Curriculum Vitae Dieter Gunkel - University of Richmond

Curriculum Vitae

Dieter Gunkel


Department of Classical Studies University of Richmond 28 Westhampton Way North Court (Educational Wing), 2nd Floor Richmond, Virginia 23173

Tel. (804) 289-8736 Email


2017?present University of Richmond: Assistant Professor of Historical Linguistics Department of Classical Studies


University of Vienna: Lecturer Department of Linguistics

2010?2017 University of Munich: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit, Department of Historical and Indo-European Linguistics



Ph.D. in Indo-European Studies University of California, Los Angeles Dissertation: Studies in Greek and Vedic prosody, morphology, and meter Chair: Prof. Brent Vine Committee members: Profs. Bruce Hayes, Stephanie W. Jamison, H. Craig Melchert

2003?2004 Fulbright Scholar University of Vienna


B.A. in Literary Studies, minor in Ancient Greek (magna cum laude), Middlebury College



Upper Level Greek, Latin/Greek Institute, City University of New York Graduate Center and Brooklyn College


Leiden Summer School in Indo-European Linguistics, University of Leiden


Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute, Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Indo-European Summer School, Free University of Berlin


Basic Latin, Latin/Greek Institute, City University of New York Graduate Center and Brooklyn College


Basic Greek, Latin/Greek Institute, City University of New York Graduate Center and Brooklyn College



In prep.

"Tonal ochlophobia in Ancient Greek."

To appear

Gunkel, Dieter and Kevin M. Ryan. "Phonological evidence for pda cohesion in Rigvedic versification." In Language and Meter, ed. Dieter Gunkel and Olav Hackstein. Leiden: Brill.


"The Sanskrit source of the Tocharian 4?25-syllable meter." In Sahasram Ati Srajas. Indo-Iranian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of Stephanie W. Jamison, ed. Dieter Gunkel, Joshua T. Katz, Brent Vine, and Michael Weiss, 82? 95. Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press.


Bross, Christoph, Dieter Gunkel, and Kevin M. Ryan. "The colometry of Tocharian 4?15-syllable verse." In Tocharian Texts in Context, ed. Melanie Malzahn, Micha?l Peyrot, Hannes Fellner, and Theresa-Susanna Ill?s, 15?28. Bremen: Hempen.


Bross, Christoph, Dieter Gunkel, and Kevin M. Ryan. "Caesurae, bridges, and the colometry of four Tocharian B meters." Indo-European Linguistics 2:1?23.


"The emergence of foot structure as a factor in the formation of Greek verbal nouns in -?()-." M?nchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 65:77?103.


Gunkel, Dieter and Kevin M. Ryan. "Hiatus avoidance and metrification in the Rigveda." In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference,

ed. Stephanie W. Jamison, H. Craig Melchert, and Brent Vine, 53?68. Bremen:


Encyclopedia entries


"Accentuation." In Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics. Vol. 1, A?F, ed. Georgios K. Giannakis et al., 7?12. Leiden: Brill.


"Law of Limitation." In Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics. Vol. 2, G?O, ed. Georgios K. Giannakis et al., 323?325. Leiden: Brill.


"Sotera Rule." In Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics. Vol. 3, P?Z, Index, ed. Georgios K. Giannakis et al., 296?297. Leiden: Brill.


"Wheeler's Law." In Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics. Vol. 3, P?Z, Index, ed. Georgios K. Giannakis et al., 515?516. Leiden: Brill.



Review of Coulter George et al., eds., Greek and Latin from an Indo-European Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007). Kratylos 56:68?79.


Goldstein, David M. and Dieter Gunkel. Review of E. J. Bakker, ed., A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language (Chichester/Malden, MA: WileyBlackwell, 2010). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.05.07.

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Volumes edited

To appear Gunkel, Dieter and Olav Hackstein. Language and Meter. Leiden: Brill.


Gunkel, Dieter, Joshua T. Katz, Brent Vine, and Michael Weiss. Sahasram Ati Srajas. Indo-Iranian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of Stephanie W. Jamison. Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press.

Book projects

In prep.

Word Order and Meaning in Vedic, Latin, and Greek.

In prep.

Gunkel, Dieter and Kevin M. Ryan. Word Shape, Meter, and Word Order in the Rigveda.

Invited lectures

2016 [April 27] "Zu diskontinuierlichen syntaktischen Phrasen im Vedischen." LMU Linguistisches Kolloquium, University of Munich.

2015 [June 24] with Kevin M. Ryan. "Investigating Rigvedic word order in metrically neutral contexts." Institut f?r Sprachwissenschaft, University of Vienna.

2015 [February 5] "Bemerkungen zur engeren und loseren Wortverbindung im Rigveda." Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar, University of G?ttingen.

2014 [April 2] "Repulsive low tones and the evolution of Ancient Greek accentuation." Program in Indo-European Studies, University of California, Los Angeles.

2013 [January 25] "Rigvedische Metrik." Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar, University of Freiburg.

2012 [December 7] "vav?rdha, vvdh?r, de Saussure?" Institut f?r Vergleichende Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft, University of Erlangen-N?rnberg.

2012 [June 22] "Zur Grammatikalisierung expressiver Dehnung in gradmodifizierenden Suffixen: lateinisch -issimus, vedisch -()yas-, attisch -()yo(n)-." Institut f?r Sprachwissenschaft, University of Vienna.

Conference presentations

2017 [June 2] "Polarity focus in Vedic prose via y? ev? v?da." 36th East Coast Indo-European Conference, Ithaka, NY.

2016 [June 7] "Discontinuity in Vedic prose." 35th East Coast Indo-European Conference, Athens, GA.

2016 [May 20] "Zur Informationsstruktur von diskontinuierlichen Nominalphrasen vom Typ Adjektiv ... Nomen in der vedischen Prosa." Sanskrit und die Sprachrevolution -- 200 Jahre Indogermanistik, Berlin/Jena.

2016 [March 18] "On meter and word order in the Rigveda: Some metrically neutral contexts." 226th Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Boston.

2015 [July 24] "Remarks on imperatives and word order." Munich-UCLA Historical Linguistics Colloquium II, Munich.

2015 [June 7] "Discontinuous noun phrases that don't involve narrow focus." 34th East Coast Indo-European Conference, Vienna.

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2014 [June 7] "Remarks on the relationship between Sanskrit and Tocharian meter." 33rd East Coast Indo-European Conference, Blacksburg.

2013 [September 3] with Kevin M. Ryan. "Pda cohesion and copulation in the Rigvedic dimeter." Language and Meter in Synchrony and Diachrony, Munich.

2013 [June 26] with Christoph Bross and Kevin M. Ryan. "Tocharian B versification." Tocharian Texts in Context. International Conference on Tocharian Manuscripts and Silk Road Culture, Vienna.

2013 [June 21] "Tonal ochlophobia in Greek." 32nd East Coast Indo-European Conference, Pozna.

2013 [January 5] "On the phonetics of the rule." 144th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, Seattle.

2012 [January 7] "Vowel lengthening in Attic primary comparatives and consonant lengthening in Latin superlatives." 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, Philadephia.

2011 [June 10] "Indo-Iranian long reduplicated perfects: The role of root structure." 30th East Coast Indo-European Conference, Cambridge, MA.

2011 [January 9] "A linguistic view on some problems of responsion in Aristophanes." 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, San Antonio.

2010 [November 5] With Kevin M. Ryan. "Phonotactic factors in word order in the Rigveda." 22nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, Los Angeles.

2010 [July 20] "A new method for judging metrically motivated emendations to the Rigveda." 29th East Coast Indo-European Conference, Ithaca, NY.

2009 [September 1] "The evolution of some Vedic Sanskrit long reduplicated perfects." 14th World Sanskrit Conference, Kyoto.

2008 [September 24] "Ein Fall der regelm??igen `Kontamination'." 13. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft: "Historischer Sprachvergleich und linguistische Theorie: Indogermanistik und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft im Dialog," Salzburg.

2008 [July 21] "Prosodically driven morphological change in Greek." 27th East Coast IndoEuropean Conference, Athens, GA.

2007 [June 16] "-- --: A study in Greek and Proto-Indo-European word formation." 26th East Coast Indo-European Conference, New Haven.

2007 [January 5] "Greek --: `Dirty' words and derivational morphology." 138th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, San Diego.

Conferences organized

2015 [July 31] with David M. Goldstein and Anthony Yates. Workshop: Diachronic Morphophonology: Lexical Accent Systems. International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Naples, Italy.

2015 [July 24] with Olav Hackstein. Munich-UCLA Historical Linguistics Colloquium II, University of Munich.

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2014 [August 28] with Olav Hackstein. Munich-UCLA Historical Linguistics Colloquium, University of Munich.

2013 [September 2?4] with Olav Hackstein. Language and Meter in Synchrony and Diachrony, University of Munich.

2011 [January 9] with David M. Goldstein. Panel: A New Look at Greek Prosody. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, San Antonio.

2008 [October 31?November 1] as Co-Chair of the Student Organizing Committee. 20th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, University of California, Los Angeles.

2007 [November 2?3] as Co-Chair of the Student Organizing Committee. 19th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, University of California, Los Angeles.


Teaching interests


Historical and Indo-European linguistics, Greek and Latin linguistics, general linguistics, esp. phonology, morphology, syntax, discourse pragmatics


Older Indo-European languages, esp. Greek, Latin, Sanskrit


Greek, Sanskrit, and Latin literature, esp. Greek epic and lyric poetry, Plato, Aristophanes, the Rigveda, Sanskrit epic, Old Latin


Language and poetry, comparative mythology and poetics, writing systems

Courses taught

Historical Linguistics

Introduction to Indo-European linguistics II (3x) Language change and linguistic reconstruction Historical syntax The evolution of accent systems Topics in Indo-European nominal morphology Topics in Indo-European syntax

Greek and Latin linguistics

History of Latin (5x) Greek historical phonology and morphology (4x) Greek dialects (2x) Homeric Greek (2x) Greek from Mycenaean to the koin? Greek prosody and meter The language of the Lesbian poets

Indo-Iranian linguistics

Language of the Rigveda (4x) History of Indo-Iranian Indo-Iranian historical phonology and morphology

General linguistics

Introduction to quantitative corpus linguistics (4x) The prosody-morphology interface Information structure: Topic and focus Focus realization in older Indo-European languages

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