Explanatory note: - World Bank

Explanatory note: Export of Value Added DatabaseJoseph Francois(Johannes Kepler University Linz and CEPR)Miriam Manchin(University College London)Patrick Tomberger(Johannes Kepler University Linz)June 2014Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc341685888 \h 32 Source data PAGEREF _Toc341685889 \h 33 Methodology PAGEREF _Toc341685890 \h 64 Example PAGEREF _Toc341685891 \h 85 References PAGEREF _Toc341685892 \h 13Annex I. Reference for the variables and files used in the Export of Value Added Database PAGEREF _Toc341685893 \h 14Annex II. Concordance between sectors in the data and ISIC rev. 3. PAGEREF _Toc341685894 \h 17Annex III. List of countries with corresponding country group for each year PAGEREF _Toc341685895 \h 221 IntroductionThe relevance of services to competitiveness hinges in part on the strength of economy- wide linkages. The Export of Value Added (EVA) database illustrates the strength of such linkages. It provides data on how value added structures and services linkages to trade have evolved over time. Thanks to repeated updating of the GTAP dataset, we have data for both cross border linkages in recent years, and how these have changed since the early 1990s. This serves as the basis for the database, which builds on Christen, Francois, and Hoekman (2012) and Francois, Manchin, and Tomberger (2012). We work with a panel of global input-output data (a set of global social accounting matrices spanning intermittent years from 1992 to 2011) that covers not only key OECD economies, but also a range of developing countries as well.2 Source dataWe work with multiple versions of the GTAP database, benchmarked to 1992, 1995, 1997, 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2011. It represents a form of social accounting data – a variation on the social accounting matrix or SAM – where incomes or receipts are shown in the rows of the SAM while expenditures or outlays are shown in the columns. The basic structure of the GTAP dataset is well documented (see McDougall 2001, and McDougall et al 2005).The GTAP website also provides extensive documentation on the underlying data structure, its sources, the GTAP model structure for each release (). It is produced by a consortium that includes the World Bank, US International Trade Commission, World Trade Organization, OECD, UNCTAD, UNFAO and a number of universities and research institutes. It represents a massive combined effort to produce a shared public good – a database of national input-output tables, organized as social accounting data and linked to each other through trade and investment flows. The project itself, based as Purdue University, has been a massive undertaking. (Hertel 2012). It stands as a critical, open source input to applied policy modeling ranking from climate change to regional trade agreements and food security. Over time, the dataset has grown to include more countries and more sectors. The GTAP database has been continuously updated and extended to new countries and sectors over each new release. However, in order to maintain backward compatibility, in our technical paper Francois, J., Manchin, M. and P. Tomberger (2013) we start with the 1992 structure of regions and sectors, and carry this forward in aggregation of more recent iterations of the dataset. This implies that we work with fewer countries and sectors than what is currently available in the dataset; nevertheless, we can maintain consistency. This structure is detailed in REF _Ref340658300 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 1 below providing a list of regions and sectors included in the dataset. Nevertheless, in the dataset, we include for each year all the available new regions (see the list of countries and the corresponding income groups in REF _Ref341361333 \h Annex III. List of countries with corresponding country group for each year).Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1 Regions and sectorsRegionsSectorsausAustraliaaffAgr, Forestry, FisheriesnzlNew ZealandpfdProcessed FoodsjpnJapanegyEnergy ExtractionkorKoreaomnMinerals necidnIndonesiab tBeverages and Tobacco ProductsmysMalaysiatexTextilesphlPhilippineswapWearing ApparelsgpSingaporeleaLeather ProductsthaThailandlumWood ProductschnChinapppPaper Products, PublishinghkgHong KongcrpChemical, Rubber, Plastic ProductstwnTaiwannmmMineral Products necindIndiai sFerrous MetalsrasRest of South AsianfmMetals neccanCanadafmpMetal ProductsusaUnited StatestrnTransport EquipmentmexMexicomacMachinery and Equipment neccamCentral America, CaribbeanomfManufactures necargArgentinaegwElectricity, Gas, WaterbraBrazilcnsConstructionchlChilet tTrade and Transport ServicesrsmRest of South AmericaospOther Private Servicese12European Community 12osgPubAdmin/Defence/Health/Educatec3 eea fsu meassa rowAustria, Finland, Sweden new EU12 MembersFormer Soviet UnionRest of Middle EastRest of Sub-Saharan Africa Rest of WorlddweDwellings3 MethodologyThe structure of the data provides a comprehensive and consistent record of national income accounting relationships between different sectors and regions. It is based on a fundamental, general equilibrium principle of economics – every income (receipt) has a corresponding expenditure (outlay). The strength of this framework is that it provides a comprehensive record of the interrelationships of an economy, including intermediate and final demand linkages. For our purposes, it offers the advantage of linking consumption and external trade patterns explicitly to the inter-industry structure of intermediate demand. This allows for a fuller analysis than is possible when working strictly with input-output tables.This complex structure of the dataset allows us to obtain the value added content of final output and exports including both direct and indirect value added. In order to obtain these, we first need to calculate intermediate multiplier matrixes which will be then used to multiply exports and final outputs to obtain the corresponding value added shares. The first matrix which is calculated, is the widely used Leontief matrix (M) which measures the inputs contained in a unit of final output. This M matrix contains both direct and indirect inputs. Next, we need to calculate a matrix which has the value added shares of total output (which will be matrix ). Using these two matrixes as multipliers one can obtain the value added shares of exports and final outputs. This is explained in what follows more formally.We begin by denoting a representation of intermediate and final demands as follows:Y=Z—AZ(1)In equation (1), the term Y denotes a final demand vector, Z denotes a gross output vector, and A denotes a matrix of intermediate use coefficients. Equation (1) therefore defines final output with respect to intermediate input requirements. With some manipulation we arrive at the Leontief inverse matrix, also known as the multiplier matrix M.Z=(I—A)?1 Y=MY(2)The multiplier matrix M measures the inputs contained in a unit of final output. In particular, if we assign the sector indexes i, j to the A and M matrices, then a representative element of the M matrix gives the direct and indirect inputs (and thus the sector i receipts) linked to each unit (for example each dollar) of sector j receipts in the data. This implies real production activities measured by value of output. For our purposes, it provides a means to trace, through these income flows, the flow of gross activity and value added from intermediate to final goods and services, ostensibly across borders as well as sectors. Because linkages will vary by industry, each industry will be characterized by different multipliers. To focus on value added, we note first that in terms of gross output values Z, some share of this involves value added within each sector. We define as the diagonal matrix indexed over i,j with diagonal elements equal to the value added shares of output Z. We then use M to provide a breakdown of the flow of value added across activities in the form of the matrix V.V= M(3)Similar to the Leontief inverse matrix itself, the V matrix identifies the inputs of value added in each sector related to a unit of final demand. If we multiply V by the diagonal matrix whose non-zero elements are the vector of final outputs, the matrix yields a breakdown of economy-wide value added (the primary component of Gross National Product on a source basis). Similarly, if we multiply V by the diagonal matrix whose non-zero elements are the national export vector, we can recover the value added content of exports X (both direct and indirect).G=V (4)H=V(5)The G matrix and the H matrix give us the set of linkages, both direct and indirect, between value added across sectors.4 ExampleWe provide an example for Italy in 2007 in REF _Ref340656861 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 2 below.2 In the table, we have aggregated Italy into 10 broad sectors. Column A provides the allocation of value added across sectors. Column B then provides the shares of each of the 10 sectors in gross exports by Italy in 2007. From the table, commercial services accounted for 44 percent of value added, but 17 percent of exports. Column C then provides shares for value of exports on a value added basis. In the case of commercial services, this includes not only value added contained in direct exports of commercial services, but also value added contained in commercial services used in the production of other goods and services (like motor vehicles and processed foods and beverages) for export. On this basis, the relative importance of commercial services in exports is close to the importance for the overall domestic economy. Column D provides an alternative view, based on the upstream domestic value added contained in exports. On this basis, we see for example that machinery accounted for 27 percent of the value added contained in Italian exports in 2007. This follows from not only labor and capital in the sector, but also the primary inputs employed in other sectors that provided inputs to the machinery sector, including services.In order to better explain forward and backward linkages and the construction of REF _Ref340656861 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 2, the matrixes used for constructing this table need to be discussed. The values in REF _Ref340656861 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 2 are themselves based on the G matrix and the H matrix as defined above. These give us the set of linkages, both direct and indirect, between value added across sectors. These underlying matrices are provided for Italy in REF _Ref340656884 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 3 and REF _Ref340656890 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 4 below. These are based on aggregation of the EVA database to 10 sectors as indicated in the tables. Starting with REF _Ref340656884 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 3, we can see that 43.89 percent of value added was located in various commercial or market service activities (including for example financial services and ICT services). This follows from reading the sum of row S9. Reading the values in row S9 provides the value added in this sector, broken down into the various sectors where these activities fed, ultimately, into final demand. For example, 2.87 percent of market services value added went into other machinery (S6). Thus summing up all the value added of market services (S9) going into the different sectors gives us the total value added of this sector. This is what we call as forward linkage, counting the value added of a given sector which went into other sectors. In other words, the value added in final demand based on forward linkages for the commercial services sector (S9) is 43.89 percent.At the same time, much of this actually served as intermediate inputs, so that in terms of final demand for commercial services, this accounted for a lower, 33.88 percent of value added (the last row in REF _Ref340656884 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 3 for column S9). Reading the column totals gives us the backward linkages for a given sector. Thus the value added in final demand based on backward linkages for the commercial services (S9) is 33.88 percent. This way of calculating value added takes into account all the value added from other sectors which went into this given sector. Basically, on a cost basis, 10 percent of value added of the economy as a whole involves commercial services used as intermediate inputs by other sectors (the difference between the row and column totals for S9 in the table). If we focus on other machinery, in terms of sales for final consumption (again the last entry in the Table for column S6) roughly 10.67 percent of total value added goes into output in this sector. However, only 7.07 percent of economy wide value added (or about two-thirds of the total) involves value added in the sector itself (last entry of row for S6). The rest involved inputs from other sectors. Again, using market or commercial services as an example, it accounts for roughly 26.9 percent of total value added costs in the other machinery sector (as 2.87 is 26.9 percent of 10.67).Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2 Detailed Value Added Compositionvalueaddedtotaleconomygross exportsshare oftotal valuevalue addedin exports:forwardlinkagesvalue addedin exports:backwardlinkagesABCDprimary sectors2.864.194.392.45processed foods, beverages2.994.583.364.92textiles and clothing3.2210.196.6710.59chemicals, petrochemicals4.3513.499.6812.76motor vehicles1.199.212.918.07machinery7.0726.7515.8327.09other manufacturing6.1213.3113.3413.19utilities, construction9.750.704.700.79commercial services43.8916.9537.5419.33public services18.550.641.580.83total100100100100source: calculated from attached database.We next turn to the export structure of Italy on a value added basis. From REF _Ref341359528 \h Table 4, market services account for 37.54 percent of Italy’s exports, in terms of the activity content of trade (last row entry of S9). In other words, value added content of exports of market services based on forward linkages was 37.54 percent. However, if we focus on the value added contained in exports on a sector basis (for example how much value added was embodied in steel exports), we see that manufacturing is where Italy’s exports are concentrated. For example, motor vehicles and machinery account for 35.16 percent (last entries of columns S5 and S6). Like the results for total final demand in REF _Ref340656884 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 3, in terms of exports, 26.9 percent of total value added costs for other machinery exports follow from inputs of market services (S6 entry for row S9 and column total for S6). Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3 Value Added Content of Final Demand G', Italy % share in 2007supply sectorsdemand sectorsS1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9S10TotalS1 primaryproduction0.770.710. processed foods0. textiles clothing0.000.022.740. chemicals petrochems0. autos0. other machinery0. other manufacturing0. utilities construction0. market services0. public services0. calculated from attached database.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 4 Value Added Content of Exports H', Italy % share in 2007supply sectorsdemand sectorsS1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9S10TotalS1 primaryproduction1.770.770.380.360.100.320.280.010.400.004.39S2 processed foods0. textiles, clothing0. chemicals, petrochems0.050.150.367.010.410.910.480. autos0. other machinery0. other manufacturing0. utilities, construction0.190.200.340.830.310.910.840.470.590.014.70S9 market services0.301.232.673.252.497.303.420.1816.580.1237.54S10 public services0. calculated from attached database.5 ReferencesChristen, E,. J. Francois and B. Hoekman (2012),”CGE Modeling of Market Access in Services,” in P.B. Dixon and D.W. Jorgenson eds Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling Elsevier (forthcoming).Francois, J., Manchin, M. and P. Tomberger (2013), ”Services Linkages and the Value Added Content of Trade,” working paper, Johannes Kepler University Linz.Hertel, T. (2012), ”The Global Trade Analysis Project,” in P.B. Dixon and D.W. Jorgenson eds Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling Elsevier (forthcoming).McDougall, R., ed. (2001). The GTAP database – version 5, Global Trade Analysis Center: Purdue University.McDougall, RA and J. Hagemejer, ”Services Trade Data,” in Dimaranan, B.V, and R.A. McDougall (editors), 2005, Global Trade, Assistance, and Production: The GTAP 6 Data Base, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University.Annex I. Reference for the variables and files used in the Export of Value Added DatabaseThe purpose of this annex is to serve as a reference of all the variables and filse used in the value added. List of variablesSector_GMatrix: This matrix contains the total domestic value added based on linkages. Depending whether rows or columns are considered its sum corresponds to forward (row) or backward (colunn) linkages. Thus reading a row for a given sector (sector presented on the y-axis) provides information about how much this sector went into each sector (on the x-axis) as inputs. The matrix corresponds to matrix G as described in the explanatory note and in Francois, Manchin, and Tomberger (2012).DomVAshare: This vector denotes the domestic share of value added of gross value of output per sector. The diagonal matrix B, as described in the explanatory note and Francois/Manchin/Tomberger (2012), contains those shares on its diagonal. GXshare: Denotes the share of each sector in total exports per country based on the gross value of exports. See also Table 3 of Francois, Manchin, and Tomberger (2012). DXshare: Denotes the share of each sector’s exports of total exports per country based on direct value added, ignoring linkages. See also Table 4 of Francois, Manchin, and Tomberger (2012). VXsharefwd: Denotes the total value added in exports based on forward linkages per sector and country. This vector corresponds to the row-sums of matrix H in the explanatory notes. See also Table 5 of Francois, Manchin, and Tomberger (2012). VXsharebwd: Denotes the total value added in exports based on backward linkages. It is obtained by taking the column-sums of matrix H. See also Table 6 of Francois, Manchin, and Tomberger (2012).RCAstandard: This variable is a standard relative comparative advantage index for each of the sectors. See also Table 10 of Francois, Manchin, and Tomberger (2012).RelIntfwd: This is the relative intensity index for forward linkages. It is calculated similar to the RCA index, but based on value added forward linkages, given the relative intensity of each sector. See also Tables 13, 15, 17 and 19 of Francois, Manchin, and Tomberger (2012).RelIntbwd: This is the relative intensity index for backward linkages. It is calculated similar to the RCA index, but based on value added backward linkages,List of FilesAll files used for the database are available in standard MS Excel format (*.xlsx), but also as comma-separated value files (*.csv) and as STATA files (*.dta). services_VAtrade_1992_2011 (.xlsx, .dta, .csv):This file contains all the variables for all the sectors and regions available for the years 1992, 1995, 2001, 2004 and 2007. services_VAtrade_small_1992_2011 (.xlsx, .dta, .csv):This file contains a reduced version of the presented database. It offers all the variables for all countries and the whole temporal coverage, except the total domestic value added based on linkages (“G-Matrix”). The sector coverage is reduced to the service sectors egw, cns, t_t, osp and osg. services_VAtrade_inc_groups_1992_2011 (.xlsx, .dta, .csv):This file contains all the variables for income groups instead of single countries for all sectors and the years 1992, 1995, 2001, 2004 and 2007. services_VAtrade_inc_groups_small_1992_2011 (.xlsx, .dta, .csv):This file includes all the variables for income groups for the whole temporal coverage, except the total domestic value added based on linkages (“G-Matrix”). Furthermore the sector coverage is reduced to the service sectors egw, cns, t_t, osp and osg. services_VAtrade_regions_2004_20011 (.xlsx, .dta, .csv):This file contains all the variables for geographic regions. Also the temporal coverage was reduced to the years 2004, 2007 and 2011. services_VAtrade_regions_small_2004_2011 (.xlsx, .dta, .csv):This file contains all the variables except the total domestic value added based on linkages (“G-Matrix”) for geographic regions. Also sector coverage was reduced to the service sectors egw, cns, t_t, osp and osg. ReferencesFrancois, J., Manchin, M. and P. Tomberger (2012), ”Services Linkages and the Value Added Content of Trade,” working paper, Johannes Kepler University Linz.Annex II. Concordance between sectors in the data and ISIC rev. 3.isicrev3Isic Rev. 3. descriptionGTAP sectorsGTAP description111Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.primaryagrPaddy rice1531Manufacture of grain mill productsprimaryagrPaddy rice111Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.primaryagrWheat111Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.primaryagrCereal grains nec111Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.primaryagrVegetables, fruit, nuts112Growing of vegetables, horticultural specialties and nursery productsprimaryagrVegetables, fruit, nuts113Growing of fruit, nuts, beverage and spice cropsprimaryagrVegetables, fruit, nuts1513Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetablesprimaryagrVegetables, fruit, nuts111Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.primaryagrOil seeds111Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.primaryagrSugar cane, sugar beet111Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.primaryagrPlant-based fibers112Growing of vegetables, horticultural specialties and nursery productsprimaryagrCrops nec113Growing of fruit, nuts, beverage and spice cropsprimaryagrCrops nec111Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.primaryagrCrops nec1533Manufacture of prepared animal feedsprimaryagrCrops nec121Farming of cattle, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules and hinnies; dairy farmingprimaryagrBovine cattle, sheep and goats, horses122Other animal farming; production of animal products n.e.c.primaryagrAnimal products nec1511Production, processing and preserving of meat and meat productsprimaryagrAnimal products nec121Farming of cattle, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules and hinnies; dairy farmingprimaryagrRaw Milk122Other animal farming; production of animal products n.e.c.primaryagrWool, silk-worm cocoons1511Production, processing and preserving of meat and meat productsprimaryagrWool, silk-worm cocoons121Farming of cattle, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules and hinnies; dairy farmingprimaryagrWool, silk-worm cocoons200Forestry, logging and related service activitiesotherprimForestry500Fishing, operation of fish hatcheries and fish farms; service activities incidental to fishingotherprimFishing1020Mining and agglomeration of ligniteenergyCoal1030Extraction and agglomeration of peatenergyCoal1010Mining and agglomeration of hard coalenergyCoal1110Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gasenergyPetroleum Production1110Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gasenergyNatural Gas Production1320Mining of non-ferrous metal ores, except uranium and thorium oresotherprimMinerals nec1421Mining of chemical and fertilizer mineralsotherprimMinerals nec1200Mining of uranium and thorium oresotherprimMinerals nec2411Manufacture of basic chemicals, except fertilizers and nitrogen compoundsotherprimMinerals nec1429Other mining and quarrying n.e.c.otherprimMinerals nec1310Mining of iron oresotherprimMinerals nec1110Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gasotherprimMinerals nec1422Extraction of saltotherprimMinerals nec1410Quarrying of stone, sand and clayotherprimMinerals nec1511Production, processing and preserving of meat and meat productsprocfoodsBovine meat products1711Preparation and spinning of textile fibres; weaving of textilesprocfoodsMeat products nec1514Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsprocfoodsMeat products nec1511Production, processing and preserving of meat and meat productsprocfoodsMeat products nec1532Manufacture of starches and starch productsprocfoodsVegetable oils and fats1514Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fatsprocfoodsVegetable oils and fats1520Manufacture of dairy productsprocfoodsDairy products1531Manufacture of grain mill productsprocfoodsProcessed rice1542Manufacture of sugarprocfoodsSugar1533Manufacture of prepared animal feedsprocfoodsFood products nec1543Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectioneryprocfoodsFood products nec1541Manufacture of bakery productsprocfoodsFood products nec1531Manufacture of grain mill productsprocfoodsFood products nec1513Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetablesprocfoodsFood products nec140Agricultural and animal husbandry service activities, except veterinary activitiesprocfoodsFood products nec1532Manufacture of starches and starch productsprocfoodsFood products nec1544Manufacture of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous productsprocfoodsFood products nec1549Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.procfoodsFood products nec1512Processing and preserving of fish and fish productsprocfoodsFood products nec1552Manufacture of winesbevtobaccoBeverages and tobacco products4100Collection, purification and distribution of waterbevtobaccoBeverages and tobacco products1600Manufacture of tobacco productsbevtobaccoBeverages and tobacco products1551Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits; ethyl alcohol production from fermented materialsbevtobaccoBeverages and tobacco products1553Manufacture of malt liquors and maltbevtobaccoBeverages and tobacco products1554Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral watersbevtobaccoBeverages and tobacco products1721Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except appareltextilesTextiles1730Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics and articlestextilesTextiles1729Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.textilesTextiles1723Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and nettingtextilesTextiles2519Manufacture of other rubber productstextilesTextiles1711Preparation and spinning of textile fibres; weaving of textilestextilesTextiles2430Manufacture of man-made fibrestextilesTextiles1722Manufacture of carpets and rugstextilesTextiles1820Dressing and dyeing of fur; manufacture of articles of furclothingWearing apparel1810Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparelclothingWearing apparel1920Manufacture of footwearleatherLeather products1912Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harnessleatherLeather products1911Tanning and dressing of leatherleatherLeather products2022Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinerylumberWood products2021Manufacture of veneer sheets; manufacture of plywood, laminboard, particle board and other panels and boardslumberWood products2029Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and plaiting materialslumberWood products2023Manufacture of wooden containerslumberWood products3610Manufacture of furniturelumberWood products2010Sawmilling and planing of woodlumberWood products2219Other publishingpaperpubPaper products, publishing7421Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancypaperpubPaper products, publishing2211Publishing of books, brochures, musical books and other publicationspaperpubPaper products, publishing2101Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboardpaperpubPaper products, publishing2222Service activities related to printingpaperpubPaper products, publishing2212Publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicalspaperpubPaper products, publishing2102Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboardpaperpubPaper products, publishing2221PrintingpaperpubPaper products, publishing2109Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboardpaperpubPaper products, publishing2310Manufacture of coke oven productsenergyPetroleum, coal products2320Manufacture of refined petroleum productsenergyPetroleum, coal products2520Manufacture of plastics productschemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2519Manufacture of other rubber productschemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2413Manufacture of plastics in primary forms and of synthetic rubberchemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2421Manufacture of pesticides and other agro-chemical productschemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2424Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparationschemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2422Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and masticschemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2511Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyreschemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products4010Production, collection and distribution of electricitychemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2429Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.chemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products111Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.chemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2411Manufacture of basic chemicals, except fertilizers and nitrogen compoundschemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2330Processing of nuclear fuelchemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2423Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals and botanical productschemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products3210Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and other electronic componentschemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2412Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compoundschemicalsChemical, rubber, plastic products2693Manufacture of structural non-refractory clay and ceramic productsnonmetminMineral products nec2691Manufacture of non-structural non-refractory ceramic warenonmetminMineral products nec2694Manufacture of cement, lime and plasternonmetminMineral products nec2692Manufacture of refractory ceramic productsnonmetminMineral products nec2699Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.nonmetminMineral products nec2695Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plasternonmetminMineral products nec2696Cutting, shaping and finishing of stonenonmetminMineral products nec1711Preparation and spinning of textile fibres; weaving of textilesnonmetminMineral products nec2610Manufacture of glass and glass productsnonmetminMineral products nec2710Manufacture of basic iron and steelmetalsFerrous metals2720Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrous metalsmetalsMetals nec1429Other mining and quarrying n.e.c.fabmetalsMetal products2812Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalfabmetalsMetal products2811Manufacture of structural metal productsfabmetalsMetal products2813Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilersfabmetalsMetal products2899Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c.fabmetalsMetal products2893Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardwarefabmetalsMetal products3430Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their enginestranspequipMotor vehicles and parts3410Manufacture of motor vehiclestranspequipMotor vehicles and parts3420Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers and semi-trailerstranspequipMotor vehicles and parts3520Manufacture of railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stocktranspequipTransport equipment nec3599Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c.transpequipTransport equipment nec3591Manufacture of motorcyclestranspequipTransport equipment nec3592Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriagestranspequipTransport equipment nec3530Manufacture of aircraft and spacecrafttranspequipTransport equipment nec3512Building and repairing of pleasure and sporting boatstranspequipTransport equipment nec3511Building and repairing of shipstranspequipTransport equipment nec3230Manufacture of television and radio receivers, sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus, and associated goodsmachineryElectronic equipment3220Manufacture of television and radio transmitters and apparatus for line telephony and line telegraphymachineryElectronic equipment3000Manufacture of office, accounting and computing machinerymachineryElectronic equipment3210Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and other electronic componentsmachineryElectronic equipment3150Manufacture of electric lamps and lighting equipmentmachineryMachinery and equipment nec3140Manufacture of accumulators, primary cells and primary batteriesmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2927Manufacture of weapons and ammunitionmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2915Manufacture of lifting and handling equipmentmachineryMachinery and equipment nec3110Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformersmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2919Manufacture of other general purpose machinerymachineryMachinery and equipment nec3120Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatusmachineryMachinery and equipment nec3320Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipmentmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2924Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionmachineryMachinery and equipment nec3190Manufacture of other electrical equipment n.e.c.machineryMachinery and equipment nec3313Manufacture of industrial process control equipmentmachineryMachinery and equipment nec3330Manufacture of watches and clocksmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2913Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elementsmachineryMachinery and equipment nec3130Manufacture of insulated wire and cablemachineryMachinery and equipment nec3210Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and other electronic componentsmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2921Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinerymachineryMachinery and equipment nec3311Manufacture of medical and surgical equipment and orthopaedic appliancesmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2922Manufacture of machine-toolsmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2926Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather productionmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2912Manufacture of pumps, compressors, taps and valvesmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2925Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processingmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2923Manufacture of machinery for metallurgymachineryMachinery and equipment nec2929Manufacture of other special purpose machinerymachineryMachinery and equipment nec2914Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burnersmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2213Publishing of recorded mediamachineryMachinery and equipment nec3312Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing, navigating and other purposes, except industrial process control equipmentmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2911Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle enginesmachineryMachinery and equipment nec2930Manufacture of domestic appliances n.e.c.machineryMachinery and equipment nec9214Dramatic arts, music and other arts activitiesmachineryMachinery and equipment nec1721Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparelothermanufManufactures nec3692Manufacture of musical instrumentsothermanufManufactures nec3691Manufacture of jewellery and related articlesothermanufManufactures nec9302Hairdressing and other beauty treatmentothermanufManufactures nec3610Manufacture of furnitureothermanufManufactures nec9214Dramatic arts, music and other arts activitiesothermanufManufactures nec7494Photographic activitiesothermanufManufactures nec3699Other manufacturing n.e.c.othermanufManufactures nec9211Motion picture and video production and distributionothermanufManufactures nec3693Manufacture of sports goodsothermanufManufactures nec3694Manufacture of games and toysothermanufManufactures nec4010Production, collection and distribution of electricityenergyElectricity4020Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mainsenergyGas manufacture, distributionn.a.?water?n.a.?construction?n.a.?distribution?n.a.?transport?n.a.?transport?n.a.?transport?n.a.?communcation?n.a.?finance?n.a.?insurance?n.a.?obsict?n.a.?oconsumer?n.a.?oservices?n.a.?oservices?Annex III. List of countries with corresponding country group for each yeariso3Country namesIncome groupyearausAustraliahiginc2011nzlNew Zealandhiginc2011xocRest of Oceania-2011chnChinalominc2011hkgHong Konghiginc2011jpnJapanhiginc2011korKoreahiginc2011mngMongolialominc2011twnTaiwanhiginc2011xeaRest of East Asialominc2011brnBrunei Darassalamhiginc2011khmCambodialowinc2011idnIndonesialominc2011laoLao People's Democratic Republlominc2011mysMalaysiaupminc2011phlPhilippineslominc2011sgpSingaporehiginc2011thaThailandlominc2011vnmViet Namlowinc2011xseRest of Southeast Asia-2011bgdBangladeshlowinc2011indIndialominc2011nplNepallowinc2011pakPakistanlowinc2011lkaSri Lankalominc2011xsaRest of South Asia-2011canCanadahiginc2011usaUnited States of Americahiginc2011mexMexicoupminc2011xnaRest of North Americahiginc2011argArgentinaupminc2011bolBolivialominc2011braBrazilupminc2011chlChileupminc2011colColombiaupminc2011ecuEcuadorupminc2011pryParaguaylominc2011perPeruupminc2011uryUruguayupminc2011venVenezuelaupminc2011xsmRest of South America-2011criCosta Ricaupminc2011gtmGuatemalalominc2011hndHonduraslominc2011nicNicaragualominc2011panPanamaupminc2011slvEl Salvadorlominc2011xcaRest of Central Americalominc2011domDominican Republicupminc2011jamJamaicaupminc2011priPuerto Ricohiginc2011ttoTrinidad and Tobagohiginc2011xcbCaribbean-2011autAustriahiginc2011belBelgiumhiginc2011cypCyprushiginc2011czeCzech Republichiginc2011dnkDenmarkhiginc2011estEstoniahiginc2011finFinlandhiginc2011fraFrancehiginc2011deuGermanyhiginc2011grcGreecehiginc2011hunHungaryhiginc2011irlIrelandhiginc2011itaItalyhiginc2011lvaLatviaupminc2011ltuLithuaniaupminc2011luxLuxembourghiginc2011mltMaltahiginc2011nldNetherlandshiginc2011polPolandhiginc2011prtPortugalhiginc2011svkSlovakiahiginc2011svnSloveniahiginc2011espSpainhiginc2011sweSwedenhiginc2011gbrUnited Kingdomhiginc2011cheSwitzerlandhiginc2011norNorwayhiginc2011xefRest of EFTAhiginc2011albAlbanialowinc2011bgrBulgariaupminc2011blrBelarusupminc2011hrvCroatiaupminc2011rouRomaniaupminc2011rusRussian Federationupminc2011ukrUkrainelominc2011xeeRest of Eastern Europelominc2011xerRest of Europe-2011kazKazakhstanupminc2011kgzKyrgyztanlowinc2011xsuRest of Former Soviet Union-2011armArmenialominc2011azeAzerbaijanupminc2011geoGeorgialominc2011bhrBahrainhiginc2011irnIran Islamic Republic oflominc2011isrIsraelhiginc2011jorJordhanupminc2011kwtKuwaithiginc2011omnOmanhiginc2011qatQatarhiginc2011sauSaudi Arabiahiginc2011turTurkeyupminc2011areUnited Arab Emirateshiginc2011xwsRest of Western Asia-2011egyEgyptlominc2011marMoroccolominc2011tunTunisialominc2011xnfRest of North Africalominc2011benBeninlowinc2011bfaBurkina Fasolowinc2011cmrCameroonlominc2011civCote d'Ivoirelowinc2011ghaGhanalowinc2011ginGuinealowinc2011ngaNigerialowinc2011senSenegallowinc2011tgoTogolowinc2011xwfRest of Western Africalowinc2011xcfCentral Africa-2011xacSouth Central Africa-2011ethEthiopialowinc2011kenKenyalowinc2011mdgMadagascarlowinc2011mwiMalawilowinc2011musMauritiuslowinc2011mozMozambiquelowinc2011rwaRwandalowinc2011tzaTanzanialowinc2011ugaUgandalowinc2011zmbZambialowinc2011zweZimbabwelowinc2011xecRest of Eastern Africa-2011bwaBotswanaupminc2011namNamibialowinc2011zafSouth Africaupminc2011xscRest of South African Customslominc2011xtwRest of the World-2011ausAustraliahigh income2007nzlNew Zealandhigh income2007xocRest of Oceania-2007chnChinalower middle income2007hkgHong Konghigh income2007jpnJapanhigh income2007korKoreahigh income2007mngMongolialower middle income2007twnTaiwanhigh income2007xeaRest of East Asialower middle income2007khmCambodialow income2007idnIndonesialower middle income2007laoLao People's Democratic Republlower middle income2007mysMalaysiaupper middle income2007phlPhilippineslower middle income2007sgpSingaporehigh income2007thaThailandlower middle income2007vnmViet Namlow income2007xseRest of Southeast Asia-2007bgdBangladeshlow income2007indIndialower middle income2007nplNepallow income2007pakPakistanlow income2007lkaSri Lankalower middle income2007xsaRest of South Asia-2007canCanadahigh income2007usaUnited States of Americahigh income2007mexMexicoupper middle income2007xnaRest of North Americahigh income2007argArgentinaupper middle income2007bolBolivialower middle income2007braBrazilupper middle income2007chlChileupper middle income2007colColombiaupper middle income2007ecuEcuadorupper middle income2007pryParaguaylower middle income2007perPeruupper middle income2007uryUruguayupper middle income2007venVenezuelaupper middle income2007xsmRest of South America-2007criCosta Ricaupper middle income2007gtmGuatemalalower middle income2007hndHonduraslower middle income2007nicNicaragualower middle income2007panPanamaupper middle income2007slvEl Salvadorlower middle income2007xcaRest of Central Americalower middle income2007xcbCaribbean-2007autAustriahigh income2007belBelgiumhigh income2007cypCyprushigh income2007czeCzech Republichigh income2007dnkDenmarkhigh income2007estEstoniahigh income2007finFinlandhigh income2007fraFrancehigh income2007deuGermanyhigh income2007grcGreecehigh income2007hunHungaryhigh income2007irlIrelandhigh income2007itaItalyhigh income2007lvaLatviaupper middle income2007ltuLithuaniaupper middle income2007luxLuxembourghigh income2007mltMaltahigh income2007nldNetherlandshigh income2007polPolandhigh income2007prtPortugalhigh income2007svkSlovakiahigh income2007svnSloveniahigh income2007espSpainhigh income2007sweSwedenhigh income2007gbrUnited Kingdomhigh income2007cheSwitzerlandhigh income2007norNorwayhigh income2007xefRest of EFTAhigh income2007albAlbanialow income2007bgrBulgariaupper middle income2007blrBelarusupper middle income2007hrvCroatiaupper middle income2007rouRomaniaupper middle income2007rusRussian Federationupper middle income2007ukrUkrainelower middle income2007xeeRest of Eastern Europelower middle income2007xerRest of Europe-2007kazKazakhstanupper middle income2007kgzKyrgyztanlow income2007xsuRest of Former Soviet Union-2007armArmenialower middle income2007azeAzerbaijanupper middle income2007geoGeorgialower middle income2007bhrBahrainhigh income2007irnIran Islamic Republic oflower middle income2007isrIsraelhigh income2007kwtKuwaithigh income2007omnOmanhigh income2007qatQatarhigh income2007sauSaudi Arabiahigh income2007turTurkeyupper middle income2007areUnited Arab Emirateshigh income2007xwsRest of Western Asia-2007egyEgyptlower middle income2007marMoroccolower middle income2007tunTunisialower middle income2007xnfRest of North Africalower middle income2007cmrCameroonlower middle income2007civCote d'Ivoirelow income2007ghaGhanalow income2007ngaNigerialow income2007senSenegallow income2007xwfRest of Western Africalow income2007xcfCentral Africa-2007xacSouth Central Africa-2007ethEthiopialow income2007kenKenyalow income2007mdgMadagascarlow income2007mwiMalawilow income2007musMauritiuslow income2007mozMozambiquelow income2007tzaTanzanialow income2007ugaUgandalow income2007zmbZambialow income2007zweZimbabwelow income2007xecRest of Eastern Africa-2007bwaBotswanaupper middle income2007namNamibialow income2007zafSouth Africaupper middle income2007xscRest of South African Customslower middle income2007xtwRest of the World-2007ausAustraliahigh income2004nzlNew Zealandhigh income2004xocRest of Oceania-2004chnChinalower middle income2004hkgHong Konghigh income2004jpnJapanhigh income2004korKoreahigh income2004mngMongolialow income2004twnTaiwanhigh income2004xeaRest of East Asialower middle income2004khmCambodialower middle income2004idnIndonesialower middle income2004laoLao People's Democratilower middle income2004mysMalaysiaupper middle income2004phlPhilippineslower middle income2004sgpSingaporehigh income2004thaThailandlower middle income2004vnmViet Namlow income2004xseRest of Southeast Asia-2004bgdBangladeshlow income2004indIndialow income2004nplNepallow income2004pakPakistanlow income2004lkaSri Lankalower middle income2004xsaRest of South Asia-2004canCanadahigh income2004usaUnited States of Amerihigh income2004mexMexicoupper middle income2004xnaRest of North Americahigh income2004argArgentinaupper middle income2004bolBolivialower middle income2004braBrazilupper middle income2004chlChileupper middle income2004colColombiaupper middle income2004ecuEcuadorlower middle income2004pryParaguaylower middle income2004perPerulower middle income2004uryUruguayupper middle income2004venVenezuelaupper middle income2004xsmRest of South America-2004criCosta Ricaupper middle income2004gtmGuatemalalower middle income2004hndHonduraslower middle income2004nicNicaragualower middle income2004panPanamaupper middle income2004slvEl Salvadorlower middle income2004xcaRest of Central Americlower middle income2004xcbCaribbean-2004autAustriahigh income2004belBelgiumhigh income2004cypCyprushigh income2004czeCzech Republichigh income2004dnkDenmarkhigh income2004estEstoniahigh income2004finFinlandhigh income2004fraFrancehigh income2004deuGermanyhigh income2004grcGreecehigh income2004hunHungaryhigh income2004irlIrelandhigh income2004itaItalyhigh income2004lvaLatviaupper middle income2004ltuLithuaniaupper middle income2004luxLuxembourghigh income2004mltMaltahigh income2004nldNetherlandshigh income2004polPolandhigh income2004prtPortugalhigh income2004svkSlovakiahigh income2004svnSloveniahigh income2004espSpainhigh income2004sweSwedenhigh income2004gbrUnited Kingdomhigh income2004cheSwitzerlandhigh income2004norNorwayhigh income2004xefRest of EFTAhigh income2004albAlbaniaupper middle income2004bgrBulgariaupper middle income2004blrBelaruslow income2004hrvCroatiaupper middle income2004rouRomaniaupper middle income2004rusRussian Federationupper middle income2004ukrUkrainelower middle income2004xeeRest of Eastern Europelower middle income2004xerRest of Europe-2004kazKazakhstanupper middle income2004kgzKyrgyztanlow income2004xsuRest of Former Soviet-2004armArmenialower middle income2004azeAzerbaijanlower middle income2004geoGeorgialower middle income2004bhrBahrainhigh income2004irnIran Islamic Republiclower middle income2004isrIsraelhigh income2004kwtKuwaithigh income2004omnOmanhigh income2004qatQatarhigh income2004sauSaudi Arabiahigh income2004turTurkeyupper middle income2004areUnited Arab Emirateshigh income2004xwsRest of Western Asia-2004egyEgyptlower middle income2004marMoroccolower middle income2004tunTunisialower middle income2004xnfRest of North Africalower middle income2004cmrCameroonlow income2004civCote d'Ivoirelow income2004ghaGhanalow income2004ngaNigerialow income2004senSenegallow income2004xwfRest of Western Africalow income2004xcfCentral Africa-2004xacSouth Central Africa-2004ethEthiopialow income2004kenKenyalow income2004mdgMadagascarlow income2004mwiMalawilow income2004musMauritiuslow income2004mozMozambiquelow income2004tzaTanzanialow income2004ugaUgandalow income2004zmbZambialower middle income2004zweZimbabwelow income2004xecRest of Eastern Africa-2004bwaBotswanaupper middle income2004namNamibialower middle income2004zafSouth Africaupper middle income2004xscRest of South Africanlower middle income2004xtwRest of the World-2004AUSAustraliahigh income2001NZLNew Zealandhigh income2001XOCRest of Oceania-2001CHNChinalow income2001HKGHong Konghigh income2001JPNJapanhigh income2001KORKoreahigh income2001TWNTaiwanhigh income2001XEARest of East Asialower middle income2001IDNIndonesialow income2001MYSMalaysiaupper middle income2001PHLPhilippineslower middle income2001SGPSingaporehigh income2001THAThailandlower middle income2001VNMVietnamlow income2001XSERest of Southeast Asialow income2001BGDBangladeshlow income2001INDIndialow income2001PAKPakistanlow income2001LKASri Lankalower middle income2001XSARest of South Asialow income2001CANCanadahigh income2001USAUnited Stateshigh income2001MEXMexicoupper middle income2001XNARest of North Americahigh income2001BOLBolivialower middle income2001COLColombialower middle income2001ECUEcuadorlower middle income2001PERPerulower middle income2001VENVenezuelaupper middle income2001ARGArgentinaupper middle income2001BRABrazilupper middle income2001CHLChileupper middle income2001URYUruguayupper middle income2001XSMRest of South America-2001XCACentral America-2001XFARest of FTAA-2001XCBRest of the Caribbean-2001AUTAustriahigh income2001BELBelgiumhigh income2001DNKDenmarkhigh income2001FINFinlandhigh income2001FRAFrancehigh income2001DEUGermanyhigh income2001GBRUnited Kingdomhigh income2001GRCGreecehigh income2001IRLIrelandhigh income2001ITAItalyhigh income2001LUXLuxembourghigh income2001NLDNetherlandshigh income2001PRTPortugalhigh income2001ESPSpainhigh income2001SWESwedenhigh income2001CHESwitzerlandhigh income2001XEFRest of EFTAhigh income2001XERRest of Europe-2001ALBAlbaniaupper middle income2001BGRBulgariaupper middle income2001HRVCroatiahigh income2001CYPCyprushigh income2001CZECzech Republichigh income2001HUNHungaryhigh income2001MLTMaltahigh income2001POLPolandhigh income2001ROMRomaniaupper middle income2001SVKSlovakiahigh income2001SVNSloveniahigh income2001ESTEstoniahigh income2001LVALatviaupper middle income2001LTULithuaniaupper middle income2001RUSRussian Federationupper middle income2001XSURest of Former Soviet Unio-2001TURTurkeyupper middle income2001IRNIran Islamic Republic ofupper middle income2001XMERest of Middle East-2001MARMoroccolower middle income2001TUNTunisialower middle income2001XNFRest of North Africa-2001BWABotswanaupper middle income2001ZAFSouth Africaupper middle income2001XSCRest of South African CU-2001MWIMalawilow income2001MUSMauritiuslow income2001MOZMozambiquelow income2001TZATanzanialow income2001ZMBZambialower middle income2001ZWEZimbabwelow income2001XSDRest of SADC-2001MDGMadagascarlow income2001NGANigerialower middle income2001UGAUgandalow income2001XSSRest of Sub-Saharan Africa-2001ausAustraliahigh income1997nzlNew Zealandhigh income1997chnChinalow income1997hkgHong Konghigh income1997jpnJapanhigh income1997korKoreahigh income1997twnTaiwanhigh income1997idnIndonesialower middle income1997mysMalaysiaupper middle income1997phlPhilippineslower middle income1997sgpSingaporehigh income1997thaThailandlower middle income1997vnmVietnamlow income1997bgdBangladeshlow income1997indIndialow income1997lkaSri Lankalow income1997xsaRest of South Asialow income1997canCanadahigh income1997usaUnited Stateshigh income1997mexMexicoupper middle income1997xcmCentral America, Caribbean-1997colColombiaupper middle income1997perPeruupper middle income1997venVenezuelaupper middle income1997xapRest of Andean Pact-1997argArgentinaupper middle income1997braBrazilupper middle income1997chlChileupper middle income1997uryUruguayupper middle income1997xsmRest of South America-1997autAustriahigh income1997belBelgiumhigh income1997dnkDenmarkhigh income1997finFinlandhigh income1997fraFrancehigh income1997deuGermanyhigh income1997gbrUnited Kingdomhigh income1997grcGreecehigh income1997irlIrelandhigh income1997itaItalyhigh income1997luxLuxembourghigh income1997nldNetherlandshigh income1997prtPortugalhigh income1997espSpainhigh income1997sweSwedenhigh income1997cheSwitzerlandhigh income1997xefRest of Eur Free Trade Areahigh income1997albAlbanialow income1997bgrBulgariaupper middle income1997hrvCroatiahigh income1997czeCzech Republichigh income1997hunHungaryhigh income1997mltMaltahigh income1997polPolandhigh income1997romRomaniaupper middle income1997svkSlovakiahigh income1997svnSloveniahigh income1997estEstoniaupper middle income1997lvaLatviaupper middle income1997ltuLithuaniaupper middle income1997rusRussian Federationupper middle income1997xsuRest of Former Soviet Union-1997cypCyprushigh income1997turTurkeylower middle income1997xmeRest of Middle East-1997marMoroccolower middle income1997xnfRest of North Africa-1997bwaBotswanalower middle income1997xscRest of South Afr C Unionupper middle income1997mwiMalawilow income1997mozMozambiquelow income1997tzaTanzanialow income1997zmbZambialow income1997zweZimbabwelow income1997xsfOther Southern Africa-1997ugaUgandalow income1997xssRest of Sub-Saharan Africa-1997xrwRest of World-1997ausAustraliahigh income1995nzlNew Zealandhigh income1995jpnJapanhigh income1995korKoreahigh income1995idnIndonesialower middle income1995mysMalaysiaupper middle income1995phlPhilippineslower middle income1995sgpSingaporehigh income1995thaThailandlower middle income1995vnmVietnamlow income1995chnChinalow income1995hkgHong Konghigh income1995twnTaiwanhigh income1995indIndialow income1995lkaSri Lankalow income1995rasRest of South Asialow income1995canCanadahigh income1995usaUnited Stateshigh income1995mexMexicoupper middle income1995camCentral America, Caribbean-1995venVenezuelalower middle income1995colColombialower middle income1995rapRest of Andean pact-1995argArgentinaupper middle income1995braBrazilupper middle income1995chlChileupper middle income1995uryUruguayupper middle income1995rsmRest of South America-1995gbrUnited Kingdomhigh income1995deuGermanyhigh income1995dnkDenmarkhigh income1995sweSwedenhigh income1995finFinlandhigh income1995reuRest of EUhigh income1995eftEFTAhigh income1995ceaCentral European Associateshigh income1995fsuFormer Soviet Union-1995turTurkeylower middle income1995rmeRest of Middle East-1995marMoroccolower middle income1995rnfRest of North Africa-1995safRest of South Afr C Unionupper middle income1995rsaOther Southern Africa-1995rssRest of Sub-Saharan Africa-1995rowRest of Worldhigh income1995ausAustraliahigh income1992nzlNew Zealandhigh income1992jpnJapanhigh income1992korKoreahigh income1992idnIndonesialower middle income1992mysMalaysiaupper middle income1992phlPhilippineslower middle income1992sgpSingaporehigh income1992thaThailandlower middle income1992chnChinalow income1992hkgHong Konghigh income1992twnTaiwanhigh income1992idiIndialow income1992rasRest of South Asialow income1992canCanadahigh income1992usaUnited Stateshigh income1992mexMexicoupper middle income1992camCentral America, Caribbean-1992argArgentinaupper middle income1992braBrazilupper middle income1992chlChileupper middle income1992rsmRest of South America-1992e_uEU12high income1992eu3EU3 AUT SWE FINhigh income1992eftEFTAhigh income1992ceaCentral European Associatesupper middle income1992fsuFormer Soviet Union-1992meaRest of Middle East-1992ssaRest of Sub-Saharan Africa-1992rowRest of World-1992 ................

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