a friend that also has me for APUSH what you e see me on Monday or Wednesday at lunchtime immediately following your absence for your makeup work. Have your parent email me for the missing work. Makeup Assessments will be all essay.Cheating and Academic Dishonesty will be treated as serious offenses. Academic integrity violations can include plagiarism, cheating, and unauthorized group work on any assignment, project, or test.If a student is caught the following will occur: The student will receive an F with zero credit.The citizenship grade will be lowered for the grading period.A notice will be recorded with the guidance office.Any occurrence of academic dishonesty may be reported by the guidance office on college admissions applications.Student Conduct will be assessed as follows:Good Citizenship includes the following:- Preparation- Punctuality- following directionsI will grade your citizenship on the following rubric: Student is ALWAYS prepared, punctual, and on task. Student is almost always prepared, punctual, and on task. Student is sporadically prepared, punctual, and on task. Has also been issued multiple detentions for behavioral issues and/or has had one violation of academic integrity.Student is rarely prepared, punctual, and on task. Has also been issued at least 1 referral in the class and/or has had more than one violation of academic integrity. V. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: Respect all students, teachers, staff, and school property. Be in your seat prior to the tardy bell. Tardiness to class means that the student will miss instruction. This may cause a drop in grades, which could interfere with promotion.Be prepared with appropriate class materials. Carry your agenda book and the subject appropriate notebook to ALL classes. Keep all food out of the classroom, including gum and candy. Hats and hoods must be removed from your head inside the classroom. You must redo any large assessment that is a D or an F until it is at least a C (see “Grading Policy”).Cell phones should not be visible during class time! Students with cell phones that are seen or heard will be subject to disciplinary action.Failure to comply with the above expectations will result in the following course of disciplinary action. 1st offense- Warning2nd offense- Student/Teacher conference (and confiscation of item if applicable)3rd offense- Detention and parent contact4th offense- disciplinary referral*Note- A teacher will skip any of the above steps for severe behavior violations.*VI. Notification of Receipt:Instead of signing this syllabus, please email me that you have read and understand my policies at searse@. Additionally please let me know the following information:Your nameYour student’s nameYour contact informationAny questions or concerns you may have ................

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