Executive Board Meeting

January 14, 2004


Jack Folliard, Executive Director

Clark Sanders, Associate Executive Director

Marcus Eng, Soccer

JoAnn Hartley, Volleyball

Howard Mayo, Basketball

Rick Wallace, Wrestling

Steve Rei, Baseball

Bob Reichert, Softball

Bob Flood, Football

Karen Meats, Emerald Region Representative

Tony Jones, Coastal Region Representative

Dave Place, Central Region Representative

Keith Ericson, Portland Metro Region Representative

Rick Repine, Southern Region Representative

Sam Balsley, Salem/Mid-Valley Region Representative


Tim Weinke, Eastern Region Representative (weather issues)


Cindy Simmons, OSAA Assistant Executive Director

Brad Garrett, OSAA Assistant Executive Director

Mike Wallmark, OSAA Assistant Executive Director


Rex Stratton, PWOA Commissioner; Lloyd Martindale, PWOA; Kevin Bryant, OADA President; Larry Knudsen, OACA Board member; Jim Johnson, OBUC; Debra Anderegg, GPVOA; Anna Dockery, Emerald Empire Volleyball.

CALL TO ORDER / INTRODUCTIONS / WELCOME – Jack Folliard called the meeting to order at 9:35.

FINANCIAL REPORT – Jack gave a financial update and distributed current financials to board members. Moved by Rei, second by Hartley, that OAOA’s fiscal year be August 1st through July 31st. Motion passed.

OADA - Kevin Bryant, President of the Oregon Athletic Directors Association, expressed his organizations great pleasure and interest in the formation of OAOA. He provided a background on his organization and looks forward to an ongoing relationship with OAOA. He felt it important that OAOA have a presence at OADA’s State Conference, April 23-25, in Sunriver and extended the invitation. Kevin agrees that recruitment of officials is a shared concern as well as quality and consistency. He concluded by stating that OADA welcomes OAOA to the group of organizations dedicated to providing and overseeing athletic activities for students.

OADA and OAOA will have representatives attend each other’s board meetings.

OACA - Larry Knudsen, representing the Oregon Athletic Coaches Association, likewise reviewed his organization, welcomed OAOA and pledged OACA involvement in our efforts. Future discussions will be held to brainstorm ideas of how the two organizations can assist each other and interrelate. OAOA and OACA will also have representatives attend each other’s board meetings.

OBUC Clinic Proposal - Jim Johnson, operator of the Oregon Baseball Umpires Camp set for Feb. 28-29, 2004 in Salem requested that OAOA consider participating and providing sponsorship assistance. The camp registration fee is $95 but the Saturday morning session, devoted to rules and interpretations, is open to all without charge. Oregon’s State Baseball Interpreter Terry Fischer and Washington’s SRI, Tim Stevens, will be among the clinicians. The camp emphasizes the CCA manual which is recommended as the statewide mechanics manual.

There was concern regarding officials outside the I-5 corridor and OAOA/OBUC will be working on setting up mini-camp in Bend. Additional financial assistance from OAOA will be considered.

It was agreed that OAOA will also provide website, email, packet inserts and other marketing and organizational help.

Moved by Balsley, seconded by Eng that OAOA provide $250 in funds to OBUC for its Salem clinic. Motion carried.

Following OAOA’s mission, financial assistance is provided with the understanding that it should be used to help minimize clinic costs to officials and that there be open sessions free of charge.

2004 Regional Volleyball Clinics - The organizing committee - Anderegg, Dockery, Meats, Hartley and Debi Hanson (not present) – presented their concept of a 3-venue (Portland Area, Roseburg, LaGrande) clinic in August emphasizing the importance of statewide uniform mechanics and rules applications. The Board enthusiastically endorsed the basic concept and encouraged the committee to work with Jack and Clark in moving forward. Funding to be determined.

OAOA Communications - OAOA will communicate with its members in a variety of ways: email to commissioners; website content, newsletter. The primary method will be commissioner emails, therefore it’s very important that all commissioners have email addresses, or if not, designate someone in their association to be their “mailman”.

PWOA – Rex Stratton - Rex Stratton, commissioner of the Portland Wrestling Officials Association, related their concerns with OAOA. Meetings to resolve the issues are scheduled in the next couple of weeks.

Regional Basketball Clinics - OAOA together with the Lane County Basketball Officials Association and the Blue Mt. Basketball Officials Association sponsored clinics in Eugene (Nov. 16th) and Pendleton (Nov.23rd). Both were very successful thanks to the efforts of the local officials and clinician Howard Mayo, PBOA Commissioner. The clinic included on court demonstrations and rules/interpretations information.

OAOA Management and Decision Making Procedures - Jack led a discussion regarding the importance of OAOA being truly a representative organization, organized, managed and run by officials for officials. OAOA will follow the “first reading” model of decision-making. Before the OAOA Executive Board finalizes any significant decision and/or recommendation to OSAA or other related institutions affecting officials, commissioners, local associations and schools, any proposal must be first published to the membership, followed by a period for comment and opinion gathering. All interested parties will have opportunities to express their thoughts and make contributions to the process. OAOA committees must solicit opinions of those who might be affected by proposals and the projects they deal with prior to making recommendations to the board. Communication tools such as group email, website posting, online surveys, meeting with associations or groups of officials and one-on-one conversations should be utilized to insure that no significant decision or recommendation is made without opportunities for all to be heard.

Committees: - A thorough review of each committee’s mission statements and future work projects was conducted. Jack emphasized that the OSAA has requested that OAOA review and analyze ALL aspects of officiating administration in all sports, and make recommendations for any desired changes. It is expected that few changes will be necessary; however, OSAA is very much interested in the officials’ views and opinions.

While these are board committees they are open to all officials. Anyone interested in serving on a committee should contact Jack or Clark.

Addendum A contains the committee members, mission statements and possible projects – many of the ideas came from OSAA requests for analysis.

Old Business:

1. OAOA Board Terms and Replacement Procedures - - deferred until next meeting, see addendum B.

2. Possible Joint Venture with Honig’s – Jack brought the board up to date regarding talks with Dick Honig, nothing specific at this point. Jack will continue to explore ideas and report back to the board..

New Business:

Discussion regarding proposal to have OSAA decide service issues between associations and schools; and what rules should govern servicing of independent invitational tournaments (i.e. Les Schwab basketball, Redmond Classic wrestling, etc.). It was agreed that this subject needs lots of analysis and will be thoroughly addressed at the next board meeting.

FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS – Meetings will be from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

Addendum A:

OAOA Executive Board Committees

Awards and Recognition Committee

(coordinator – Sanders) Place Repine Eng Repine Ericson

Mission Statement:

The mission of the OAOA Executive Board Awards and Recognition Committee is to develop a process to recognize and reward the achievements of OAOA member officials.


1. develop a variety of recognition and service award programs.

2. implement and administer the programs.

3. media involvement.

4. Hall of Fame?

5. tournament hospitality

Background Checks Committee

(coordinator – Folliard) Reichert Hartley Meats

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Background Checks Committee is to coordinate with the OSAA to insure that all certified OSAA officials are of high moral and ethical character.



1. develop and recommend to the OSAA a list of crimes and related criteria that would disqualify an individual from officiating.

2. assist OSAA in the administration of the background check program.

3. consider and develop an appeals process.

Fees and Services Committee

(coordinator – Folliard) Rei Eng Balsley Jones Ericson

Mission Statement: The mission of the OAOA Executive Board Fees and Services Committee is to insure that OAOA members are reasonably compensated consistent with their efforts and expenses; and that the number officials assigned to contests is consisted with reasonable expectations of officiating quality and safety to the competitors .

Project: Officials Fee Schedule Proposal

Goal: Prepare and present the next fee schedule proposal (2005-06 through 2007-08).

The current fee schedule expires at the end of the 2005 school year. Per current OSAA rules the Delegate Assembly (meets twice a year – October and April) establishes maximum fees and each school/district negotiates with local Associations their fee schedule not to exceed the maximum.

Currently the State Officials Fee Review Committee (SOFRC) – a standing committee of 3 school administrators, 3 local Association Commissioners and the OSAA executive staff – meets in September of each odd-numbered year and presents it’s recommendations to the October meeting of the Delegate Assembly. Their recommendation is reviewed by the OSAA Executive Board.


1. Should the SOFRC be eliminated and replaced by the OAOA?

2. Should the OSAA Executive Board make the “final” (perhaps with D.A. approval) determination?

3. Should the game fee be set eliminating the current “maximum then negotiate” system?

4. How long should the fee schedule be effective? Current 3 years? Shorter? Longer?

5. Should the OSAA set a standard mileage fee?

6. What will be the proposed fee schedule?


Timing: (to be effective Fall 2005)

Recruitment Committee

(coordinator – Sanders) Mayo Wallace Rei Place

Mission Statement:

The mission of the OAOA Executive Board Recruitment is to develop and implement various strategies to assist local association in recruiting new officials.



1. Develop recruiting strategies involving youth leagues.

2. Develop recruiting strategies involving high school and college P.E. classes.

3. Develop and utilize local media.


Championships Committee

(coordinator - Folliard) Jones Eng Wallace Reichert Balsley Mayo Weinke

Mission Statement:

The mission of the OAOA State Championships Committee is to insure that the quality of officiating OSAA playoff and championship contests is at the highest level and that allocation of assignments are as equitable and reasonable as possible.


1. Analyze current playoff allocation system and recommend changes, if any.

2. Consider some method of evaluating playoff officials.

3. Consider setting minimum standards (individual official? local association?) to qualify for playoffs.

4. Should playoff officials be required to attend a mandatory clinic?

5. Should OAOA and/or OSAA get involved in the actual selection of individual play-off officials?

6. Review basketball’s “2 consecutive tournaments and sit” rule.

7. Should coaches have any involvement in the selection process? current OSAA Rule (OSAA handbook Rule 2-2:

“….State championship and playoff officials’ selections shall be made by the commissioner or the local association with input (emphasis added) from the schools serviced by that association.”

State Rules Interpreters Committee

(coordinator – Sanders) Rei Repine Hartley Flood

Mission Statement:

The mission of the OAOA Executive Board State Rules Interpreters Committee is to insure the appropriate selection of State Rules Interpreters and to define their duties, authority, and responsibilities.




1. The OSAA currently appoints state rules interpreters (SRI). Should that task be turned over to the OAOA? If so, what criteria should be used?

2. Define an appropriate length of term for SRI’s. Should there be a limit on the number of terms that can be served?

3. Develop a job description for the SRI’s…duties, authority, and responsibilities.

4. Currently, the OSAA sends the SRI’s to the NFHS rules meetings every three years. Should this practice be continued? What are the financial implications for OAOA/OSAA?


Training and Development Committee

(coordinator – Sanders) Place Meats Mayo Weinke Wallace

Mission Statement:

The mission of the OAOA Executive Board Training Committee is to develop and implement programs designed to train and educate officials with the goal of improving the quality of officiating in the state and insure statewide uniformity in rule interpretations and mechanics.


1. develop and implement statewide/regional officiating clinics.

2. Review current OSAA minimum number of training hours requirement.

3. Consider state clinician training and certification procedures.


(coordinator – Folliard) Mayo Repine


(coordinator – Folliard) Repine Ericson

Addendum B

Proposed Executive Board Terms and Replacement Procedures:

- expiration dates determined by luck of the draw – we wanted the Regional reps to serve at least 2 years.

Regional Representatives:

Term: 3 year staggered.

The OAOA Board will select new representatives in August following an application/nomination period.


Karen Meats – Emerald August 05

Rick Repine – Southern August 05

Tony Jones – Coastal August 05

Sam Balsley – Salem/Mid-Valley August 06

Keith Ericson – Portland/Metro August 06

Dave Place – Central August 07

Tim Weinke – Eastern August 07


Term: 3 year staggered

New Commissioner board members will be selected by their respective commissioners at their annual OSAA State Interpreter’s meeting.


Bob Flood – football August 04

Marcus Eng – soccer August 04

JoAnn Hartley – volleyball August 05

Rick Wallace – wrestling October 05

Steve Rei – baseball January 05

Howard Mayo – basketball October 06

Bob Reichert – softball January 06


Oregon Athletic Officials Association



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